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Found 30 result(s)
The I&M GIS group of NPS manages the collection, analysis, and distribution of I&M, NPS, and related geospatial data to I&M networks, the NPS, and the public. Develops, collects, and shares helpful GIS tools, extensions, and applications with I&M networks, the NPS, and the public.
The Map Collection at the Faculty of Science CU (formerly the State Map Collection) belongs to one of the most extensive university map collections in Central and East Europe. The map collection is digitized as part of the Czech Ministry of Culture's project NAKI.
The LINZ Data Service provides free online access to New Zealand’s most up-to-date land and seabed data. The data can be searched, browsed and downloaded. The LINZ web services can be also integrated into other applications.
BIOS is a system designed to enable the management, visualization, and analysis of biogeographic data collected by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and its partner organizations. BIOS integrates GIS, relational database management, and ESRI's ArcGIS Server technology to create a statewide, integrated information management tool that can be used on any computer with access to the Internet.
coastMap offers campaign data, model analysis and thematic maps predominantly in the Biogeosciences. Spotlights explain in a nutshell important topics of the research conducted for the interested public. The portal offers applications to visualise and download field and laboratory work and to connect the information with interactive maps. Filter functions allow the user to search for general topics like a marine field of interest or single criteria, for example a specific ship campaign or one of 1000 measured parameters.
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute supplies climate observations and weather data and forecasts for the country and surrounding waters (including the Arctic). In addition commercial services are provided to fit customers requirements. Data are served through a number of subsystems (information provided in repository link) and cover data from internal services of the institute, from external services operated by the institute and research projects where the institute participates. Further information is provided in the landing page which also contains entry points some of the data portals operated.
The GeoPortal.rlp allows the central search and visualization of geo data. Inside the geo data infrastructure of Rhineland-Palatinate the GeoPortal.rlp inherit the central duty a service orientated branch exchange between user and offerer of geo data. The GeoPortal.rlp establishes the access to geo data over the electronic network. The GeoPortal.rlp was brought on line on January, 8th 2007 for the first time, on February, 2nd 2011 it occured a site-relaunch.
The Geoscience Data Repository (GDR) is a collection of Earth Sciences Sector geoscience databases that is managed and accessed by a series of Information Services (GDRIS). This site allows you to discover, view and download information using these services. About 27 data resources are listed and many are also listed in the GeoConnections Discovery Portal.
The arctic data archive system (ADS) collects observation data and modeling products obtained by various Japanese research projects and gives researchers to access the results. By centrally managing a wide variety of Arctic observation data, we promote the use of data across multiple disciplines. Researchers use these integrated databases to clarify the mechanisms of environmental change in the atmosphere, ocean, land-surface and cryosphere. That ADS will be provide an opportunity of collaboration between modelers and field scientists, can be expected.
The Service Centre of the Federal Government for Geo-Information and Geodesy (Dienstleistungszentrum des Bundes für Geoinformation und Geodäsie - DLZ) provides geodetic and geo-topographic reference data of the Federal Government centrally to federal institutions, public administrations, economy, science and citizens. The establishment of the Service Centre is based on the Federal Geographic Reference Data Act (Bundesgeoreferenzdatengesetz − BGeoRG), which came into effect on 1 November 2012. This act regulates use, quality and technology of the geodetic and geo-topographic reference systems, networks and data.
The purpose of the Dataset Catalogue is to enhance discovery of GNS Science datasets. At a minimum, users will be able to determine whether a dataset on a specific topic exists and then whether it pertains to a specific place and/or a specific date or period. Some datasets include a web link to an online resource. In addition, contact details are provided for the custodian of each dataset as well as conditions of use.
The CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre has managed marine data for Australia's government research organisation for over 30 years. They have an enduring archive of marine and climate research data, and regularly publish data (including physical, chemical, bathymetric and biological data) collected on board RV Investigator as part of the Marine National Facility. Data from the MNF is freely and publicly available.
The Ocean Date and Information System provides information on physical, chemical, biological and geological parameters of ocean and coasts on spatial and temporal domains that is vital for both research and operational oceanography. In-situ and remote sensing data are included. The Ocean Information Bank is supported by the data received from Ocean Observing Systems in the Indian Ocean (both the in-situ platforms and satellites) as well as by a chain of Marine Data Centres. Ocean and coastal measurements are available. Data products are accessible through various portals on the site and are largely available by data type (in situ or remote sensing) and then by parameter.
The TERN Data Discovery Portal (TDDP) is a gateway to search and access all the datasets published by the Australian Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network. In the TERN data discovery portal, users can conduct textual and graphical searches on the metadata catalogue using a web interface with temporal, spatial, and eco science related controlled vocabulary keywords. Requests to download data discovered through different data services associated with TERN. Downloading, using and sharing data will be subjected to the TERN data licensing framework (
Geoscientific Data & Discovery Publishing Center (GDD) is based on the geological scientific data generated globally, establishing policies and systems for the scientific data publishing, absorbing the concepts and methods of international open data, and joint Digital Object Unique Identifier-DOI registration agencies to provide standard data reference formats and permanent access address for data references, doing publishing through the Internet platform, which combines innovation and advance. GDD mainly includes data descriptor and entity data publishing. The data papers describe entity data and corresponding metadata information. The entity data includes common shared data such as geographic information, geologic maps, and databases, and also includes multiple data types, such as documents, archive records, data forms and other multimedia formed during geological work, various data-centric applications, database interface services, and typical data services.
The International Center for Global Earth Models collects and distributes historical and actual global gravity field models of the Earth and offers calculation service for derived quantities. In particular the tasks include: collecting and archiving of all existing global gravity field models, web interface for getting access to global gravity field models, web based visualization of the gravity field models their differences and their time variation, web based service for calculating different functionals of the gravity field models, web site for tutorials on spherical harmonics and the theory of the calculation service. As new service since 2016, ICGEM is providing a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the data set of the model (the coefficients).
ERDDAP is a data server that gives you a simple, consistent way to download subsets of gridded and tabular scientific datasets in common file formats and make graphs and maps. This particular ERDDAP installation has oceanographic data (for example, data from satellites and buoys).
ISRIC - World Soil Information is an independent foundation. As regular member of the ICS World Data System it is also known as World Data Centre for Soils (WDC-Soils). ISRIC was founded in 1966 through the International Soil Science Society (ISSS) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), with a mission to "help to increase the availability and use of soil data, information and knowledge to enable better decision making for sustainable land management around the world". Our work is organised according to four work streams: 1) Global soil information & standards, 2) Community of practice for soil information providers, 3) Products and services to support SLM (sustainable land management) decision making, and 4) Awareness, education and dialogues. is our central location for searching and downloading soil data bases/maps from around the world. We support Open Data whenever possible, respecting inherited rights (licenses).
Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) provides data collected by the Australian marine community. AODN's data is searchable via map interface and metadata catalogue. AODN is Australia's exhaustive repository for marine and climate data. AODN has merged with IMOS eMarine Information Infrastructure (eMII) Facility in May 2016. IMOS is a multi-institutional collaboration with a focus on open data access. It is ideally placed to manage the AODN on behalf of the Australian marine and climate community.
Chinese National Arctic & Antarctic Data Center(CN-NADC) is a national facility within the Polar research institute of China (PRIC), which is a research institute under the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) of China. CN-NADC was established in response to Chinese participation in the Article III.1.c of Antarctic Treaty System - (ATS — and Chinese Polar Data Policy( CN-NADC serves as the only authorized institution in China to capture, standard manage and long-term preserve the data and samples information, and to provide sustainable polar data service. In 2003, CN-NADC became one of the nodes of ‘National Data Sharing Infrastructure of Earth Science’ (GEODATA,, which’s one of the Platforms of the National Science and Technology Infrastructures (NSTI, supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the Ministry of Finance of People’s Republic of China.
The objective of this database is to stimulate the exchange of information and the collaboration between researchers within the ChArMEx community. However, this community is not exclusive and researchers not directly involved in ChArMEx, but who wish to contribute to the achievements of ChArMEx scientific and/or educational goals are welcome to join-in. The database is a depository for all the data collected during the various projects that contribute to ChArMEx coordinated program. It aims at documenting, storing and distributing the data produced or used by the project community. However, it is also intended to host datasets that were produced outside the ChArMEx program but which are meaningful to ChArMEx scientific and/or educational goals. Any data owner who wishes to add or link his dataset to ChArMEx database is welcome to contact the database manager in order to get help and support. The ChArMEx database includes past and recent geophysical in situ observations, satellite products and model outputs. The database organizes the data management and provides data services to end-users of ChArMEx data. The database system provides a detailed description of the products and uses standardized formats whenever it is possible. It defines the access rules to the data and details the mutual rights and obligations of data providers and users (see ChArMEx data and publication policy). The database is being developed jointly by : SEDOO, OMP Toulouse , ICARE, Lille and ESPRI, IPSL Paris