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Found 29 result(s)
OpenCity – Urban Data Portal is a civic tech initiative designed to provide open access to comprehensive urban data, enabling evidence-based decision-making for city planning, governance, and development. Launched in 2017, OpenCity consolidates diverse datasets on urban infrastructure, demographics, transportation, public services, and housing, making this information accessible to planners, policymakers, researchers, and the general public. A programme of the Oorvani Foundation, in collaboration with DataMeet, OpenCity aims to level the playing field by ensuring public domain data is discoverable, shareable, and easily understandable. By fostering transparency and encouraging citizen engagement, the platform allows stakeholders to analyze urban trends, evaluate policies, and develop data-driven solutions for better governance. This initiative is designed to help cities become more efficient and responsive to the evolving needs of urban populations, empowering civic groups and citizens to collaborate in solving urban challenges.
The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union. Our task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment. We are a major information source for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy, and also the general public. Currently, the EEA has 33 member countries. EEA's mandate is: To help the Community and member countries make informed decisions about improving the environment, integrating environmental considerations into economic policies and moving towards sustainability To coordinate the European environment information and observation network (Eionet)
Real time and archival databases containing Canadian water information. These data include, archived hydrometric data, water level and streamflow statistics, daily and monthly mean flow, water level and sediment concentration for monitoring station across Canada. The Water Survey of Canada (WSC) is the national authority responsible for the collection, interpretation and dissemination of standardized water resource data and information in Canada. In partnership with the provinces, territories and other agencies, WSC operates over 2800 active hydrometric gauges across the country.
The India Environment Portal provides open access to information about environmental and developmental issues in India. The Portal aggregates and presents data from research institutions, government bodies, NGOs, universities, the mass media, and experts across various issues of environmental management.
This web site provides adjusted and homogenized climate data for many climatological stations in Canada. These data were created for use in climate research including climate change studies. They incorporate a number of adjustments applied to the original station data to address shifts due to changes in instruments and in observing procedures. Sometimes the observations from several stations were joined to generate a long time series. The adjusted and homogenized data are provided for four climate elements: surface air temperature, precipitation, surface pressure, and surface wind speed.
AURIN is a collaborative national network of leading researchers and data providers across the academic, government, and private sectors. We provide a one-stop online workbench with access to thousands of multidisciplinary datasets, from over 100 different data sources.
The Research Data Centre of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) provides high-resolution data, methods, indicators, models, tools and scenarios for cross-disciplinary, spatial sustainability research. The IOER RDC focuses, among others, on the topics of settlement and open space development, ecosystems of Germany and the built environment. The data and information offered are addressed to scientists, public administrators as well as the general public.
The Environmental Information Platform provides enhanced access to CEH's key data holdings via web-based tools, programming interfaces and a data catalogue. It enables you to visualise and interrogate some of the diverse environmental datasets held by CEH.
EMS is the BC Ministry of Environment's primary monitoring data repository. The system was designed to capture data covering physical/chemical and biological analyses performed on water, air, solid waste discharges and ambient monitoring sites throughout the province. It also contains related quality assurance data. Samples are collected by either ministry staff or permittees under the Environmental Management Act and then analyzed in public or private sector laboratories. The majority of such monitoring data is entered into EMS electronically via Electronic Data Transfer (EDT). EMS data is typically available in formatted hard copy reports or electronically in comma delimited (e.g., .csv) files as: Monitoring location-related data, Sample and results-related data. Direct access to EMS is restricted to ministry staff, however public access is available upon request through EMS Web Reporting.
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) seeks to enhance the responsible development and use of Canada’s natural resources and the competitiveness of Canada’s natural resources products. We are an established leader in science and technology in the fields of energy, forests, and minerals and metals and use our expertise in earth sciences to build and maintain an up-to-date knowledge base of our landmass.
<<<!!!<<< 2021-03-19: The repository is no longer available >>>!!!>>> The National Contaminants Information System was begun as part of the Department's Green Plan. The NCIS is a computerized warehouse of information on toxic chemicals in fish, other aquatic life and their habitats. It was built to help manage the growing base of data and information.
The team have established the CardiacAI Data Repository that brings large amounts of Australian healthcare data together in a secure environment with strict conditions for use of these data with an appropriate level of oversight of research activities. The CardiacAI Data Repository collects de-identified EMR data about cardiovascular patients who are admitted to a group of urban and regional hospitals in NSW and links this with state-wide hospital and emergency deparment visit and mortality data and mobile-health remote monitoring data.
The geothermal information system (GeotIS) provides information and data compilations on deep aquifers in Germany relevant for geothermal exploitation. GeotIS is a public internet based information system and satisfies the demand for a comprehensive, largely scale-independent form of a geothermal atlas which can be continuously updated. GeotIS helps users identify geothermal potentials by visualizing temperature, hydraulic properties and depth levels of relevant stratigraphic units. A sophisticated map interface simplifies the navigation to all areas of interest. An additional component contains a catalogue of all geothermal installations in Germany. The primary objective of this project is to improve the quality of geothermal-plant project-planning and the estimation of the exploration risk for geothermal projects on selectable locations. However, concrete, location-specific analyses still remain the task of local feasibility studies.
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Sextant is a marine and coastal geographic data infrastructure. It is operated by Scientific Information Systems for the Sea (SISMER) of Ifremer ( Sextant aims to document, disseminate and promote a catalog of data related to the marine environment. For Ifremer's laboratories and partners, as well as for national and European actors working in the marine and coastal field, Sextant provides tools that promote and facilitate the archiving, consultation and availability of these geographical data. Data published by Sextant are available free or restricted. They can be used in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons license selected by the author of data. Sextant infrastructure and the technologies used are in line with the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive and make it possible to follow the Open Data approach. Some data set published by Sextant has a DOI which enables it to be cited in a publication in a reliable and sustainable way. The long-term preservation of data filed in Sextant is ensured by Ifremer infrastructure.
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MISTRALS database is a distributed system, that enables users to access datasets produced by all the projects (ChArMEx, HyMeX, MERMex, TerMex, CORSiCA, EMSO and MOOSE) and stored in different data centres. MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales) is a decennial program for systematic observations and research dedicated to the understanding of the Mediterranean Basin environmental process under the planet global change. It aims to coordinate, across the Mediterranean Basin, interdisciplinary research on atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and paleo-climate, including environmental ecology and social sciences. The objective is to achieve a better understanding of the mechanisms shaping and influencing landscape, environment and human impact of this eco-region.
Climate4impact: a dedicated interface to ESGF for the climate impact community The portal Climate4impact, part of the ENES Data Infrastructure, provides access to data and quick looks of global and regional climate models and downscaled higher resolution climate data. The portal provides data transformation tooling and mapping & plotting capabilities, guidance, documentation, FAQ and examples. The Climate4Impact portal will be further developed during the IS-ENES3 project (2019-2023)and moved to a different environment. Meanwhile the portal at will remain available, but no new information or processing options will be included. When the new portal will become available this will be announced on
The World Bank recognizes that transparency and accountability are essential to the development process and central to achieving the Bank’s mission to alleviate poverty. The Bank’s commitment to openness is also driven by a desire to foster public ownership, partnership and participation in development from a wide range of stakeholders. As a knowledge institution, the World Bank’s first step is to share its knowledge freely and openly.
Copernicus is a European system for monitoring the Earth. Copernicus consists of a complex set of systems which collect data from multiple sources: earth observation satellites and in situ sensors such as ground stations, airborne and sea-borne sensors. It processes these data and provides users with reliable and up-to-date information through a set of services related to environmental and security issues. The services address six thematic areas: land monitoring, marine monitoring, atmosphere monitoring, climate change, emergency management and security. The main users of Copernicus services are policymakers and public authorities who need the information to develop environmental legislation and policies or to take critical decisions in the event of an emergency, such as a natural disaster or a humanitarian crisis. Based on the Copernicus services and on the data collected through the Sentinels and the contributing missions , many value-added services can be tailored to specific public or commercial needs, resulting in new business opportunities. In fact, several economic studies have already demonstrated a huge potential for job creation, innovation and growth.