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Found 148 result(s)
<<<!!!<<<This is an archive of the old NEBC site from and is no longer updated. For new information regarding NERC Environmental Omics and the Bio-Linux system please see the EOS site at >>>!!!>>> Ongoing NEBC activities, including the development of Bio-Linux, are being moved into the new EOS programme . Once the current material from this website has been moved into EOS, this NEBC site will remain on-line as an archive. EnvBase is the searchable index to the data deposited through the NEBC, as well as related NERC experimental data. At present this is chiefly from the grants funded by the NERC Environmental Genomics Science Programme and the subsequent Post-genomics and Proteomics Science Programme, but more data from ongoing projects continues to be added
SAFER-Data is a web-based interface to the Environmental Data Archive maintained by the Environmental Research Centre (ERC) in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Ireland, who has responsibilities for a wide range of licensing, enforcement, monitoring and assessment activities associated with environmental protection.
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The future of tropical forests matter to future climate. NGEE-Tropics is advancing model predictions of tropical forest carbon cycle responses to a changing climate over the 21st Century.
The Norwegian Polar Institute is a governmental institution for scientific research, mapping and environmental monitoring in the Arctic and the Antarctic. The institute’s Polar Data Centre (NPDC) manages and provides access to scientific data, environmental monitoring data, and topographic and geological map data from the polar regions. The scientific datasets are ranging from human field observations, through in situ and moving sensor data, to remote sensing products. The institute's data holdings also include photographic images, audio and video records.
The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union. Our task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment. We are a major information source for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy, and also the general public. Currently, the EEA has 33 member countries. EEA's mandate is: To help the Community and member countries make informed decisions about improving the environment, integrating environmental considerations into economic policies and moving towards sustainability To coordinate the European environment information and observation network (Eionet)
<<<!!!<<<This entry is depricated, the data is available at>>>!!!>>> The Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory (CBEO) is a prototype to demonstrate the utility of newly developed Cyberinfrastructure (CI) components for transforming environmental research, education, and management. The CBEO project uses a specific problem of water quality (hypoxia) as means of directly involving users and demonstrating the prototype’s utility. Data from the Test Bed are being brought into a CBEO Portal on a National Geoinformatics Grid developed by the NSF funded GEON. This is a cyberinfrastructure netwrok that allows users access to datasets as well as the tools with which to analyze the data. Currently, Test Bed data avaialble on the CBEO Portal includes Water Quality Model output and water quality monitorig data from the Chesapeake Bay Program's CIMS database. This data is also available as aggregated "data cubes". Avaialble tools include the Data Access System for Hydrology (DASH), Hydroseek and an online R-based interpolator.
The Freshwater Research and Environmental Database is the central data repository for IGB. It is where we store and share environmental data from observations of lakes, rivers, peatlands and other freshwater habitats. In FRED you can find continuous data collected over several decades from our long-term research programme at the lakes Müggelsee, Stechlinsee, Arendsee and the river Spree, as well as environmental data derived from short-term projects in aquatic ecosystems. All data include detailed metadata descriptions in text form to allow reuse of the data. The database can be searched for a range of aspects, such as ecosystem types or abiotic and biotic variables. Data use, where not freely accessible, shall be granted after consulting with the contact person given in the database, and is subject to the IGB Data Policy.
The Environmental Change Network is the UK’s long-term environmental monitoring and research (LTER) programme. We make regular measurements of plant and animal communities and their physical and chemical environment. Our long-term datasets are used to increase understanding of the effects of climate change, air pollution and other environmental pressures on UK ecosystems.
Ecosounds is a repository of environmental audio recordings. This website facilitates the management, access, visualization, and analysis of environmental acoustic data. It uses the Acoustic Workbench software which is open source and available from GitHub. The website is run by the QUT Ecoacoustics Research Group to support bioacoustics and ecoacoustics research.
Global environmental (climate, vegetation, soils, land degradation, hydrology, land cover) layers representing the land mask. Hosted by the OpenGeoHub foundation is a data portal to the world's environmental data representing land mask (land cover, vegetation, soil, climate, terrain data and similar). is the web-mapping component of the LandGIS (Geographic Information System for land data).
The UK Polar Data Centre (UK PDC) is the focal point for Arctic and Antarctic environmental data management in the UK. Part of the Natural Environmental Research Council’s (NERC) network of environmental data centres and based at the British Antarctic Survey, it coordinates the management of polar data from UK-funded research and supports researchers in complying with national and international data legislation and policy.
EMS is the BC Ministry of Environment's primary monitoring data repository. The system was designed to capture data covering physical/chemical and biological analyses performed on water, air, solid waste discharges and ambient monitoring sites throughout the province. It also contains related quality assurance data. Samples are collected by either ministry staff or permittees under the Environmental Management Act and then analyzed in public or private sector laboratories. The majority of such monitoring data is entered into EMS electronically via Electronic Data Transfer (EDT). EMS data is typically available in formatted hard copy reports or electronically in comma delimited (e.g., .csv) files as: Monitoring location-related data, Sample and results-related data. Direct access to EMS is restricted to ministry staff, however public access is available upon request through EMS Web Reporting.
The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada’s performance on key environmental sustainability issues including climate change and air quality, water quality and availability, and protected nature. The CESI website ensures that national, regional, local and international trends are readily accessible and transparently presented to all Canadians through the use of graphics, explanatory text, interactive maps and downloadable data.
The USA National Phenology Network serves science and society by promoting broad understanding of plant and animal phenology and its relationship with environmental change. The Network is a consortium of individuals and organizations that collect, share, and use phenology data, models, and related information.
<<<!!!<<< The demand for high-value environmental data and information has dramatically increased in recent years. To improve our ability to meet that demand, NOAA’s former three data centers—the National Climatic Data Center, the National Geophysical Data Center, and the National Oceanographic Data Center, which includes the National Coastal Data Development Center—have merged into the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). >>>!!!>>> NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) is responsible for preserving, monitoring, assessing, and providing public access to the Nation's treasure of climate and historical weather data and information.
The Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase) is a software and data platform designed to meet the grand challenge of systems biology: predicting and designing biological function. KBase integrates data and tools in a unified graphical interface so users do not need to access them from numerous sources or learn multiple systems in order to create and run sophisticated systems biology workflows. Users can perform large-scale analyses and combine multiple lines of evidence to model plant and microbial physiology and community dynamics. KBase is the first large-scale bioinformatics system that enables users to upload their own data, analyze it (along with collaborator and public data), build increasingly realistic models, and share and publish their workflows and conclusions. KBase aims to provide a knowledgebase: an integrated environment where knowledge and insights are created and multiplied.
Agri-environmental Research Data collection is part of the University of Guelph Research Data Repositories (University of Guelph Dataverse). The purpose of this collection is to provide access to, and long-term stewardship of, agricultural and environmental data created at or in cooperation with the University of Guelph.
This database provides theoretical values of energy levels of hydrogen and deuterium for principle quantum numbers n = 1 to 200 and all allowed orbital angular momenta l and total angular momenta j. The values are based on current knowledge of the revelant theoretical contributions including relativistic, quantum electrodynamic, recoil, and nuclear size effects.
This database serves forest tree scientists by providing online access to hardwood tree genomic and genetic data, including assembled reference genomes, transcriptomes, and genetic mapping information. The web site also provides access to tools for mining and visualization of these data sets, including BLAST for comparing sequences, Jbrowse for browsing genomes, Apollo for community annotation and Expression Analysis to build gene expression heatmaps.
<<<!!!<<< The demand for high-value environmental data and information has dramatically increased in recent years. To improve our ability to meet that demand, NOAA’s former three data centers—the National Climatic Data Center, the National Geophysical Data Center, and the National Oceanographic Data Center, which includes the National Coastal Data Development Center—have merged into the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). >>>!!!>>> The NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (formerly the National Geophysical Data Center) provide scientific stewardship, products and services for sea floor and lakebed data, including geophysics (gravity, magnetics, seismic reflection, bathymetry, water column sonar), and data derived from sediment and rock samples. NCEI compiles coastal and global digital elevation models, high-resolution models for tsunami inundation studies, provides stewardship for NOS data supporting charts and navigation, and is the US national long-term archive for MGG data
Global Change Research Data Publishing and Repository (GCdataPR) is an open data infrastructure on earth science, particular on the global environmental changes. The GCdataPR’ management policies following the international common understanding to the data sharing principles and guidelines is the key to make the qualified data publishing and sharing smoothly and successfully. The data management policies including dataset submission for publishing policy, peer review policy data quality control policy data long-term preservation policy, data sharing policy, 10% rule for identify original dataset policy, claim discovery with both data and paper policy, and data service statistics policy.
NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) are responsible for hosting and providing public access to one of the most significant archives for environmental data on Earth with over 20 petabytes of comprehensive atmospheric, coastal, oceanic, and geophysical data. NCEI headquarters are located in Asheville, North Carolina. Most employees work in the four main locations, but apart from those locations, NCEI has employees strategically located throughout the United States. The main locations are Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites–North Carolina (CICS-NC) at Asheville, North Carolina, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at Boulder Colorado, Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites–Maryland (CICS-MD) at Silver Spring Maryland and Stennis Space Center, Mississippi.