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Found 372 result(s)
CHERRY, ie CHEmistry RepositoRY is a joint digital repository of the all departments in University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry. CHERRY provides open access to the publications, as well as to other outputs of the research projects implemented in this institution. The software platform meets the current requirements that apply to the dissemination of scholarly publications and it is compatible with relevant international infrastructures.
The National Atmospheric Chemistry Database (NAtChem) is a data archival and analysis facility operated by the Science and Technology Branch of Environment and Climate Change Canada. The purpose of the NAtChem database is to enhance atmospheric research through the archival and analysis of North American air and precipitation chemistry data. Such research includes investigations into the chemical nature of the atmosphere, atmospheric processes, spatial and temporal patterns, source-receptor relationships and long range transport of air pollutants. The NAtChem Database contains air and precipitation chemistry data from many major regional-scale networks in North America. To contribute to NAtChem, networks must operate for a period of at least two years, must have wide area coverage, and must have regionally-representative sites (rural and background).
The Organic Chemistry Portal offers an overview of recent topics, interesting reactions, and information on important chemicals for organic chemists. Searchable index of citations, chemical synthesis and chemical products. We publish 1000 additional citations per year. German version see
The World Wide Molecular Matrix (WWMM) is an electronic repository for unpublished chemical data. WWMM is an open collection of information of small molecules. The "Matrix" in WWMM is influenced by William Gibson's vision of a cyberinfrastructure where all knowledge is accessible. The WWMM is an experiment to see how far this can be taken for chemical compounds. Although much of the information for a given compound has been Openly published, very little is available in Open electronic collections. The WWMM is aimed at catalysing this approach for chemistry and the current collection is made available under the Budapest Open Archive Initiative (
This centre receives and archives precipitation chemistry data and complementary information from stations around the world. Data archived by this centre are accessible via connections with the WDCPC database. Freely available data from regional and national programmes with their own Web sites are accessible via links to these sites. The WDCPC is one of six World Data Centres in the World Meteorological Organization Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW). The focus on precipitation chemistry is described in the GAW Precipitation Chemistry Programme. Guidance on all aspects of collecting precipitation for chemical analysis is provided in the Manual for the GAW Precipitation Chemistry Programme (WMO-GAW Report No. 160).
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available. SPECTRa (Submission, Preservation and Exposure of Chemistry Teaching and Research Data) was a collaboration between Cambridge University and Imperial College to research issues in the deposition of chemistry data in Open Access digital repositories. Funded by the JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) under its Digital Repositories programme, it ran from October 2005 to March 2007. Requirements for and attitudes towards data archiving and open access publication were discovered by interview and survey. This led to the development of a set of Open Source software tools for packaging and submitting X-ray crystallography, NMR spectra and computational chemistry data to DSpace digital repositories. This collection will hold reports, presentations and papers published from the project: >>>!!!>>>
FooDB is the world’s largest and most comprehensive resource on food constituents, chemistry and biology. It provides information on both macronutrients and micronutrients, including many of the constituents that give foods their flavor, color, taste, texture and aroma.
The Benchmark Energy & Geometry Database (BEGDB) collects results of highly accurate QM calculations of molecular structures, energies and properties. These data can serve as benchmarks for testing and parameterization of other computational methods.
BindingDB is a public, web-accessible knowledgebase of measured binding affinities, focusing chiefly on the interactions of proteins considered to be candidate drug-targets with ligands that are small, drug-like molecules. BindingDB supports medicinal chemistry and drug discovery via literature awareness and development of structure-activity relations (SAR and QSAR); validation of computational chemistry and molecular modeling approaches such as docking, scoring and free energy methods; chemical biology and chemical genomics; and basic studies of the physical chemistry of molecular recognition. BindingDB also includes a small collection of host-guest binding data of interest to chemists studying supramolecular systems. The data collection derives from a variety of measurement techniques, including enzyme inhibition and kinetics, isothermal titration calorimetry, NMR, and radioligand and competition assays. BindingDB includes data extracted from the literature and from US Patents by the BindingDB project, selected PubChem confirmatory BioAssays, and ChEMBL entries for which a well defined protein target ("TARGET_TYPE='PROTEIN'") is provided.
Standard, reference material is used for measurement process control and reliability evaluation of measurement results, and plays a key role in important fields such as food safety, international and domestic trade, medicine and health, and environmental monitoring. In order to realize the efficient use and sharing of reference material resources in the whole society, the Institute of Chemistry of China Institute of Metrology (formerly the National Reference Material Research Center), with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology, launched the "National Reference Material Information Service" at the end of 2003.
MassBank of North America (MoNA) is a metadata-centric, auto-curating repository designed for efficient storage and querying of mass spectral records. It intends to serve as a the framework for a centralized, collaborative database of metabolite mass spectra, metadata and associated compounds. MoNA currently contains over 200,000 mass spectral records from experimental and in-silico libraries as well as from user contributions.
Chemotion-repository is a repository for the publication, re-use and archiving of research data in the domain of chemistry. It is suitable for molecules, reactions, and associated data. It stores original data in diverse file-formats including standard file types and as well as descriptions, metadata, and ontologies. The repository is open to all researchers worldwide.
The PSDS is an EPSRC-funded National Research Facility provided by the University of Southampton, and Science and Technology Facilities Council. Its purpose is to provide a common access point to data resources within the Physical Sciences to all staff, students and other members of UK academic institutions. By providing a common point of access, free at the point of use, the service aims to provide benefit to the research community by maximising the use of resources via common acedemic licencing, and adding value as a common hub for aggregating and integrating data resources for the Physical Sciences.
The UniSA Data Access Portal showcases a range of Open Access research collections and datasets developed or collected by the University of South Australia. The UniSA Data Access Portal also highlights research projects and publications related to the available collections and datasets, and facilitates a variety of searches by researcher, organisation, discipline and keyword. Research collections and datasets available in Open Access can be freely downloaded and used to support your research in line with the terms of the licence under which they are made available.
Chempound is a new generation repository architecture based on RDF, semantic dictionaries and linked data. It has been developed to hold any type of chemical object expressible in CML and is exemplified by crystallographic experiments and computational chemistry calculations. In both examples, the repository can hold >50k entries which can be searched by SPARQL endpoints and pre-indexing of key fields. The Chempound architecture is general and adaptable to other fields of data-rich science. The Chempound software is hosted at and is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0
The RRUFF Project is creating a complete set of high quality spectral data from well characterized minerals and is developing the technology to share this information with the world. The collected data provides a standard for mineralogists, geoscientists, gemologists and the general public for the identification of minerals both on earth and for planetary exploration.Electron microprobe analysis is used to determine the chemistry of each mineral.
The Alberta Food Composition Database (AFCDB) is the first comprehensive resource on food constituents, chemistry and biology dedicated to major Alberta-grown produce. It provides information on both macronutrients and micronutrients, including many of the constituents that give foods their flavor, color, taste, texture and aroma. Users can view the contents of the AFCDB from the “FoodView” (listing foods by their chemical composition) or the “ChemView” (listing chemicals by their food sources).
The Reciprocal Net is a distributed database used by research crystallographers to store information about molecular structures; much of the data is available to the general public. The Reciprocal Net project is still under development. Currently, there are 18 participating crystallography laboratories online. The project is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and part of the National Science Digital Library. The contents of this collection will come principally from structures contributed by participating crystallography laboratories, thus providing a means for teachers, students, and the general public to connect better with current chemistry research. The Reciprocal Net's emphasis is on obtaining structures of general interest and usefulness to those several classes of digital library users.
PTB is the national metrology institute of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Open Access Repository of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt grants free access to a number of factual datasets and documents that were elaborated at PTB. This includes publications such as the "PTB-Mitteilungen", the metrological expert journal of PTB, and numerous of documents from the field of legal metrology.