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Found 25 result(s)
Web Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It is operated by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world. NRCS has soil maps and data available online for more than 95 percent of the nation’s counties and anticipates having 100 percent in the near future. The site is updated and maintained online as the single authoritative source of soil survey information.
The Site Survey Data Bank (SSDB) is a repository for site survey data submitted in support of International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) proposals and expeditions. SSDB serves different roles for different sets of users.
The Gateway to Global Aging Data is a platform for population survey data on aging around the world. This site offers a digital library of survey questions, a search engine for finding comparable questions across surveys, and identically defined variables for cross-country analysis. The Survey Meta Data Repository provides Health and Retirement Study metadata of family surveys. Survey Meta Data Repository primarily provides access to survey metadata so researchers can compare survey formats, types and identically defined variables. Additional resources include tools for cross-country analysis, general statistics by country and year, survey question library, and tools for comparing questions across the surveys. Datasets are in Stata format; users must register and request datasets.
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has, for over 60 years, undertaken the majority of Britain's scientific research on and around the Antarctic continent. Atmospheric, biosphere, cryosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and Sun-Earth interactions metadata and data are available. Geographic information and collections are highlighted as well. Information and mapping services include a Discovery Metadata System, Data Access System, the Antarctic Digital Database (ADD), Geophysics Data Portal (BAS-GDP), ICEMAR, a fossil database, and the Antarctic Plant Database.
US National Science Foundation (NSF) facility to support drilling and coring in continental locations worldwide. Drill core metadata and data, borehole survey data, geophysical site survey data, drilling metadata, software code. The CSD Facility offers repositories with samples, data, publications and reference collections from scientific drilling and coring.
This web site is provided by the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) Earthquake Hazards Program as part of our effort to reduce earthquake hazard in the United States. We are part of the USGS Hazards Mission Area and are the USGS component of the congressionally established, multi-agency National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP).
The Radio Telescope Data Center (RTDC) reduces, archives, and makes available on its web site data from SMA and the CfA Millimeter-wave Telescope. The whole-Galaxy CO survey presented in Dame et al. (2001) is a composite of 37 separate surveys. The data from most of these surveys can be accessed. Larger composites of these surveys are available separately.
Welcome to INTERMAGNET - the global network of observatories, monitoring the Earth's magnetic field. At this site you can find data and information from geomagnetic observatories around the world. The INTERMAGNET programme exists to establish a global network of cooperating digital magnetic observatories, adopting modern standard specifications for measuring and recording equipment, in order to facilitate data exchanges and the production of geomagnetic products in close to real time.
The national information site on seismicity in France provides real-time information on seismic events in or near France, based on recordings from the monitoring stations of the French seismological and geodesic network Résif, from research or monitoring project stations, from stations in the networks of bordering countries (Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Switzerland) and from stations in the global networks.
The UK Polar Data Centre (UK PDC) is the focal point for Arctic and Antarctic environmental data management in the UK. Part of the Natural Environmental Research Council’s (NERC) network of environmental data centres and based at the British Antarctic Survey, it coordinates the management of polar data from UK-funded research and supports researchers in complying with national and international data legislation and policy.
<<<!!!<<< 2020-08-28; the repository is no longer available >>>!!!>>> The South African Data Archive promotes and facilitates the sharing of research data and related documentation of computerised raw quantitative data of large scale regional, national and international research projects mainly in the humanities and social sciences. It makes these datasets available to the research community for further analysis, comparative studies, longitudinal studies, teaching and decision-making purposes.
The purpose of this central repository is to gather all the research data created by Greek researchers and academics from Greek Universities, and make them available in the most open and secure way possible. HARDMIN has been developed with the open software CKAN and, along with HELIX, constitutes the national digital research infrastructure (eInfrastructure) software for cataloguing services and research data repository, part of the Open Access infrastructure of Heal-Link. The repository provides the capability to connect to already established repositories and extract data from existing collections.
Western University's Dataverse is a research data repository for our faculty, students, and staff. Files are held in a secure environment on Canadian servers. Researchers can choose to make content available publicly, to specific individuals, or to keep it locked.
The Astronomical Data Archives Center (ADAC) provides access to astronomical data from all over the world with links to online data catalogs, journal archives, imaging services and data archives. Users can access the VizieR catalogue service as well as the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Data by requesting password access. ADAC also provides access to the SMOKA public science data obtained through the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii as well as Schmidt Telescope at the University of Tokyo & MITSuME and KANATA Telescope at Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory. Users may need to contact the ADAC for password access or create user accounts for the various data services accessible through the ADAC site.
Central data management of the USGS for water data that provides access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Includes data on water use and quality, groundwater, and surface water.
The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, which flew aboard NASA's Space Shuttle Endeavour during an 11-day mission in 2000, made the first near-global topographical map of Earth, collecting data on nearly 80 percent of Earth's land surfaces. The instrument's design was essentially a modified version of the earlier Shuttle Imaging Radar instruments with a second antenna added to allow for topographic mapping using a technique similar to stereo photography.
The Health and Retirement Study (HRS) is a longitudinal panel study that surveys a representative sample of more than 26,000 Americans over the age of 50 every two years. The study has collected information about income, work, assets, pension plans, health insurance, disability, physical health and functioning, cognitive functioning, genetic information and health care expenditures.
The Economics & Business Data Center (EBDC) is a combined platform for empirical research in business administration and economics of the Ludwig–Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) and the Ifo Institute and aims at opening new fields for empirical research in business administration and economics. In this regard, the EBDC provides innovative datasets of German companies, containing both survey data of the Ifo Institute as well as external balance sheet data. Therefore, the tasks of the EBDC also include the procurement and administration of data sources for research and teaching, the central provision, updating and documentation of external databases, as well as the acquisition of corresponding support tools. Beyond that, the EBDC serves as a contact and central coordinator on licensing economic firm-level datasets for LMU’s Munich School of Management and LMU’s Department of Economics and supports researchers and guests of the LMU and the Ifo Institute on site. In the future, it will also conduct academic conferences on research with company data.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is one of the most ambitious and influential surveys in the history of astronomy. Over eight years of operations (SDSS-I, 2000-2005; SDSS-II, 2005-2008; SDSS-III 2008-2014; SDSS-IV 2013 ongoing), it obtained deep, multi-color images covering more than a quarter of the sky and created 3-dimensional maps containing more than 930,000 galaxies and more than 120,000 quasars. DSS-IV is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS Collaboration including the Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, the Chilean Participation Group, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, The Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) / University of Tokyo, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), National Astronomical Observatory of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University.
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available. SPECTRa (Submission, Preservation and Exposure of Chemistry Teaching and Research Data) was a collaboration between Cambridge University and Imperial College to research issues in the deposition of chemistry data in Open Access digital repositories. Funded by the JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) under its Digital Repositories programme, it ran from October 2005 to March 2007. Requirements for and attitudes towards data archiving and open access publication were discovered by interview and survey. This led to the development of a set of Open Source software tools for packaging and submitting X-ray crystallography, NMR spectra and computational chemistry data to DSpace digital repositories. This collection will hold reports, presentations and papers published from the project: >>>!!!>>>
TERN's AEKOS data portal is the original gateway to Australian ecology data. It is a ‘data and research methods’ data portal for Australia’s land-dwelling plants, animals and their environments. The primary focus of data content is raw co-located ‘species and environment’ ecological survey data that has been collected at the ‘plot’ level to describe biodiversity, its patterns and ecological processes. It is openly accessible with standard discovery metadata and user-oriented, contextual metadata critical for data reuse. Our services support the ecosystem science community, land managers and governments seeking to publish under COPE publishing ethics and the FAIR data publishing principles. AEKOS is registered with Thomson & Reuters Data Citation Index and is a recommended repository of Nature Publishing’s Scientific Data. There are currently 97,037 sites covering mostly plant biodiversity and co-located environmental data of Australia. The AEKOS initiative is supported by TERN (, hosted by The University of Adelaide and funded by the Australian Government’s National Research Infrastructure for Australia.
The USA National Phenology Network serves science and society by promoting broad understanding of plant and animal phenology and its relationship with environmental change. The Network is a consortium of individuals and organizations that collect, share, and use phenology data, models, and related information.
Kinsources is an open and interactive platform to archive, share, analyze and compare kinship data used in scientific research. Kinsources is not just another genealogy website, but a peer-reviewed repository designed for comparative and collaborative research. The aim of Kinsources is to provide kinship studies with a large and solid empirical base. Kinsources combines the functionality of communal data repository with a toolbox providing researchers with advanced software for analyzing kinship data. The software Puck (Program for the Use and Computation of Kinship data) is integrated in the statistical package and the search engine of the Kinsources website. Kinsources is part of a research perspective that seeks to understand the interaction between genealogy, terminology and space in the emergence of kinship structures. Hosted by the TGIR HumaNum, the platform ensures both security and free access to the scientific data is validated by the research community.
The Research Data Center at LIfBi (Forschungsdatenzentrum, FDZ-LIfBi) is primarily responsible for the user-friendly preparation of survey and test data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) and its provision to researchers in the form of Scientific Use Files. Data from other panel studies such as ReGES are also part of the research data infrastructure. The FDZ-LIfBi offers comprehensive documentation of the data material in German and English. It ensures secure and flexible data access via several options (download, remote, on-site). Further services are contract and authorization management, regular data trainings and workshops, annual user conferences, the semi-annual newsletter "LIfBi data", a collection of video tutorials, an online discussion forum and several other tools. The FDZ-LIfBi became accredited by the German Data Forum (RatSWD) in 2012 and has since been actively involved in the Committee for Data Access (FDI Ausschuss). As part of the quality assurance, it demonstrates compliance with the criteria of FAIR data provision and data access in an annual monitoring.