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Found 1234 result(s)
CORE is a full-text, interdisciplinary, non-profit social repository designed to increase the impact of work in the Humanities. Commons Open Repository Exchange, a library-quality repository for sharing, discovering, retrieving, and archiving digital work. CORE provides Humanities Commons members with a permanent, open access storage facility for their scholarly output, facilitating maximum discoverability and encouraging peer feedback.
As a member of SWE-CLARIN, the Humanities Lab will provide tools and expertise related to language archiving, corpus and (meta)data management, with a continued emphasis on multimodal corpora, many of which contain Swedish resources, but also other (often endangered) languages, multilingual or learner corpora. As a CLARIN K-centre we provide advice on multimodal and sensor-based methods, including EEG, eye-tracking, articulography, virtual reality, motion capture, av-recording. Current work targets automatic data retrieval from multimodal data sets, as well as the linking of measurement data (e.g. EEG, fMRI) or geo-demographic data (GIS, GPS) to language data (audio, video, text, annotations). We also provide assistance with speech and language technology related matters to various projects. A primary resource in the Lab is The Humanities Lab corpus server, containing a varied set of multimodal language corpora with standardised metadata and linked layers of annotations and other resources.
The TextGrid Repository is a digital preservation archive for human sciences research data. It offers an extensive searchable and adaptable corpus of XML/TEI encoded texts, pictures and databases. Amongst the continuously growing corpus is the Digital Library of TextGrid, which consists of works of more than 600 authors of fiction (prose verse and drama) as well as nonfiction from the beginning of the printing press to the early 20th century written in or translated into German. The files are saved in different output formats (XML, ePub, PDF), published and made searchable. Different tools e.g. viewing or quantitative text-analysis tools can be used for visualization or to further research the text. The TextGrid Repository is part of the virtual research environment TextGrid, which besides offering digital preservation also offers open-source software for collaborative creations and publications of e.g. digital editions that are based on XML/TEI.
GAMS is an OAIS compliant asset management system for the management, publication and long-term archiving of digital resources from the Humanities. It enables scholars, researchers and students to manage and publish resources from projects with permanent identification and enriched with metadata.
Content type(s)
>>>!!!<<<<ARCHE is the successor of a repository project established in 2014 as CLARIN Centre Vienna / Language Resources Portal (CCV/LRP). The mission of CCV/LRP was to provide depositing services and easy and sustainable access to digital language resources created in Austria. ARCHE replaces CCV/LRP and extends its mission by offering an advanced and reliable data management and depositing service open to a broader range of humanities fields in Austria. >>>!!!<<<
The National 3D Data Repository is a safe and secure place to store, expose and publish any 3D model produced in the humanities and social sciences through publicly funded projects. Each 3D model is referenced by a DOI
Maenduar in Tupi means "to remember". The Maenduar repository, created by LARHUD is an institutional repository (IBICT) dedicated to research data in Digital Humanities and Humanities. The repository encompasses the production of LARHUD members and partners and extends to the public space as a public deposit repository. Researchers, professors, students linked to any institutions will be able to deposit their research data, understanding that Maenduar becomes, from this action, a public, national repository, dedicated to the production of knowledge in the Humanities in the face of the development of digital culture in all areas of the world. social world.
Germania Sacra is a long-term research project ongoing at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The project has a long-standing tradition of researching the history of dioceses, monasteries, collegiate churches, and convents within the Holy Roman Empire. The results of this work are published in reference books, the digital editions of these reference books along with two databases are the core components of Germania Sacra’s Online Portal. One of these databases is the ‘Digital Index of Persons’, which provides access to biographical and prosopographical information about the clerical staff affiliated to the institutions researched. This includes information about the bishops of a diocese, the canons or canonesses of individual collegiate churches, the monks and nuns of numerous monasteries, etc. The second primary feature of the online portal is the ‘Database of Monasteries, Collegiate Churches, and Convents of the Holy Roman Empire’.
The DARIAH-DE repository is a digital long-term archive for human and cultural-scientific research data. Each object described and stored in the DARIAH-DE Repository has a unique and lasting Persistent Identifier (DOI), with which it is permanently referenced, cited, and kept available for the long term. In addition, the DARIAH-DE Repository enables the sustainable and secure archiving of data collections. The DARIAH-DE Repository is not only to DARIAH-DE associated research projects, but also to individual researchers as well as research projects that want to save their research data persistently, referenceable and long-term archived and make it available to third parties. The main focus is the simple and user-oriented access to long-term storage of research data. To ensure its long term sustainability, the DARIAH-DE Repository is operated by the Humanities Data Centre.
DaSCH is the trusted platform and partner for open research data in the Humanities. DaSCH develops and operates a FAIR long-term repository and a generic virtual research environment for open research data in the humanities in Switzerland. We provide long-term direct access to the data, enable their continuous editing and allow for precise citation of single objects within a dataset. We ensure interoperability with tools used by the Humanities and Cultural Sciences communities and foster the use of standards. The development of our platform happens in close cooperation with these communities. We provide training and advice in the area of research data management, promote open data and the use of standards. DaSCH is the coordinating institution and representative of Switzerland in the European Research Infrastructure Consortium ‘Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities’ (DARIAH ERIC). Within this mandate, we actively engage in community building within Switzerland and abroad. DaSCH cooperates with national and international organizations and initiatives in order to provide services that are fit for purpose within the broader Swiss open research data landscape and that are coordinated with other institutions such as FORS. We base our actions on the values reliability, flexibility, appreciation, curiosity, and persistence. Furthermore, DARIAH’s activities in Switzerland are coordinated by DaSCH and DaSCH is acting as DARIAH-CH Coordination Office.
ISIDORE is a international search engine and a discovery platform for open science allowing the access to digital materials from social sciences and humanities (SSH). Open to all and especially to teachers, researchers, PhD students, and students, it relies on the principles of Web of data and provides access to data in free access (open access). By its vocation, ISIDORE will foster access to open access data produced by research and higher education institutions, laboratories and research teams: digital publication, documentary databases, digitized collections of research libraries, research notebooks and scientific event announcements. ISIDORE collects, enriches and highlights digital data and documents from the Humanities and Social Sciences while providing unified access to them. More information see:
<<< has been discontinued !!! >>> (ORD@CH) has been developed as a publication platform for open research data in Switzerland. It currently offers a metadata catalogue of the data available at the participating institutions (ETH Zurich Scientific IT Services, FORS Lausanne, Digital Humanities Lab at the University of Basel). In addition, metadata from other institutions is continuously added, with the goal to develop a comprehensive metadata infrastructure for open research data in Switzerland. The ORD@CH project is part of the program „Scientific information: access, processing and safeguarding“, initiated by the Rectors’ Conference of Swiss Universities (Program SUC 2013-2016 P-2). The portal is currently hosted and developed by ETH Zurich Scientific IT Services.
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A digital collection of Early Christian Greek Inscriptions from Asia Minor and Greece.
Collection of ancient waterclocks including descriptions, images and 3D scans.
ARCHE (A Resource Centre for the HumanitiEs) is a service aimed at offering stable and persistent hosting as well as dissemination of digital research data and resources for the Austrian humanities community. ARCHE welcomes data from all humanities fields. ARCHE is the successor of the Language Resources Portal (LRP) and acts as Austria’s connection point to the European network of CLARIN Centres for language resources.
e-space is Manchester Metropolitan University’s research repository. It provides a permanent record of the intellectual outputs of the University, and where possible, makes a full text of the publication freely available to download. e-space is managed by the Library Service.
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The Upper Austrian Regional Library views itself as keeper of the Upper Austrian heritage and does so by digitizing the so called "OBDERENNSIA", reginally releveant (mainly historical) literature from the 16th to the 20th century as well as medieval manuscripts and autographs.
WorldViews is a multilingual, digital resource for primary source material, containing digitised excerpts from textbooks from around the world on topics that are of global, transnational and interregional relevance.
CLARIN-UK is a consortium of centres of expertise involved in research and resource creation involving digital language data and tools. The consortium includes the national library, and academic departments and university centres in linguistics, languages, literature and computer science.
NAKALA is a repository dedicated to SSH research data in France. Given its generalist and multi-disciplinary nature, all types of data are accepted, although certain formats are recommended to ensure longterm data preservation. It has been developed and is hosted by Huma-Num, the French national research infrastructure for digital humanities.