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  • * at the end of a keyword allows wildcard searches
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  • 1 (current)
Found 6 result(s)
DataStream is an open access platform for sharing information on freshwater health. It currently allows users to access, visualize, and download full water quality datasets collected by Indigenous Nations, community groups, researchers and governments throughout five regional hubs: Atlantic Canada, the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence region, the Lake Winnipeg Basin, the Mackenzie River Basin and the Pacific region. DataStream was developed by The Gordon Foundation and is carried out in collaboration with regional monitoring networks.
SAFER-Data is a web-based interface to the Environmental Data Archive maintained by the Environmental Research Centre (ERC) in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Ireland, who has responsibilities for a wide range of licensing, enforcement, monitoring and assessment activities associated with environmental protection.
A web-based Interface for searching and accessing a vast treasure trove of Australian geoscientific data, information, imagery, services and applications. Its main purpose is to provide access to datasets produced by Australia's geoscience research community.
FishSounds presents a compilation of acoustic recordings and published information on sound production across all extant fish species globally. We hope this information can be used to advance research into fish behavior, passive acoustic monitoring, and human impacts on underwater soundscapes as well as serve as a public resource for anyone interested in learning more about fish sounds. This work is the product of an international collaboration between researchers and developers from five organizations. We have taken a cross-disciplinary approach, combining expertise in fish ecology, bioacoustics, and data management to produce a website that we hope will serve the wider marine research community. All versions of the FishSounds website and associated publications and products are stored in a long-term Dataverse dataset as a permanent repository (
TERN's AEKOS data portal is the original gateway to Australian ecology data. It is a ‘data and research methods’ data portal for Australia’s land-dwelling plants, animals and their environments. The primary focus of data content is raw co-located ‘species and environment’ ecological survey data that has been collected at the ‘plot’ level to describe biodiversity, its patterns and ecological processes. It is openly accessible with standard discovery metadata and user-oriented, contextual metadata critical for data reuse. Our services support the ecosystem science community, land managers and governments seeking to publish under COPE publishing ethics and the FAIR data publishing principles. AEKOS is registered with Thomson & Reuters Data Citation Index and is a recommended repository of Nature Publishing’s Scientific Data. There are currently 97,037 sites covering mostly plant biodiversity and co-located environmental data of Australia. The AEKOS initiative is supported by TERN (, hosted by The University of Adelaide and funded by the Australian Government’s National Research Infrastructure for Australia.