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Found 383 result(s)
<<<!!!<<< The ZACAT server is end-of-life The ZACAT server is EOL and has been taken offline. The software driving the portal has been unmaintained for several years and could no longer be reasonably sustained. We have expanded to include information on the studies' variable level where available, which is a superset of the studies in ZACAT. Please use the variable search on to identify and download datasets. >>>!!!>>>
!!! >>> expired <<< !!!! Intrepid Bioinformatics serves as a community for genetic researchers and scientific programmers who need to achieve meaningful use of their genetic research data – but can’t spend tremendous amounts of time or money in the process. The Intrepid Bioinformatics system automates time consuming manual processes, shortens workflow, and eliminates the threat of lost data in a faster, cheaper, and better environment than existing solutions. The system also provides the functionality and community features needed to analyze the large volumes of Next Generation Sequencing and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism data, which is generated for a wide range of purposes from disease tracking and animal breeding to medical diagnosis and treatment.
The Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC) is a permanent archive and distribution center primarily for multiple types of digital data relating to earthquakes in central and northern California. The NCEDC is located at the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, and has been accessible to users via the Internet since mid-1992. The NCEDC was formed as a joint project of the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at Menlo Park in 1991, and current USGS funding is provided under a cooperative agreement for seismic network operations.
The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite measures the ozone layer in our upper atmosphere—tracking the status of global ozone distributions, including the ‘ozone hole.’ It also monitors ozone levels in the troposphere, the lowest layer of our atmosphere. OMPS extends out 40-year long record ozone layer measurements while also providing improved vertical resolution compared to previous operational instruments. Closer to the ground, OMPS’s measurements of harmful ozone improve air quality monitoring and when combined with cloud predictions; help to create the Ultraviolet Index, a guide to safe levels of sunlight exposure. OMPS has two sensors, both new designs, composed of three advanced hyperspectralimaging spectrometers.The three spectrometers: a downward-looking nadir mapper, nadir profiler and limb profiler. The entire OMPS suite currently fly on board the Suomi NPP spacecraft and are scheduled to fly on the JPSS-2 satellite mission. NASA will provide the OMPS-Limb profiler.
The Data Catalogue is a service that allows University of Liverpool Researchers to create records of information about their finalised research data, and save those data in a secure online environment. The Data Catalogue provides a good means of making that data available in a structured way, in a form that can be discovered by both general search engines and academic search tools. There are two types of record that can be created in the Data Catalogue: A discovery-only record – in these cases, the research data may be held somewhere else but a record is provided to help people find it. A record is created that alerts users to the existence of the data, and provides a link to where those data are held. A discovery and data record – in these cases, a record is created to help people discover the data exist, and the data themselves are deposited into the Data Catalogue. This process creates a unique Digital Object identifier (DOI) which can be used in citations to the data.
The repository contains the complete model of the Bern campaign; only the upper part of the vault could not be measured due to renovation works carried out on the dome at the time of the campaign.
SAHFOS is an internationally funded independent research non-profit organisation responsible for the operation of the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey. As a large-scale global survey, it provides the scientific and policy communities with a basin-wide and long-term measure of the ecological health of marine plankton. Established in 1931, the CPR Survey is the longest running, most geographically extensive marine ecological survey in the world. It has a considerable database of marine plankton and associated metadata that is used by researchers and policy makers to examine strategically important science pillars such as climate change, human health, fisheries, biodiversity, pathogens, invasive species, ocean acidification and natural capital. The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey has merged with the Marine Biological Association. Today the Survey is operated by the Marine Biological Association, based in Plymouth, UK.
The Edition Topoi research platform is an innovative, reliable information infrastructure. It serves the publication of citable research data such as 3D models, high-resolution pictures, data and databases. The content and its meta data are subject to peer review and made available on an Open Access basis. The published or publishable combination of citable research content and its technical and contextually relevant meta data is defined as Citable. The public data are generated via a cloud and can be directly connected with the individual computing environment.
Three parts of a database provide published and unpublished chemical analysis results of archaeological ceramics. These are the results of forty years of applying WD-XRF and other mineralogical and physical laboratory methods to the analysis of sherds from excavations and museums. Drawing on some 30,000 analyses from research projects in Europe, Turkey, the near East, and Sudan, the part published here covers the results of three long-term projects: Early pottery in Thessaly, Greece (1,305 records), Firmalampen and other Roman lamps (1,666 records), and Roman and other pottery produced in Central Europe (4,043 records). This collated information provides an opportunity to work directly on published and unpublished data. These can be used as chemical reference groups for comparison for fine ware classification and in provenance studies.
The measured values of the panel form the basis for a 3D reconstruction of the panel, which was calculated using photos taken by Gerd Graßhoff and Joanna Pruszynska with kind support of the Museum Warmii in autumn 2016. This repository contains the photos, the models, and the research data derived from them.
Within this project the spatial and visual characteristics of circular enclosures of the early 5th millennium BC in Germany are being investigated. The here presented ever-expanding repository comprises a database of all circular enclosures under investigation. The database entries include the coordinates and a thorough description of each enclosure. Additionally, several resources like skyline and viewshed maps, files of input parameters and plots of astronomical features are deposited.
The TRR228DB is the project-database of the Collaborative Research Centre 228 "Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social-ecological transformation" (CRC/Transregio 228, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, German Research Foundation – Project number 328966760). The project-database is a new implementation of the TR32DB and online since 2018. It handles all data including metadata, which are created by the involved project participants from several institutions (e.g. Universities of Cologne and Bonn) and research fields (e.g. anthropology, agroeconomics, ecology, ethnology, geography, politics and soil sciences). The data is resulting from several field campaigns, interviews, surveys, remote sensing, laboratory studies and modelling approaches. Furthermore, outcomes of the scientists such as publications, conference contributions, PhD reports and corresponding images are collected.
Water DAMS (Water Data Analysis and Management System) provides access to foundational water treatment technology data that enable researchers and decision-makers to identify and quantify opportunities for technology innovations to reduce the cost and energy intensity of desalination. It is the submission point for all data generated by research conducted by the National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) and is designed to be used by the broader water research community. With publicly accessible contributions from a variety of academic and industrial partners, Water DAMS seeks to enable data discoverability, improve accessibility, and accelerate collaboration that contributes to pipe parity and innovation in water treatment technologies.
Dataverse for faculty, researchers, and students at St. Francis Xavier University or affiliated institutions. Hosted by Borealis.
Sharing and preserving data are central to protecting the integrity of science. DataHub, a Research Computing endeavor, provides tools and services to meet scientific data challenges at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). DataHub helps researchers address the full data life cycle for their institutional projects and provides a path to creating findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) data products. Although open science data is a crucial focus of DataHub’s core services, we are interested in working with evidence-based data throughout the PNNL research community.
VinaR is the digital repository of the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade. VinaR provides open access to the publications, as well as to other outputs of the research projects implemented in these institutions. The software platform meets the current requirements that apply to the dissemination of scholarly publications and it is compatible with relevant international infrastructures.
idUS is the digital archive that gives access to full text of the scientific production of the University of Seville and their datasets. Its objective is to gather, preserve and disseminate the documents and data resulting from the scientific activity of the University, making the documents visible, accessible, recoverable, usable and preservable for any user.
The Academic Data Repository of the National University of Rosario (RDA- UNR) allows for sharing, storing, accessing, exploring, and citing research data managed by UNR professors, researchers and students so as to make these data visible and promote its use and reutilization, ensuring its long-term preservation. It is a self-publishing repository, i.e. users upload, organize, describe and publish their own data with the assistance of a team of curators, user guides and training sessions.
DUnAs is the institutional research data repository of the University of Aveiro. This repository is intended to share, archive, preserve, cite, access, and explore research data produced in the university scientific research activities.
Veterinar – Electronic Repository of Research and Scientific Papers is the institutional digital repository of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. It provides open access to publications and other research outputs resulting from the projects implemented by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The software platform of the repository is adapted to the modern standards applied in the dissemination of scientific publications and is compatible with international infrastructure in this field.
KU Leuven RDR (pronounced "RaDaR") is KU Leuven's Research Data Repository, built on - open source repository software built by Harvard University. RDR gives KU Leuven researchers a one-stop platform to upload, describe, and share their research data, conveniently and with support from university staff.
Academic Commons provides open, persistent access to the scholarship produced by researchers at Columbia University, Barnard College, Jewish Theological Seminary, Teachers College, and Union Theological Seminary. Academic Commons is a program of the Columbia University Libraries. Academic Commons accepts articles, dissertations, research data, presentations, working papers, videos, and more.
SeaBASS, the publicly shared archive of in situ oceanographic and atmospheric data maintained by the NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG). High quality in situ measurements are prerequisite for satellite data product validation, algorithm development, and many climate-related inquiries. As such, the NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) maintains a local repository of in situ oceanographic and atmospheric data to support their regular scientific analyses. The SeaWiFS Project originally developed this system, SeaBASS, to catalog radiometric and phytoplankton pigment data used their calibration and validation activities. To facilitate the assembly of a global data set, SeaBASS was expanded with oceanographic and atmospheric data collected by participants in the SIMBIOS Program, under NASA Research Announcements NRA-96 and NRA-99, which has aided considerably in minimizing spatial bias and maximizing data acquisition rates. Archived data include measurements of apparent and inherent optical properties, phytoplankton pigment concentrations, and other related oceanographic and atmospheric data, such as water temperature, salinity, stimulated fluorescence, and aerosol optical thickness. Data are collected using a number of different instrument packages, such as profilers, buoys, and hand-held instruments, and manufacturers on a variety of platforms, including ships and moorings.