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Found 11 result(s)
The Brain Transcriptome Database (BrainTx) project aims to create an integrated platform to visualize and analyze our original transcriptome data and publicly accessible transcriptome data related to the genetics that underlie the development, function, and dysfunction stages and states of the brain.
OASIS-3 is the latest release in the Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS) that aimed at making neuroimaging datasets freely available to the scientific community. By compiling and freely distributing this multi-modal dataset, we hope to facilitate future discoveries in basic and clinical neuroscience. Previously released data for OASIS-Cross-sectional (Marcus et al, 2007) and OASIS-Longitudinal (Marcus et al, 2010) have been utilized for hypothesis driven data analyses, development of neuroanatomical atlases, and development of segmentation algorithms. OASIS-3 is a longitudinal neuroimaging, clinical, cognitive, and biomarker dataset for normal aging and Alzheimer’s Disease. The OASIS datasets hosted by provide the community with open access to a significant database of neuroimaging and processed imaging data across a broad demographic, cognitive, and genetic spectrum an easily accessible platform for use in neuroimaging, clinical, and cognitive research on normal aging and cognitive decline. All data is available via
Neuroimaging Tools and Resources Collaboratory (NITRC) is currently a free one-stop-shop environment for science researchers that need resources such as neuroimaging analysis software, publicly available data sets, and computing power. Since its debut in 2007, NITRC has helped the neuroscience community to use software and data produced from research that, before NITRC, was routinely lost or disregarded, to make further discoveries. NITRC provides free access to data and enables pay-per-use cloud-based access to unlimited computing power, enabling worldwide scientific collaboration with minimal startup and cost. With NITRC and its components—the Resources Registry (NITRC-R), Image Repository (NITRC-IR), and Computational Environment (NITRC-CE)—a researcher can obtain pilot or proof-of-concept data to validate a hypothesis for a few dollars.
A place where researchers can publicly store and share unthresholded statistical maps, parcellations, and atlases produced by MRI and PET studies.
XNAT CENTRAL is a publicly accessible datasharing portal at Washinton University Medical School using XNAT software. XNAT provides neuroimaging data through a web interface and a customizable open source platform. XNAT facilitates data uploads and downloads for data sharing, processing and organization. NOTICE: Central XNAT will be decommissioned on October 15, 2023. New project creation is no longer permitted.
The Mindboggle-101 data consist of three data sets: (1) individually labeled human brain surfaces and volumes, (2) templates (unlabeled images combining the individual brains, used for registration), and (3) atlases (anatomical labels combining the individual brains, used for labeling).
The German Neuroinformatics Node's data infrastructure (GIN) services provide a platform for comprehensive and reproducible management and sharing of neuroscience data. Building on well established versioning technology, GIN offers the power of a web based repository management service combined with a distributed file storage. The service addresses the range of research data workflows starting from data analysis on the local workstation to remote collaboration and data publication.
ModelDB is a curated database of published models in the broad domain of computational neuroscience. It addresses the need for access to such models in order to evaluate their validity and extend their use. It can handle computational models expressed in any textual form, including procedural or declarative languages (e.g. C++, XML dialects) and source code written for any simulation environment. The model source code doesn't even have to reside inside ModelDB; it just has to be available from some publicly accessible online repository or WWW site.
Brainlife promotes engagement and education in reproducible neuroscience. We do this by providing an online platform where users can publish code (Apps), Data, and make it "alive" by integragrate various HPC and cloud computing resources to run those Apps. Brainlife also provide mechanisms to publish all research assets associated with a scientific project (data and analyses) embedded in a cloud computing environment and referenced by a single digital-object-identifier (DOI). The platform is unique because of its focus on supporting scientific reproducibility beyond open code and open data, by providing fundamental smart mechanisms for what we refer to as “Open Services.”
<<<!!!<<< checked 20.03.2017 SumsDB was offline; for more information and archive see >>>!!!>>> SumsDB (the Surface Management System DataBase) is a repository of brain-mapping data (surfaces & volumes; structural & functional data) from many laboratories.