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Found 46 result(s)
The Ningaloo Atlas was created in response to the need for more comprehensive and accessible information on environmental and socio-economic data on the greater Ningaloo region. As such, the Ningaloo Atlas is a web portal to not only access and share information, but to celebrate and promote the biodiversity, heritage, value, and way of life of the greater Ningaloo region.
SAHFOS is an internationally funded independent research non-profit organisation responsible for the operation of the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey. As a large-scale global survey, it provides the scientific and policy communities with a basin-wide and long-term measure of the ecological health of marine plankton. Established in 1931, the CPR Survey is the longest running, most geographically extensive marine ecological survey in the world. It has a considerable database of marine plankton and associated metadata that is used by researchers and policy makers to examine strategically important science pillars such as climate change, human health, fisheries, biodiversity, pathogens, invasive species, ocean acidification and natural capital. The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey has merged with the Marine Biological Association. Today the Survey is operated by the Marine Biological Association, based in Plymouth, UK.
The TRR228DB is the project-database of the Collaborative Research Centre 228 "Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social-ecological transformation" (CRC/Transregio 228, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, German Research Foundation – Project number 328966760). The project-database is a new implementation of the TR32DB and online since 2018. It handles all data including metadata, which are created by the involved project participants from several institutions (e.g. Universities of Cologne and Bonn) and research fields (e.g. anthropology, agroeconomics, ecology, ethnology, geography, politics and soil sciences). The data is resulting from several field campaigns, interviews, surveys, remote sensing, laboratory studies and modelling approaches. Furthermore, outcomes of the scientists such as publications, conference contributions, PhD reports and corresponding images are collected.
BExIS is the online data repository and information system of the Biodiversity Exploratories Project (BE). The BE is a German network of biodiversity related working groups from areas such as vegetation and soil science, zoology and forestry. Up to three years after data acquisition, the data use is restricted to members of the BE. Thereafter, the data is usually public available (
The Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre (ACCDC) maintains comprehensive lists of plant and animal species. The Atlantic CDC has geo-located records of species occurrences and records of extremely rare to uncommon species in the Atlantic region, including New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, and Labrador. The Atlantic CDC also maintains biological and other types of data in a variety of linked databases.
Cary Institute data repository allows researchers to store, share and publish their research data, supplementary information and associated metadata. Each published item is assigned a Digital Object identifier (DOI), which allows the data to be citable and sustainable. This repository is a member node of DataOne.
Greengenes is an Earth Sciences website that assists clinical and environmental microbiologists from around the globe in classifying microorganisms from their local environments. A 16S rRNA gene database addresses limitations of public repositories by providing chimera screening, standard alignment, and taxonomic classification using multiple published taxonomies.
This interface provides access to several types of data related to the Chesapeake Bay. Bay Program databases can be queried based upon user-defined inputs such as geographic region and date range. Each query results in a downloadable, tab- or comma-delimited text file that can be imported to any program (e.g., SAS, Excel, Access) for further analysis. Comments regarding the interface are encouraged. Questions in reference to the data should be addressed to the contact provided on subsequent pages.
The Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC) is part of the Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC) Environmental Data Service and is hosted by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH). We manage nationally-important datasets concerned with the terrestrial and freshwater sciences.
The Genomic Observatories Meta-Database (GEOME) is a web-based database that captures the who, what, where, and when of biological samples and associated genetic sequences. GEOME helps users with the following goals: ensure the metadata from your biological samples is findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable; improve the quality of your data and comply with global data standards; and integrate with R, ease publication to NCBI's sequence read archive, and work with an associated LIMS. The initial use case for GEOME came from the Diversity of the Indo-Pacific Network (DIPnet) resource.
The NSF-supported Program serves the international scientific community through research, infrastructure, data, and models. We focus on how components of the Critical Zone interact, shape Earth's surface, and support life. ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net)
TemperateReefBase is a resource for temperate reef researchers worldwide to use and contribute data. Unique in its role as a one-stop-shop for global temperate reef data, TemperateReefBase was initially established by IMAS in collaboration with the Kelp Ecology Ecosystem Network (KEEN). KEEN was instigated through a National Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) working group which assembled experts from around the world to examine the impacts of global change on kelp-bed ecosystem worldwide. The group has assembled significant global data for kelps, other seaweeds and associated species including fishes, and has embarked on unprecedented global experiments and surveys in which identical experiments and surveys are being conducted at sites in kelp beds around the world to determine global trends and examine the capacity of kelps to respond to disturbance in the face of climate change and other anthropogenic stressors. The TemperateReefBase Data Portal is an online discovery interface showcasing temperate reef data collected from around the globe. The portal aims to make this data freely and openly available for the benefit of marine and environmental science as a whole. The TemperateReefBase Data Portal is hosted and maintained by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania, Australia.
NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) are responsible for hosting and providing public access to one of the most significant archives for environmental data on Earth with over 20 petabytes of comprehensive atmospheric, coastal, oceanic, and geophysical data. NCEI headquarters are located in Asheville, North Carolina. Most employees work in the four main locations, but apart from those locations, NCEI has employees strategically located throughout the United States. The main locations are Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites–North Carolina (CICS-NC) at Asheville, North Carolina, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at Boulder Colorado, Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites–Maryland (CICS-MD) at Silver Spring Maryland and Stennis Space Center, Mississippi.
In 2018, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has included in its roadmap the creation of a new infrastructure called the National Biodiversity Data Centre (PNDB). The PNDB's missions are part of a FAIR (Easy to Find, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) approach, and consist in - providing access to datasets and metadata, associated services and products derived from the analyses - promoting scientific leadership to identify gaps and foster the emergence of community-driven systems of users and producers - facilitate the sharing of practices with other research communities, encourage the sharing of data and their reuse, and be part of the reflection on the future Earth System infrastructure. - promote coherence with national, European and international efforts concerning access to and use of biodiversity research data and the promotion of products and services. The PNDB is supported by the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, more specifically by the UMS 2006 PatriNat, a MNHN CNRS and AFB unit. The project is closely linked with the FRB and several of its founding institutions (AFB, BRGM, CIRAD, CNRS, Ifremer, INERIS, INRA, IRD, IRSTEA, MNHN, Univ. Montpellier).
GRID-Geneva is a unique platform providing analyses and solutions for a wide range of environmental issues. GRID-Geneva serves primarily the needs of its three institutional partners - UNEP, the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and the University of Geneva (UniGe) - which are linked by an ongoing, multi-year “Partnership Agreement”, along with other local-to-global stakeholders. GRID-Geneva is also a bilingual English and French centre and the key francophone link within the global GRID network of centres. GRID-Geneva is a key centre of geo-spatial know-how, with strengths in GIS, IP/remote sensing and statistical analyses, integrated through modern spatial data infrastructures and web applications. Working at the interface between scientific information and policy/decision-making, GRID-Geneva also helps to develop capacities in these fields of expertise among target audiences, countries and other groups.
DIAS aims at collecting and storing earth observation data; analyzing such data in combination with socio-economic data, and converting data into information useful for crisis management with respect to global-scale environmental disasters, and other threats; and to make this information available within Japan and overseas.
The California Coastal Atlas is an experiment in the creation of a new information resource for the description, analysis and understanding of natural and human processes affecting the coast of California.
National ecosystem data bank (EcoDB) is a public professional scientific data repository supported by the National Ecosystem Science Data Center (NESDC) for researchers in ecology and related fields, which provides long-term preservation, publication, sharing and access services of scientific data. EcoDB provides services for both individual researchers and scientific journals. Individuals can use this repository to store, manage and publish scientific data, get feedback from others on the data, and discover scientific data shared by others through this repository. Journals can use the repository to gather, manage and review the supporting data of submitted paper. At the same time, journals can timely publish these supporting data according to their own data policies.
The EarthChem Library is a data repository that archives, publishes and makes accessible data and other digital content from geoscience research (analytical data, data syntheses, models, technical reports, etc.)
The NCEAS Data Repository contains information about the research data sets collected and collated as part of NCEAS' funded activities. Information in the NCEAS Data Repository is concurrently available through the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB), an international data repository. A number of the data sets were synthesized from multiple data sources that originated from the efforts of many contributors, while others originated from a single. Datasets can be found at KNB repository , creator=NCEAS
Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and proudly operated by Battelle, the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) program provides open, continental-scale data across the United States that characterize and quantify complex, rapidly changing ecological processes. The Observatory’s comprehensive design supports greater understanding of ecological change and enables forecasting of future ecological conditions. NEON collects and processes data from field sites located across the continental U.S., Puerto Rico, and Hawaii over a 30-year timeframe. NEON provides free and open data that characterize plants, animals, soil, nutrients, freshwater, and the atmosphere. These data may be combined with external datasets or data collected by individual researchers to support the study of continental-scale ecological change.