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Found 15 result(s)
The Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN) is a large-scale, interdisciplinary study of how families, schools, and neighborhoods affect child and adolescent development. It was designed to advance the understanding of the developmental pathways of both positive and negative human social behaviors. In particular, the project examined the causes and pathways of juvenile delinquency, adult crime, substance abuse, and violence. At the same time, the project also provided a detailed look at the environments in which these social behaviors take place by collecting substantial amounts of data about urban Chicago, including its people, institutions, and resources. Nearly all PHDCN data require an individual application with supporting materials to obtain the data. Applications are handled by the the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD). Further instructions will appear on the study home page (linked from search results), where relevant.
DAIS - Digital Archive of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts is a joint digital repository of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) and the research institutes under the auspices of SASA. The aim of the repository is to provide open access to publications and other research outputs resulting from the projects implemented by the SASA and its institutes. The repository uses a DSpace-based software platform developed and maintained by the Belgrade University Computer Centre (RCUB).
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MISTRALS database is a distributed system, that enables users to access datasets produced by all the projects (ChArMEx, HyMeX, MERMex, TerMex, CORSiCA, EMSO and MOOSE) and stored in different data centres. MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales) is a decennial program for systematic observations and research dedicated to the understanding of the Mediterranean Basin environmental process under the planet global change. It aims to coordinate, across the Mediterranean Basin, interdisciplinary research on atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and paleo-climate, including environmental ecology and social sciences. The objective is to achieve a better understanding of the mechanisms shaping and influencing landscape, environment and human impact of this eco-region.
This web site provides adjusted and homogenized climate data for many climatological stations in Canada. These data were created for use in climate research including climate change studies. They incorporate a number of adjustments applied to the original station data to address shifts due to changes in instruments and in observing procedures. Sometimes the observations from several stations were joined to generate a long time series. The adjusted and homogenized data are provided for four climate elements: surface air temperature, precipitation, surface pressure, and surface wind speed.
The Manitoba Collaborative Data Portal (MBCDP) aspires to be a single place for Manitobans to find the data they need to support their work in communities. On the MBCDP, community and government organizations and agencies can easily find a wide range of neighborhood and local-level information. The information can be used to support programs and policies, engage the public, conduct further analyses, and better understand our province and the people in it.
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The information system Graffiti in Germany (INGRID) is a cooperation project between the linguistics department at the University of Paderborn and the art history department at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). As part of the joint project, graffiti image collections will be compiled, stored in an image database and made available for scientific use. At present, more than 100,000 graffiti from the years 1983 to 2018 from major German cities are recorded, including Cologne, Mannheim and Munich.
EartH2Observe brings together the findings from European FP projects DEWFORA, GLOWASIS, WATCH, GEOWOW and others. It will integrate available global earth observations (EO), in-situ datasets and models and will construct a global water resources re-analysis dataset of significant length (several decades). The resulting data will allow for improved insights on the full extent of available water and existing pressures on global water resources in all parts of the water cycle. The project will support efficient and globally consistent water management and decision making by providing comprehensive multi-scale (regional, continental and global) water resources observations. It will test new EO data sources, extend existing processing algorithms and combine data from multiple satellite missions in order to improve the overall resolution and reliability of EO data included in the re-analysis dataset. The resulting datasets will be made available through an open Water Cycle Integrator data portal : the European contribution to the GEOSS/WCI approach. The datasets will be downscaled for application in case-studies at regional and local levels, and optimized based on identified European and local needs supporting water management and decision making . Actual data access:
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Launched in November 1995, RADARSAT-1 provided Canada and the world with an operational radar satellite system capable of timely delivery of large amounts of data. Equipped with a powerful synthetic aperture radar (SAR) instrument, it acquired images of the Earth day or night, in all weather and through cloud cover, smoke and haze. RADARSAT-1 was a Canadian-led project involving the Canadian federal government, the Canadian provinces, the United States, and the private sector. It provided useful information to both commercial and scientific users in such fields as disaster management, interferometry, agriculture, cartography, hydrology, forestry, oceanography, ice studies and coastal monitoring. In 2007, RADARSAT-2 was launched, producing over 75,000 images per year since. In 2019, the RADARSAT Constellation Mission was deployed, using its three-satellite configuration for all-condition coverage. More information about RADARSAT-2 see RADARSAT-2 PORTAL see
ICPSR maintains a data archive of more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences. It hosts 21 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields. ICPSR advances and expands social and behavioral research, acting as a global leader in data stewardship and providing rich data resources and responsive educational opportunities for present and future generations.
The geothermal information system (GeotIS) provides information and data compilations on deep aquifers in Germany relevant for geothermal exploitation. GeotIS is a public internet based information system and satisfies the demand for a comprehensive, largely scale-independent form of a geothermal atlas which can be continuously updated. GeotIS helps users identify geothermal potentials by visualizing temperature, hydraulic properties and depth levels of relevant stratigraphic units. A sophisticated map interface simplifies the navigation to all areas of interest. An additional component contains a catalogue of all geothermal installations in Germany. The primary objective of this project is to improve the quality of geothermal-plant project-planning and the estimation of the exploration risk for geothermal projects on selectable locations. However, concrete, location-specific analyses still remain the task of local feasibility studies.
RU-Economicas is the repository of the Institute of Economic Research (IIEc) of the UNAM, created to manage, promote and preserve, in digital format, the intellectual production of Institute of Economic Research. The objective of this repository is to promote scholarly communication and increase the visibility and use of the content produced at the Institute. It houses various materials, which may have been arbitrated or not, including books, journals, articles, lectures, presentations, databases, audiovisual, and so on. The RU-Economics provides the general public, students, teachers and researchers, a search service and online consultation of digital resources produced by the academic community of the Institute of Economic Research. Our repository is part of our university's Digital Archives Network (RAD-UNAM) which aims to create a network of university repositories to support university departments in the management and dissemination of their digital resources. Thus, the Institute for Economic Research adds to the efforts of the UNAM for better management of and access to intellectual products of the university community in the digital environment.
Copernicus is a European system for monitoring the Earth. Copernicus consists of a complex set of systems which collect data from multiple sources: earth observation satellites and in situ sensors such as ground stations, airborne and sea-borne sensors. It processes these data and provides users with reliable and up-to-date information through a set of services related to environmental and security issues. The services address six thematic areas: land monitoring, marine monitoring, atmosphere monitoring, climate change, emergency management and security. The main users of Copernicus services are policymakers and public authorities who need the information to develop environmental legislation and policies or to take critical decisions in the event of an emergency, such as a natural disaster or a humanitarian crisis. Based on the Copernicus services and on the data collected through the Sentinels and the contributing missions , many value-added services can be tailored to specific public or commercial needs, resulting in new business opportunities. In fact, several economic studies have already demonstrated a huge potential for job creation, innovation and growth.