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Found 179 result(s)
cIRcle is an open access digital repository for published and unpublished material created by the UBC community and its partners. In BIRS there are thousands of mathematics videos, which are primary research data. Our repository is the largest source of mathematics data with more than 10TB of primary research by the best mathematicians in the world, coming from more than 600 institutions.
The version 1.0 of the open database contains 1,151,268 brain signals of 2 seconds each, captured with the stimulus of seeing a digit (from 0 to 9) and thinking about it, over the course of almost 2 years between 2014 & 2015, from a single Test Subject David Vivancos. All the signals have been captured using commercial EEGs (not medical grade), NeuroSky MindWave, Emotiv EPOC, Interaxon Muse & Emotiv Insight, covering a total of 19 Brain (10/20) locations. In 2014 started capturing brain signals and released the first versions of the "MNIST" of brain digits, and in 2018 released another open dataset with a subset of the "IMAGENET" of The Brain. Version 0.05 (last update 09/28/2021) of the open database contains 24,000 brain signals of 2 seconds each, captured with the stimulus of seeing a real MNIST digit (from 0 to 9) 6,000 so far and thinking about it, + the same amout of signals with another 2 seconds of seeing a black screen, shown in between the digits, from a single Test Subject David Vivancos in a controlled still experiment to reduce noise from EMG & avoiding blinks.
RUresearch Data Portal is a subset of RUcore (Rutgers University Community Repository), provides a platform for Rutgers researchers to share their research data and supplementary resources with the global scholarly community. This data portal leverages all the capabilities of RUcore with additional tools and services specific to research data. It provides data in different clusters (research-genre) with excellent search facility; such as experimental data, multivariate data, discrete data, continuous data, time series data, etc. However it facilitates individual research portals that include the Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC), an NSF-funded collection of mathematics education videos for Teaching and Research. Its' mission is to maintain the significant intellectual property of Rutgers University; thereby intended to provide open access and the greatest possible impact for digital data collections in a responsible manner to promote research and learning.
The Repository stores in digital format all the academic and scientific documentation (Theses, Articles, Papers) generated by the institution. Its main objectives are to promote open access to the scientific-technological production generated by the Institution. It is organized by collections: Thesis and Final Works, Research, Institutional History and Photographic Archive.
The Open Energy Family aims to ensure quality, transparency and reproducibility in energy system research. It is a collection of various tools and information and that help working with energy related data. It is a collaborative community effort, everything is openly developed and therefore constantly evolving. The main module is the Open Energy Platform (OEP), a web interface to access most of the modules, especially the community database. It provides a way to publish data with proper documentation (metadata), and link it to source code and underlying assumptions. Open Energy Database is an open community database for energy, climate and modelling data.
Discovery is the digital repository of research, and related activities, undertaken at the University of Dundee. The content held in Discovery is varied and ranges from traditional research outputs such as peer-reviewed articles and conference papers, books, chapters and post-graduate research theses and data to records for artefacts, exhibitions, multimedia and software. Where possible Discovery provides full-text access to a version of the research. Discovery is the data catalogue for datasets resulting from research undertaken at the University of Dundee and in some instances the publisher of research data.
LINDAT/CLARIN is designed as a Czech “node” of Clarin ERIC (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure). It also supports the goals of the META-NET language technology network. Both networks aim at collection, annotation, development and free sharing of language data and basic technologies between institutions and individuals both in science and in all types of research. The Clarin ERIC infrastructural project is more focused on humanities, while META-NET aims at the development of language technologies and applications. The data stored in the repository are already being used in scientific publications in the Czech Republic. In 2019 LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ was established as a unification of two research infrastructures, LINDAT/CLARIN and DARIAH-CZ.
ILC-CNR for CLARIN-IT repository is a library for linguistic data and tools. Including: Text Processing and Computational Philology; Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Extraction; Resources, Standards and Infrastructures; Computational Models of Language Usage. The studies carried out within each area are highly interdisciplinary and involve different professional skills and expertises that extend across the disciplines of Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Computer Science and Bio-Engineering.
TUL Open Research Data Repository ( is a service addressed to the scientific and research community of the Lodz University of Technology. The main purpose of is to collect, share and store the open research data, both during the research and after its completion, at least for the minimum period indicated by the funder or the scientists. The is a place where research data can be openly shared, accessed and then reused by others.
The Informatics Research Data Repository is a Japanese data repository that collects data on disciplines within informatics. Such sub-categories are things like consumerism and information diffusion. The primary data within these data sets is from experiments run by IDR on how one group is linked to another.
Repository "Open Science Resource Atlas 2.0" aims to increase the accessibility, improve the quality and extend the reusability of science resources. Repository focuses on the digital sharing of resources of great importance to the field of science and economy. These include publications, scripts, lectures, 3D models, audio and video recordings, photos, input and output files of various computer programs, databases collecting data from various fields, machines, systems, language corpora and many others. The target group, apart from academics, students and doctoral students, is everyone interested, including entrepreneurs and, what is important and unique - disabled, blind, visually impaired and deaf people.
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC) is a team of researchers, data specialists and computer system developers who are supporting the development of a data management system to store scientific data generated by Gulf of Mexico researchers. The Master Research Agreement between BP and the Gulf of Mexico Alliance that established the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) included provisions that all data collected or generated through the agreement must be made available to the public. The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC) is the vehicle through which GoMRI is fulfilling this requirement. The mission of GRIIDC is to ensure a data and information legacy that promotes continual scientific discovery and public awareness of the Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem.
HunCLARIN is a strategic research infrastructure of Hungary’s leading knowledge centres involved in R&D in speech- and language processing. It contains linguistic resources and tools that form the basis of research. The infrastructure has obtained an “SKI” qualification (Strategic Research Infrastructure) in 2010, and has been significantly expanded since. Currently comprising 36 members, the infrastructure includes several general- and specific-purpose text corpora, different language processing tools and analysers, linguistic databases as well as ontologies. RIL HAS was a co-founder of the European CLARIN project, which aims at supporting humanities and social sciences research with the help of language technology and by making digital linguistic resources more easily available. In accordance with these goals HunClarin makes the research infrastructures developed by the respective centres directly accessible for researchers through a common network entry point. A general goal of the infrastructure is to realise the interoperability of the collected research infrastructures and to enable comparing the performance of the respective alternatives and to coordinate different foci in R&D. The coordinator and contact person of the infrastructure is Tamás Váradi, RIL HAS.
The long term goal of the Software Heritage initiative is to collect all publicly available software in source code form together with its development history, replicate it massively to ensure its preservation, and share it with everyone who needs it. The Software Heritage archive is growing over time as we crawl new source code from software projects and development forges.
OpenKIM is an online suite of open source tools for molecular simulation of materials. These tools help to make molecular simulation more accessible and more reliable. Within OpenKIM, you will find an online resource for standardized testing and long-term warehousing of interatomic models and data, and an application programming interface (API) standard for coupling atomistic simulation codes and interatomic potential subroutines.
The Registry of Open Data on AWS provides a centralized repository of public data sets that can be seamlessly integrated into AWS cloud-based applications. AWS is hosting the public data sets at no charge to their users. Anyone can access these data sets from their Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and start computing on the data within minutes. Users can also leverage the entire AWS ecosystem and easily collaborate with other AWS users.
Social Computing Data Repository hosts data from a collection of many different social media sites, most of which have blogging capacity. Some of the prominent social media sites included in this repository are BlogCatalog, Twitter, MyBlogLog, Digg, StumbleUpon,, MySpace, LiveJournal, The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW), Reddit, etc. The repository contains various facets of blog data including blog site metadata like, user defined tags, predefined categories, blog site description; blog post level metadata like, user defined tags, date and time of posting; blog posts; blog post mood (which is defined as the blogger's emotions when (s)he wrote the blog post); blogger name; blog post comments; and blogger social network.