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Found 325 result(s)
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is responsible for collecting and analyzing data related to education, including assessing the performance of students from early childhood through secondary education as well as the literacy level of adults and post-secondary education surveys. Users can access data on public and private schools as well as public libraries and a college navigator tool containing information on over 7,000 post-secondary institutions.
It is a statistical system developed for collection, computerization, analysis and use of educational and allied data for planning, management, monitoring and feedback. So, DISE is an initiative of the Department of Educational Management Information System (EMIS) of NUEPA for developing and strengthening the educational management information system in India. The initiative is coordinated from district level to state and extended up to national level are being constantly collected and disseminated. It provides information on vital parameters relating to students, teachers and infrastructure at all levels of education in India. Presently DISE has three modules U-DISE, DISE, and SEMIS. DISE also provides several other derivative statistical products, such as, District Report Cards, State Report Cards, School Report Cards, Flash Statistics, Analytical Reports, Rural/Urban Statistics, etc.
The Research Data Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (FDZ-DZHW) at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) in Hannover provides the scientific community with quantitative and qualitative research data from the field of higher education and science studies for research and teaching purposes. The data pool of the Research Data Centre is based on two sources: Firstly, it contains the current surveys of the panels conducted in-house (especially DZHW Graduate Panel, Social Survey, DZHW Panel Study of School Leavers with a Higher Education Entrance Qualification, DZHW Scientists Survey), which are integrated by default. Secondly, the Research Data Centre constantly processes, documents and integrates inventory data of the DZHW and its prior organisations. External data from the research area is also integrated into the FDZ data pool.
<<<!!!<<< Jedi is no longer online 2019-05-14 >>>!!!>>> JEDI is an educational data archive service that collects, preserves, and distributes empirical data for academic, educational and governmental administrative purposes.
Content type(s)
Health education and health promotion are important elements of the health system in Germany. The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) has been pursuing the goal of preventing health risks and encouraging health-promoting lifestyles since its establishment in 1967. In addition, the understanding of health and prevention is changing. Against this backdrop, health education is - as a constant communication process - dedicated to the goal of enabling self-responsible action in relation to health. The data sets can be requested from GESIS via the data archive for social sciences (DAS):
The Research Data Centre Education is a focal point for empirical educational research regarding the archiving and retrieval of audiovisual research data (AV) data and survey instruments (questionnaires and tests). In Research Data Centre Education relevant for empirical educational research data sets and tools for secondary use are provided conform with data protection via a central data repository. Contextual information for each origin study and data and instruments as well as related publications complete the offer. Content of Research Data Centre Education formation (so far) focuses on instruments and data sets of Schulqualitäts- and teaching quality research. Observation and interview data in the form of (anonymous) transcripts and codes - be viewed freely accessible - if any. The release of the original AV data for a scientific re-use is linked to a registration by specifying a reasoned research interest in order to protect the privacy rights of the observed or interviewed people.
The resource section of the Foundation for Child Development is a collection of reports, research, papers, and other materials published primarily by FCD and its grantees. The resource section contains materials relating to FCD’s current programs: PreK-3rd Education, Young Scholars Program, and Child Well-Being Index (CWI). FCD archives from 1909 - 2000 are located at the Rockefeller Archive Center. To view a description of the collection visit FCD at the Rockefeller Archive Center 1904 -2001
VADS is the online resource for visual arts. It has provided services to the academic community for 12 years and has built up a considerable portfolio of visual art collections comprising over 100,000 images that are freely available and copyright cleared for use in learning, teaching and research in the UK. VADS provides: expert guidance and help for digital projects in art education; resource development and hosting for art education; project management and consultancy for art education; leadership in the innovative use of ICT in education through its research and development activities. VADS offers advice and guidance to the visual arts research, teaching and learning communities on all aspects of digital resource management from funding, through delivery and use, to preservation.
Child Care & Early Education Research Connections promotes high quality research in child care and early education and the use of that research in policy making. Our vision is that children are well cared for and have rich learning experiences, and their families are supported and able to work. Through this Web site, we offer research and data resources for researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and others.
BIBB has a strong tradition of survey-based research. It initiates and realises the collection of individual and firm-level data on crucial positions and transitions in the education and labour market system. The BIBB-FDZ covers a variety of data deploying different units of analysis and temporal designs and focusing on various thematic issues. Standard access to well prepared firm- and individual-level data on the attainment and utilization of vocational education and training Documentation of these data sets, i.e. a description of their central characteristics, main issues and variables, data collection, anonymisation, weighting and recoding etc. Advisory service on data choice, data access and handling, research potential and scope and validity of the data. Supply of a range of data tools such as standard measures and classifications in the fields of education, occupations, industries and regions (if possible also including cross-national fields), formally anonymous data for remote data access, or references to publications with the data.
The Repositorio de datos del Ministerio de Educación del Perú provides the scientific community with a series of data sets for its reuse. The MINEDU Data Repository is integrated into the Digital National Repository of Science, Technology and Innovation of Open Access - ALICIA ( managed and administrated by CONCYTEC.
HIstome: The Histone Infobase is a database of human histones, their post-translational modifications and modifying enzymes. HIstome is a combined effort of researchers from two institutions, Advanced Center for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), Navi Mumbai and Center of Excellence in Epigenetics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune.
Research Data Centre Education is a service offered by the German Institute for International Educational Research, for the purpose of a comprehensive and permanent documentation of empirical educational research studies. This service offers a central access point to describing information on studies, assessment instruments used and assessed research data, as well as publications.
DOOR is the open institutional repository of the University for Continuing Education Krems, formerly known as Danube University Krems. DOOR runs on the fedora Software and is a partner repository of Phaidra Vienna and other fedora users in Austria. We provide access to OA publications, scientific data and much more for interested users and support our scientists and co-workers in their publication processis.
<<<!!!<<< The data of this repository is also available at >>>!!!>>> The project analyzes educational processes in Germany from early childhood to late adulthood. The National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) has been set up to find out more about the acquisition of education in Germany, to plot the consequences of education for individual biographies, and to describe central educational processes and trajectories across the entire life span. Such an interdisciplinary consortium of research institutes, researcher groups, and research. personalities has been assembled in Bamberg. In addition, the competencies and experiences with longitudinal research available at numerous other locations have been networked to form a cluster of excellence.
EDINA delivers online services and tools to benefit students, teachers and researchers in UK Higher and Further Education and beyond.
AURIN is a collaborative national network of leading researchers and data providers across the academic, government, and private sectors. We provide a one-stop online workbench with access to thousands of multidisciplinary datasets, from over 100 different data sources.
ACU Research Bank is the Australian Catholic University's institutional research repository. It serves to collect, preserve, and showcase the research publications and outputs of ACU staff and higher degree students. Where possible and permissible, a full text version of a research output is available as open access.
The Tecnológico de Monterrey's Data Hub offers Open Data generated by our researchers and other initiatives. This initiative is sponsored by both the Living Lab & Data Hub of the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE and the Tecnologico de Monterrey's Research Office. This repository is organized by Institutes and Schools.
To target the multidisciplinary, broad scale nature of empirical educational research in the Federal Republic of Germany, a networked research data infrastructure is required which brings together disparate services from different research data providers, delivering services to researchers in a usable, needs-oriented way. The Verbund Forschungsdaten Bildung (Educational Research Data Alliance, VFDB) therefore aims to cooperate with relevant actors from science, politics and research funding institutes to set up a powerful infrastructure for empirical educational research. This service is meant to adequately capture specific needs of the scientific communities and support empirical educational research in carrying out excellent research.