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Found 207 result(s)
The DNB Household Survey (DHS) supplies longitudinal data to the international academic community, with a focus on the psychological and economic aspects of financial behavior. The study comprises information on work, pensions, housing, mortgages, income, assets, loans, health, economic and psychological concepts, and personal characteristics. The DHS data are collected from 2,000 households participating in the CentERpanel. The CentERpanel is an Internet panel that reflects the composition of the Dutch-speaking population in the Netherlands. Both the DHS as well as the CentERpanel, in which the study in conducted, are run by CentERdata
The Data Catalogue is a service that allows University of Liverpool Researchers to create records of information about their finalised research data, and save those data in a secure online environment. The Data Catalogue provides a good means of making that data available in a structured way, in a form that can be discovered by both general search engines and academic search tools. There are two types of record that can be created in the Data Catalogue: A discovery-only record – in these cases, the research data may be held somewhere else but a record is provided to help people find it. A record is created that alerts users to the existence of the data, and provides a link to where those data are held. A discovery and data record – in these cases, a record is created to help people discover the data exist, and the data themselves are deposited into the Data Catalogue. This process creates a unique Digital Object identifier (DOI) which can be used in citations to the data.
An open digital archive of scholarly, intellectual and research outputs of the University of South Africa. The UnisaIR contains and preserves theses and dissertations, research articles, conference papers, rare and special materials and many other digital assets. With special collections from the Documentation Center for African Studies including manuscripts, photos, political posters and other archival materials about the history of South Africa.
The Eurac Research CLARIN Centre (ERCC) is a dedicated repository for language data. It is hosted by the Institute for Applied Linguistics (IAL) at Eurac Research, a private research centre based in Bolzano, South Tyrol. The Centre is part of the Europe-wide CLARIN infrastructure, which means that it follows well-defined international standards for (meta)data and procedures and is well-embedded in the wider European Linguistics infrastructure. The repository hosts data collected at the IAL, but is also open for data deposits from external collaborators.
UCrea offers electronic access to documents generated by UC members in their academic, learning or research activity. The aim is to give greater visibility to academic production, increase impact and ensure preservation. UCrea supports documentation in various electronic formats and can include academic papers, research projects, preprints, articles, conference papers, etc.
The Institutional Repository of the Universidad Francisco José de Caldas RIUD is a tool where digital objects corresponding to the intellectual production of the University are deposited to protect, preserve, and disseminate.
ARCHE (A Resource Centre for the HumanitiEs) is a service aimed at offering stable and persistent hosting as well as dissemination of digital research data and resources for the Austrian humanities community. ARCHE welcomes data from all humanities fields. ARCHE is the successor of the Language Resources Portal (LRP) and acts as Austria’s connection point to the European network of CLARIN Centres for language resources.
The Research Collection is ETH Zurich's publication platform. It unites the functions of a university bibliography, an open access repository and a research data repository within one platform. Researchers who are affiliated with ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, may deposit research data from all domains. They can publish data as a standalone publication, publish it as supplementary material for an article, dissertation or another text, share it with colleagues or a research group, or deposit it for archiving purposes. Research-data-specific features include flexible access rights settings, DOI registration and a DOI preview workflow, content previews for zip- and tar-containers, as well as download statistics and altmetrics for published data. All data uploaded to the Research Collection are also transferred to the ETH Data Archive, ETH Zurich’s long-term archive.
DABAR (Digital Academic Archives and Repositories) is the key component of the Croatian e-infrastructure’s data layer. It provides technological solutions that facilitate maintenance of higher education and science institutions' digital assets, i.e., various digital objects produced by the institutions and their employees.
CLARIN is a European Research Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences, focusing on language resources (data and tools). It is being implemented and constantly improved at leading institutions in a large and growing number of European countries, aiming at improving Europe's multi-linguality competence. CLARIN provides several services, such as access to language data and tools to analyze data, and offers to deposit research data, as well as direct access to knowledge about relevant topics in relation to (research on and with) language resources. The main tool is the 'Virtual Language Observatory' providing metadata and access to the different national CLARIN centers and their data.
RAVE (RAdial Velocity Experiment) is a multi-fiber spectroscopic astronomical survey of stars in the Milky Way using the 1.2-m UK Schmidt Telescope of the Anglo-Australian Observatory (AAO). The RAVE collaboration consists of researchers from over 20 institutions around the world and is coordinated by the Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam. As a southern hemisphere survey covering 20,000 square degrees of the sky, RAVE's primary aim is to derive the radial velocity of stars from the observed spectra. Additional information is also derived such as effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, photometric parallax and elemental abundance data for the stars. The survey represents a giant leap forward in our understanding of our own Milky Way galaxy; with RAVE's vast stellar kinematic database the structure, formation and evolution of our Galaxy can be studied.
The figshare service for the University of Sheffield allows researchers to store, share and publish research data. It helps the research data to be accessible by storing Metadata alongside datasets. Additionally, every uploaded item receives a Digital Object identifier (DOI), which allows the data to be citable and sustainable. If there are any ethical or copyright concerns about publishing a certain dataset, it is possible to publish the metadata associated with the dataset to help discoverability while sharing the data itself via a private channel through manual approval.
Currently, the IMS repository focuses on resources provided by the Institute for Natural Language Processing in Stuttgart (IMS) and other CLARIN-D related institutions such as the local Collaborative Research Centre 732 (SFB 732) as well as institutions and/or organizations that belong to the CLARIN-D extended scientific community. Comprehensive guidelines and workflows for submission by external contributors are being compiled based on the experiences in archiving such in-house resources.
ePrints Soton is the University's Research Repository. It contains journal articles, books, PhD theses, conference papers, data, reports, working papers, art exhibitions and more. Where possible, journal articles, conference proceedings and research data made open access.
PARADISEC (the Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures) offers a facility for digital conservation and access to endangered materials from all over the world. Our research group has developed models to ensure that the archive can provide access to interested communities, and conforms with emerging international standards for digital archiving. We have established a framework for accessioning, cataloguing and digitising audio, text and visual material, and preserving digital copies. The primary focus of this initial stage is safe preservation of material that would otherwise be lost, especially field tapes from the 1950s and 1960s.
The CancerData site is an effort of the Medical Informatics and Knowledge Engineering team (MIKE for short) of Maastro Clinic, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Our activities in the field of medical image analysis and data modelling are visible in a number of projects we are running. CancerData is offering several datasets. They are grouped in collections and can be public or private. You can search for public datasets in the NBIA (National Biomedical Imaging Archive) image archives without logging in.
The Repositori Ilmiah Nasional (RIN) is a means for storing, preserving, citing, analyzing and sharing research data. RIN acts as an online media in managing, storing and sharing research data. Researchers, data writers, publishers, data distributors, and affiliated institutions all receive academic credit and web visibility. Researchers, agencies, and funders have full control over research data.
FDAT is a research data repository hosted by the University of Tübingen, designed to facilitate long-term archiving and publication of research data. Managed by the Information, Communication and Media Center (IKM), it primarily caters to the humanities and social sciences, while welcoming researchers from all scientific disciplines at the university. Committed to high-quality data management, FDAT emphasizes the importance of adhering to the FAIR Data Principles, promoting findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of the research data it contains.
Created and managed by the Library, DataSpace@HKUST is the data repository and workspace service for HKUST research community. Faculty members and research postgraduate students can use the platform to store, share, organize, preserve and publish research data. It is built on Dataverse, an open source web application developed at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science. Using Dataverse architecture, the repository hosts multiple "dataverses". Each dataverse contains datasets; while each dataset may contain multiple data files and the corresponding descriptive metadata.
Cocoon "COllections de COrpus Oraux Numériques" is a technical platform that accompanies the oral resource producers, create, organize and archive their corpus; a corpus can consist of records (usually audio) possibly accompanied by annotations of these records. The resources registered are first cataloged and stored while, and then, secondly archived in the archive of the TGIR Huma-Num. The author and his institution are responsible for filings and may benefit from a restricted and secure access to their data for a defined period, if the content of the information is considered sensitive. The COCOON platform is jointly operated by two joint research units: Laboratoire de Langues et civilisations à tradition orale (LACITO - UMR7107 - Université Paris3 / INALCO / CNRS) and Laboratoire Ligérien de Linguistique (LLL - UMR7270 - Universités d'Orléans et de Tours, BnF, CNRS).
Lithuania became a full member of CLARIN ERIC in January of 2015 and soon CLARIN-LT consortium was founded by three partner universities: Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas Technology University and Vilnius University. The main goal of the consortium is to become a CLARIN B centre, which will be able to serve language users in Lithuania and Europe for storing and accessing language resources.
The arctic data archive system (ADS) collects observation data and modeling products obtained by various Japanese research projects and gives researchers to access the results. By centrally managing a wide variety of Arctic observation data, we promote the use of data across multiple disciplines. Researchers use these integrated databases to clarify the mechanisms of environmental change in the atmosphere, ocean, land-surface and cryosphere. That ADS will be provide an opportunity of collaboration between modelers and field scientists, can be expected.