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  • * at the end of a keyword allows wildcard searches
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  • ~N after a word specifies the desired edit distance (fuzziness)
  • ~N after a phrase specifies the desired slop amount
Found 138 result(s)
The Social Science Japan Data Archive (SSJDA) collects, maintains, and provides access to the academic community, a vast archive of social science data (quantitative data obtained from social surveys) for secondary analyses.
The national data provide the monthly, quarterly and annual, census regions, departments and international social and economic statistic data. It Offers a variety of file output, watchmaking, drawing, Indicators, visualization charts and geographic information data. To speed up the construction of modern service-oriented statistics, and to better serve the community, on the basis of "China Statistical Database" created in 2008, the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) established a new statistical database in 2013.
The repository KITopen is a key infrastructure service at KIT. Immediately KITopen not only allows the publication and archiving of publications, but also on research data from all disciplines and data types. The focus is on research data from publication projects that are specifically prepared for re-use.
The University of Pittsburgh English Language Institute Corpus (PELIC) is a 4.2-million-word learner corpus of written texts. These texts were collected in an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) context over seven years in the University of Pittsburgh’s Intensive English Program, and were produced by over 1100 students with a wide range of linguistic backgrounds and proficiency levels. PELIC is longitudinal, offering greater opportunities for tracking development in a natural classroom setting.
The Australian National Corpus collates and provides access to assorted examples of Australian English text, transcriptions, audio and audio-visual materials. Text analysis tools are embedded in the interface allowing analysis and downloads in *.CSV format.
<<<!!!<<< Entry will be updated within the next weeks. --- In the meantime, look for some information at: and >>>!!!>>> Wetter, Wolken, Klima is a collection of actual and archived climate dates of Germany since 2004. Based at KIT Meteorological Institute it includes special Cloud images from Karlsruhe, actual weather records based on 70 german stations, average snowfall and precipitation of Germany, weather warnings worldwide with archive, satellite images worldwide, actual weather radar worldwide, analyses and prognosis and precipitation rate of Baden-Württemberg.
Regionaal Archief Nijmegen (RAN) is part of the municipality of Nijmegen. RAN has been designated as the repository for the municipality of Nijmegen, neighboring municipalities (Berg en Dal, Beuningen, Druten, Heumen, Lingewaard, Wijchen, Mook and Middelaar, West Maas and Waal), a regional water authority (Waterschap Rivierenland) and a number of joint arrangements (cooperative ventures between different public authorities). According to the 1995 Public Records Act we have a legal duty to manage government archives, make them accessible and available to the public. We also manage archives of individuals and private organizations in Nijmegen and the region, audiovisual material and a library.
MICASE provides a collection of transcripts of academic speech events recorded at the University of Michigan. The original DAT audiotapes are held in the English Language Institute and may be consulted by bona fide researchers under special arrangements. Additional access:
The Polar Data Center (PDC) manages the Science Database among other repositories for Japanese polar research. The Science Database is the destination repository for all Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) data as well as the Japanese contribution to the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008. Metadata are in English and Japanese, and metadata records are shared with the Global Change Master Directory.
The UMIN case data repository system was implemented by adding a function to the UMIN Clinical Trials Registry System. The aim of this system is to keep anonymized case data from clinical research conducted by individual researchers at the UMIN center, and to guarantee the content of the data to third parties. This system enables other researchers to inspect case data or to repeat statistical analyses
<<<!!!<<< Jedi is no longer online 2019-05-14 >>>!!!>>> JEDI is an educational data archive service that collects, preserves, and distributes empirical data for academic, educational and governmental administrative purposes.
The English Lexicon Project (supported by the National Science Foundation) affords access to a large set of lexical characteristics, along with behavioral data from visual lexical decision and naming studies of 40,481 words and 40,481 nonwords.
Research Data @PUC-Rio is an aggregator to make it easier to access Resarch Data among many other digital contents on the Maxwell Repository. All datasets must be licensed under a CC License (as stated on the homepage of the aggregator) to be made available on the Maxwell System (https:\\ All interfaces and metadata shown on the aggregator are in English though all contents are described in Portuguese too.
Content type(s)
The Karlsruher Wolkenatlas includes images of different cloud species and of some optical effects like circumzenithal arc, glories, and halos. Beside that phenomena like inversion or dust devil are shown. Another focus is on images of precipitation, different manifestations of precipation at earthground, rainbows and lightnings.
The Text Laboratory provides assistance with databases, word lists, corpora and tailored solutions for language technology. We also work on research and development projects alone or in cooperation with others - locally, nationally and internationally. Services and tools: Word and frequency lists, Written corpora, Speech corpora, Multilingual corpora, Databases, Glossa Search Tool, The Oslo-Bergen Tagger, GREI grammar games, Audio files: dialects from Norway and America etc., Nordic Atlas of Language Structures (NALS) Journal, Norwegian in America, NEALT, Ethiopian Language Technology, Access to Corpora
With the KIT Whole-Body Human Motion Database, we aim to provide a simple way of sharing high-quality motion capture recordings of human whole-body motion. In addition, with the Motion Annotation Tool ( ), we aim to collect a comprehensive set of whole-body motions along with natural language descriptions of these motions (
The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) onboard the ENVISAT satellite provided atmospheric infrared limb emission spectra. From these, profiles of temperature and atmospheric trace gases were retrieved using the research data processor developed at the Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung (IMK), which is complemented by the component of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) treatment from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA). The MIPAS data products on this server are commonly known as IMK/IAA MIPAS Level2 data products. The MIPAS instrument measured during two time frames: from 2002 to 2004 in full spectral resolution (high resolution = HR aka full resolution = FR), and from 2005 to 2012 in reduced spectral, but improved spatial resolution (reduced resolution = RR aka optimized resolution = OR). For this reason, there are different version numbers covering the full MIPAS mission period: xx for the HR/FR period, and 2xx for the RR/OR period (example: 61 for HR/FR, 261 for RR/OR). Beyond this, measurements were conducted in different modes covering different altitude ranges during the RR period: Nominal (6 – 70 km), MA (18 – 102 km), NLC (39 – 102 km), UA (42 – 172 km), UTLS-1 (5.5 – 19 km), UTLS-2 (12 – 42 km), AE (7 – 38 km). The non-nominal modes are identified by the following version numbers: MA = 5xx, NLC = 7xx, UA = 6xx, UTLS-1/2 = 1xx (no retrievals for AE mode).
<<<!!!<<< Entry will be updated within the next weeks. --- In the meantime, look for some information at: and >>>!!!>>> Day averages, maximum, minimum and month sums of the precipitation of about 70 German stations with archive since 2008.
Based on Bowerman & Pederson’s Topological Relations Picture Series (TRPS), the author has researched the semantic space of static spatial prepositions of Hieroglyphic Ancient Egyptian (Egyptian, Afro-Asiatic), Arabic, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. This repository publication publishes the raw data.
RADAR4KIT enables KIT researchers to manage, archive, share in project teams and publish their research data in a repository. It allows users to compile research data from completed scientific studies and projects into data packages, describe them with metadata, store them permanently and archive them or make them publicly accessible if required. Published data are given a persistent identifier (DOI) and can thus be found internationally and are also referenced in KITopen. The operator is the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). RADAR4KIT is based on the RADAR service offered by FIZ Karlsruhe. The data is stored exclusively on the KIT IT infrastructure at the Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC).
Fishbase is a global species database and encyclopedia of over 30,000 species and subspecies of fishes that is searchable by common name, genus, species, geography, family, ecosystem, references literature, tools, etc. Links to other, related databases such as the Catalog of Fishes, GenBack, and LarvalBase. Associated with a partner journal, Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria. With mirror sites in English, German, French Spanish, Portuguese, French, Swedish, Chinese and Arabian language.
Species included in PlantTFDB 4.0 covers the main lineages of green plants. Therefore, PlantTFDB provides genomic TF repertoires across Viridiplantae. To provide comprehensive information for the TF family, a brief introduction and key references are presented for each family. Comprehensive annotations are made for each identified TF, including functional domains, 3D structures, gene ontology (GO), plant ontology (PO), expression information, expert-curated functional description, regulation information, interaction, conserved elements, references, and annotations in various databases such as UniProt, RefSeq, TransFac, STRING, and VISTA. By inferring orthologous groups and constructing phylogenetic trees, evolutionary relationships among identified TFs were inferred. In addition, PlantTFDB has a simple and user-friendly interface to allow users to query based on combined conditions or make sequence similarity search using BLAST. The new version PlantTFDB 5.0 has been incorporated into PlantRegMap