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Found 46 result(s)
Sound and Vision has one of the largest audiovisual archives in Europe. The institute manages over 70 percent of the Dutch audiovisual heritage. The collection contains more than a million hours of television, radio, music and film from the beginning in 1898 until today. All programs of the Dutch public broadcasters come in digitally every day. Individuals and institutions entrust their collection to Sound and Vision as well. The institute ensures that the material is optimally preserved for (re)use. Broadcasters, producers and editors use the archive for the creation of new programs. The collection is also used to develop products and services for a wide audience, such as exhibitions, iPhone applications, DVD boxes and various websites. The collection of Sound and Vision contains the complete radio and television archives of the Dutch public broadcasters; films of virtually every leading Dutch documentary maker; newsreels; the national music depot; various audiovisual corporate collections; advertising, radio and video material of cultural and social organizations, of scientific institutes and of all kinds of educational institutions. There are also collections of images and articles from the history of Dutch broadcasting itself, like the elaborate collection of historical television sets.
<<<!!!<<< The data of this repository is also available at >>>!!!>>> The project analyzes educational processes in Germany from early childhood to late adulthood. The National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) has been set up to find out more about the acquisition of education in Germany, to plot the consequences of education for individual biographies, and to describe central educational processes and trajectories across the entire life span. Such an interdisciplinary consortium of research institutes, researcher groups, and research. personalities has been assembled in Bamberg. In addition, the competencies and experiences with longitudinal research available at numerous other locations have been networked to form a cluster of excellence.
The Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) is a national resource centre for research and education. FSD's mission is to preserve data collected to study Finnish society, people and cultural phenomena in the long term. FSD archives, promotes and disseminates digital research data for research, teaching and learning purposes. Data descriptions are published in Finnish and English on FSDโ€™s service portal Aila, through which users also download data. Quantitative datasets are translated from Finnish into English on request, and a large number of datasets are available in English. All services are free of charge. FSD promotes transparency, accumulation and efficient reuse of scientific research as well as open access to research data. FSD is the Finnish Service Provider for CESSDA ERIC.
The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Data and Specimen Hub (DASH) is a centralized resource that allows researchers to share and access de-identified data from studies funded by NICHD. DASH also serves as a portal for requesting biospecimens from selected DASH studies.
ICPSR maintains a data archive of more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences. It hosts 21 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields. ICPSR advances and expands social and behavioral research, acting as a global leader in data stewardship and providing rich data resources and responsive educational opportunities for present and future generations.
The UK Data Service is a national data service funded by the ESRC to provide research access to the UKโ€™s largest collection of social, economic and population data including UK government-sponsored surveys, cross-national surveys, longitudinal studies, UK census data, international aggregate, business data, and qualitative data. Designed to meet the data needs of researchers, students and teachers from all sectors, including academia, central and local government, charities and foundations, independent research centres, think tanks, business consultants and analysts, communities and the commercial sector, the UK Data Service provides access to high-quality social and economic data; support for policy-relevant research; guidance and training for the development of skills in data use, and the development of best practice in digital preservation and sharing. Data users can browse collections online and register to analyse and download them. Open Data collections are available for anyone to use. Key partners include JISC, the University of Manchester, University of Southampton, University of Leeds, University of Edinburgh and University College London (UCL). The lead partner is the UK Data Archive ( based at the University of Essex, a Trusted Digital Repository (TDR) certified against the CoreTrustSeal ( and certified against ISO27001 for Information Security ( The UK Data Service replaces the earlier ESRC investments of the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS), the Secure Data Service (SDS), the Survey Question Bank and elements of the ESRC Census Programme.
More than a quarter of a million people โ€” one in 10 NSW men and women aged over 45 โ€” have been recruited to our 45 and Up Study, the largest ongoing study of healthy ageing in the Southern Hemisphere. The baseline information collected from all of our participants is available in the Studyโ€™s Data Book. This information, which researchers use as the basis for their analyses, contains information on key variables such as height, weight, smoking status, family history of disease and levels of physical activity. By following such a large group of people over the long term, we are developing a world-class research resource that can be used to boost our understanding of how Australians are ageing. This will answer important health and quality-of-life questions and help manage and prevent illness through improved knowledge of conditions such as cancer, heart disease, depression, obesity and diabetes.
Spectrum, Concordia University's open access research repository, provides access to and preserves research created at Concordia. By depositing in Spectrum, Concordia scholars provide free and immediate access to their work and thus increase the visibility of both their own research and their university's intellectual output. Open access leads to the increased research profile and impact of scholars by bringing about greater levels of readership and citation of their publications.
The HSRC Research Data Service provides a digital repository facility for the HSRC's research data in support of evidence based human and social development in South Africa and the broader region. It includes both quantitative and qualitative data. Access to data is dependent on ethical requirements for protecting research participants, as well as on legal agreements with the owners, funders or in the case of data owned by the HSRC, the requirements of the depositors of the data.
<<<!!!<<< This is an archived site (as of 30 June 2016) >>>!!!>>> The Research Data Center (RDC) of the Collaborative Research Center 882 "From heterogeneities to inequalities" at Bielefeld University provides external scientists access to the research data generated in the CRC 882. It provides access to both qualitative and quantitative data from the field of inequality research. The CRC 882 RDC supports external researchers who are reusing the data, as well as gives advice on data documentation and anonymization procedures to the researchers of the CRC to ensure high data quality. The datasets include, for example, a panel on youth crime, different series of interviews on ethnicity, paternal life and recalls of employees, as well as other panels, interview data and experimental data. In the further course of the Collaborative Research Center the database will be expanded with the data of future projects. External scientists can make an application for the scientific use of CRC 882 Research Data. In accordance with data privacy requirements, the access will be organized via controlled remote data access or via on-site use. For this purpose, the RDC provides workplaces for guest researchers.
The National Archives makes Denmark's largest collection of questionnaire-based research data available to researchers and students. Order quantitative research data, conduct analyzes online and access register data and international survey data. Formerly known as the Danish Data Archive (DDA), it was the national social science data archive.
TRAILS is a prospective cohort study, which started in 2001 with population cohort and 2004 with a clinical cohort (CC). Since then, a group of 2500 young people from the Northern part of the Netherlands has been closely monitored in order to chart and explain their mental, physical, and social development. These TRAILS participants have been measured every two to three years, by means of questionnaires, interviews, and all kinds of tests. By now, we have collected information that spans the total period from preadolescence up until young adulthood. One of the main goals of TRAILS is to contribute to the knowledge of the development of emotional and behavioral problems and the (social) functioning of preadolescents into adulthood, their determinants, and underlying mechanisms.
The Cornell Center for Social Sciences (CCSS) houses an extensive collection of research data files in the social sciences with particular emphasis on data that matches the interests of Cornell University researchers. CCSS intentionally uses a broad definition of social sciences in recognition of the interdisciplinary nature of Cornell research. CCSS collects and maintains digital research data files in the social sciences, with a current emphasis on Cornell-based social science research, Results Reproduction packages, and potentially at-risk datasets. Our archive historically has focused on a broad range of social science data, including data on demography, economics and labor, political and social behavior, family life, and health. You can search our holdings or browse studies by subject area.
Unidata โ€“ Bicocca Data Archive is an interdepartmental center of the University of Milan-Bicocca, born in 2015. The center is the Italian point of reference for the research data archiving and dissemination, based on the example of the National Archives located in major European countries and beyond. UniData inherits the long work from the ADPSS-Sociodata Data Archive, born in 1999 in the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the same University. Here you can find only individual data from 2010. For older surveys please visit ADPSS Sociodata, Data Archive for Social Sciences - Archivio Dati e Programmi Per le Scienze Soziali: and ADPSS-SOCIODATA Archivio Dati e Programmi per le Scienze Sociali Dataverse :
The gift of the Stowell Datasets, a digital archive of psychographic data, to the College of Liberal Arts (and continued gift of new datasets) provide a unique opportunity for WSU to facilitate access to a valuable research resource. The datasets include over 350 individual major media market surveys (CATI, Random Digit Dialing telephone surveys) collected over the period 1989-2001 and feature approximately n=1,000+ respondents for each market for each year.
PSI is a global health organization dedicated to improving the health of people in the developing world by focusing on serious challenges like a lack of family planning, HIV and AIDS, barriers to maternal health, and the greatest threats to children under five, including malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia and malnutrition. A hallmark of PSI is a commitment to the principle that health services and products are most effective when they are accompanied by robust communications and distribution efforts that help ensure wide acceptance and proper use. PSI works in partnership with local governments, ministries of health and local organizations to create health solutions that are built to last. We use original data to monitor and evaluate our programs, generate consumer insight, estimate the impact of our solutions, and evaluate the health of the markets we work to strengthen.
The Henry A. Murray Research Archive is Harvard's endowed, permanent repository for quantitative and qualitative research data at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science, and provides physical storage for the entire IQSS Dataverse Network. Our collection comprises over 100 terabytes of data, audio, and video. We preserve in perpetuity all types of data of interest to the research community, including numerical, video, audio, interview notes, and other data. We accept data deposits through this web site, which is powered by our Dataverse Network software
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available. The Social Sciences Library of the former Center for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (CEACS) of the Juan March Institute has been integrated into the Social and Legal Sciences Library of the Carlos III University of Madrid since September 2013. In the University's catalog you can consult what used to be its collection of monographs and journals. >>>!!!>>>
The Social Science Data Archive is still active and maintained as part of the UCLA Library Data Science Center. SSDA Dataverse is one of the archiving opportunities of SSDA, the others are: Data can be archived by SSDA itself or by ICPSR or by UCLA Library or by California Digital Library. The Social Science Data Archives serves the UCLA campus as an archive of faculty and graduate student survey research. We provide long term storage of data files and documentation. We ensure that the data are useable in the future by migrating files to new operating systems. We follow government standards and archival best practices. The mission of the Social Science Data Archive has been and continues to be to provide a foundation for social science research with faculty support throughout an entire research project involving original data collection or the reuse of publicly available studies. Data Archive staff and researchers work as partners throughout all stages of the research process, beginning when a hypothesis or area of study is being developed, during grant and funding activities, while data collection and/or analysis is ongoing, and finally in long term preservation of research results. Our role is to provide a collaborative environment where the focus is on understanding the nature and scope of research approach and management of research output throughout the entire life cycle of the project. Instructional support, especially support that links research with instruction is also a mainstay of operations.
The Social Science Japan Data Archive (SSJDA) collects, maintains, and provides access to the academic community, a vast archive of social science data (quantitative data obtained from social surveys) for secondary analyses.
The UK Data Archive, based at the University of Essex, is curator of the largest collection of digital data in the social sciences and humanities in the United Kingdom. With several thousand datasets relating to society, both historical and contemporary, our Archive is a vital resource for researchers, teachers and learners. We are an internationally acknowledged centre of expertise in the areas of acquiring, curating and providing access to data. We are the lead partner in the UK Data Service ( through which data users can browse collections online and register to analyse and download them. Open Data collections are available for anyone to use. The UK Data Archive is a Trusted Digital Repository (TDR) certified against the CoreTrustSeal ( and certified against ISO27001 for Information Security (
The United States Census Bureau (officially the Bureau of the Census, as defined in Title 13 U.S.C. ยง 11) is the government agency that is responsible for the United States Census. It also gathers other national demographic and economic data. As a part of the United States Department of Commerce, the Census Bureau serves as a leading source of data about America's people and economy. The most visible role of the Census Bureau is to perform the official decennial (every 10 years) count of people living in the U.S. The most important result is the reallocation of the number of seats each state is allowed in the House of Representatives, but the results also affect a range of government programs received by each state. The agency director is a political appointee selected by the President of the United States.