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Found 179 result(s)
FULIR Data is a research data repository that gathers, permanently stores and allows open access to primary data produced by researchers based at Ruđer Bošković Institute. Researchers deposit datasets by themselves (self-archiving) with the support given by the Centre for Scientific Information and their RDM experts.
OpenML is an open ecosystem for machine learning. By organizing all resources and results online, research becomes more efficient, useful and fun. OpenML is a platform to share detailed experimental results with the community at large and organize them for future reuse. Moreover, it will be directly integrated in today’s most popular data mining tools (for now: R, KNIME, RapidMiner and WEKA). Such an easy and free exchange of experiments has tremendous potential to speed up machine learning research, to engender larger, more detailed studies and to offer accurate advice to practitioners. Finally, it will also be a valuable resource for education in machine learning and data mining.
The NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive serves as the permanent archive for NASA space science mission data. "Space science" means astronomy and astrophysics, solar and space plasma physics, and planetary and lunar science. As permanent archive, NSSDCA teams with NASA's discipline-specific space science "active archives" which provide access to data to researchers and, in some cases, to the general public. NSSDCA also serves as NASA's permanent archive for space physics mission data. It provides access to several geophysical models and to data from some non-NASA mission data. In addition to supporting active space physics and astrophysics researchers, NSSDCA also supports the general public both via several public-interest web-based services (e.g., the Photo Gallery) and via the offline mailing of CD-ROMs, photoprints, and other items.
The repository is part of the National Research Data Infrastructure initiative Text+, in which the University of Tübingen is a partner. It is housed at the Department of General and Computational Linguistics. The infrastructure is maintained in close cooperation with the Digital Humanities Centre, which is a core facility of the university, colaborating with the library and computing center of the university. Integration of the repository into the national CLARIN-D and international CLARIN infrastructures gives it wide exposure, increasing the likelihood that the resources will be used and further developed beyond the lifetime of the projects in which they were developed. Among the resources currently available in the Tübingen Center Repository, researchers can find widely used treebanks of German (e.g. TüBa-D/Z), the German wordnet (GermaNet), the first manually annotated digital treebank (Index Thomisticus), as well as descriptions of the tools used by the WebLicht ecosystem for natural language processing.
Discover the data on entrepreneurship projects, innovation plans, digital transformation proposals, consumers, and financial markets. Also, explore research on business, management, and entrepreneurship research development at our Business school.
For datasets from individual researchers or research groups affiliated with Stockholm University, who do not want set up a separate Dataverse for a project or institution. Metadata provisions for Geospatial, Social Science, Humanities, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Life Sciences and Journals (all optional, by choice) are included. Data curation help from Stockholm University Library possible on request.
Data products developed and distributed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology span multiple disciplines of research and are widely used in research and development programs by industry and academia. NIST's publicly available data sets showcase its committment to providing accurate, well-curated measurements of physical properties, exemplified by the Standard Reference Data program, as well as its committment to advancing basic research. In accordance with U.S. Government Open Data Policy and the NIST Plan for providing public access to the results of federally funded research data, NIST maintains a publicly accessible listing of available data, the NIST Public Dataset List (json). Additionally, these data are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to increase the discovery and access to research output; these DOIs are registered with DataCite and provide globally unique persistent identifiers. The NIST Science Data Portal provides a user-friendly discovery and exploration tool for publically available datasets at NIST. This portal is designed and developed with Project Open Data standards and principles. The portal software is hosted in the usnistgov github repository.
Town of Canmore Open Data Catalogue is a publicly available data sharing in ArcGIS Online portal where anyone can access and utilize data relating to the Town of Canmore, Alberta, Canada. You can browse, search, preview, and download a variety of municipal geospatial datasets.
Network Repository is the first interactive data repository for graph and network data. It hosts graph and network datasets, containing hundreds of real-world networks and benchmark datasets. Unlike other data repositories, Network Repository provides interactive analysis and visualization capabilities to allow researchers to explore, compare, and investigate graph data in real-time on the web.
CLAPOP is the portal of the Dutch CLARIN community. It brings together all relevant resources that were created within the CLARIN NL project and that now are part of the CLARIN NL infrastructure or that were created by other projects but are essential for the functioning of the CLARIN (NL) infrastructure. CLARIN-NL has closely cooperated with CLARIN Flanders in a number of projects. The common results of this cooperation and the results of this cooperation created by CLARIN Flanders are included here as well.
This is the KONECT project, a project in the area of network science with the goal to collect network datasets, analyse them, and make available all analyses online. KONECT stands for Koblenz Network Collection, as the project has roots at the University of Koblenz–Landau in Germany. All source code is made available as Free Software, and includes a network analysis toolbox for GNU Octave, a network extraction library, as well as code to generate these web pages, including all statistics and plots. KONECT contains over a hundred network datasets of various types, including directed, undirected, bipartite, weighted, unweighted, signed and rating networks. The networks of KONECT are collected from many diverse areas such as social networks, hyperlink networks, authorship networks, physical networks, interaction networks and communication networks. The KONECT project has developed network analysis tools which are used to compute network statistics, to draw plots and to implement various link prediction algorithms. The result of these analyses are presented on these pages. Whenever we are allowed to do so, we provide a download of the networks.
The University of Guelph Research Data Repositories provide long-term stewardship of research data created at or in cooperation with the University of Guelph. The Data Repositories are guided by the FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship which aim to improve the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reuse of research data. The Data Repositories is composed of two main collections: the Agri-environmental Research Data collection which houses agricultural and environmental research data, and the Cross-disciplinary Research Data collection which houses all other disciplinary research data.
Research Data @PUC-Rio is an aggregator to make it easier to access Resarch Data among many other digital contents on the Maxwell Repository. All datasets must be licensed under a CC License (as stated on the homepage of the aggregator) to be made available on the Maxwell System (https:\\ All interfaces and metadata shown on the aggregator are in English though all contents are described in Portuguese too.
Sinmin contains texts of different genres and styles of the modern and old Sinhala language. The main sources of electronic copies of texts for the corpus are online Sinhala newspapers, online Sinhala news sites, Sinhala school textbooks available in online, online Sinhala magazines, Sinhala Wikipedia, Sinhala fictions available in online, Mahawansa, Sinhala Blogs, Sinhala subtitles and Sri lankan gazette.
This repository stores and links the openly available power-grid frequency recordings across the globe. This database is comprised of open data existent across three dimensions: - TSO data: Transmission System's Operator (TSO) recordings made public; - Research projects: Open-data database research projects; - Independent Gatherings: Industrial, private, or personal recordings that were made publicly available.
Research Data Repository of the Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí, a Brazilian public institution of the Ministry of Education. The project is an initiative of the Directorate of Post-Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation of the Federal Institute of Goiás - Campus Urutaí, which follows the philosophy of Open Science, for expansion and valuation of scientific research, aiming to provide data from technical-scientific observations and experimentation, ensuring that its authors, researchers and students receive all the credit they deserve as agents generating data. At the same time, the appropriate reuse of data is envisaged, whether in didactic-pedagogical activities or in new research.
With the KIT Whole-Body Human Motion Database, we aim to provide a simple way of sharing high-quality motion capture recordings of human whole-body motion. In addition, with the Motion Annotation Tool ( ), we aim to collect a comprehensive set of whole-body motions along with natural language descriptions of these motions (