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Found 34 result(s)
The Portal aims to serve as a unique access point to timely, comprehensive migration statistics and reliable information about migration data globally. The site is designed to help policy makers, national statistics officers, journalists and the general public interested in the field of migration to navigate the increasingly complex landscape of international migration data, currently scattered across different organisations and agencies. Especially in critical times, such as those faced today, it is essential to ensure that responses to migration are based on sound facts and accurate analysis. By making the evidence about migration issues accessible and easy to understand, the Portal aims to contribute to a more informed public debate. The Portal was launched in December 2017 and is managed and developed by IOMโ€™s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), with the guidance of its Advisory Board, and was supported in its conception by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The Portal is supported financially by the Governments of Germany, the United States of America and the UK Department for International Development (DFID).
The BAMF-FDZ is part of the BAMF Research Centre. The establishment of the Research Data Centre is, among others, the result of an amendment to the German Act on the Central Register of Foreigners (Auslรคnderzentralregistergesetz, AZRG). The data service is free of charge.
The Health Canada Drug Product Database contains product specific information on drugs approved for use in Canada. The database is managed by Health Canada and includes human pharmaceutical and biological drugs, veterinary drugs and disinfectant products. It contains approximately 15,000 products which companies have notified Health Canada as being marketed.
The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) is a unique tool that measures policies to integrate migrants in all EU Member States, Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and the USA. 167 policy indicators have been developed to create a rich, multi-dimensional picture of migrantsโ€™ opportunities to participate in society. The index is a useful tool to evaluate and compare what governments are doing to promote the integration of migrants in all the countries analysed.
The Minnesota Population Center (MPC) is a University-wide interdisciplinary cooperative for demographic research. The MPC serves more than 80 faculty members and research scientists from eight colleges and institutes at the University of Minnesota. As a leading developer and disseminator of demographic data, we also serve a broader audience of some 50,000 demographic researchers worldwide. MPC is a DataONE member node:
The Research Data Center DeZIM.fdz at the German Center for Integration and Migration Research consists of four interconnected modules: (1) data archive, (2) support for staff and users, (3) online access panel and (4) metadatabase. It offers interested researchers the opportunity to access research data collected in the course of projects carried out at the DeZIM Institute and at the institutes of the DeZIM Research Association. In addition to the access to the data, the DeZIM.fdz organizes an extensive support for the individual data sets in its data offer as well as for various methodological key topics. The regularly conducted surveys within the framework of the Online Access Panel enable scientists at the DeZIM Institute, at the institutes of the DeZIM Research Association, external scientists and the staff of the BMFSFJ to access a pool of potential interviewees. Furthermore, DeZIM.fdz offers an extensive information database, which enables research on studies - both internally and externally archived - that deal with the topics of integration and migration.
The Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS) started as a prospective panel study of health and aging in Mexico. MHAS is nationally representative of the 13 million Mexicans born prior to 1951. The survey has national and urban/rural representation. The baseline survey, in 2001, included a nationally representative sample of Mexicans aged 50 and over and their spouse/partners regardless of their age. A direct interview was sought with each individual and proxy interviews were obtained when poor health or temporary absence precluded a direct interview. The sample was distributed in all 32 states of the country in urban and rural areas. Households in the six states which account for 40% of all migrants to the U.S. were over-sampled. A sub-sample was selected to obtain anthropometric measures.
A databank on the economy, agriculture, tourism, infrastructure, industry, and natural resources of the North Eastern Region of India; comprises seven states namely Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura (popularly known as Seven Sisters of India). The region (holds 7.9% of the total land space of the country) is of strategic importance for the country on account of the fact that nearly 90% of its borders form India's international boundaries. Thus information about population distribution, migration of peoples, vast natural resources, literacy rate, infrastructure development, cultural diversity, economy, etc. of this region are quite different from rest of the country.NER databank intends to provide information on multifarious activities of North Eastern states of India, thereby make it accessible to social commons. The North East Databank is a web portal created to provide a regional resource database for the North Eastern Region (NER).
The Stanford Digital Repository (SDR) is Stanford Libraries' digital preservation system. The core repository provides โ€œback-officeโ€ preservation services โ€“ data replication, auditing, media migration, and retrieval -- in a secure, sustainable, scalable stewardship environment. Scholars and researchers across disciplines at Stanford use SDR repository services to provide ongoing, persistent, reliable access to their research outputs.
The centerpiece of the Global Trade Analysis Project is a global data base describing bilateral trade patterns, production, consumption and intermediate use of commodities and services. The GTAP Data Base consists of bilateral trade, transport, and protection matrices that link individual country/regional economic data bases. The regional data bases are derived from individual country input-output tables, from varying years.
Loyalist Migrations is a partnership between the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada (UELAC), Huron University Collegeโ€™s Community History Centre, and Western Librariesโ€™ Map and Data Centre. Our researchers use the genealogical records of the UELAC as well as other archival sources to reconstruct the migrations of thousands of exiles, refugees, economic migrants, settlers, and soldiers from all walks of life who fled the American Revolution. Not all migrants called themselves Loyalists and it is not the intention of this project to ascribe political motivations for their journeys. The migrations included a diverse array of settlers, Indigenous people, and African Americans who embarked on their journeys, willingly or forced, in search of safety and security in lands claimed by the British Empire.
CHILDES is the child language component of the TalkBank system. TalkBank is a system for sharing and studying conversational interactions.
The Research Data Center (RDC) โ€œInternational Survey Programsโ€œ provides researchers with data, services, and consultation on a number of important international study series which are under intensive curation by GESIS. They all cover numerous countries and, quite often, substantial time spans. The RDC provides optimal data preparation and access to a wide scope of data and topics for comparative analysis.
Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) deploys Canadian, state of the art acoustic receivers and oceanographic monitoring equipment in key ocean locations. These are being used to document the movements and survival of marine animals carrying acoustic tags and to document how both are influenced by oceanographic conditions.
The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) is committed to supporting statistical development in Africa as a sound basis for designing and managing effective development policies for reducing poverty on the continent. Reliable and timely data is critical to setting goals and targets as well as evaluating project impact. Reliable data constitutes the single most convincing way of getting the people involved in what their leaders and institutions are doing. It also helps them to get involved in the development process, thus giving them a sense of ownership of the entire development process. The AfDB has a large team of researchers who focus on the production of statistical data on economic and social situations. The data produced by the institutionโ€™s statistics department constitutes the background information in the Bankโ€™s flagship development publications. Besides its own publication, the AfDB also finances studies in collaboration with its partners. The Statistics Department aims to stand as the primary source of relevant, reliable and timely data on African development processes, starting with the data generated from its current management of the Africa component of the International Comparison Program (ICP-Africa). The Department discharges its responsibilities through two divisions: The Economic and Social Statistics Division (ESTA1); The Statistical Capacity Building Division (ESTA2)
The Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI) has published its updated analytical datasets for 2016. The datasets cover socio-economic, education and employment information for individuals and households in AHRIโ€™s population research area in rural northern KwaZulu-Natal. The datasets also include details on the migration patterns of the individuals and households who migrated into and out of the surveillance area as well as data on probable causes of death for individuals who passed away. Data collection for the 2016 individual interviews โ€“ which involves a dried blood spot sample being taken โ€“ is still in progress, and therefore datasets on HIV status and General Health only go up to 2015 for now. Over the past 16 years researchers have developed an extensive longitudinal database of demographic, social, economic, clinical and laboratory information about people over the age of 15 living in the AHRI population research area. During this time researchers have followed more than 160 000 people, of which 92 000 are still in the programme.
IDSC is IZA's organizational unit whose purpose is to serve the scientific and infrastructural computing needs of IZA and its affiliated communities. IDSC is dedicated to supporting all users of data from the novice researcher to the experienced data analyst. IDSC aims at becoming the place for economically minded technologists and technologically savvy economists looking for data support, data access support and data services about labor economics. IDSC is actively involved in organizing events (see our next Red Cube Seminar Talk) for data professionals, data analysts, and scientific data users and young researchers to discuss and share findings and to establish contacts for future cooperation. All data collected are accessible to the scientific community as scientific use files for scholarly analyses free of charge. The Data Repository is available at
The Centre for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), as one of the world's longest-established marine research organisations, has provided advice on the sustainable exploitation of marine resources since 1902. Today Cefas works in support of a healthy environment and a growing blue economy providing innovative solutions for the aquatic environment, biodiversity and food security. The Cefas Data Hub provides access to over 2080 metadata records, with over 5500 data sets available to download and connect to in support of commitments to Open Science through the Data Portal. Datasets available are increasingly diverse and include many legacy datasets including those from fish, shellfish and plankton surveys from the 1980's to the present day. Other increasingly international datasets made available include species migration data from tagging activities and data on habitat and sediment, ecosystem change, human activities including marine litter, otolith sampling and fish stomach contents, oceanography, acoustics, health and water quality. Data is provided under Open Government License by default where feasible.
The United States Census Bureau (officially the Bureau of the Census, as defined in Title 13 U.S.C. ยง 11) is the government agency that is responsible for the United States Census. It also gathers other national demographic and economic data. As a part of the United States Department of Commerce, the Census Bureau serves as a leading source of data about America's people and economy. The most visible role of the Census Bureau is to perform the official decennial (every 10 years) count of people living in the U.S. The most important result is the reallocation of the number of seats each state is allowed in the House of Representatives, but the results also affect a range of government programs received by each state. The agency director is a political appointee selected by the President of the United States.
PetDB, the Petrological Database, is a web-based data management system that provides on-line access to geochemical and petrological data. PetDB is a global synthesis of chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical data for rocks, minerals, and melt inclusions. PetDB's current content focuses on data for igneous and metamorphic rocks from the ocean floor, specifically mid-ocean ridge basalts and abyssal peridotites and xenolith samples from the Earth's mantle and lower crust. PetDB is maintained and continuously updated as part of the EarthChem data collections.
<<<!!!<<< CRAWDAD has moved to IEEE-Dataport The datasets in the Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data at Dartmouth (CRAWDAD) repository are now hosted as the CRAWDAD Collection on IEEE Dataport. After nearly two decades as a stand-alone archive at, the migration of the collection to IEEE DataPort provides permanence and new visibility. >>>!!!>>>