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Found 73 result(s)
The World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) integrates approximately 100 marine datbases to provide an authoritative and comprehensive list of marine organisms. WoRMS has an editorial system where taxonomic groups are managed by experts responsible for the quality of the information. WorMS register of marine species emerged from the European Register of Marine Species (ERMS) and the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ). WoRMS is a contribution to Lifewatch, Catalogue of Life, Encyclopedia of Life, Global Biodiversity Information Facility and the Census of Marine Life.
The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) provides regular and systematic reference information on the physical and biogeochemical state, variability and dynamics of the ocean and marine ecosystems for the global ocean and the European regional seas. The observations and forecasts produced by the service support all marine applications, including: Marine safety; Marine resources; Coastal and marine environment; Weather, seasonal forecasting and climate. For instance, the provision of data on currents, winds and sea ice help to improve ship routing services, offshore operations or search and rescue operations, thus contributing to marine safety. The service also contributes to the protection and the sustainable management of living marine resources in particular for aquaculture, sustainable fisheries management or regional fishery organisations decision-making process. Physical and marine biogeochemical components are useful for water quality monitoring and pollution control. Sea level rise is a key indicator of climate change and helps to assess coastal erosion. Sea surface temperature elevation has direct consequences on marine ecosystems and appearance of tropical cyclones. As a result of this, the service supports a wide range of coastal and marine environment applications. Many of the data delivered by the service (e.g. temperature, salinity, sea level, currents, wind and sea ice) also play a crucial role in the domain of weather, climate and seasonal forecasting.
LITTERBASE summarises results from 2,046 scientific studies in understandable global maps and figures and opens scientific knowledge on marine litter to the public. In LITTERBASE, we compile information from 2,046 scientific publications on marine litter in a comprehensive data base. This forms the basis of continuously updated maps and figures for policy makers, authorities, scientists, media and the general public on the global amount, distribution and composition of marine litter and its impacts on aquatic life. The portal conveys a broad, fact-based understanding of this environmental problem.
This website was developed by Iranian National Center for Ocean Data (INCOD) to provide useful services in the field of oceanographic data and information management for marine researchers and organizations. The INCOD website is used as a discovery service. Its goal is to improve marine research by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between national marine organizations. This website provides a gateway and access point to INCOD products containing data, information, websites, tools, applications, atlases, data catalogues and user manuals to public users.
The Norwegian Marine Data Centre (NMD) at the Institute of Marine Research was established as a national data centre dedicated to the professional processing and long-term storage of marine environmental and fisheries data and production of data products. The Institute of Marine Research continuously collects large amounts of data from all Norwegian seas. Data are collected using vessels, observation buoys, manual measurements, gliders – amongst others. NMD maintains the largest collection of marine environmental and fisheries data in Norway.
The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) is a tropical marine research centre. The AIMS Data Repository preserves experimental and survey data, sensor data, research analyses and other types of data collected by projects conducted by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). Contributors to the repository are primarily AIMS researchers from various science disciplines including ecology, biology, environmental sciences, microbiology, geosciences and oceanography, geochemistry, biodiversity conservation, evolutionary environmental studies, climate and oceanic change, fisheries, biochemistry and molecular biology, limnology and functions of inland waters, genetics and hereditary, observing network
As the third center for oceanography of the World Data Center following WDC-A of the United States and WDC-B of Russia, WDC-D for oceanography boasts long-term and stable sources of domestic marine basic data. The State Oceanic Administration now has long-term observations obtained from the fixed coastal ocean stations, offshore and oceanic research vessels, moored and drifting buoys. More and more marine data have been available from the Chinese-foreign marine cooperative surveys, analysis and measurement of laboratory samples, reception by the satellite ground station, aerial telemeter and remote sensing, the GOOS program and global ships of opportunity reports, etc; More marine data are being and will be obtained from the ongoing “863” program, one of the state key projects during the Ninth Five-year plan and the seasat No 1 which is scheduled to be launched next year. Through many years’ effort, the WDC-D for oceanography has established formal relationship of marine data exchange with over 130 marine institutions in more than 60 countries in the world and is maintaining a close relationship of data exchange with over 30 major national oceanographic data centers. The established China Oceanic Information Network has joined the international marine data exchange system via Internet. Through these channels, a large amount data have been acquired of through international exchange, which, plus the marine data collected at home for many years, has brought the WDC-D for Oceanography over 100 years’ global marine data with a total data amounting to more than 10 billion bytes. In the meantime, a vast amount of work has been done in the standardized and normalized processing and management of the data, and a series of national and professional standards have been formulated and implemented successively. Moreover, appropriate standards and norms are being formulated as required.
SAHFOS is an internationally funded independent research non-profit organisation responsible for the operation of the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey. As a large-scale global survey, it provides the scientific and policy communities with a basin-wide and long-term measure of the ecological health of marine plankton. Established in 1931, the CPR Survey is the longest running, most geographically extensive marine ecological survey in the world. It has a considerable database of marine plankton and associated metadata that is used by researchers and policy makers to examine strategically important science pillars such as climate change, human health, fisheries, biodiversity, pathogens, invasive species, ocean acidification and natural capital. The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey has merged with the Marine Biological Association. Today the Survey is operated by the Marine Biological Association, based in Plymouth, UK.
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<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available >>>!!!>>> Marine Microbial Database of India is an initiative of CSIR National Institute of Oceanography (NIO). It is supported by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and managed by Biodiversity Informatics Group (BIG), Bioinformatics Centre of the NIO. It contains records about 1,814 marine microbes. Each record provides information on microbe’s location, habitat, importance (of the organism), threats (to the organism). The database also provides a Taxonomic Hierarchy and Scientific Name Index.
The RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database is a compilation of stock assessment results for commercially exploited marine populations from around the world. The recently updated database offers many graphical and analytic tools to explore the data, as well as new data sets including; assessments from N.W. Africa, assessments from the Mediterranean Sea, assessments from Chile, data sets on Pacific salmon. The database is seeking collaborators to cover parts of the world that we are missing.
Data are the key to successful scientific work. A sophisticated data management will guarantee the long-term availability of observational data and metadata, and will allow for an easy data search and retrieval, to supplement the international data exchange and to provide data products for scientific, political, industrial and public stakeholders.
Accredited through the MEDIN partnership, and core-funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Scottish Government, DASSH provides tools and services for the long-term curation, management and publication of marine species and habitats data, within the UK and internationally. Working closely with partners and data providers we are committed to the FAIR Data Principles, to make marine biodiversity data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. DASSH is a flagship initiative of the Marine Biological Association (MBA), and builds on the MBA's historic role in marine science. Through partnerships with other UK and European data centres DASSH contributes to data portals including the NBN Atlas, EMODnet, EurOBIS and GBIF. On an international scale DASSH is also the UK node of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), and an Associated Data Unit of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), giving the Data Archive Centre global recognition.
The South African Marine Information Management System (MIMS) is an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) repository that plays a multifaceted role in archiving, publishing, and preserving marine-related datasets. As an IODE-accredited Associate Data Unit (ADU), MIMS serves as a national node for the IODE of the IOC of UNESCO. It archives and publishes collections and subsets of marine-related datasets for the National Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment (DFFE) and its regional partners. As an IOC member organization, DFFE is committed to supporting the long-term preservation and archival of marine and coastal data for South Africa and its regional partners, promoting open access to data, and encouraging scientific collaboration. Tasked with the long-term preservation of South Africa's marine and coastal data, MIMS functions as an institutional data repository. It provides primary access to all data collected by the DFFE Oceans and Coastal Research Directorate and acts as a trusted broker of scientific marine data for a wide range of South African institutions. MIMS hosts the IODE AFROBIS Node, an OBIS Node that coordinates and collates data management activities within the sub-Saharan African region. As part of the OBIS Steering Group, MIMS represents sub-Saharan Africa on issues around biological (biodiversity) data standards. It also facilitates data and metadata publishing for the region through the GBIF and OBIS networks. Operating on the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) data principles, MIMS aligns its practices to maximize ocean data exchange and use while respecting the conditions stipulated by the Data Provider. By integrating various functions and commitments, MIMS stands as a vital component in the marine and coastal data landscape, fostering collaboration, standardization, and accessibility in alignment with international standards and regional needs.
As the national oceanographic data centre for Canada, MEDS maintains centralized repositories of some oceanographic data types collected in Canada, and coordinates data exchanges between DFO and recognized intergovernmental organizations, as well as acts as a central point for oceanographic data requests. Real-time, near real-time (for operational oceanography) or historical data are made available as appropriate.
The construction goal of the national marine aquatic germplasm resource bank: by 2025, promote the national marine aquatic germplasm resource bank to become an international marine aquatic germplasm resource collection and preservation center with rich species, wide coverage, and 200,000 preserved copies. The transformation of resources from decentralized management to centralized integration, from focusing on collection and preservation to focusing on both preservation and development, provides a material basis for promoting the sustainable development of the national economy, building a society in which humans and nature coexist in harmony, and promoting my country's transformation from marine aquatic species to species. The transformation from a country with large quality resources to a country with strong resources.
OBIS strives to document the ocean's diversity, distribution and abundance of life. Created by the Census of Marine Life, OBIS is now part of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, under its International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) programme
"Seanoe (SEA scieNtific Open data Edition) is a publisher of scientific data in the field of marine sciences. It is operated by Ifremer ( Data published by SEANOE are available free. They can be used in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons license selected by the author of data. Seance contributes to Open Access / Open Science movement for a free access for everyone to all scientific data financed by public funds for the benefit of research. An embargo limited to 2 years on a set of data is possible; for example to restrict access to data of a publication under scientific review. Each data set published by SEANOE has a DOI which enables it to be cited in a publication in a reliable and sustainable way. The long-term preservation of data filed in SEANOE is ensured by Ifremer infrastructure. "
The Woods Hole Open Access Server, WHOAS, is an institutional repository that captures, stores, preserves, and redistributes the intellectual output of the Woods Hole scientific community in digital form. WHOAS is managed by the MBLWHOI Library as a service to the Woods Hole scientific community
BioChem is an archive of marine biological and chemical data maintained by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). It holds biological and chemical data that are: from department research initiatives and collected in areas of Canadian interest
Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) deploys Canadian, state of the art acoustic receivers and oceanographic monitoring equipment in key ocean locations. These are being used to document the movements and survival of marine animals carrying acoustic tags and to document how both are influenced by oceanographic conditions.
The MGDS MediaBank contains high quality images, illustrations, animations and video clips that are organized into galleries. Media can be sorted by category, and keyword and map-based search options are provided. Each item in the MediaBank is accompanied by metadata that provides access into our cruise catalog and data repository.