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Found 33 result(s)
The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials (such as reference grammars) by a team of 55 authors (many of them the leading authorities on the subject).
The TRR228DB is the project-database of the Collaborative Research Centre 228 "Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social-ecological transformation" (CRC/Transregio 228, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, German Research Foundation – Project number 328966760). The project-database is a new implementation of the TR32DB and online since 2018. It handles all data including metadata, which are created by the involved project participants from several institutions (e.g. Universities of Cologne and Bonn) and research fields (e.g. anthropology, agroeconomics, ecology, ethnology, geography, politics and soil sciences). The data is resulting from several field campaigns, interviews, surveys, remote sensing, laboratory studies and modelling approaches. Furthermore, outcomes of the scientists such as publications, conference contributions, PhD reports and corresponding images are collected.
DaSCH is the trusted platform and partner for open research data in the Humanities. DaSCH develops and operates a FAIR long-term repository and a generic virtual research environment for open research data in the humanities in Switzerland. We provide long-term direct access to the data, enable their continuous editing and allow for precise citation of single objects within a dataset. We ensure interoperability with tools used by the Humanities and Cultural Sciences communities and foster the use of standards. The development of our platform happens in close cooperation with these communities. We provide training and advice in the area of research data management, promote open data and the use of standards. DaSCH is the coordinating institution and representative of Switzerland in the European Research Infrastructure Consortium ‘Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities’ (DARIAH ERIC). Within this mandate, we actively engage in community building within Switzerland and abroad. DaSCH cooperates with national and international organizations and initiatives in order to provide services that are fit for purpose within the broader Swiss open research data landscape and that are coordinated with other institutions such as FORS. We base our actions on the values reliability, flexibility, appreciation, curiosity, and persistence. Furthermore, DARIAH’s activities in Switzerland are coordinated by DaSCH and DaSCH is acting as DARIAH-CH Coordination Office.
ARCHE (A Resource Centre for the HumanitiEs) is a service aimed at offering stable and persistent hosting as well as dissemination of digital research data and resources for the Austrian humanities community. ARCHE welcomes data from all humanities fields. ARCHE is the successor of the Language Resources Portal (LRP) and acts as Austria’s connection point to the European network of CLARIN Centres for language resources.
prometheus is a digital image archive for Art and Cultural Sciences. prometheus enables the convenient search for images on a common user interface within different image archives, variable databases from institutes, research facilities and museums.
OLAC, the Open Language Archives Community, is an international partnership of institutions and individuals who are creating a worldwide virtual library of language resources by: (i) developing consensus on best current practice for the digital archiving of language resources, and (ii) developing a network of interoperating repositories and services for housing and accessing such resources. The OLAC system has 2016 been integrated with the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud.
The DRH is a quantitative and qualitative encyclopedia of religious history. It consists of a variety of entry types including religious group and religious place. Scholars contribute entries on their area of expertise by answering questions in standardised polls. Answers are initially coded in the binary format Yes/No or categorically, with comment boxes for qualitative comments, references and links. Experts are able to answer both Yes and No to the same question, enabling nuanced answers for specific circumstances. Media, such as photos, can also be attached to either individual questions or whole entries. The DRH captures scholarly disagreement, through fine-grained records and multiple temporally and spatially overlapping entries. Users can visualise changes in answers to questions over time and the extent of scholarly consensus or disagreement.
Edmond is the institutional repository of the Max Planck Society for public research data. It enables Max Planck scientists to create citable scientific assets by describing, enriching, sharing, exposing, linking, publishing and archiving research data of all kinds. Further on, all objects within Edmond have a unique identifier and therefore can be clearly referenced in publications or reused in other contexts.
The Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) is an open platform for sharing data across crises and organisations. Launched in July 2014, the goal of HDX is to make humanitarian data easy to find and use for analysis. HDX is managed by OCHA's Centre for Humanitarian Data, which is located in The Hague. OCHA is part of the United Nations Secretariat and is responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. The HDX team includes OCHA staff and a number of consultants who are based in North America, Europe and Africa.
The CLARIN-D Centre CEDIFOR provides a repository for long-term storage of resources and meta-data. Resources hosted in the repository stem from research of members as well as associated research projects of CEDIFOR. This includes software and web-services as well as corpora of text, lexicons, images and other data.
RETOPEA investigates the different ways in which religious coexistence is thought of in different environments and how religious peace treaties have been established in the past. The idea is to use the insights gained to inform thinking about present-day peaceful religious co-existence The dataset contains the contents and the metadata of the resources (i.e., clippings) published on the RETOPEA website (
The Berman Jewish Databank @ The Jewish Federations of North America is the central online address for quantitative studies of North American Jews and Jewish communities. Archives and makes available electronically questionnaires, reports and data files from the National Jewish Population Surveys (NJPS) of 1971, 1990 and 2000-01. It provides access to other national Jewish population reports, Jewish population statistics and approximately 200 local Jewish community studies from the major Jewish communities in North America.
In a changing climate, water raises increasingly complex challenges: concerning its quantity, quality, availability, allocation, use and significance as a habitat, resource and cultural medium. Dharmae, a ‘Data Hub of Australian Research on Marine and Aquatic Ecocultures’ brings together multi-disciplinary research data relating to water in all these forms. The term “ecoculture” guides the development of this collection and its approach to data discovery. Ecoculture recognizes that, since nature and culture are inextricably linked, there is a corresponding need for greater interconnectedness of the different knowledge systems applied to them.
The Language Archive at the Max Planck Institute in Nijmegen provides a unique record of how people around the world use language in everyday life. It focuses on collecting spoken and signed language materials in audio and video form along with transcriptions, analyses, annotations and other types of relevant material (e.g. photos, accompanying notes).
The speaking language atlas gives a multimedia impression of the dialects of the state Baden-Württemberg in Germany. The maps of the Speaking Language Atlas of Baden-Württemberg are based on two databases: Südwestdeutschen Sprachatlas (SSA) and the Sprachatlas von Nord Baden-Württemberg (SNBW). The dialect recordings that form the basis for the maps were carried out at the SSA between 1974 and 1986, but at the SNBW between 2009 and 2012. For the southern part, this means that the maps may present a state of affairs that is no longer valid today.
As 3D and reality capture strategies for heritage documentation become more widespread and available, there has emerged a growing need to assist with guiding and facilitating accessibility to data, while maintaining scientific rigor, cultural and ethical sensitivity, discoverability, and archival standards. In response to these areas of need, The Open Heritage 3D Alliance (OHA) has developed as an advisory group governing the Open Heritage 3D initiative. This collaborative advisory group are among some of the earliest adopters of 3D heritage documentation technologies, and offer first-hand guidance for best practices in data management, sharing, and dissemination approaches for 3D cultural heritage projects. The founding members of the OHA, consist of experts and organizational leaders from CyArk, Historic Environment Scotland, and the University of South Florida Libraries, who together have significant repositories of legacy and on-going 3D research and documentation projects. These groups offer unique insight into not only the best practices for 3D data capture and sharing, but also have come together around concerns dealing with standards, formats, approach, ethics, and archive commitment. Together, the OHA has begun the journey to provide open access to cultural heritage 3D data, while maintaining integrity, security, and standards relating to discoverable dissemination. Together, the OHA will work to provide democratized access to primary heritage 3D data submitted from donors and organizations, and will help to facilitate an operation platform, archive, and organization of resources into the future.
The Australian Data Archive (ADA) provides a national service for the collection and preservation of digital research data and to make these data available for secondary analysis by academic researchers and other users. The archive is based in POLIS: the Social Policy Research Centre (formerly the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods - CSRM) at the Australian National University (ANU). Along with Australian data, ADA is also a repository for studies conducted in other countries, particularly throughout the Asia-Pacific region. The ADA data catalogue includes studies from countries including New Zealand, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China and Indonesia.
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The Maya Image Archive is intended to host research materials provided by various scholars, such as Karl Herbert Mayer, Berthold Riese, Stephan Merk and the members of the project among others. Comprising image collections with photographs, drawings, notes and manuscripts, the Maya Image Archive allows the user to browse through the results of several decades of research trips through the entire Maya region.
EGO examines 500 years of modern European history by transcending national, disciplinary and methodological boundaries. Ten thematic threads tie together processes of intercultural exchange whose influence extended beyond national and cultural borders. These range from religion, politics, science and law to art and music, as well as to the economy, technology and the military. EGO employs the newest research to present European transfer processes comprehensively in a way that is easy to understand. The articles link to images, sources, statistics, animated and interactive maps, and audio and visual clips. EGO thereby takes full advantage of the Internet's multi-media potential.