Publications and References

  1. Ulrich, R., Verburg, M., Priddy, M., Huber, R., L'Hours, H., Neidiger, C., Meijas, G., Davidson, J.. M5.5 - Initial repository registry support for discovery of repositories, policies, and interfaces (2024). [report] Retrieved from
  2. Ulrich, R., Neidiger, C.. (2024). [re3data] Presentation for NFDI Search & Harvesting Working Group Meeting. , n/a(n/a), n/a. doi:10.5281/ZENODO.10908467
  3. Neidiger, C., Ulrich, R., Ulrich, R.. (2024). re3data - community reference for repositories. , n/a(n/a), n/a. doi:10.5281/ZENODO.10822138
  4. Neidiger, C., Ulrich, R.. (2024). re3data - presentation of the service. , n/a(n/a), n/a. doi:10.5281/ZENODO.10639213
  5. Joachim Schöpfel, Rebouillat, V.. Partage et valorisation des données de la recherche: developpements, tendances et modeles (2023). [book]
  6. Strecker, D., Pampel, H., Schabinger, R., Weisweiler, N.. List of research data repositories that were shut down (2023). [dataset] doi:10.5281/zenodo.8233347
  7. Strecker, D., Pampel, H., Schabinger, R., Weisweiler, N.. Disappearing repositories -- taking an infrastructure perspective on the long-term availability of research data (2023). [preprint] doi:10.48550/arXiv.2310.06712
  8. Kindling, M., Strecker, D., Ferguson, L., L’Hours, H., Magder, C., Schabinger, R., Štuhec, S., Vierkant, P., Weisweiler, N.. (2023). Report on re3data COREF / CoreTrustSeal Workshop on Quality Management at Research Data Repositories. Informationspraxis, n/a(n/a), Bd. 8 Nr. 1 (2022). doi:10.11588/IP.2022.1.93173
  9. Pampel, H., Weisweiler, N., Strecker, D., Witt, M., Vierkant, P., Elger, K., Bertelmann, R., Buys, M., Ferguson, L., Kindling, M., Kotarski, R., Petras, V.. (2023). re3data – Indexing the Global Research Data Repository Landscape Since 2012. Scientific Data, 10(1), 571. doi:10.1038/s41597-023-02462-y
  10. Schöpfel, J., Weisweiler, N., Kloska, G.. COREF un projet pour le développement de re3data (2023). [bookSection]
  11. Schabinger, R., Petras, V., Strecker, D.. Does size matter? Quality assessment of the size property in research data repositories (2023). [dataset] doi:10.5281/ZENODO.7643636
  12. Jiao, C., Li, K., Fang, Z.. How are exclusively data journals indexed in major scholarly databases? An examination of the Web of Science, Scopus, Dimensions, and OpenAlex (2023). [preprint] doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2307.09704
  13. Kindling, Maxi, Strecker, D., Wang, Yi, Petras, Vivien. Data quality assurance at research data repositories - results from a survey (2022). [presentation] Retrieved from
  14. Kindling, M., Strecker, D.. (2022). Data Quality Assurance at Research Data Repositories. Data Science Journal, 21(1), 18. doi:10.5334/dsj-2022-018
  15. Wimalaratne, S., Ulrich, R., Garza, K., Herterich, P., Mathers, B., Rhoads, J., Trofimenko, M., Verburg, M.. D4.7 Tools for finding and selecting certified repositories for researchers and other stakeholders (2022). [report] Retrieved from
  16. Weisweiler, N., Gabriele Kloska, Schöpfel, J.. Community-Driven Open Reference for Research Data Repositories (COREF) – A Project for Further Development of re3data (2022). [bookSection] Retrieved from
  17. Weisweiler, Nina Leonie, Strecker, Dorothea, Axtmann, Alexandra, Bertelmann, Roland, Cousijn, Helena, Elger, Kirsten, Ferguson, Lea Maria, Kindling, Maxi, Nguyen, Thanh Binh, Petras, Vivien, Schabinger, Rouven, Schnepf, Edeltraud, Semrau, Angelika, Trofimenko, Margarita, Ulrich, Robert, Upmeier, Arne, Vierkant, Paul, Weickert, Gabriele, Witt, Michael. Celebrating 10 Years of re3data – The Registry of Research Data Repositories (2022). [presentation] Retrieved from
  18. Schabinger, Rouven, Strecker, Dorothea, Wang, Yi, Weisweiler, Nina Leonie. Introducing re3data – the Registry of Research Data Repositories (2021). [presentation] Retrieved from
  19. Weisweiler, Nina Leonie. re3data COREF – Developing a Conceptual Model for User Stories for the Registry of Research Data Repositories (Presentation at the Open Science Fair 2021) (2021). [presentation] Retrieved from
  20. Hervé L'Hours, Ilona von Stein, Mustapha Mokrane, Joy Davidson, Robert Ulrich. FAIRsFAIR Project Comments on Data Repository Selection- Criteria That Matter (2021). [report] Retrieved from
  21. Strecker, D.. Quantitative assessment of metadata collections of research data repositories (2021). [thesis] Retrieved from
  22. Weisweiler, N., Bertelmann, R., Elger, K., Ferguson, L., Goebelbecker, H., Kindling, M., Kloska, G., Nguyen, T., Pampel, H., Petras, V., Schabinger, R., Schnepf, E., Semrau, A., Strecker, D., Trofimenko, M., Ulrich, R., Vierkant, P., Wang, Y., Witt, M.. re3data COREF - Ausbau und Weiterentwicklung des Registry of Research Data Repositories (2021). [presentation] Retrieved from
  23. Gäde, M., Koolen, M., Hall, M., Bogers, T., Petras, V.. A Manifesto on Resource Re-Use in Interactive Information Retrieval (2021). [conferencePaper] doi:10.1145/3406522.3446056
  24. Ulrich, R., Weisweiler, N., Wimalaratne, S., Witt, M., Trofimenko, M.. 17th RDA Plenary Poster Presentation: re3data - Discovering FAIR enabling repositories (2021). [presentation] Retrieved from
  25. Weisweiler, Nina Leonie. Discovering Trustworthy Data Repositories with re3data – the Registry of Research Data Repositories (2021). [presentation] Retrieved from
  26. Pal, J.. (2021). Visualizing the knowledge outburst in global research on COVID-19. Scientometrics, 146(n/a), 4173–4193. doi:10.1007/s11192-021-03912-3
  27. Braukmann, R., Lambert, S., Fenner, M., Wimalaratne, S., Ulrich, R., Davidson, J.. FAIRsFAIR Repository Support Series - The role of Repositories in enabling Persistent Identifier (PID) Graphs - Slides (2021). [presentation] Retrieved from
  28. Weisweiler, N., Elger, K., Ulrich, R., Witt, M., Ferguson, L., Kindling, M., Kloska, G., Binh, N., Schabinger, R., Strecker, D., Trofimenko, M., Vierkant, P.. re3data COREF - Enhancing the re3data service as a community-driven and trustworthy resource for research data repositories and portals (2021). [conferencePaper] doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16356
  29. Weisweiler, N., Bertelmann, R., Cousijn, H., Elger, K., Ferguson, L., Goebelbecker, H., Kindling, M., Kloska, G., Nguyen Thanh, B., Pampel, H., Petras, V., Schabinger, R., Schnepf, E., Semrau, A., Strecker, D., Trofimenko, M., Ulrich, R., Upmeier, A., Vierkant, P., Wang, Y., Witt, M.. re3data Stakeholder Survey and Workshop Report (2021). [report]
  30. Wimalaratne, S., Ulrich, R.. M4.8 Introduce additional components and practices to metadata schema and align them with FAIR data practices (2021). [report] Retrieved from
  31. Ferguson, Lea Maria, Weisweiler, Nina Leonie. PIDs for research (data) repositories – Factsheet (2021). [presentation] Retrieved from
  32. Vierkant, P., Bertelmann, R., Cousijn, H., Elger, K., Ferguson, L., Goebelbecker, H., Kindling, M., Kloska, G., Nguyen Thanh, B., Pampel, H., Petras, V., Schabinger, R., Schnepf, E., Semrau, A., Strecker, D., Trofimenko, M., Ulrich, R., Upmeier, A., Weisweiler, N., Wang, Y., Witt, M.. re3data Conceptual Model for User Stories (2021). [document]
  33. Ulrich, R., Pampel, H., Kindling, M., Vierkant, P., Scholze, F., Witt, M., Fenner, M., Elger, K., Kloska, G.. re3data - Advancing Services for OpenScience (2020). [conferencePaper] doi:10.11588/heibooks.598.c8432
  34. Tremouilhac, P., Lin, C., Huang, P., Huang, Y., Nguyen, A., Jung, N., Bach, F., Ulrich, R., Neumair, B., Streit, A., Bräse, S.. (2020). The Repository Chemotion: Infrastructure for Sustainable Research in Chemistry. Angewandte Chemie - international editions, 59(45), n/a. doi:10.1002/anie.202007702
  35. Bellatreche, L., Bieliková, M., Boussaïd, O., Catania, B., Darmont, J., Demidova, E., Duchateau, F., Hall, M., Merčun, T., Novikov, B., Papatheodorou, C., Risse, T., Romero, O., Sautot, L., Talens, G., Wrembel, R., Žumer, M., Aryani, A., Fenner, M., Manghi, P., Mannocci, A., Stocker, M.. Open Science Graphs Must Interoperate! (2020). [bookSection] Retrieved from
  36. Pampel, H., Ferguson, L., Messerschmidt, R., Faensen, K.. Indikatoren für Open Science: Diskussionspapier des Helmholtz Open Science Office (2020). [report] Retrieved from
  37. Ferguson, L., Pampel, H., Bruch, C., Bertelmann, R., Weisweiler, N., Schrader, A., Messerschmidt, R., Faensen, K.. Gute (digitale) wissenschaftliche Praxis und Open Science: Support und Best Practices zur Umsetzung des DFG-Kodex „Leitlinien zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis“ (2020). [report] Retrieved from
  38. Petras, V., Kindling, M., Neuroth, H., Rothfritz, L.. (2019). Digitales Datenmanagement als Berufsfeld im Kontext der Data Literacy. ABI Technik, 39(1), 26-33. doi:10.1515/abitech-2019-1005
  39. Kindling, M., Pampel, H., Ulrich, R., Vierkant, P., Scholze, F., Fenner, M., Witt, M., Elger, K.. re3data – Offene Infrastruktur für Open Science (2019). [bookSection] Retrieved from
  40. Elger, K., Ulrich, R., Scholze, F., Vierkant, P., Witt, M., Kindling, M., Pampel, H.. re3data - Open infrastructure for Open Science (2019). [presentation] Retrieved from
  41. Witt, M., Stall, S., Duerr, R., Plante, R., Fenner, M., Dasler, R., Cruse, P., Hou, S., Ulrich, R., Kinkade, D.. Connecting Researchers to Data Repositories in the Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences (2019). [conferencePaper] doi:10.1007/978-3-030-11226-4_7
  42. Vierkant, P., Pampel, H., Ulrich, R., Scholze, F., Kindling, M., Witt, M., Elger, K.. Registry of Research Data Repositories (2019). [presentation] Retrieved from
  43. von der Heyde, M., Ulrich, R., Kloska, G.. International Open Data Repository Survey: Description of collection, collected data, and analysis methods (2019). [report] Retrieved from
  44. Bertelmann, R., Cruse, P., Niggemann, E., Pieper, D., Sens, I.. ORCID DE 2 - Konsolidierung der ORCID-Informationsinfrastruktur in Deutschland (2019). [report] Retrieved from
  45. Soltau, K., Razum, M., Strecker, D., Mittermaier, B.. Management digitaler Forschungsdaten im akademischen Umfeld – Lessons learned aus der Einführung von RADAR (2019). [bookSection] Retrieved from
  46. von der Heyde, M., Ulrich, R., Kloska, G.. Open Research Data (ORD): Landscape and cost analysis of data repositories currently used by the Swiss research community, and requirements for the future (2019). [report] Retrieved from
  47. Kindling, M., Pampel, H., Ulrich, R., Vierkant, P., Scholze, F., Fenner, M., Witt, M., Elger, K.. re3data - Offene Infrastruktur für Open Science (2019). [bookSection] Retrieved from
  48. Radosavljevic, B., Elger, K., Bertelmann, R., Haberland, C., Hemmleb, S., Munoz, G., Quinteros, J., Strollo, A.. Report on the Survey of Digital Data Management Practices at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (2019). [report] Retrieved from
  49. Vierkant, P., Pampel, H., Ulrich, R., Scholze, F., Kindling, M., Witt, M., Elger, K.. re3data COREF - Community Driven Open Reference for Research Data Repositories (2019). [presentation] Retrieved from
  50. Pampel, H., Kindling, M.. (2019). Le potentiel des infrastructures d’information pour les données de la recherche. Études de communication, n/a(52), 27-50. doi:10.4000/edc.8549
  51. Ayris, P., Bernal, I., Cavalli, V., Dorch, B., Frey, J., Hallik, M., Hormia-Poutanen, K., Labastida, I., MacColl, J., Ponsati Obiols, A., Sacchi, S., Scholze, F., Schmidt, B., Smit, A., Sofronijevic, A., Stojanovski, J., Svoboda, M., Tsakonas, G., van Otegem, M., Verheusen, A., Vilks, A., Widmark, W., Horstmann, W.. LIBER Open Science Roadmap (2018). [report] Retrieved from
  52. Scholze, F.. (2018). re3data – ein internationales Verzeichnis von Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen. Bulletin SAGW, n/a(3), 60-61. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1314028
  53. Stall, S., Yarmey, L., Boehm, R., Cousijn, H., Cruse, P., Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J., Dasler, R., de Waard, A., Duerr, R., Elger, K., Fenner, M., Glaves, H., Hanson, B., Hausman, J., Heber, J., Hills, D., Hoebelheinrich, N., Hou, S., Kinkade, D., Koskela, R., Martin, R., Lehnert, K., Murphy, F., Nosek, B., Parsons, M., Petters, J., Plante, R., Robinson, E., Samors, R., Servilla, M., Ulrich, R., Witt, M., Wyborn, L.. (2018). Advancing FAIR Data in Earth, Space, and Environmental Science. Eos, 99(n/a), n/a. doi:10.1029/2018EO109301
  54. Enabling FAIR Data Community, Duerr, R., Kinkade, D., Witt, M., Yarmey, L.. Data Repository Selection Decision Tree For Researchers In The Earth, Space, And Environmental Sciences (2018). [document] Retrieved from
  55. Witt, M.. 2,000 Data Repositories and Science Europe’s Framework for Discipline-specific Research Data Management (2018). [blogPost] Retrieved from
  56. Dasler, R.. Data sharing made easier: use Repository Finder to find the right repository for your data (2018). [blogPost] Retrieved from
  57. Fenner, M., Crosas, M., Durand, G., Wimalaratne, S., Gräf, F., Hallett, R., Bernal Llinares, M., Clark, T.. Listing of data repositories that embed metadata in dataset landing pages (2018). [dataset] doi:10.5281/zenodo.1202174
  58. Vierkant, P., Pampel, H., Elger, K., Kindling, M., Ulrich, R., Witt, M., Fenner, M.. Status quo and perspective of re3data (2018). [presentation] Retrieved from
  59. Kindling, M., Pampel, H., van de Sandt, S., Rücknagel, J., Vierkant, P., Kloska, G., Witt, M., Schirmbacher, P., Bertelmann, R., Scholze, F.. (2017). The Landscape of Research Data Repositories in 2015: A re3data Analysis. D-Lib Magazine, 23(3/4), n/a. doi:10.1045/march2017-kindling
  60. Pampel, H., Kindling, M.. Informationsinfrastrukturangebote für digitale Forschungsdaten (2017). [bookSection] Retrieved from
  61. Fritze, F.. Entwicklung und Evaluation eines neuen Webservice mit den zur Verbesserung der Usability der (2017). [thesis] Retrieved from
  62. Klump, J., Huber, R.. (2017). 20 years of persistent identifiers – Which systems are here to stay?. Data Science Journal, 16(9), 1-7. doi:10.5334/dsj-2017-009
  63. 王辉 [Wang Hui], Witt, M.. (2017). 基于re3data的科研数据仓储全景分析 [Panoramic Analysis of Research Data Repositories Based on Re3data ]. 图书情报工作 [Library and Information Service], 61(22), 69-76. doi:10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.22.009
  64. Elger, K., Biskaborn, B., Pampel, H., Lantuit, H.. (2016). Open Research Data, Data Portals and Data Publication – an Introduction to the Data Curation Landscape. Polarforschung, 85(2), 119–133. doi:10.2312/polfor.2016.009
  65. Witt, M.. Machine Readable Repository Registries for Large Federations and re3data (2016). [presentation]
  66. Pampel, H., Vierkant, P., Elger, K., Bertelmann, R., Witt, M., Schirmbacher, P., Rücknagel, J., Kindling, M., Scholze, F., Ulrich, R.. - a global registry of research data repositories (2016). [conferencePaper] Retrieved from
  67. 邹丽雪 [Zou Lixue], 欧阳峥峥 [Ouyang Zhengzheng], 王辉 [Wang Hui], 吴鸣 [Wu Ming]. (2016). 生命科学领域科研数据仓储特点及服务分析 [Research on the Characteristics and Services of Research Data Repositories in Life Science]. 图书情报工作 [Library and Information Service], 60(07), 59-66. doi:10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.07.009
  68. Klump, J., Huber, R., Diepenbroek, M.. (2016). DOI for geoscience data - how early practices shape present perceptions. Earth Science Informatics, 9(1), 123-136. doi:10.1007/s12145-015-0231-5
  69. Freudenberg, M., Brümmer, M., Rücknagel, J., Ulrich, R., Eckart, T., Kontokostas, D., Hellmann, S., Garoufallou, E., Subirats Coll, I., Stellato, A., Greenberg, J.. The Metadata Ecosystem of DataID (2016). [conferencePaper] doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49157-8_28
  70. Pampel, H., Bertelmann, R., Scholze, F., Kindling, M., Vierkant, P., Müller, P., Neumair, B., Reiser, H., Rodosek, G.. Stand und Perspektive des globalen Verzeichnisses von Forschungsdaten-Repositorien (2015). [conferencePaper] Retrieved from
  71. Vierkant, P., Pampel, H., Kindling, M., Witt, M., Scholze, F.. - Registry for Research Data Repositories (2015). [conferencePaper] doi:10.5281/zenodo.30782
  72. Scholze, F., Pampel, H., Witt, M., Vierkant, P., Kindling, M.. Current Status and Future Plans of – Registry of Research Data Repositories (2015). [presentation] Retrieved from
  73. Witt, M.. Purdue University Research Repository (2015). [presentation]
  74. Witt, M.. – A Registry of Research Data Repositories (2015). [presentation]
  75. Rücknagel, J., Vierkant, P., Ulrich, R., Kloska, G., Schnepf, E., Fichtmüller, D., Reuter, E., Semrau, A., Kindling, M., Pampel, H., Witt, M., Fritze, F., Van De Sandt, S., Klump, J., Goebelbecker, H., Skarupianski, M., Bertelmann, R., Schirmbacher, P., Scholze, F., Kramer, C., Fuchs, C., Spier, S., Kirchhoff, A.. Metadata Schema for the Description of Research Data Repositories: version 3.0 (2015). [document] Retrieved from
  76. Vierkant, P., Pampel, H., Kindling, M., Witt, M., Scholze, F.. - Registry of Research Data Repositories. (2015). [presentation] Retrieved from
  77. Pampel, H., Vierkant, P., Wagner, J., Elger, K.. Current Status and Future Plans of - Registry of Research Data Repositories (2015). [conferencePaper] doi:10.2312/GFZ.LIS.2015.003
  78. Vierkant, P., Spier, S., Rücknagel, J., Pampel, H., Fritze, F., Gundlach, J., Fichtmüller, D., Kindling, M., Kirchhoff, A., Goebelbecker, H., Klump, J., Kloska, G., Reuter, E., Semrau, A., Schnepf, E., Skarupianski, M., Bertelmann, R., Schirmbacher, P., Scholze, F., Kramer, C., Ulrich, R., Witt, M., Fuchs, C.. Schema For The Description Of Research Data Repositories - Rfc Version 2.2 (2014). [document] Retrieved from
  79. Witt, M., Pampel, H., Zhang, X., Wang, H.. re3data: A Global Registry of Research Data Repositories (2014). [presentation]
  80. Vierkant, P., Spier, S., Ruecknagel, J., Pampel, H., Gundlach, J., Fichtmueller, D., Kindling, M., Kirchhoff, A., Goebelbecker, H., Klump, J., Kloska, G., Reuter, E., Semrau, A., Schnepf, E., Skarupianski, M., Bertelmann, R., Schirmbacher, P., Scholze, F., Kramer, C.. Schema for the description of research data repositories. Version 2.1 (2013). [document] Retrieved from
  81. Pampel, H., Vierkant, P., Scholze, F., Bertelmann, R., Kindling, M., Klump, J., Goebelbecker, H., Gundlach, J., Schirmbacher, P., Dierolf, U., Suleman, H.. (2013). Making Research Data Repositories Visible: The Registry. PLoS ONE, 8(11), e78080. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078080
  82. Schirmbacher, P.. Establishing a Registry for Research Data Repositories (2013). [presentation]
  83. Kindling, M., Schirmbacher, P.. (2013). Die digitale Forschungswelt als Gegenstand der Forschung / Research on Digital Research / Recherche dans la domaine de la recherche numérique. Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 64(2-3), 127-136. doi:10.1515/iwp-2013-0017
  84. Scholze, F., Schäfer, L., Pampel, H., Klump, J., Häsler, T.. – Registry of Research Data Repositories (2013). [conferencePaper] doi:10.2312/radieschen_002
  85. Schäfer, L., Pampel, H., Klump, J., Häsler, T.. Symposium Forschungsdaten-Infrastrukturen (FDI 2013) - Bericht (2013). [conferencePaper] doi:10.2312/RADIESCHEN_003
  86. Simukovic, E., Kindling, M., Schirmbacher, P.. Umfrage zum Umgang mit digitalen Forschungsdaten an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Version 1.0 (2013). [report] Retrieved from
  87. Pampel, H., Goebelbecker, H., Mittermaier, B.. Aufbau eines Verzeichnisses von Forschungsdaten-Repositorien. Ein Werkstattbericht (2012). [bookSection] Retrieved from
  88. Vierkant, P., Spier, S., Ruecknagel, J., Gundlach, J., Fichtmüller, D., Pampel, H., Kindling, M., Kirchhoff, A., Goebelbecker, H., Klump, J., Bertelmann, R., Schirmbacher, P., Scholze, F.. Vocabulary for the Registration and Description of Research Data Repositories. Version 2.0 (2012). [document] Retrieved from
  89. Vierkant, P., Spier, S., Ruecknagel, J., Gundlach, J., Kindling, M., Pampel, H., Manova, S., Goebelbecker, H., Klump, J., Bertelmann, R., Schirmbacher, P., Scholze, F.. Vocabulary for the Registration and Description of Research Data Repositories. Version 1.0 (2012). [document] Retrieved from
  90. Scholze, F.. – Registry of Research Data Repositories (2011). [presentation] Retrieved from
  91. Schaaf, I.. Forschungsdaten im Netz - Untersuchung von online verfügbaren Repositorien. (2011). [thesis]
  1. Pope Promoting Your Scholarship to Other Researchers for Maximum Effect (2021).
  2. Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya Recomanacions per seleccionar un repositori per al dipòsit de dades de recerca: Versió 5, Octubre 2020 (2020).
  3. University of Colorado Boulder Questions and Answers from DataQ Project (2019). 10.25810/8ST3-AN76
  1. Rat Für Sozial- Und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD). Forschungsdatenmanagement in kleinen Forschungsprojekten (2023). 10.17620/02671.72
  2. National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Biological Sciences. UPDATED Information about the Data Management Plan Required for all Proposals October 1 (2019).
  3. European Commission Expert Group on Turning FAIR Data into reality. FAIR Data Action Plan: Interim recommendations and actions from the European Commission Expert Group on FAIR data (2018).
  1. 中国组织工程研究 [Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research (CJTER)]: 年稿约 [Instructions for authors] (2021). 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.2159
  2. Scientific Data: Facilitating author-driven, machine-readable descriptions with the new minISA metadata format (2020). 10.1038/s41597-020-00641-9
  3. British journal of pharmacology: The BJP expects authors to share data (2019). 10.1111/bph.14907
  4. Journal of Biomedical Informatics: Call for Papers: Special Issue on Reproducible Research for Biomedical Informatics (2016). 10.1016/j.jbi.2015.12.011
  5. Geoscientific Model Delopment - GMD: The publication of geoscientific model developments v1.1 (2015). 10.5194/gmd-8-3487-2015
  6. Microsocopy and Microanalysis: Data Repositories, Meeting Proceedings, Open Access/Online Publications, and First Reporting Issues (2014). 10.1017/S1431927614012926


  1. Englund, M., Lee, K., Staude, H., Duplouy, A., Hausmann, A., Laiho, E., Söderholm, M., Sihvonen, P.. (2024). 130 years from discovery to description: micro‐CT scanning applied to construct the integrative taxonomy of a forgotten moth fromSouthern Africa (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Systematic Entomology, n/a(n/a), syen.12627. doi:10.1111/syen.12627
  2. Asok, K., Dandpat, S., Gupta, D., Shrivastava, P.. (2024). Common Metadata Framework for Research Data Repository: Necessity to Support Open Science. Journal of Library Metadata, n/a(n/a), 1-13. doi:10.1080/19386389.2024.2329370
  3. Sofi, I., Bhat, A., Gulzar, R.. (2024). Global status of dataset repositories at a glance: study based on OpenDOAR. Digital Library Perspectives, n/a(n/a), n/a. doi:10.1108/DLP-11-2023-0094
  4. Ferguson, K., Hof, C., Friend, S.. Your data FAIR and at work, preparing and storing ecological data for re-use (2024). [conferencePaper] doi:10.5281/zenodo.10652037
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