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Found 55 result(s)
The Water Quality Portal (WQP) is a cooperative service sponsored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC) that integrates publicly available water quality data from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) the EPA STOrage and RETrieval (STORET) Data Warehouse, and the USDA ARS Sustaining The Earth’s Watersheds - Agricultural Research Database System (STEWARDS) . It serves water quality data collected by over 400 state, federal, tribal, and local agencies in the United States. As of July 2015, over 265 million results from over 2.2 million monitoring locations are currently accessible through the portal. The portal reports samples and results collected from each location since the beginning of the databases.
Central data management of the USGS for water data that provides access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Includes data on water use and quality, groundwater, and surface water.
The India Water Portal is a web-based platform for sharing water management knowledge in India amongst practitioners and the general public. The included datasets can be browsed by data type, location, time, and other metadata. Data include rainfall, watersheds, groundwater, water quality, and irrigation.
The Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory (CBEO) is a prototype to demonstrate the utility of newly developed Cyberinfrastructure (CI) components for transforming environmental research, education, and management. The CBEO project uses a specific problem of water quality (hypoxia) as means of directly involving users and demonstrating the prototype’s utility. Data from the Test Bed are being brought into a CBEO Portal on a National Geoinformatics Grid developed by the NSF funded GEON. This is a cyberinfrastructure netwrok that allows users access to datasets as well as the tools with which to analyze the data. Currently, Test Bed data avaialble on the CBEO Portal includes Water Quality Model output and water quality monitorig data from the Chesapeake Bay Program's CIMS database. This data is also available as aggregated "data cubes". Avaialble tools include the Data Access System for Hydrology (DASH), Hydroseek and an online R-based interpolator.
The Water Survey has flourished for more than a century by anticipating and responding to new challenges and opportunities to serve the citizens of Illinois. Today, the ISWS continues to demonstrate flexibility and adaptability by developing new programs, while continuing to provide long-standing services upon which Illinoisans have come to rely. The Scientific Surveys of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are the primary agencies in Illinois responsible for producing and disseminating scientific and technological information, services, and products related to the environment, economic development, and quality of life. To achieve this mission, the Scientific Surveys conduct state-of-the-art research and collect, analyze, archive, and disseminate high-quality, objective data and technical information. The information, services, and products provide a sound technical basis for the citizens and policymakers of Illinois and the nation to make wise social, economic, and environmental decisions.
The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada’s performance on key environmental sustainability issues including climate change and air quality, water quality and availability, and protected nature. The CESI website ensures that national, regional, local and international trends are readily accessible and transparently presented to all Canadians through the use of graphics, explanatory text, interactive maps and downloadable data.
Country is an information system on water (EIS); it is registered in the National Plan for Water Data (NELS) and will be integrated into the data dissemination web pattern. It also complies with the European Directive 2003/98 / EC of November 2003 on the reuse of public sector information. is a public data distribution platform open for reuse in the terms and conditions of the Licence Open / Open License. Opendata SIE is coordinated by the National Office for Water and Aquatic Environments (Onema); it was developed by the BRGM and the International Office for Water (IOW).
The Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science (SITES) is a national infrastructure for terrestrial and limnological field research. SITES aims to promote high-quality research through long-term field measurements and field experiments, and by making data available. Quality-controlled monitoring data from SITES is freely available on the SITES Data Portal from all participating stations and thematic programs. New datasets are continuously being uploaded.
<<<!!!<<< As of 2017-05-17 the data catalog is no longer available >>>!!!>>> DataFed is a web services-based software that non-intrusively mediates between autonomous, distributed data providers and users. The main goals of DataFed are: Aid air quality management and science by effective use of relevant data - Facilitate the access and flow of atmospheric data from provider to users - Support the development of user-driven data processing value chains. DataFed Catalog links searchable Datafed applications worldwide.
DataStream is an open access platform for sharing information on freshwater health. It currently allows users to access, visualize, and download full water quality datasets collected by Indigenous Nations, community groups, researchers and governments throughout five regional hubs: Atlantic Canada, the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence region, the Lake Winnipeg Basin, the Mackenzie River Basin and the Pacific region. DataStream was developed by The Gordon Foundation and is carried out in collaboration with regional monitoring networks.
Attention! Data sets are not updated anymore. Please, visit the BonaRes Repositor​ium​ for new datasets. Open Research Data provides quality assessed data and their metadata such as context information on measurement objectives, equipment, methods, testing and investigation areas. The purpose of the repository is to secure quality, integrity and long-term availability of landscape and ecosystem research data as well as to enhance accessibility of free data from ZALF long-term monitoring campaigns, landscape laboratories (Agro-ScapeLabs), field trials and experiments. The Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) explores ecosystems in agricultural landscapes and the development of ecologically and economically viable land use systems. ZALF combines scientific expertise from agricultural science, geosciences, biosciences and socio-economics.
Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and proudly operated by Battelle, the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) program provides open, continental-scale data across the United States that characterize and quantify complex, rapidly changing ecological processes. The Observatory’s comprehensive design supports greater understanding of ecological change and enables forecasting of future ecological conditions. NEON collects and processes data from field sites located across the continental U.S., Puerto Rico, and Hawaii over a 30-year timeframe. NEON provides free and open data that characterize plants, animals, soil, nutrients, freshwater, and the atmosphere. These data may be combined with external datasets or data collected by individual researchers to support the study of continental-scale ecological change.
Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE) collates and generates standard measures of environmental factors and provides these data to a wide range of health data organizations who pre-link and distribute them to the Canadian research community. Exposure metrics currently distributed by CANUE include air quality (nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and fine particulate matter concentrations), green and blue spaces (Landsat, MODIS, and AVHRR normalized difference vegetation indices), neighborhood factors (access to employment, material and social deprivation indices, marginalization indices, nighttime light, and active living environments), and weather and climate (weather indicators, local climate zones, and water balance).
EMS is the BC Ministry of Environment's primary monitoring data repository. The system was designed to capture data covering physical/chemical and biological analyses performed on water, air, solid waste discharges and ambient monitoring sites throughout the province. It also contains related quality assurance data. Samples are collected by either ministry staff or permittees under the Environmental Management Act and then analyzed in public or private sector laboratories. The majority of such monitoring data is entered into EMS electronically via Electronic Data Transfer (EDT). EMS data is typically available in formatted hard copy reports or electronically in comma delimited (e.g., .csv) files as: Monitoring location-related data, Sample and results-related data. Direct access to EMS is restricted to ministry staff, however public access is available upon request through EMS Web Reporting.
The DCS allows you to search a catalogue of metadata (information describing data) to discover and gain access to NERC's data holdings and information products. The metadata are prepared to a common NERC Metadata Standard and are provided to the catalogue by the NERC Data Centres.
This website provides access to an extensive database of environmental data and an integrated suite of online tools and resources to help Federal Land Managers assess and analyze the air quality and visibility in Federally-protected lands such as National Parks, National Forests, and Wilderness Areas
The CCHDO provides access to standard, well-described datasets from reference-quality repeat hydrography expeditions. It curates high quality full water column Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD), hydrographic, carbon and tracer data from over 2,500 cruises from ~30 countries. It is the official data center for CTD and water sample profile data from the Global Ocean Ship-Based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP), as well as for WOCE, US Hydro, and other high quality repeat hydrography lines (e.g. SOCCOM, HOT, BATS, WOCE, CARINA.)
The National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) Program provides accurate and long-term air quality data of a uniform standard across Canada. The NAPS Network has a Canada-Wide database of criteria air contaminants from the early 1970s to the present for designated NAPS sites, as well as provincial, territorial and other sites. Trace contaminants are also monitored at several stations in the network and analyzed by the laboratory at River Road.
The UniSA Data Access Portal showcases a range of Open Access research collections and datasets developed or collected by the University of South Australia. The UniSA Data Access Portal also highlights research projects and publications related to the available collections and datasets, and facilitates a variety of searches by researcher, organisation, discipline and keyword. Research collections and datasets available in Open Access can be freely downloaded and used to support your research in line with the terms of the licence under which they are made available.
OzFlux provides micro-meteorological measurements from over 500 stations to provide data for atmospheric model testing specific to exchanges of carbon, water vapor and energy between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere.
The BAW is a research institute for the Federal Ministry of Transport and acts as an advisor to the federal government for issues of waterway engineering. In this role the BAW consumes and produces large volumes of data and information. As part of the implementation of Open Data legislation and in support of Open Data and Open Access principles, the BAW provides access to scientific data together with their metadata. The BAW-Datenrepository was developed as a point of access for hydraulic engineering experts, contractors and customers of the BAW as well as the general public. It is a source for quality-assured information and provides standardised, long-term access to waterway engineering data. The BAW-Datenrepository supports the targeted search for information and data and gives direct access to them. By publishing its scientific data, the BAW promotes transparency in public discourse as well as accountability of public administration enabling the data to create value beyond the BAW.
The vision of the JaLTER is to provide scientific knowledge which contributes to conservation, advancement and sustainability of environment, ecosystem services, productivity and biodiversity for a society by conducting long-term and interdisciplinary research in ecological science including human dimensions. The JaLTER is closely linked with the International Long-Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER Network).
The geophysical database, GERDA, is a strong tool for data storage, handling and QC. Data are uploaded to and downloaded from the GERDA database through this website. GERDA is the Danish national database on shallow geophysical data. Since its establishment in 1998-2000, the database has been continuously developed. The database is hosted by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS).
The UTM Data Centre is responsible for managing spatial data acquired during oceanographic cruises on board CSIC research vessels (RV Sarmiento de Gamboa, RV García del Cid) and RV Hespérides. The aim is, on the one hand, to disseminate which data exist and where, how and when they have been acquired. And on the other hand, to provide access to as much of the interoperable data as possible, following the FAIR principles, so that they can be used and reused. For this purpose, the UTM has a Spatial Data Infrastructure at a national level that consists of several services: Oceanographic Cruise and Data Catalogue Including metadata from more than 600 cruises carried out since 1991, with links to documentation associated to the cruise, navigation maps and datasets Geoportal Geospatial data mapping interface Underway Plot & QC Visualization, Quality Control and conversion to standard format of meteorological data and temperature and salinity of surface water At an international level, the UTM is a National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) of the Distributed European Marine Data Infrastructure SeaDataNet, to which the UTM provides metadata published in the Cruise Summary Report Catalog and in the data catalog Common Data Index Catalog, as well as public data to be shared.