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Found 26 result(s)
HCUPnet is a free, on-line query system based on data from the healthcare cost and utilization project (HCUP). It provides access to health statistics and information on hospital inpatient and emergency departments. HCUP is used to identify, track, analyze, and compare hospital statistics at the national, regional, and state levels.
A collection of data at Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) supporting research that helps people make more informed decisions and improves the quality of health care services. The portal contains U.S.Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK) and Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR) and other sources concerning cost, quality, accesibility and evaluation of healthcare and medical insurance.
<<<!!!<<< USHIK was archived because some of the metadata are maintained by other sites and there is no need for duplication. The USHIK metadata registry was a neutral repository of metadata from an authoritative source used to promote interoperability and reuse of data. The registry did not attempt to change the metadata content but rather provided a structured way to view data for the technical or casual user. Complete information see: >>>!!!>>>
The Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) at Tufts Medical Center, with support from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), has developed the Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR), which is a Web-based tool for data extraction and storage of systematic review data. Potential users include patients, policy makers/stakeholders, independent researchers, research centers, and funders of research.
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Wellcome Images is one of the Wellcome Library's major visual collections and also forms part of Wellcome Collection. Wellcome Images is one of the world's richest and most unique collections, with themes ranging from medical and social history to contemporary healthcare and biomedical science. This unrivalled collection contains historical images from the Wellcome Library collections, Tibetan Buddhist paintings, ancient Sanskrit manuscripts written on palm leaves, beautifully illuminated Persian books and much more.
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The YODA Project is an effort by a group of academically-based clinical researchers to facilitate access to participant-level clinical research data and/or comprehensive reports of clinical research, such as full Clinical Study Reports (CSRs), a level of detail not customarily found in journal publications, with the aim of promoting scientific research that may advance science or lead to improvements in individual and public health and healthcare delivery. The YODA Project is guided by the following core principles, which reflect the overall mission of the project to promote open science by: Promoting the sharing of clinical research data to advance science and improve public health and healthcare, Promoting the responsible conduct of research, Ensuring good stewardship of clinical research data, and Protecting the rights of research participants
THIN is a medical data collection scheme that collects anonymised patient data from its members through the healthcare software Vision. The UK Primary Care database contains longitudinal patient records for approximately 6% of the UK Population. The anonymised data collection, which goes back to 1994, is nationally representative of the UK population.
The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) is a set of large-scale surveys of families and individuals, their medical providers, and employers across the United States. MEPS is the most complete source of data on the cost and use of health care and health insurance coverage.
The Minnesota Population Center (MPC) is a University-wide interdisciplinary cooperative for demographic research. The MPC serves more than 80 faculty members and research scientists from eight colleges and institutes at the University of Minnesota. As a leading developer and disseminator of demographic data, we also serve a broader audience of some 50,000 demographic researchers worldwide. MPC is a DataONE member node:
Novartis provides the technical results and trial summaries for patients from Phase 1 through 4 interventional trials for innovative products within one year of trial completion. A trial summary for patients is a trial result written in easier to understand language than the technical results.
The ClinicalCodes repository aims to hold code lists for all published electronic medical record studies, irrespective of code type (e.g. Read, ICD9-10, SNOMED) and database (CPRD, QResearch, THIN etc.). Once deposited, code lists will be freely available, with no login needed to download codes.
PHO's data inventory lists all PHO data sets and identifies whether a data set is currently open, in the process of being opened or exempt from being released.
LifeMap Discovery® is a compendium of embryonic development for stem cell research and regenerative medicine, constructed by integrating extensive molecular, cellular, anatomical and medical data curated from scientific literature and high-throughput data sources.
The mission of ChiCTR is to “unite clinicians, clinical epidemiologists, biostatisticians, epidemiologists and healthcare managers both at home and abroad, to manage clinical trials in a strict and scientific manner, and to promote their quality in China, so as to provide reliable evidence from clinical trials for health care workers, consumers and medical policy decision makers, and also to use medical resources more effectively to provide better service for Chinese people and all human beings.
The ISRCTN registry is a primary clinical trial registry recognised by WHO and ICMJE that accepts all clinical research studies (whether proposed, ongoing or completed), providing content validation and curation and the unique identification number necessary for publication. All study records in the database are freely accessible and searchable. ISRCTN supports transparency in clinical research, helps reduce selective reporting of results and ensures an unbiased and complete evidence base. ISRCTN accepts all studies involving human subjects or populations with outcome measures assessing effects on human health and well-being, including studies in healthcare, social care, education, workplace safety and economic development.
!!! >>> expired <<< !!!! Intrepid Bioinformatics serves as a community for genetic researchers and scientific programmers who need to achieve meaningful use of their genetic research data – but can’t spend tremendous amounts of time or money in the process. The Intrepid Bioinformatics system automates time consuming manual processes, shortens workflow, and eliminates the threat of lost data in a faster, cheaper, and better environment than existing solutions. The system also provides the functionality and community features needed to analyze the large volumes of Next Generation Sequencing and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism data, which is generated for a wide range of purposes from disease tracking and animal breeding to medical diagnosis and treatment.
The National Health Research and Studies Portal (NHRSP) is an initiative to build a national digital research data infrastructure, that provides data for health-related research, to meet tomorrow's health challenges. NHRSP aims to make health research more sustainable, efficient and responsive to health challenges, through research data sharing and re-cycling, in accordance with the ethical standards of scientific research.
This site is dedicated to making high value health data more accessible to entrepreneurs, researchers, and policy makers in the hopes of better health outcomes for all. In a recent article, Todd Park, United States Chief Technology Officer, captured the essence of what the Health Data Initiative is all about and why our efforts here are so important.
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A machine learning data repository with interactive visual analytic techniques. This project is the first to combine the notion of a data repository with real-time visual analytics for interactive data mining and exploratory analysis on the web. State-of-the-art statistical techniques are combined with real-time data visualization giving the ability for researchers to seamlessly find, explore, understand, and discover key insights in a large number of public donated data sets. This large comprehensive collection of data is useful for making significant research findings as well as benchmark data sets for a wide variety of applications and domains and includes relational, attributed, heterogeneous, streaming, spatial, and time series data as well as non-relational machine learning data. All data sets are easily downloaded into a standard consistent format. We also have built a multi-level interactive visual analytics engine that allows users to visualize and interactively explore the data in a free-flowing manner.
The team have established the CardiacAI Data Repository that brings large amounts of Australian healthcare data together in a secure environment with strict conditions for use of these data with an appropriate level of oversight of research activities. The CardiacAI Data Repository collects de-identified EMR data about cardiovascular patients who are admitted to a group of urban and regional hospitals in NSW and links this with state-wide hospital and emergency deparment visit and mortality data and mobile-health remote monitoring data.
<<<!!!<<< This information is for reference purposes only. It was current when produced and may now be outdated. Archive material is no longer maintained, and some links may not work. Persons with disabilities having difficulty accessing this information should contact us at: Let us know the nature of the problem, the Web address of what you want, and your contact information. Please go to for current information. >>>!!!>>> HIV and AIDS Costs and Use is the first major research effort to collect information on a nationally representative sample of people in care for HIV infection. Also called the HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study (HCSUS), the core study is meant to help policymakers in the U.S. make informed decisions on the subject. The study describes the type of therapies available and costs of health care services for people with HIV/AIDS, as well as quality of care, social support, and non-medical services HIV/AIDS patients receive. Supplemental studies examine HIV care delivery in rural areas, prevalence of mental and substance abuse disorders, and other health issues of HIV/AIDS patients.
TÁRKI Social Research Institute is an independent, employee-owned research organisation that specialises in policy research in the fields of social policy and the social consequences of economic policies. This includes related data-collection, archiving and statistical activities. We recently increased our involvement in the areas of strategic market research and health policy analysis. In addition, we regularly contribute to basic research, in the areas of social stratification and inequality, and to the methodology of empirical social research.
ECDC is an EU agency aimed at strengthening Europe's defences against infectious diseases. The core functions cover a wide spectrum of activities: surveillance, epidemic intelligence, response, scientific advice, microbiology, preparedness, public health training, international relations, health communication, and the scientific journal Eurosurveillance. Within the field of its mission, the Centre shall: search for, collect, collate, evaluate and disseminate relevant scientific and technical data; provide scientific opinions and scientific and technical assistance including training; provide timely information to the Commission, the Member States, Community agencies and international organisations active within the field of public health; coordinate the European networking of bodies operating in the fields within the Centre's mission, including networks that emerge from public health activities supported by the Commission and operating the dedicated surveillance networks; exchange information, expertise and best practices, and facilitate the development and implementation of joint actions.
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GAZEL is an open epidemiologic laboratory. Like major scientific instruments (telescopes or particle accelerators, for example, or genotyping laboratories equipped with sequencers), GAZEL was not constructed to answer a specific question. Instead it was designed to help analyze a wide range of scientific problems and is accessible to the community of researchers specializing in epidemiology. In accordance with its purpose as a scientific research platform, the GAZEL cohort is permanently open to epidemiologic research teams. Today, more than 50 projects on very diversified themes have been set up in GAZEL by some 20 teams, French, belonging to different bodies, and foreign (Germany, Belgium, Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, and USA).