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Found 99 result(s)
The Comparative Political Data Set 1960-2018 (CPDS) is a collection of political and institutional data which have been assembled in the context of the research projects “Die Handlungsspielräume des Nationalstaates” and “Critical junctures. An international comparison” directed by Klaus Armingeon and funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This data set consists of (mostly) annual data for 36 democratic OECD and/or EU-member coun-tries for the period of 1960 to 2018. In all countries, political data were collected only for the democratic periods. The data set is suited for cross-national, longitudinal and pooled time-series analyses.
So.Da.Net network, following the Social Data Bank (SDB) of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) that pre-existed, in a time frame of five years has been linked and closely collaborated with the european data archives. EKKE through SDB has participated to the European Consortium of Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA ERIC) since 2000. The national research network Sodanet_GR has been formed in 2012 and is consisted of the following 7 organisations: 1) National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) – Social Data Bank 2) University of the Aegean – Department of Sociology 3) National & Kapodistrian University of Athens – Department of Political Science & Public Administration 4) Panteion University – Department of Political Science & History 5) University of Peloponnese – Department of Social & Educational Policy 6) Democritus University of Trace – Department of Social Administration & Political Science 7) University of Crete – Department of Sociology . The So.Da.Net network is the Greek research infrastructure for the social sciences. So.Da.Net supports multidisciplinary research and promotes the acquisition, exchange, processing as well as dissemination of data deriving from and related to social science research.
LSE Research Online is the institutional repository for the London School of Economics and Political Science. LSE Research Online contains research produced by LSE staff, including journal articles, book chapters, books, working papers, conference papers and more.
The Centre conducts real-time data collection on all ongoing and incoming General and Assembly Elections, and diffuses data-driven analysis through print and electronic media. The coverage includes the analysis, contextualization, and visualisation of results and the profiling of main parties candidates. For each election, we assemble a team of field researchers and scholars to complete and expand existing data. Besides the ECI results data, we collect information on the socio-demographic profile of main parties’ candidates and on the sociological profile of constituencies.
AmericasBarometer surveys are multi-country, regularly conducted surveys of democratic values and behaviors in the Americas. The raw data are available for free at all LAPOP consortium member institutions, and at all other users worldwide. Besides this a permanent ownership of the data, in becoming a 'repository', is possible for a fee.
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available. >>>!!!>>> is a portal where faculty can find resources and ideas to reduce the challenges of bringing real data into post-secondary classes. It allows faculty to introduce and build students' quantitative reasoning abilities with readily available, user-friendly, data-driven teaching materials.
A service of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), openICPSR is a self-publishing repository for social, behavioral, and health sciences research data. openICPSR is particularly well-suited for the deposit of replication data sets for researchers who need to publish their raw data associated with a journal article so that other researchers can replicate their findings.
The American National Election Studies (ANES) conducts national surveys and pilot studies and provides large, multifaceted datasets. Time Series Studies are conducted during years of national elections, with pre-election and post-election surveys conducted in presidential election years and post-election surveys conducted during congressional election years. Pilot Studies are normally conducted in years when there is no national election and are designed to test new, or to refine existing, instrumentation and study designs. Other Major Data Collections includes panel studies and other special studies.
The focus of PolMine is on texts published by public institutions in Germany. Corpora of parliamentary protocols are at the heart of the project: Parliamentary proceedings are available for long stretches of time, cover a broad set of public policies and are in the public domain, making them a valuable text resource for political science. The project develops repositories of textual data in a sustainable fashion to suit the research needs of political science. Concerning data, the focus is on converting text issued by public institutions into a sustainable digital format (TEI/XML).
The Supreme Court Database is the definitive source for researchers, students, journalists, and citizens interested in the U.S. Supreme Court. The Database contains over two hundred pieces of information about each case decided by the Court between the 1791 and 2015 terms. Examples include the identity of the court whose decision the Supreme Court reviewed, the parties to the suit, the legal provisions considered in the case, and the votes of the Justices. The project started with Spaeth's original database. The analysis tools allow you to select and summarize cases from the Modern or Legacy Database based on your needs.
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) is a new approach to conceptualizing and measuring democracy. We provide a multidimensional and disaggregated dataset that reflects the complexity of the concept of democracy as a system of rule that goes beyond the simple presence of elections. The V-Dem project distinguishes between five high-level principles of democracy: electoral, liberal, participatory, deliberative, and egalitarian, and collects data to measure these principles.
The majority of digital content in the ISPS Data Archive currently consists of social science research data from experiments, program files with the code for analyzing these data, requisite documentation to use and understand the data, and associated files. Access to the ISPS Data Archive is provided at no cost and is granted for scholarship and research purposes only.
ICPSR maintains a data archive of more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences. It hosts 21 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields. ICPSR advances and expands social and behavioral research, acting as a global leader in data stewardship and providing rich data resources and responsive educational opportunities for present and future generations.
The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) is a collaborative, cross-national program of comparative electoral behavior among over 60 election study teams from around the world. The CSES allows examination into how societal, political, economic and structural contexts shape citizen behavior and condition democratic choice; the nature of political and social divisions; and how citizens in different political systems evaluate democratic institutions and processes. Participating countries include a common module of survey questions in their post-election studies. The resulting data are deposited along with voting, demographic, district and macro variables. The studies are then merged into a single, free, public dataset for use in comparative study and cross-level analysis. The research agenda, questionnaires, and study design are developed by an international committee of leading scholars of electoral politics and political science. The design is implemented in each country by their foremost social scientists.
SMU Research Data Repository (SMU RDR) is a tool and service for researchers from Singapore Management University (SMU) to store, share and publish their research data. SMU RDR accepts a wide range of research data and outputs generated from research projects.
The Worldwide Governance Indicators, reporting estimates of six dimensions of governance for over 200 countries based on close to 40 data sources produced by over 30 organizations worldwide between 1996 and 2019, have become widely used among policymakers and academics. The six dimensions of governance: Voice and Accountability - Political Stability and Absence of Violence - Government Effectiveness - Regulatory Quality - Rule of Law - Control of Corruption.
CAPE began as a collection of UK local governments' Climate Action Plans, and has expanded to include a number of useful datapoints around climate, carbon emissions and local government. The Climate Action Plan Explorer collects UK Council Climate Action Plans in a single database, alongside some data on area emissions estimates within the scope of influence of councils. It allows anyone to quickly and easily find out if their council has a plan, and put those plans into context.
The Comparative Agendas Project (CAP) assembles and codes information on the policy processes of governments from around the world. CAP enables scholars, students, policy-makers and the media to investigate trends in policy-making across time and between countries. It classifies policy activities into a single, universal and consistent coding scheme.
The Cross-National Time-Series Data Archive (CNTS) was initiated by Arthur S. Banks in 1968 with the aim of assembling, in machine readable, longitudinal format, certain of the aggregate data resources of The Statesman’s Yearbook. The CNTS offers a listing of international and national country-data facts. The dataset contains statistical information on a range of countries, with data entries ranging from 1815 to the present.
The ACSS Dataverse is a repository of interdisciplinary social science research data produced in and on the Arab region. The ACSS Dataverse, part of an initiative of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences in collaboration with the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, preserves and facilitates access to social science datasets in and on the Arab region and is open to relevant research data deposits.