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Found 48 result(s)
The National Library of Scotland was formally constituted by an Act of Parliament in 1925 and is one of six libraries covered by the UK legal deposit system. The Library is Scotland's national archive for published and other literary heritage materials. One of our primary responsibilities is to safeguard the collections for future generations. Our collections care facility is recognised nationally and internationally as a centre of excellence for the preservation and conservation of library materials. NLS includes "Data Foundry", data collections from the National Library of Scotland.
The National Microbial Resource Center (NMRC) is an important part of the national science and technology resources sharing service platform, responsible for the research, conservation, management and sharing of national microbial strain resources, ensuring the strategic security and sustainable use of microbial strain resources, and providing support for scientific and technological innovation, industrial development and social progress. The main tasks of the NMRC are: to collect, organize and preserve microbial strain resources around national needs and scientific research; to undertake the task of remitting, organizing and preserving strain resources resulting from the implementation of science and technology projects; to be responsible for the development and improvement of microbial strain resource standards, and to standardize and guide the development of microbial strain resources in various fields. The company is responsible for the development and improvement of microbial strain resource standards, standardizing and guiding the protection and utilization of microbial strain resources in various fields; building and maintaining the national strain resource online service system, and carrying out social sharing of physical and information resources of strains; developing key common technologies, creating new resources, and carrying out customized services according to innovative needs; carrying out scientific popularization for the society; carrying out international exchange and cooperation on strain resources, participating in relevant international academic organizations, and safeguarding national interests and Security
>>>!!!<<< 2019-12-04: The repository is no longer available >>>!!!<<< Presented here are experimental ionization cross sections measured using the Electron-Ion Crossed Beams apparatus in the Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF) at the Physics Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The data are given in both graphical and tabular form along with the reference to the original publication of the experimental results. Also presented in the figures are theoretical cross sections supporting the experiments.
A premier source for United States cancer statistics, SEER gathers information related to incidence, prevalence, and survival from specific geographic areas that represent 28 percent of the population, as well as compiles related reports and reports on the national cancer mortality rates. Their aim is to provide information related to cancer statistics and decrease the burden of cancer in the national population. SEER has been collecting data from cancer cases since 1973.
The Information Marketplace for Policy and Analysis of Cyber-risk & Trust (IMPACT) program supports global cyber risk research & development by coordinating, enhancing and developing real world data, analytics and information sharing capabilities, tools, models, and methodologies. In order to accelerate solutions around cyber risk issues and infrastructure security, IMPACT makes these data sharing components broadly available as national and international resources to support the three-way partnership among cyber security researchers, technology developers and policymakers in academia, industry and the government.
Sharing and preserving data are central to protecting the integrity of science. DataHub, a Research Computing endeavor, provides tools and services to meet scientific data challenges at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). DataHub helps researchers address the full data life cycle for their institutional projects and provides a path to creating findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) data products. Although open science data is a crucial focus of DataHub’s core services, we are interested in working with evidence-based data throughout the PNNL research community.
<<<!!!<<< 2019-12-04: The repository is no longer available >>>!!!>>> Presented here are excitation cross sections measured for a select number of transitions using the Merged Electron-Ion Beams Energy Loss (MEIBEL) experiment. This is a collaboration of JILA and the Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), where the apparatus is located. Since there exist a nearly infinite number of transitions in multicharged ions we have chosen a few that serve as benchmarks for theoretical efforts. Of particular interest are forbidden transitions which are often dominated by dielectronic resonances whose positions and magnitudes are difficult to predict theoretically.
The Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) is a collaborative undertaking among organizations in the commercial, government, and research sectors aimed at promoting greater cooperation in the engineering and maintenance of a robust, scalable global Internet infrastructure.It is an independent analysis and research group with particular focus on: Collection, curation, analysis, visualization, dissemination of sets of the best available Internet data, providing macroscopic insight into the behavior of Internet infrastructure worldwide, improving the integrity of the field of Internet science, improving the integrity of operational Internet measurement and management, informing science, technology, and communications public policies.
<<<!!!<<< The demand for high-value environmental data and information has dramatically increased in recent years. To improve our ability to meet that demand, NOAA’s former three data centers—the National Climatic Data Center, the National Geophysical Data Center, and the National Oceanographic Data Center, which includes the National Coastal Data Development Center—have merged into the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). >>>!!!>>> The National Oceanographic Data Center includes the National Coastal Data Development Center (NCDDC) and the NOAA Central Library, which are integrated to provide access to the world's most comprehensive sources of marine environmental data and information. NODC maintains and updates a national ocean archive with environmental data acquired from domestic and foreign activities and produces products and research from these data which help monitor global environmental changes. These data include physical, biological and chemical measurements derived from in situ oceanographic observations, satellite remote sensing of the oceans, and ocean model simulations.
The National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) collects, evaluates, and disseminates nuclear physics data for basic nuclear research and applied nuclear technologies. The NNDC is a worldwide resource for nuclear data. The information available to the users of NNDC services is the product of the combined efforts of the NNDC and cooperating data centers and other interested groups, both in the United States and worldwide. The NNDC specializes in the following areas: - Nuclear structure and low-energy nuclear reactions - Nuclear databases and information technology - Nuclear data compilation and evaluation
It is a platform for supporting Open Data initiative of Government of Odisha, intends to publish datasets collected by them for public use. It also supports widely used file formats that are suitable for machine processing, thus gives avenues for many more innovative uses of Government Data in different perspective. This portal has been created under Software as A Service (SaaS) model of Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India of NIC. The data available in the portal are owned by various Departments/Organization of Government of Odisha. It follows principles on which data sharing and accessibility need to be based include: Openness, Flexibility, Transparency, Quality, Security and Machine-readable.
The Global Terrorism Database (GTD) is an open-source database including information on terrorist events around the world from 1970 through 2020 (with annual updates planned for the future). Unlike many other event databases, the GTD includes systematic data on domestic as well as international terrorist incidents that have occurred during this time period and now includes more than 200,000 cases.
Content type(s)
The United States Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (NMOC) provides critical information from the ocean depths to the most distant reaches of space, meeting needs in the military, scientific, and civilian communities. The following NMOC components make their products available to the public through this portal: The Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) is the U.S. Department of Defense agency responsible for issuing tropical cyclone warnings for the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) provides the highest quality, most relevant and timely worldwide meteorology and oceanography support to U.S. and coalition forces from its Operations Center in Monterey, California. The Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) maximizes seapower by applying relevant oceanographic knowledge in support of U.S. National Security.
Databrary is a data library for researchers to share research data and analytical tools with other investigators. It is a web-based repository for open sharing and preservation of video data and associated metadata in the area of behavioral sciences. The project aims to increase the openness in scientific research and dedicated to transforming the culture of science through building a community of researchers empowering them with an unprecedented set of tools for discovery. Databrary is complemented by Datavyu (an open source video-coding software).
The N3C Data Enclave is a secure portal containing a very large and extensive set of harmonized COVID-19 clinical electronic health record (EHR) data. The data can be accessed through a secure cloud Enclave hosted by NCATS and cannot be downloaded due to regulatory control. Broad access is available to investigators at institutions that sign a Data Use Agreements and via Data Use Requests by investigators. The N3C is a unique open, reproducible, transparent, collaborative team science initiative to leverage sensitive clinical data to expedite COVID-19 discoveries and improve health outcomes.
The Health and Retirement Study (HRS) is a longitudinal panel study that surveys a representative sample of more than 26,000 Americans over the age of 50 every two years. The study has collected information about income, work, assets, pension plans, health insurance, disability, physical health and functioning, cognitive functioning, genetic information and health care expenditures.
The AuScope Data Repository preserves and offers continued access to data from Australia’s geoscience community working on fundamental geoscience questions and grand challenges, including climate change, natural resources security and natural hazards.
The Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory (CBEO) is a prototype to demonstrate the utility of newly developed Cyberinfrastructure (CI) components for transforming environmental research, education, and management. The CBEO project uses a specific problem of water quality (hypoxia) as means of directly involving users and demonstrating the prototype’s utility. Data from the Test Bed are being brought into a CBEO Portal on a National Geoinformatics Grid developed by the NSF funded GEON. This is a cyberinfrastructure netwrok that allows users access to datasets as well as the tools with which to analyze the data. Currently, Test Bed data avaialble on the CBEO Portal includes Water Quality Model output and water quality monitorig data from the Chesapeake Bay Program's CIMS database. This data is also available as aggregated "data cubes". Avaialble tools include the Data Access System for Hydrology (DASH), Hydroseek and an online R-based interpolator.
The Portal is intended to be used as catalog of datasets published by ministries/ department/ organizations of Government of India for public use, in order to enhance transparency in the functioning of the Government as well as to make innovative visualization of dataset. This National Data Portal is being updated frequently to make it as accessible as possible and completely accessible to all irrespective of physical challenges or technology.
WHIP is a database of individual work histories, based on Inps administrative archives. The reference population is made up by all the people – Italian and foreign – who have worked in Italy even only for only a part of their working career. A large representative sample has been extracted from this population: in the standard file the sampling coefficient is about 1: 180, for a dynamic population of about 370,000 people (figures will be doubled in the full edition). For each of these people the main episodes of their working careers are observed. The complete list of observations includes: private employee working contracts, atypical contracts, self-employment activities as artisan, trader and some activities as freelancer, retirement spells, as well as non-working spells in which the individual received social benefits, like unemployment subsidies or mobility benefits. The workers for whom activity is not observed in WHIP are those who worked in the public sector or as freelancers (lawyers or notaries) – who have an autonomous security fund. The WHIP section concerning employee contracts is a Linked Employer Employee Database: in addition to the data about the contract, thanks to a linkage with the Inps Firm Observatory, data concerning the firm in which the worker is employed is also available.
INRAE is the world’s first organisation specialized on agricultural, food and environmental sciences. Data INRAE is offered by INRAE as part of its mission to open the results of its research. Data INRAE will share research data in relation with food, nutrition, agriculture and environment. It includes experimental, simulation and observation data, omic data, survey and text data. Only data produced by or in collaboration with INRAE will be hosted in the repository, but anyone can access the metadata and the open data.