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Found 70 result(s)
The Health Atlas is an alliance of medical ontologists, medical systems biologists and clinical trials groups to design and implement a multi-functional and quality-assured atlas. It provides models, data and metadata on specific use cases from medical research projects from the partner institutions.
NODE (The National Omics Data Encyclopedia) provides an integrated, compatible, comparable, and scalable multi-omics resource platform that supports flexible data management and effective data release. NODE uses a hierarchical data architecture to support storage of muti-omics data including sequencing data, MS based proteomics data, MS or NMR based metabolomics data, and fluorescence imaging data. Launched in early 2017, NODE has collected and published over 900 terabytes of omics data for researchers from China and all over the world in last three years, 22% of which contains multiple omics data. NODE provides functions around the whole life cycle of omics data, from data archive, data requests/responses to data sharing, data analysis, data review and publish.
The HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) assigned unique gene symbols and names to over 35,000 human loci, of which around 19,000 are protein coding. This curated online repository of HGNC-approved gene nomenclature and associated resources includes links to genomic, proteomic and phenotypic information, as well as dedicated gene family pages.
ToxoDB is a genome database for the genus Toxoplasma, a set of single-celled eukaryotic pathogens that cause human and animal diseases, including toxoplasmosis.
FungiDB belongs to the EuPathDB family of databases and is an integrated genomic and functional genomic database for the kingdom Fungi. FungiDB was first released in early 2011 as a collaborative project between EuPathDB and the group of Jason Stajich (University of California, Riverside). At the end of 2015, FungiDB was integrated into the EuPathDB bioinformatic resource center. FungiDB integrates whole genome sequence and annotation and also includes experimental and environmental isolate sequence data. The database includes comparative genomics, analysis of gene expression, and supplemental bioinformatics analyses and a web interface for data-mining.
The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) has a long-standing mission to collect, organise and make available databases for biomolecular science. It makes available a collection of databases along with tools to search, download and analyse their content. These databases include DNA and protein sequences and structures, genome annotation, gene expression information, molecular interactions and pathways. Connected to these are linking and descriptive data resources such as protein motifs, ontologies and many others. In many of these efforts, the EBI is a European node in global data-sharing agreements involving, for example, the USA and Japan.
ArachnoServer is a manually curated database containing information on the sequence, three-dimensional structure, and biological activity of protein toxins derived from spider venom. Spiders are the largest group of venomous animals and they are predicted to contain by far the largest number of pharmacologically active peptide toxins (Escoubas et al., 2006). ArachnoServer has been custom-built so that a wide range of biological scientists, including neuroscientists, pharmacologists, and toxinologists, can readily access key data relevant to their discipline without being overwhelmed by extraneous information.
NCBI Datasets is a continually evolving platform designed to provide easy and intuitive access to NCBI’s sequence data and metadata. NCBI Datasets is part of the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR). CGR facilitates reliable comparative genomics analyses for all eukaryotic organisms through an NCBI Toolkit and community collaboration.
Reactome is a manually curated, peer-reviewed pathway database, annotated by expert biologists and cross-referenced to bioinformatics databases. Its aim is to share information in the visual representations of biological pathways in a computationally accessible format. Pathway annotations are authored by expert biologists, in collaboration with Reactome editorial staff and cross-referenced to many bioinformatics databases. These include NCBI Gene, Ensembl and UniProt databases, the UCSC and HapMap Genome Browsers, the KEGG Compound and ChEBI small molecule databases, PubMed, and Gene Ontology.
The BioStudies database holds descriptions of biological studies, links to data from these studies in other databases at EMBL-EBI or outside, as well as data that do not fit in the structured archives at EMBL-EBI. The database accepts submissions via an online tool, or in a simple tab-delimited format. It also enables authors to submit supplementary information and link to it from the publication.
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available. >>>!!!>>> A human interactome map. The sequencing of the human genome has provided a surprisingly small number of genes, indicating that the complex organization of life is not reflected in the gene number but, rather, in the gene products – that is, in the proteins. These macromolecules regulate the vast majority of cellular processes by their ability to communicate with each other and to assemble into larger functional units. Therefore, the systematic analysis of protein-protein interactions is fundamental for the understanding of protein function, cellular processes and, ultimately, the complexity of life. Moreover, interactome maps are particularly needed to link new proteins to disease pathways and the identification of novel drug targets.
LiceBase is a database for sea lice genomics. LiceBase provides the genome annotation of the Atlantic salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis, a genome browser, Blast functionality and access to related high-thoughput genomics data.
Bilkent University Institutional Repository (BUIR), a service of Bilkent University Libraries, collects, preserves, and distributes the intellectual output of Bilkent University. Faculty, staff, and students are invited to deposit their research and scholarship. Departments, administrative units, programs, and centers are invited to use the Institutional Repository to distribute their working papers, technical reports, conference proceedings, and other research material.
Human Proteinpedia is a community portal for sharing and integration of human protein data. This is a joint project between Pandey at Johns Hopkins University, and Institute of Bioinformatics, Bangalore. This portal allows research laboratories around the world to contribute and maintain protein annotations. Human Protein Reference Database (HPRD) integrates data, that is deposited in Human Proteinpedia along with the existing literature curated information in the context of an individual protein. All the public data contributed to Human Proteinpedia can be queried, viewed and downloaded. Data pertaining to post-translational modifications, protein interactions, tissue expression, expression in cell lines, subcellular localization and enzyme substrate relationships may be deposited.
The Database of Protein Disorder (DisProt) is a curated database that provides information about proteins that lack fixed 3D structure in their putatively native states, either in their entirety or in part. DisProt is a community resource annotating protein sequences for intrinsically disorder regions from the literature. It classifies intrinsic disorder based on experimental methods and three ontologies for molecular function, transition and binding partner.
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available. >>>!!!>>> Migration of the data, tools, and services from IRD and ViPR to BV-BRC is complete! We are now in the sunsetting phase of the transition. Starting on October 31, 2022, launching the IRD or ViPR home pages will redirect you to the new BV-BRC home page. The current plan is to completely shut down IRD and ViPR by the end of this calendar year. Although it will still be possible to use those sites until shutdown, we strongly encourage you to start using BV-BRC now.
jPOSTrepo (Japan ProteOme STandard Repository) is a repository of sharing MS raw/processed data. It consists of a high-speed file upload process, flexible file management system and easy-to-use interfaces. Users can release their "raw/processed" data via this site with a unique identifier number for the paper publication. Users also can suspend (or "embargo") their data until their paper is published. The file transfer from users’ computer to our repository server is very fast (roughly ten times faster than usual file transfer) and uses only web browsers – it does not require installing any additional software.
This database serves forest tree scientists by providing online access to hardwood tree genomic and genetic data, including assembled reference genomes, transcriptomes, and genetic mapping information. The web site also provides access to tools for mining and visualization of these data sets, including BLAST for comparing sequences, Jbrowse for browsing genomes, Apollo for community annotation and Expression Analysis to build gene expression heatmaps.
The Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center (BV-BRC) is an information system designed to support research on bacterial and viral infectious diseases. BV-BRC combines two long-running BRCs: PATRIC, the bacterial system, and IRD/ViPR, the viral systems.
The Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB) Database supports the use of the mouse as a model system of hereditary cancer by providing electronic access to: Information on endogenous spontaneous and induced tumors in mice, including tumor frequency & latency data, Information on genetically defined mice (inbred, hybrid, mutant, and genetically engineered strains of mice) in which tumors arise, Information on genetic factors associated with tumor susceptibility in mice and somatic genetic-mutations observed in the tumors, Tumor pathology reports and images, References, supporting MTB data and Links to other online resources for cancer.
The National Biodiversity Information System (SNIB) of Mexico by the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO). The SNIB is of strategic importance in a megadiversity country like Mexico, making it clear to CONABIO from the beginning that the SNIB should rely on the work of the multiplicity of institutions and national and foreign experts that for years have been dedicated to the study of biodiversity of Mexico. The creation of this system was expressed as a mandate for CONABIO in the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection (LGEEPA Art. 80 fraction V). The participation of specialists in the generation of data and information for the SNIB is one of the various ways in which they collaborate with this system, since having an information system that allows the country to make informed decisions regarding its biodiversity requires that it be made up of data and information supported by a broad network of experts.
GeneCards is a searchable, integrative database that provides comprehensive, user-friendly information on all annotated and predicted human genes. It automatically integrates gene-centric data from ~125 web sources, including genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, genetic, clinical and functional information.
DEIMS-SDR (Dynamic Ecological Information Management System - Site and dataset registry) is an information management system that allows you to discover long-term ecosystem research sites around the globe, along with the data gathered at those sites and the people and networks associated with them. DEIMS-SDR describes a wide range of sites, providing a wealth of information, including each site’s location, ecosystems, facilities, parameters measured and research themes. It is also possible to access a growing number of datasets and data products associated with the sites. All sites and dataset records can be referenced using unique identifiers that are generated by DEIMS-SDR. It is possible to search for sites via keyword, predefined filters or a map search. By including accurate, up to date information in DEIMS, site managers benefit from greater visibility for their LTER site, LTSER platform and datasets, which can help attract funding to support site investments. The aim of DEIMS-SDR is to be the globally most comprehensive catalogue of environmental research and monitoring facilities, featuring foremost but not exclusively information about all LTER sites on the globe and providing that information to science, politics and the public in general.
dictyBase is an integrated genetic and literature database that contains published Dictyostelium discoideum literature, genes, expressed sequence tags (ESTs), as well as the chromosomal and mitochondrial genome sequences. Direct access to the genome browser, a Blast search tool, the Dictyostelium Stock Center, research tools, colleague databases, and much much more are just a mouse click away. Dictybase is a genome portal for the Amoebozoa. dictyBase is funded by a grant from the National Institute for General Medical Sciences.