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Found 86 result(s)
The Deep Blue Data repository is a means for University of Michigan researchers to make their research data openly accessible to anyone in the world, provided they meet collections criteria. Submitted data sets undergo a curation review by librarians to support discovery, understanding, and reuse of the data.
DataFirst's open research data repository, based at the University of Cape Town, gives open access to disaggregated administrative and survey data from African governments and research entities. DataFirst also operates a secure centre at the university to give researchers access to highly-disaggregated South African data.
California Digital Library (CDL) seeks to be a catalyst for deeply collaborative solutions providing a rich, intuitive and seamless environment for publishing, sharing and preserving our scholars’ increasingly diverse outputs, as well as for acquiring and accessing information critical to the University of California’s scholarly enterprise. University of California Curation Center (UC3) is the digital curation program within CDL. The mission of UC3 is to provide transformative preservation, curation, and research data management systems, services, and initiatives that sustain and promote open scholarship.
The UC San Diego Library Digital Collections website gathers two categories of content managed by the Library: library collections (including digitized versions of selected collections covering topics such as art, film, music, history and anthropology) and research data collections (including research data generated by UC San Diego researchers).
The Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO) assembles clinical, laboratory and epidemiological data on a collaborative platform to be shared with the research and humanitarian communities. The data are analysed to generate reliable evidence and innovative resources that enable research-driven responses to the major challenges of emerging and neglected infections. Access is available to individual patient data held for malaria and Ebola virus disease. Resources for visceral leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis and soil transmitted helminths, Chagas disease and COVID-19 are under development. IDDO contains the following repositories : COVID-19 Data Platform, Chagas Data Platform, Schistosomiasis & Soil Transmitted Helminths Data Platform, Visceral Leishmaniasis Data Platform, Ebola Data Platform, WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN)
IntAct provides a freely available, open source database system and analysis tools for molecular interaction data. All interactions are derived from literature curation or direct user submissions and are freely available.
The IMEx consortium is an international collaboration between a group of major public interaction data providers who have agreed to share curation effort and develop and work to a single set of curation rules when capturing data from both directly deposited interaction data or from publications in peer-reviewed journals, capture full details of an interaction in a “deep” curation model, perform a complete curation of all protein-protein interactions experimentally demonstrated within a publication, make these interaction available in a single search interface on a common website, provide the data in standards compliant download formats, make all IMEx records freely accessible under the Creative Commons Attribution License
The Research Data Center Qualiservice provides services for archiving and reusing qualitative research data from the social sciences. We advise and accompany research projects in the process of long-term data archiving and data sharing. Data curation is conducted by experts for the social sciences. We also provide research data and relevant context information for reuse in scientific research and teaching. Internationally interoperable metadata ensure that data sets are searchable and findable. Persistent identifiers (DOI) ensure that data and study contexts are citable. Qualiservice was accredited by the German Data Forum (RatSWD) in 2019 and adheres to its quality assurance criteria. Qualiservice is committed to the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and takes into account the FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship as well as the OECD Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding. Qualiservice coordinates the networking and further development of scientific infrastructures for archiving and secondary use of qualitative data from social research within the framework of the National Research Data Infrastructure.
The Duke Research Data Repository is a service of the Duke University Libraries that provides curation, access, and preservation of research data produced by the Duke community. Duke's RDR is a discipline agnostic institutional data repository that is intended to preserve and make public data related to the teaching and research mission of Duke University including data linked to a publication, research project, and/or class, as well as supplementary software code and documentation used to provide context for the data.
The International Ocean Discovery Program’s (IODP) Gulf Coast Repository (GCR) is located in the Research Park on the Texas A&M University campus in College Station, Texas. This repository stores DSDP, ODP, and IODP cores from the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, and the Southern Ocean. A satellite repository at Rutgers University houses New Jersey/Delaware land cores 150X and 174AX.
Open access repository for digital research created at the University of Minnesota. U of M researchers may deposit data to the Libraries’ Data Repository for U of M (DRUM), subject to our collection policies. All data is publicly accessible. Data sets submitted to the Data Repository are reviewed by data curation staff to ensure that data is in a format and structure that best facilitates long-term access, discovery, and reuse.
The South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) Open Data Platform (ODP) is a metadata repository that facilitates the publication, discovery, dissemination, and preservation of earth observation and environmental data in South Africa. SAEON is a long-term environmental observation and research facility of the National Research Foundation (NRF).
The database aims to bridge the gap between agent repositories and studies documenting the effect of antimicrobial combination therapies. Most notably, our primary aim is to compile data on the combination of antimicrobial agents, namely natural products such as AMP. To meet this purpose, we have developed a data curation workflow that combines text mining, manual expert curation and graph analysis and supports the reconstruction of AMP-Drug combinations.
Accredited through the MEDIN partnership, and core-funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Scottish Government, DASSH provides tools and services for the long-term curation, management and publication of marine species and habitats data, within the UK and internationally. Working closely with partners and data providers we are committed to the FAIR Data Principles, to make marine biodiversity data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. DASSH is a flagship initiative of the Marine Biological Association (MBA), and builds on the MBA's historic role in marine science. Through partnerships with other UK and European data centres DASSH contributes to data portals including the NBN Atlas, EMODnet, EurOBIS and GBIF. On an international scale DASSH is also the UK node of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), and an Associated Data Unit of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), giving the Data Archive Centre global recognition.
DRO is Deakin University's research repository, providing digital curation by describing and preserving the University's research output and enabling worldwide discovery.
Content type(s)
The British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility (BOSCORF) is based at the Southampton site of the National Oceanography Centre and is Britain’s national deep-sea core repository. BOSCORF is responsible for long-term storage and curation of sediment cores collected through UKRI-NERC research programmes. We promote secondary usage of sediment core samples and analytical data relating to the sample collection.
The Australian National University undertake work to collect and publish metadata about research data held by ANU, and in the case of four discipline areas, Earth Sciences, Astronomy, Phenomics and Digital Humanities to develop pipelines and tools to enable the publication of research data using a common and repeatable approach. Aims and outcomes: To identify and describe research data held at ANU, to develop a consistent approach to the publication of metadata on the University's data holdings: Identification and curation of significant orphan data sets that might otherwise be lost or inadvertently destroyed, to develop a culture of data data sharing and data re-use.
The Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) is a national resource centre for research and education. FSD's mission is to preserve data collected to study Finnish society, people and cultural phenomena in the long term. FSD archives, promotes and disseminates digital research data for research, teaching and learning purposes. Data descriptions are published in Finnish and English on FSD’s service portal Aila, through which users also download data. Quantitative datasets are translated from Finnish into English on request, and a large number of datasets are available in English. All services are free of charge. FSD promotes transparency, accumulation and efficient reuse of scientific research as well as open access to research data. FSD is the Finnish Service Provider for CESSDA ERIC.
I2D (Interologous Interaction Database) is an on-line database of known and predicted mammalian and eukaryotic protein-protein interactions. It has been built by mapping high-throughput (HTP) data between species. Thus, until experimentally verified, these interactions should be considered "predictions". It remains one of the most comprehensive sources of known and predicted eukaryotic PPI. I2D includes data for S. cerevisiae, C. elegans, D. melonogaster, R. norvegicus, M. musculus, and H. sapiens.
The DesignSafe Data Depot Repository (DDR) is the platform for curation and publication of datasets generated in the course of natural hazards research. The DDR is an open access data repository that enables data producers to safely store, share, organize, and describe research data, towards permanent publication, distribution, and impact evaluation. The DDR allows data consumers to discover, search for, access, and reuse published data in an effort to accelerate research discovery. It is a component of the DesignSafe cyberinfrastructure, which represents a comprehensive research environment that provides cloud-based tools to manage, analyze, curate, and publish critical data for research to understand the impacts of natural hazards. DesignSafe is part of the NSF-supported Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI), and aligns with its mission to provide the natural hazards research community with open access, shared-use scholarship, education, and community resources aimed at supporting civil and social infrastructure prior to, during, and following natural disasters. It serves a broad national and international audience of natural hazard researchers (both engineers and social scientists), students, practitioners, policy makers, as well as the general public. It has been in operation since 2016, and also provides access to legacy data dating from about 2005. These legacy data were generated as part of the NSF-supported Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES), a predecessor to NHERI. Legacy data and metadata belonging to NEES were transferred to the DDR for continuous preservation and access.
The ZFMK Biodiversity Data Center is aimed at hosting, archiving, publishing and distributing data from biodiversity research and zoological collections. The Biodiversity Data Center handles and curates data on: - The specimens of the institutes collection, including provenance, distribution, habitat, and taxonomic data. - Observations, recordings and measurements from field research, monitoring and ecological inventories. - Morphological measurements, descriptions on specimens, as well as - Genetic barcode libraries, and - Genetic and molecular research data associated with specimens or environmental samples. For this purpose, suitable software and hardware systems are operated and the required infrastructure is further developed. Core components of the software architecture are: The DiversityWorkbench suite for managing all collection-related information. The Digital Asset Management system easyDB for multimedia assets. The description database Morph·D·Base for morphological data sets and character matrices.
The National Population Health Data Center (NPHDC) is one of the 20 national science data center approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance. The Population Health Data Archive (PHDA) is developed by NPHDC relying on the Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. PHDA mainly receives scientific data from science and technology projects supported by the national budget, and also collects data from other multiple sources such as medical and health institutions, research institutions and social individuals, which is oriented to the national big data strategy and the healthy China strategy. The data resources cover basic medicine, clinical medicine, public health, traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy, pharmacy, population and reproduction. PHDA supports data collection, archiving, processing, storage, curation, verification, certification and release in the field of population health. Provide multiple types of data sharing and application services for different hierarchy users and help them find, access, interoperate and reuse the data in a safe and controlled environment. PHDA provides important support for promoting the open sharing of scientific data of population health and domestic and foreign cooperation.
The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Data and Specimen Hub (DASH) is a centralized resource that allows researchers to share and access de-identified data from studies funded by NICHD. DASH also serves as a portal for requesting biospecimens from selected DASH studies.