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Found 127 result(s)
The Forensic Linguistic Databank (FoLD) is a permanent, controlled access online repository for forensic linguistic data, including malicious communication data, investigative interview data, and forensic evidence validation data for both speech and text. We broadly understand forensic linguistics as any academic research with a potential to improve the delivery of justice through the analysis of language. FoLD thus comprises a wide range of datasets with relevance to forensic linguistics and language and law, including commercial extortion letters, investigative interviews in police and other contexts, legal documents, forum posts from far-right online groups, and comment threads from political blogs. The intention for the databank is to not only further academic research into forensic linguistics by developing new methods and approaches but also to directly contribute to impact in assisting the delivery of justice. Therefore, research projects using this data will validate methods for forensic analysis, further the effectiveness of interviewing techniques used by British police, and help tackle internet crime and abuse on behalf of law enforcement beneficiaries, such as the National Crime Agency.
SWE-CLARIN is a national node in European Language and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN) - an ESFRI initiative to build an infrastructure for e-science in the humanities and social sciences. SWE-CLARIN makes language-based materials available as research data using advanced processing tools and other resources. One basic idea is that the increasing amount of text and speech - contemporary and historical - as digital research material enables new forms of e-science and new ways to tackle old research issues.
The Manchester Romani Project is part of an international network of scholarly projects devoted to research on Romani language and linguistics, coordinated in partnership with Dieter Halwachs (Institute of Linguistics, Graz University and Romani-Projekt Graz), and Peter Bakker (Institute of Linguistics, Aarhus University). The project explores the linguistic features of the dialects of the Romani language, and their distribution in geographical space. An interactive web application is being designed, which will allow users to search and locate on a map different dialectal variants, and to explore how variants cluster in particular regions. Examples sentences and words with sound files will also be made available, to give impressions of dialectal variation within Romani. From the distribution of linguistic forms among the dialects it will be possible to make infeences about social-historical contacts among the Romani communities, and about migration patterns.
MICASE provides a collection of transcripts of academic speech events recorded at the University of Michigan. The original DAT audiotapes are held in the English Language Institute and may be consulted by bona fide researchers under special arrangements. Additional access:
The Diccionario del Español Medieval electrónico (DEMel) provides a lemmatised and semantically pre-structured electronic data archive on medieval Spanish. The basis of the data collection is the digitised material archived in card indexes of the Diccionario del Español Medieval (DEM), which was discontinued at the end of 2007 for financial reasons. The DEM covers the history of the development of Spanish vocabulary between the 10th and the beginning of the 15th century on the basis of far more than 600 literary and non-literary works or collections of texts and documents.
The Eurac Research CLARIN Centre (ERCC) is a dedicated repository for language data. It is hosted by the Institute for Applied Linguistics (IAL) at Eurac Research, a private research centre based in Bolzano, South Tyrol. The Centre is part of the Europe-wide CLARIN infrastructure, which means that it follows well-defined international standards for (meta)data and procedures and is well-embedded in the wider European Linguistics infrastructure. The repository hosts data collected at the IAL, but is also open for data deposits from external collaborators.
CLARIN-UK is a consortium of centres of expertise involved in research and resource creation involving digital language data and tools. The consortium includes the national library, and academic departments and university centres in linguistics, languages, literature and computer science.
This website constitutes a repository of tools and resources for researchers and teachers that are interested in second language speech acquisition and pronunciation teaching in diverse educational contexts. If you are a RESEARCHER in the field of second language acquisition (SLA), here you will find a wide range of validated tools that may be useful for your individual differences, SLA or L2 speech studies. If you are a passionate second language pronunciation TEACHER interested in communicative methods, here you will be able to download several carefully designed explicit instruction, communicative form-focused activities and pronunciation-based tasks that are ready to be used in your classroom
The Australian National Corpus collates and provides access to assorted examples of Australian English text, transcriptions, audio and audio-visual materials. Text analysis tools are embedded in the interface allowing analysis and downloads in *.CSV format.
Sinmin contains texts of different genres and styles of the modern and old Sinhala language. The main sources of electronic copies of texts for the corpus are online Sinhala newspapers, online Sinhala news sites, Sinhala school textbooks available in online, online Sinhala magazines, Sinhala Wikipedia, Sinhala fictions available in online, Mahawansa, Sinhala Blogs, Sinhala subtitles and Sri lankan gazette.
ILC-CNR for CLARIN-IT repository is a library for linguistic data and tools. Including: Text Processing and Computational Philology; Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Extraction; Resources, Standards and Infrastructures; Computational Models of Language Usage. The studies carried out within each area are highly interdisciplinary and involve different professional skills and expertises that extend across the disciplines of Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Computer Science and Bio-Engineering.
CLAPOP is the portal of the Dutch CLARIN community. It brings together all relevant resources that were created within the CLARIN NL project and that now are part of the CLARIN NL infrastructure or that were created by other projects but are essential for the functioning of the CLARIN (NL) infrastructure. CLARIN-NL has closely cooperated with CLARIN Flanders in a number of projects. The common results of this cooperation and the results of this cooperation created by CLARIN Flanders are included here as well.
The Text Laboratory provides assistance with databases, word lists, corpora and tailored solutions for language technology. We also work on research and development projects alone or in cooperation with others - locally, nationally and internationally. Services and tools: Word and frequency lists, Written corpora, Speech corpora, Multilingual corpora, Databases, Glossa Search Tool, The Oslo-Bergen Tagger, GREI grammar games, Audio files: dialects from Norway and America etc., Nordic Atlas of Language Structures (NALS) Journal, Norwegian in America, NEALT, Ethiopian Language Technology, Access to Corpora
The Language Archive Cologne (LAC) is a research data repository for the linguistics and all humanities disciplines working with audiovisual data. The archive forms a cluster of the Data Center for Humanities in cooperation with the Institute of Linguistics of the University of Cologne. The LAC is an archive for language resources, which is freely available via a web-based access. In addition, concrete technical and methodological advice is offered in the research data cycle - from the collection of the data, their preparation and archiving, to publication and reuse.
HI HOPES aims is to provide free home based support and information without bias to every family with an infant or toddler with hearing loss. Through an early intervention framework of care, support, information and partnership in a culturally sensitive, community based manner to allow we aim to empower the family in their home environment and help the baby with a hearing loss to reach her/his full potential.
The University of Pittsburgh English Language Institute Corpus (PELIC) is a 4.2-million-word learner corpus of written texts. These texts were collected in an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) context over seven years in the University of Pittsburgh’s Intensive English Program, and were produced by over 1100 students with a wide range of linguistic backgrounds and proficiency levels. PELIC is longitudinal, offering greater opportunities for tracking development in a natural classroom setting.
The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing) is a FAIR-aligned repository of linguistic data and statistical code. The archive is open access, which means that all information is available to everyone. All data are accompanied by searchable metadata that identify the researchers, the languages and linguistic phenomena involved, the statistical methods applied, and scholarly publications based on the data (where relevant). Linguists worldwide are invited to deposit data and statistical code used in their linguistic research. TROLLing is a special collection within DataverseNO (, and C Centre within CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure, a networked federation of European data repositories;, and harvested by their Virtual Language Observatory (VLO;
CLARIN-LV is a national node of Clarin ERIC (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure). The mission of the repository is to ensure the availability and long­ term preservation of language resources. The data stored in the repository are being actively used and cited in scientific publications.
IRIS is a free and public collection of instruments, materials, stimuli, data, and data coding and analysis tools used for research into languages, including first, second-, and beyond, and signed language learning, multilingualism, language education, language use, and language processing. Materials are freely accessible and searchable, easy to upload (for contributions) and download (for use). For materials or data to be held on IRIS, it must have been used for an accepted peer-reviewed journal article, book chapter, conference proceeding or an approved PhD thesis. Materials and data are given a DOI and reference at the point of submission. By default, uploaders assigned a
Språkbanken was established in 1975 as a national center located in the Faculty of Arts, University of Gothenburg. Allén's groundbreaking corpus linguistic research resulted in the creation of one of the first large electronic text corpora in another language than English, with one million words of newspaper text. The task of Språkbanken is to collect, develop, and store (Swedish) text corpora, and to make linguistic data extracted from the corpora available to researchers and to the public.
The Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) is a digital repository for preserving multimedia collections of endangered languages from all over the world, making them available for future generations. In ELAR’s collections you can find recordings of every-day conversations, instructions on how to build fish traps or boats, explanations of kinship systems and the use of medicinal plants, and learn about art forms like string figures and sand drawings. ELAR’s collections are unique records of local knowledge systems encoded in their languages, described by the holders of the knowledge themselves.
The German Text Archive (Deutsches Textarchiv, DTA) presents online a selection of key German-language works in various disciplines from the 17th to 19th centuries. The electronic full-texts are indexed linguistically and the search facilities tolerate a range of spelling variants. The DTA presents German-language printed works from around 1650 to 1900 as full text and as digital facsimile. The selection of texts was made on the basis of lexicographical criteria and includes scientific or scholarly texts, texts from everyday life, and literary works. The digitalisation was made from the first edition of each work. Using the digital images of these editions, the text was first typed up manually twice (‘double keying’). To represent the structure of the text, the electronic full-text was encoded in conformity with the XML standard TEI P5. The next stages complete the linguistic analysis, i.e. the text is tokenised, lemmatised, and the parts of speech are annotated. The DTA thus presents a linguistically analysed, historical full-text corpus, available for a range of questions in corpus linguistics. Thanks to the interdisciplinary nature of the DTA Corpus, it also offers valuable source-texts for neighbouring disciplines in the humanities, and for scientists, legal scholars and economists.
LAUDATIO has developed an open access research data repository for historical corpora. For the access and (re-)use of historical corpora, the LAUDATIO repository uses a flexible and appropriate documentation schema with a subset of TEI customized by TEI ODD. The extensive metadata schema contains information about the preparation and checking methods applied to the data, tools, formats and annotation guidelines used in the project, as well as bibliographic metadata, and information on the research context (e.g. the research project). To provide complex and comprehensive search in the annotation data, the search and visualization tool ANNIS is integrated in the LAUDATIO-Repository.