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Found 1611 result(s)
IG PAS Data Portal is an open data platform for Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences. This Portal is used to collect and share IG PAS data, taking into account access to the data from external repositories. IG PAS data are open and provided for free, use in non-commercial purpose under applicable laws on data sharing public and publicly-funded. In the case of using data by external entities, the data source must be cited following the IG PAS guidelines contained in the metadata of the IG PAS Data Portal (information on how to cite data is included in the Dataset Citation field). This Data Portal is currently a work in progress, and we will be adding much more data of IG PAS in the coming months as well as developing a host of new interactive features where users can explore the data in several ways.
The BULERIA Institutional Repository is an open access digital archive that houses the full text of documents generated by members of the University of León in the development of their academic and research activity. The repository also holds the University's institutional documentation. In accordance with the principles of the Open Science movement, the aim is to facilitate the recovery, reuse and preservation of research results, in addition to promoting the dissemination and visibility of the scientific production of the Institution, effectively guaranteeing the advancement of science.
RIO, Olavide Institutional Repository, aims to guarantee the preservation, access and open dissemination of the scientific, teaching and institutional production of the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville.
In accordance with National Law No. 26,899 on the Creation of Open Access Institutional Digital Repositories, INTA Digital (Repositorio Institucional-Biblioteca Digital) was founded to provide public, open and free access to scientific and technological production, to agricultural dissemination and extension, to all forms of knowledge transfer and the experiences carried out by researchers, professionals, technicians, and INTA agents.
Observatorio Medioambiental La Plata is a joint initiative between CONICET, UNLP and CICPBA, which seeks to assist in the survey and development of proposals to address environmental problems in the Greater La Plata region and other regions of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The portal that allows you, in a centralized way, to search and access all the primary research data sets available in open access through the institutional digital repositories that make up the Sistema Nacional de Repositorios Digitales (SNRD)
The Research Open Data Repository of Uruguay (Redata) seeks to encourage the publication and reuse of national research data results in any area or discipline. It is a project of the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII) of Uruguay and has the following objectives: Facilitate the identification, verification and reuse of research results. Minimize duplication of efforts in data collection. Develop capacities at the national level for data management subject to international standards and best practices. Contribute to the development of infrastructures for open science, in line with international recommendations and trends.
Federation.figshare is a collaborative digital repository for Federation researchers, professional staff and Higher Degree by Research students to store, share and publish their digital files. It accepts all forms of digital research outputs including audio, video, PDF, images, code, datasets, presentations and more.
The Repositorio de Datos de Investigación del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas is a plataform of open access centralized in the storage, preservation and difusion of research data, which facilitates the access and reutilization of the scientific information created and self-archived by organism's researchers, fellowships and support staff.
The AuScope Data Repository preserves and offers continued access to data from Australia’s geoscience community working on fundamental geoscience questions and grand challenges, including climate change, natural resources security and natural hazards.
The Goethe University Data Repository (GUDe) provides a platform for its members to electronically archive, share, and publish their research data. GUDe is jointly operated by the University Library and the University Data Center of the Goethe University. The metadata of all public content is freely available and indexed by search engines as well as scientific web services. GUDe follows the FAIR principles for long-term accessibility (minimum 10 years), allows for reliable citation via DOIs as well as cooperative access to non-public data and operates on DSpace-CRIS v7. If you have any questions regarding the use of GUDe, please consult the user documentation.
The W1M3A observing system is one of the most important infrastructures of the National Research Council of Italy and it is part of the network of deep ocean European observatories, and the two ERICs EMSO and ICOS. The open sea laboratory is moored in the middle of the Ligurian Sea, inside the area known as the "Cetaceans Sanctuary" on the route between Genoa and Cape Corse, about 80 Km off the coast of Liguria where the water depth is about 1200 m. The observatory helps to monitor the conditions and the sea state of the Ligurian basin by continuously acquiring meteorological, physical, bio-geochemical and wave measurements. The collected data are transmitted in near real time to the station ashore to be used by national and international agencies and institutions. The buoy can be also imagined as a "miniature island" able to offer a substrate for the development of a rich biological community. Many organisms settle and develop on the buoy, colonising its entire underwater surface.
The transfer unit for data and biomaterials at the interface between Community Medicine and Molecular Medicine at the Medical Faculty of the University Medicine Greifswald enables the use of data from the studies of the research association Community Medicine (FVCM), e.g. the "Study of Health in Pomerania" (SHIP), "Study of Neonates in Pomerania" (SNiP), or "Greifswald Approach to Individualized Medicine" (GANI_MED), coordinated with regard to application, provision and documentation.
TechnoRep is the institutional digital repository of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy. It provides open access to publications and other research outputs resulting from the projects implemented by the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy. The software platform of the repository is adapted to the modern standards applied in the dissemination of scientific publications and is compatible with international infrastructure in this field.
This website was developed by Iranian National Center for Ocean Data (INCOD) to provide useful services in the field of oceanographic data and information management for marine researchers and organizations. The INCOD website is used as a discovery service. Its goal is to improve marine research by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between national marine organizations. This website provides a gateway and access point to INCOD products containing data, information, websites, tools, applications, atlases, data catalogues and user manuals to public users.
media/rep/ is the disciplinary repository for German-language media studies. It offers free and open access to publications and research data in media studies and related disciplines.
The National High Energy Physics Science Data Center (NHEPSDC) is a repository for high-energy physics. In 2019, it was designated as a scientific data center at the national level by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST). NHEPSDC is constructed and operated by the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). NHEPSDC consists of a main data center in Beijing, a branch center in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and a branch center in Huairou District of Beijing. The mission of NHEPSDC is to provide the services of data collection, archiving, long-term preservation, access and sharing, software tools, and data analysis. The services of NHEPSDC are mainly for high-energy physics and related scientific research activities. The data collected can be roughly divided into the following two categories: one is the raw data from large scientific facilities, and the other is data generated from general scientific and technological projects (usually supported by government funding), hereafter referred to as generic data. More than 70 people work in NHEPSDC now, with 18 in high-energy physics, 17 in computer science, 15 in software engineering, 20 in data management and some other operation engineers. NHEPSDC is equipped with a hierarchical storage system, high-performance computing power, high bandwidth domestic and international network links, and a professional service support system. In the past three years, the average data increment is about 10 PB per year. By integrating data resources with the IT environment, a state-of-art data process platform is provided to users for scientific research, the volume of data accessed every year is more than 400 PB with more than 10 million visits.
The AMUReD Institutional Research Data Repository of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (UAM) collects and provides access to digital versions of research data collected, processed or produced as part of the scientific research or developmental work of UAM employees.The AMUReD Repository is part of the AMU Research Portal, with University Library in Poznan as the operating unit. Depositing data is possible after logging into the AMU Research Portal, according to the attached instructions. The AMUReD repository is open, and research data are made available in three models: open (Open Access), embargo (Embargo) and closed (Restricted Access). The detailed rules of the AMUReD repository are defined in the Regulations. The AMUReD repository complies with the FAIR Principles. Each dataset is given a unique DOI identifier. The AMUReD repository complies with the FAIR Principles. Each dataset is given a unique DOI identifier. The prefix for DOIs is doi:10.60629. It is possible to choose a Creative Commons license for shared datasets.
Lingnan Data Repository serves as an institutional research data repository for Lingnan University in Hong Kong. It provides a secure platform for the Lingnan research community to deposit, share, and publish their research datasets, and supports data reuse by the global research community.
The Hive is the University of Utah's institutional data repository. All datasets are associated with a U of Utah current or past faculty member or student. They are also all freely available under creative commons licenses. The repository spans disciplines and has over 80 datasets at this time.
A domain-specific repository for the Life Sciences, covering the health, medical as well as the green life sciences. The repository services are primarily aimed at the Netherlands, but not exclusively.