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Found 278 result(s)
The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials (such as reference grammars) by a team of 55 authors (many of them the leading authorities on the subject).
Silkworm Pathogen Database (SilkPathDB) is a comprehensive resource for studying on pathogens of silkworm, including microsporidia, fungi, bacteria and virus. SilkPathDB provides access to not only genomic data including functional annotation of genes and gene products, but also extensive biological information for gene expression data and corresponding researches. SilkPathDB will be help with researches on pathogens of silkworm as well as other Lepidoptera insects.
GBIF is an international organisation that is working to make the world's biodiversity data accessible everywhere in the world. GBIF and its many partners work to mobilize the data, and to improve search mechanisms, data and metadata standards, web services, and the other components of an Internet-based information infrastructure for biodiversity. GBIF makes available data that are shared by hundreds of data publishers from around the world. These data are shared according to the GBIF Data Use Agreement, which includes the provision that users of any data accessed through or retrieved via the GBIF Portal will always give credit to the original data publishers.
The CiardRING is a global directory of web-based information services and datasets for agricultural research for development (ARD). It is the principal tool created through the CIARD initiative to allow information providers to register their services and datasets in various categories and so facilitate the discovery of sources of agriculture-related information across the world. The RING aims to provide an infrastructure to improve the accessibility of the outputs of agricultural research and of information relevant to agriculture.
The Health Atlas is an alliance of medical ontologists, medical systems biologists and clinical trials groups to design and implement a multi-functional and quality-assured atlas. It provides models, data and metadata on specific use cases from medical research projects from the partner institutions.
idUS is the digital archive that gives access to full text of the scientific production of the University of Seville and their datasets. Its objective is to gather, preserve and disseminate the documents and data resulting from the scientific activity of the University, making the documents visible, accessible, recoverable, usable and preservable for any user.
Port Moody's Open Data Portal gives access to data, statistics, and information about your city government. By making data accessible, we aim to promote public collaboration, increase government transparency, and spark innovation. This information will be used to inform local decision-making and will help us better plan for the future. Our data portal contains a lot of information. You can search through past and current permit, licence, and business applications. Review demographic information about program registration, find information about the location of businesses within Port Moody and filter the business directory by the type of business or service.
Academic Commons provides open, persistent access to the scholarship produced by researchers at Columbia University, Barnard College, Jewish Theological Seminary, Teachers College, and Union Theological Seminary. Academic Commons is a program of the Columbia University Libraries. Academic Commons accepts articles, dissertations, research data, presentations, working papers, videos, and more.
NED is a comprehensive database of multiwavelength data for extragalactic objects, providing a systematic, ongoing fusion of information integrated from hundreds of large sky surveys and tens of thousands of research publications. The contents and services span the entire observed spectrum from gamma rays through radio frequencies. As new observations are published, they are cross- identified or statistically associated with previous data and integrated into a unified database to simplify queries and retrieval. Seamless connectivity is also provided to data in NASA astrophysics mission archives (IRSA, HEASARC, MAST), to the astrophysics literature via ADS, and to other data centers around the world.
The HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) assigned unique gene symbols and names to over 35,000 human loci, of which around 19,000 are protein coding. This curated online repository of HGNC-approved gene nomenclature and associated resources includes links to genomic, proteomic and phenotypic information, as well as dedicated gene family pages.
IDOC-DATA is a department of IDOC IDOC (Integrated Data & Operation Center) has existed since 2003 as a satellite operations center and data center for the Institute of Space Astrophysics (IAS) in Orsay, France. Since then, it has operated within the OSUPS (Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de l'Université Paris-Saclay - first french university in shanghai ranking), which includes three institutes: IAS, AIM (Astrophysique, Interprétation, Modélisation - IRFU, CEA) and GEOPS (Geosciences Paris-Saclay) . IDOC participates in the space missions of OSUPS and its partners, from mission design to long-term scientific data archiving. For each phase of the missions, IDOC offers three kinds of services in the scientific themes of OSUPS and therefore IDOC's activities are divided into three departments: IDOC-INSTR: instrument design and testing, IDOC-OPE: instrument operations, IDOC-DATA: data management and data value chain: to produce the different levels of data constructed from observations of these instruments and make them available to users for ergonomic and efficient scientific interpretation (IDOC-DATA). It includes the responsibility: - To build access to these datasets. - To offer the corresponding services such as catalogue management, visualization tools, software pipeline automation, etc. - To preserve the availability and reliability of this hardware and software infrastructure, its confidentiality where applicable and its security.
The Plant Metabolic Network (PMN) provides a broad network of plant metabolic pathway databases that contain curated information from the literature and computational analyses about the genes, enzymes, compounds, reactions, and pathways involved in primary and secondary metabolism in plants. The PMN currently houses one multi-species reference database called PlantCyc and 22 species/taxon-specific databases.
Open Research Exeter (ORE) is the University of Exeter's repository for all types of research, including research papers, research data and theses. Research in ORE can be viewed and downloaded freely by anyone, anywhere: researchers, students, industry, business and the wider public. ORE's content includes journal articles, conference papers, working papers, reports, book chapters, videos, audio, images, multimedia research project outputs, raw data and analysed data. ORE's content is securely stored, managed and preserved to ensure free, permanent access.
nmrshiftdb is a NMR database (web database) for organic structures and their nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectra. It allows for spectrum prediction (13C, 1H and other nuclei) as well as for searching spectra, structures and other properties. Last not least, it features peer-reviewed submission of datasets by its users. The nmrshiftdb2 software is open source, the data is published under an open content license. Please consult the documentation for more detailed information. nmrshiftdb2 is the continuation of the NMRShiftDB project with additional data and bugfixes and changes in the software.
ArachnoServer is a manually curated database containing information on the sequence, three-dimensional structure, and biological activity of protein toxins derived from spider venom. Spiders are the largest group of venomous animals and they are predicted to contain by far the largest number of pharmacologically active peptide toxins (Escoubas et al., 2006). ArachnoServer has been custom-built so that a wide range of biological scientists, including neuroscientists, pharmacologists, and toxinologists, can readily access key data relevant to their discipline without being overwhelmed by extraneous information.
The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) is designed to provide detailed infrared properties of selected Galactic and extragalactic sources. The sensitivity of the telescopic system is about one thousand times superior to that of the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), since the ISO telescope enables integration of infrared flux from a source for several hours. Density waves in the interstellar medium, its role in star formation, the giant planets, asteroids, and comets of the solar system are among the objects of investigation. ISO was operated as an observatory with the majority of its observing time being distributed to the general astronomical community. One of the consequences of this is that the data set is not homogeneous, as would be expected from a survey. The observational data underwent sophisticated data processing, including validation and accuracy analysis. In total, the ISO Data Archive contains about 30,000 standard observations, 120,000 parallel, serendipity and calibration observations and 17,000 engineering measurements. In addition to the observational data products, the archive also contains satellite data, documentation, data of historic aspects and externally derived products, for a total of more than 400 GBytes stored on magnetic disks. The ISO Data Archive is constantly being improved both in contents and functionality throughout the Active Archive Phase, ending in December 2006.
DSpace@MIT is a service of the MIT Libraries to provide MIT faculty, researchers and their supporting communities stable, long-term storage for their digital research and teaching output and to maximize exposure of their content to a world audience. DSpace@MIT content includes conference papers, images, peer-reviewed scholarly articles, preprints, technical reports, theses, working papers, research datasets and more. This collection of more than 60,000 high-quality works is recognized as among the world's premier scholarly repositories and receives, on average, more than 1 million downloads per month.
The IMSR is a searchable online database of mouse strains, stocks, and mutant ES cell lines available worldwide, including inbred, mutant, and genetically engineered strains. The goal of the IMSR is to assist the international scientific community in locating and obtaining mouse resources for research. Note that the data content found in the IMSR is as supplied by strain repository holders. For each strain or cell line listed in the IMSR, users can obtain information about: Where that resource is available (Repository Site); What state(s) the resource is available as (e.g. live, cryopreserved embryo or germplasm, ES cells); Links to descriptive information about a strain or ES cell line; Links to mutant alleles carried by a strain or ES cell line; Links for ordering a strain or ES cell line from a Repository; Links for contacting the Repository to send a query
CaltechDATA is an institutional data repository for Caltech. Caltech library runs the repository to preserve the accomplishments of Caltech researchers and share their results with the world. Caltech-associated researchers can upload data, link data with their publications, and assign a permanent DOI so that others can reference the data set. The repository also preserves software and has automatic Github integration. All files present in the repository are open access or embargoed, and all metadata is always available to the public.
SOHO, the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory, is a project of international collaboration between ESA and NASA to study the Sun from its deep core to the outer corona and the solar wind. SOHO was launched on December 2, 1995. The SOHO spacecraft was built in Europe by an industry team led by prime contractor Matra Marconi Space (now EADS Astrium) under overall management by ESA. The twelve instruments on board SOHO were provided by European and American scientists.
Search and explore the City of Burlington's open data. The Open Data service makes raw city data available for public use and new application development. The Open Data service is just one of the innovative ways we are evolving our customer service practices using online technology.
The RIT DML captures, distributes and preserves RIT's digital products. Here you can find articles, working papers, preprints, technical reports, conference papers and data sets in various digital formats.
Reactome is a manually curated, peer-reviewed pathway database, annotated by expert biologists and cross-referenced to bioinformatics databases. Its aim is to share information in the visual representations of biological pathways in a computationally accessible format. Pathway annotations are authored by expert biologists, in collaboration with Reactome editorial staff and cross-referenced to many bioinformatics databases. These include NCBI Gene, Ensembl and UniProt databases, the UCSC and HapMap Genome Browsers, the KEGG Compound and ChEBI small molecule databases, PubMed, and Gene Ontology.