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Found 28 result(s)
One of twelve NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Data Centers that provide Earth science data, information, and services to research scientists, applications scientists, applications users, and students. The GES DISC is the home (archive) of NASA Precipitation and Hydrology, as well as Atmospheric Composition and Dynamics remote sensing data and information. The DISC also houses the Modern Era Retrospective-Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) data assimilation datasets (generated by GSFC’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office), and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) and Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) data products (both generated by GSFC's Hydrological Sciences Branch).
The Scholarly Database (SDB) at Indiana University aims to serve researchers and practitioners interested in the analysis, modeling, and visualization of large-scale scholarly datasets. The online interface provides access to six datasets: MEDLINE papers, registered Clinical Trials, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office patents (USPTO), National Science Foundation (NSF) funding, National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding, and National Endowment for the Humanities funding – over 26 million records in total.
The CCDS is an interface for distributing climate change information. The goals of CCDS are to: Support climate change impact and adaptation research in Canada and other countries; Support stakeholders requiring scenario information for decision making and policy development. Provide access to Canadian research on the development of scenarios and adaptation research.
NOAA's Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS) is a web-based information portal that provides access to NOAA coral reef information and data products with emphasis on the U.S. states, territories and remote island areas. NOAA Coral Reef activities include coral reef mapping, monitoring and assessment; natural and socioeconomic research and modeling; outreach and education; and management and stewardship.
The NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) represents a platform for the Earth science community that provides a mechanism for scientific collaboration and knowledge sharing. NEX combines supercomputing, Earth system modeling, workflow management, NASA remote sensing data feeds, and a knowledge sharing platform to deliver a complete work environment in which users can explore and analyze large datasets, run modeling codes, collaborate on new or existing projects, and quickly share results among the Earth Science communities. Includes some local data collections as well as links to data on other sites. On January 31st, 2019, the NEX portal will be down-scoped; member logins will be suspended and the portal contents transitioned to a static set of archives. New projects and resources will no longer be possible after this occurs.
WorldClim is a set of global climate layers (climate grids) with a spatial resolution of about 1 square kilometer. The data can be used for mapping and spatial modeling in a GIS or with other computer programs.
coastMap offers campaign data, model analysis and thematic maps predominantly in the Biogeosciences. Spotlights explain in a nutshell important topics of the research conducted for the interested public. The portal offers applications to visualise and download field and laboratory work and to connect the information with interactive maps. Filter functions allow the user to search for general topics like a marine field of interest or single criteria, for example a specific ship campaign or one of 1000 measured parameters.
The NCAR Climate Data Gateway provides data discovery and access services for global and regional climate model data, knowledge, and software. The NCAR Climate Data Gateway supports community access to data products from many of NCAR's community modeling efforts, including the IPCC, PCM, AMPS, CESM, NARCCAP, and NMME activities. Data products are generally open and available, however, download access may require a login.
The Structure database provides three-dimensional structures of macromolecules for a variety of research purposes and allows the user to retrieve structures for specific molecule types as well as structures for genes and proteins of interest. Three main databases comprise Structure-The Molecular Modeling Database; Conserved Domains and Protein Classification; and the BioSystems Database. Structure also links to the PubChem databases to connect biological activity data to the macromolecular structures. Users can locate structural templates for proteins and interactively view structures and sequence data to closely examine sequence-structure relationships.
The aim of this repository is for it to be a location from which a wide variety of well analysed IFC-based data files can be sourced. It is planned that over time the number of data files will expand to provide significant coverage of the major aspects that would need to be tested for interoperability.
!!! <<< the repository is offline, please use: >>> !!! The USGODAE Project consists of United States academic, government and military researchers working to improve assimilative ocean modeling as part of the International GODAE Project. GODAE hopes to develop a global system of observations, communications, modeling and assimilation, that will deliver regular, comprehensive information on the state of the oceans, in a way that will promote and engender wide utility and availability of this resource for maximum benefit to the community. The USGODAE Argo GDAC is currently operational, serving daily data from the following national DACs: Australia (CSIRO), Canada (MEDS), China (2: CSIO and NMDIS), France (Coriolis), India (INCOIS), Japan (JMA), Korea (2: KMA and Kordi), UK (BODC), and US (AOML).
Under the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) the Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) established the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) as a standard experimental protocol for studying the output of coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs). CMIP provides a community-based infrastructure in support of climate model diagnosis, validation, intercomparison, documentation and data access. This framework enables a diverse community of scientists to analyze GCMs in a systematic fashion, a process which serves to facilitate model improvement. Virtually the entire international climate modeling community has participated in this project since its inception in 1995. The Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI) archives much of the CMIP data and provides other support for CMIP. We are now beginning the process towards the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report and with it the CMIP5 intercomparison activity. The CMIP5 (CMIP Phase 5) experiment design has been finalized with the following suites of experiments: I Decadal Hindcasts and Predictions simulations, II "long-term" simulations, III "atmosphere-only" (prescribed SST) simulations for especially computationally-demanding models. The new ESGF peer-to-peer (P2P) enterprise system ( is now the official site for CMIP5 model output. The old gateway ( is deprecated and now shut down permanently.
VIPERdb is a database for icosahedral virus capsid structures . The emphasis of the resource is on providing data from structural and computational analyses on these systems, as well as high quality renderings for visual exploration. In addition, all virus capsids are placed in a single icosahedral orientation convention, facilitating comparison between different structures. The web site includes powerful search utilities , links to other relevant databases, background information on virus capsid structure, and useful database interface tools.
<<<!!!<<< The database is no longer available from 1st July 2018 >>>!!!>>> CRYSTMET was previously included in the NCDS as part of CrystalWorks. Unfortunately we are no longer able to license the CRYSTMET database for access through the NCDS. Therefore the database will no longer be accessible from 1st July 2018. >>>> CRYSTMET contains chemical, crystallographic and bibliographic data together with associated comments regarding experimental details for each study. It is a database of critically evaluated crystallographic data for metals, including alloys, intermetallics and minerals.Using these data, a number of associated files are derived, a major one being a parallel file of calculated powder patterns. These derived data are included within the CRYSTMET product.
SLGO is positioning itself as being the most complete and diversified source of scientific data regarding the St. Lawrence's ecosystem. It has done so by clustering and sharing information, data, and expertise from government, academic, and community agencies. SLGO offers a range of products such as data visualization applications, data management tools, and modeling products able to meet information needs for domains such as public safety, climate change, resource management, and biodiversity conservation. Available at observations, forecasts, predictions, and data archives
The Water Survey has flourished for more than a century by anticipating and responding to new challenges and opportunities to serve the citizens of Illinois. Today, the ISWS continues to demonstrate flexibility and adaptability by developing new programs, while continuing to provide long-standing services upon which Illinoisans have come to rely. The Scientific Surveys of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are the primary agencies in Illinois responsible for producing and disseminating scientific and technological information, services, and products related to the environment, economic development, and quality of life. To achieve this mission, the Scientific Surveys conduct state-of-the-art research and collect, analyze, archive, and disseminate high-quality, objective data and technical information. The information, services, and products provide a sound technical basis for the citizens and policymakers of Illinois and the nation to make wise social, economic, and environmental decisions.
The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) is a community-driven climate impact modeling initiative that aims to contribute to a quantitative and cross-sectoral synthesis of the various impacts of climate change, including associated uncertainties. It is designed as a continuous model intercomparison and improvement process for climate impact models and is supported by the international climate impact research community. ISIMIP is organized into simulation rounds, for which a simulation protocol specifies a set of common experiments. The protocol further describes a set of climate and direct human forcing data to be used as input data for all ISIMIP simulations. Based on this information, modelling groups from different sectors (e.g. agriculture, biomes, water) perform simulations using various climate impact models. After the simulations are performed, the data is collected by the ISIMIP data team, quality controlled and eventually published on the ISIMIP Repository. From there, it can be freely accessed for further research and analyses. The data is widely used within academia, but also by companies and civil society. ISIMIP was initiated by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE) data archive serves Earth and environmental science data. ESS-DIVE is funded by the Data Management program within the Climate and Environmental Science Division under the DOE’s Office of Biological and Environmental Research program (BER), and is maintained by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ESS-DIVE will archive and publicly share data obtained from observational, experimental, and modeling research that is funded by the DOE’s Office of Science under its Subsurface Biogeochemical Research (SBR) and Terrestrial Ecosystem Science (TES) programs within the Environmental Systems Science (ESS) activity. ESS-DIVE was launched in July 2017, and is designed to provide long-term stewardship and use of data from observational, experimental and modeling activities in the DOE in the Subsurface Biogeochemical Research (SBR) and Terrestrial Ecosystem Science (TES) Programs in the Environmental System Science (ESS) activity.
The Analytical Geomagnetic Data Center of the Trans-Regional INTERMAGNET Segment is operated by the Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GC RAS). Geomagnetic data are transmitted from observatories and stations located in Russia and near-abroad countries. The Center also provides access to spaceborne data products. The MAGNUS hardware-software system underlies the operation of the Center. Its particular feature is the automated real-time recognition of artificial (anthropogenic) disturbances in incoming data. Being based on fuzzy logic approach, this quality control service facilitates the preparation of the definitive magnetograms from preliminary records carried out by data experts manually. The MAGNUS system also performs on-the-fly multi-criteria estimation of geomagnetic activity using several indicators and provides online tools for modeling electromagnetic parameters in the near-Earth space. The collected geomagnetic data are stored using relational database management system. The geomagnetic database is intended for storing both 1-minute and 1-second data. The results of anthropogenic and natural disturbance recognition are also stored in the database.
RES³T is a digitized version of a thermodynamic sorption database as required for the parametrization of Surface Complexation Models (SCM). It is mineral-specific and can therefore also be used for additive models of more complex solid phases such as rocks or soils. A user interface helps to access selected mineral and sorption data, to convert parameter units, to extract internally consistent data sets for sorption modeling. Data records comprise of mineral properties, specific surface area values, characteristics of surface binding sites and their protolysis, sorption ligand information, and surface complexation reactions
This is CSDB version 1 merged from Bacterial (BCSDB) and Plant&Fungal (PFCSDB) databases. This database aims at provision of structural, bibliographic, taxonomic, NMR spectroscopic and other information on glycan and glycoconjugate structures of prokaryotic, plant and fungal origin. It has been merged from the Bacterial and Plant&Fungal Carbohydrate Structure Databases (BCSDB+PFCSDB). The key points of this service are: High coverage. The coverage for bacteria (up to 2016) and archaea (up to 2016) is above 80%. Similar coverage for plants and fungi is expected in the future. The database is close to complete up to 1998 for plants, and up to 2006 for fungi. Data quality. High data quality is achieved by manual curation using original publications which is assisted by multiple automatic procedures for error control. Errors present in publications are reported and corrected, when possible. Data from other databases are verified on import. Detailed annotations. Structural data are supplied with extended bibliography, assigned NMR spectra, taxon identification including strains and serogroups, and other information if available in the original publication. Services. CSDB serves as a platform for a number of computational services tuned for glycobiology, such as NMR simulation, automated structure elucidation, taxon clustering, 3D molecular modeling, statistical processing of data etc. Integration. CSDB is cross-linked to other glycoinformatics projects and NCBI databases. The data are exportable in various formats, including most widespread encoding schemes and records using GlycoRDF ontology. Free web access. Users can access the database for free via its web interface (see Help). The main source of data is retrospective literature analysis. About 20% of data were imported from CCSD (Carbbank, University of Georgia, Athens; structures published before 1996) with subsequent manual curation and approval. The current coverage is displayed in red on the top of the left menu. The time lag between the publication of new data and their deposition into CSDB is ca. 1 year. In the scope of bacterial carbohydrates, CSDB covers nearly all structures of this origin published up to 2016. Prokaryotic, plant and fungal means that a glycan was found in the organism(s) belonging to these taxonomic domains or was obtained by modification of those found in them. Carbohydrate means a structure composed of any residues linked by glycosidic, ester, amidic, ketal, phospho- or sulpho-diester bonds in which at least one residue is a sugar or its derivative.