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Found 42 result(s)
"The Digital Mozart Edition (DME) aims at making accessible the oeuvre of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart (1756–1791) in digital formats. Access is free of charge for everybody."
VADS is the online resource for visual arts. It has provided services to the academic community for 12 years and has built up a considerable portfolio of visual art collections comprising over 100,000 images that are freely available and copyright cleared for use in learning, teaching and research in the UK. VADS provides: expert guidance and help for digital projects in art education; resource development and hosting for art education; project management and consultancy for art education; leadership in the innovative use of ICT in education through its research and development activities. VADS offers advice and guidance to the visual arts research, teaching and learning communities on all aspects of digital resource management from funding, through delivery and use, to preservation.
GloPAD is a multimedia, multilingual, web-accessible database containing digital images, texts, video clips, sound recordings, and complex media objects (such as 3-D images) related to the performing arts from around the world. GloPAD (Global Performing Arts Database) records include authoritative, detailed, multilingual descriptions of digital images, texts, video clips, sound recordings, and complex media objects related to the performing arts around the world, plus information about related pieces, productions, performers, and creators. GloPAC is an international organization of institutions and individuals committed to using innovative digital technologies to create easily accessible, multimedia, and multilingual information resources for the study and preservation of the performing arts.
prometheus is a digital image archive for Art and Cultural Sciences. prometheus enables the convenient search for images on a common user interface within different image archives, variable databases from institutes, research facilities and museums.
PARADISEC (the Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures) offers a facility for digital conservation and access to endangered materials from all over the world. Our research group has developed models to ensure that the archive can provide access to interested communities, and conforms with emerging international standards for digital archiving. We have established a framework for accessioning, cataloguing and digitising audio, text and visual material, and preserving digital copies. The primary focus of this initial stage is safe preservation of material that would otherwise be lost, especially field tapes from the 1950s and 1960s.
heidICON is provided by Heidelberg University Library and is the "Virtual Slide Collection" in progress of organization of Heidelberg University. In addition to record graphic material on current interest for research and teaching, the University departments and institutes can digitize and transfer their already existing slide collections.
The UNAM opens the door to share millions of open data for the benefit of education and research. With this portal ( the university shares records of digital collections, academic research projects, repositories and publications to generate new knowledge. This way, it works as an online access point to search university collections authorized for their use, reuse and free redistribution by anyone, without copyright restrictions, patents or other control mechanisms, as long as the Terms of Free Use for UNAM Open Data are respected. The UNAM Open Data Portal contains data, digital objects and geospatial layers of biological collections, artistic work, music, veterinary medicine, university projects, among others. It allows databases to be consulted and downloaded in open and structured formats. One of the most outstanding collections is the National Herbarium of Mexico (MEXU), with almost two million records and high resolution images of plants around the world, mainly collected in Mexico. MEXU is the largest herbarium in the country and in Latin America; it’s among one of the ten most active herbariums in the world.
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The information system Graffiti in Germany (INGRID) is a cooperation project between the linguistics department at the University of Paderborn and the art history department at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). As part of the joint project, graffiti image collections will be compiled, stored in an image database and made available for scientific use. At present, more than 100,000 graffiti from the years 1983 to 2018 from major German cities are recorded, including Cologne, Mannheim and Munich.
ScholarBank@NUS is the university's Institutional Repository (IR). Its goals are to collect, preserve and showcase the research output including research data of NUS researchers and departments.
The Universal Multimedia Electronic Library (UrMEL) is the central access platform for multimedia offers of the Thuringian University and State Library Jena (ThULB) and other partners. It provides access to scholarly information and cultural resources from the region of Thuringia and beyond. UrMEL cooperates with numerous archives, libraries, museums and scientific institutions.
Since January 2012, two previously independent resources called "ViFaArt – Virtual Library for Contemporary Art" and " – Virtual Library for Art History" have been joint together, forming a new service called This unique union makes it now possible to research the whole subject spectrum belonging to Art History. The special interest collection of Art History focuses on Medieval and Early European Art History, including art influenced by Europe in the USA, Canada and Australia, continuing chronologically from the Early Christian era until 1945. The special interest collection of Contemporary Art continues the art historical subject spectrum to include European and North American Art History from 1945. contains text and image resources as well as comprehensive, academically relevant information dealing with all media from the Middle Ages up to the present. pools the resources and know-how of the responsible partner institutions, thus making this portal an essential forum for research and teaching.
MorphoSource is a data repository specialized for 3D representing physical objects used in research in education (e.g., from museum or laboratory collections). It allows researchers and museum collection staff to store and organize, share, and distribute their own 3d data. Furthermore any registered user can immediately search for and download 3d morphological data sets that have been made accessible through the consent of data authors.
mdw Repository provides researchers with a robust infrastructure for research data management and ensures accessibility of research data during and after completion of research projects, thus, providing a quality boost to contemporary and future research.
The Digital Collections repository is a service that provides free and open access to the scholarship and creative works produced and owned by the Texas State University community. The Wittliff Collections, located on the seventh floor of the Albert B. Alkek Library at Texas State University, was founded by William D. Wittliff in 1987. The Wittliff Collections include 2 collections. 1. The Southwestern Writers Collection: These Collection holds the papers of numerous 20th century writers and the Southwestern & Mexican Photography Collection. The film holdings contain over 500 film and television screenplays as well as complete production archives for several popular films, including the television miniseries Lonesome Dove. The music holdings represent the breadth and scope of popular Texas sounds. 2. Mexican Photography Collection: The Southwestern & Mexican Photography Collection assembles a broad range of photographic work from the Southwestern United States and Mexico, from the 19th-century to the present day.
RC content presented through one of our portals is peer reviewed, while the remaining expositions and other information are quality controlled by the individual author(s) themselves. As a result, the RC is highly inclusive. The open source status of the RC is essential to its nature and serves its function as a connective and transitional layer between academic discourse and artistic practice, thereby constituting a discursive field for artistic research.
The Comparative Agendas Project (CAP) assembles and codes information on the policy processes of governments from around the world. CAP enables scholars, students, policy-makers and the media to investigate trends in policy-making across time and between countries. It classifies policy activities into a single, universal and consistent coding scheme.
The Million Song Dataset is a freely-available collection of audio features and metadata for a million contemporary popular music tracks. The core of the dataset is the feature analysis and metadata for one million songs, provided by The Echo Nest. The dataset does not include any audio, only the derived features. Note, however, that sample audio can be fetched from services like 7digital, using code we provide.
The University research data repository – BathSPAdata – enables staff to upload their research data into a secure space, and to share this data publicly where appropriate, or where funders or publishers require this as part of their conditions. Resources and toolkits for external use can be made available through this forum, and can be used by Schools, policy makers, business and industry, and the cultural sector.
Collection of various motion capture recordings (walking, dancing, sports, and others) performed by over 140 subjects. The database contains free motions which you can download and use. There is a zip file of all asf/amc's on the FAQs page.
Arachne is the central object-database of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI). In 2004 the DAI and the Research Archive for Ancient Sculpture at the University of Cologne (FA) joined the effort to support Arachne as a tool for free internet-based research. Arachne's database design uses a model that builds on one of the most basic assumptions one can make about archaeology, classical archaeology or art history: all activities in these areas can most generally be described as contextualizing objects. Arachne tries to avoid the basic mistakes of earlier databases, which limited their object modeling to specific project-oriented aspects, thus creating separated containers of only a small number of objects. All objects inside Arachne share a general part of their object model, to which a more class-specific part is added that describes the specialised properties of a category of material like architecture or topography. Seen on the level of the general part, a powerful pool of material can be used for general information retrieval, whereas on the level of categories and properties, very specific structures can be displayed.
This Repository holds research data for all research projects where there is a need to store and share the supporting research. According to current Research Data Policy these records will include all data from projects funded by RCUK funders and in particular the AHRC.