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Found 215 result(s)
The Open Energy Information ( initiative is a free, open source knowledge-sharing platform created to facilitate access to data, models, tools, and information that accelerate the transition to clean energy systems through informed decisions. Sponsored by the Department of Energy, and developed by the National Renewable Energy Lab, in support of the Open Government Initiative, OpenEI strives to make energy-related data and information searchable, accessible, and useful to both people and machines
The Energy Data Centre holds information relating to energy research, focused on the UK. It has a research data catalogue, information on publications resulting from the UK Energy Research Centre and the Energy Technologies Institute and energy research related grants.
<<<!!!<<< The repository is offline >>>!!!>>> The portal provides an understanding of energy resources and related data to establish an understanding of the sector in terms of developmental activities and best practices are being carried out in India in the energy sector. Thus it is sharing information on various aspects of energy in a comprehensive manner to a variety of stakeholders to enable effective consolidation and assimilation of knowledge. IEP provides access to energy statistics, case studies, national policies, sectoral overviews.
Atmosphere to Electrons (A2e) is a new, multi-year, multi-stakeholder U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) research and development initiative tasked with improving wind plant performance and mitigating risk and uncertainty to achieve substantial reduction in the cost of wind energy production. The A2e strategic vision will enable a new generation of wind plant technology, in which smart wind plants are designed to achieve optimized performance stemming from more complete knowledge of the inflow wind resource and complex flow through the wind plant.
The Open Energy Family aims to ensure quality, transparency and reproducibility in energy system research. It is a collection of various tools and information and that help working with energy related data. It is a collaborative community effort, everything is openly developed and therefore constantly evolving. The main module is the Open Energy Platform (OEP), a web interface to access most of the modules, especially the community database. It provides a way to publish data with proper documentation (metadata), and link it to source code and underlying assumptions. Open Energy Database is an open community database for energy, climate and modelling data.
The Energy Data eXchange (EDX) is an online collection of capabilities and resources that advance research and customize energy-related needs. EDX is developed and maintained by NETL-RIC researchers and technical computing teams to support private collaboration for ongoing research efforts, and tech transfer of finalized DOE NETL research products. EDX supports NETL-affiliated research by: Coordinating historical and current data and information from a wide variety of sources to facilitate access to research that crosscuts multiple NETL projects/programs; Providing external access to technical products and data published by NETL-affiliated research teams; Collaborating with a variety of organizations and institutions in a secure environment through EDX’s ;Collaborative Workspaces
The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) is a comprehensive clearinghouse of information about advanced transportation technologies. The AFDC offers transportation decision makers unbiased information, data, and tools related to the deployment of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles. The AFDC launched in 1991 in response to the Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988 and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. It originally served as a repository for alternative fuel performance data. The AFDC has since evolved to offer a broad array of information resources that support efforts to reduce petroleum use in transportation. The AFDC serves Clean Cities stakeholders, fleets regulated by the Energy Policy Act, businesses, policymakers, government agencies, and the general public.
The NREL Data Catalog is where descriptive information (i.e., metadata) is maintained about public data resulting from federally funded research conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) researchers and analysts. Our Goal: Making Federally Funded Data Publicly Available NREL's mission is to develop clean energy and energy efficiency technologies and practices, advance related science and engineering, and provide knowledge and innovations to integrate energy systems at all scales. The NREL Data Catalog helps accomplish this by ensuring the data behind the science and engineering are well-documented and useful to the scientific community at large.
OEDI is a centralized repository of high-value energy research datasets aggregated from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Programs, Offices, and National Laboratories. Built to enable data discoverability, OEDI facilitates access to a broad network of findings, including the data available in technology-specific catalogs like the Geothermal Data Repository and Marine Hydrokinetic Data Repository.
The MHKDR is the repository for all data collected using funds from the Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). It was established to receive, manage, and make available all water power relevant data generated from projects funded by the DOE Water Power Technologies Office. This includes data from WPTO-funded projects associated with any portion of the water power project life-cycle (exploration, development, operation), as well as data produced by WPTO-funded research.
This database provides theoretical values of energy levels of hydrogen and deuterium for principle quantum numbers n = 1 to 200 and all allowed orbital angular momenta l and total angular momenta j. The values are based on current knowledge of the revelant theoretical contributions including relativistic, quantum electrodynamic, recoil, and nuclear size effects.
Water DAMS (Water Data Analysis and Management System) provides access to foundational water treatment technology data that enable researchers and decision-makers to identify and quantify opportunities for technology innovations to reduce the cost and energy intensity of desalination. It is the submission point for all data generated by research conducted by the National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) and is designed to be used by the broader water research community. With publicly accessible contributions from a variety of academic and industrial partners, Water DAMS seeks to enable data discoverability, improve accessibility, and accelerate collaboration that contributes to pipe parity and innovation in water treatment technologies.
The GDR is the submission point for all data collected from researchers funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Geothermal Technologies Office. It was established to receive, manage, and make available all geothermal-relevant data generated from projects funded by the DOE Geothermal Technologies Office. This includes data from GTO-funded projects associated with any portion of the geothermal project life-cycle (exploration, development, operation), as well as data produced by GTO-funded research.
Nuclear Data Services contains atomic, molecular and nuclear data sets for the development and maintenance of nuclear technologies. It includes energy-dependent reaction probabilities (cross sections), the energy and angular distributions of reaction products for many combinations of target and projectile, and the atomic and nuclear properties of excited states, and their radioactive decay data. Their main concern is providing data required to design a modern nuclear reactor for electricity production. Approximately 11.5 million nuclear data points have been measured and compiled into computerized form.
<<<!!!<<< The repository is no longer available. This record is out-dated. The Matter lab provides the archived database version of 2012 and 2013 at Data linked from the World Community Grid - The Clean Energy Project see at and on fighshare >>>!!!>>> The Clean Energy Project Database (CEPDB) is a massive reference database for organic semiconductors with a particular emphasis on photovoltaic applications. It was created to store and provide access to data from computational as well as experimental studies, on both known and virtual compounds. It is a free and open resource designed to support researchers in the field of organic electronics in their scientific pursuits. The CEPDB was established as part of the Harvard Clean Energy Project (CEP), a virtual high-throughput screening initiative to identify promising new candidates for the next generation of carbon-based solar cell materials.
The ODIN Portal hosts scientific databases in the domains of structural materials and hydrogen research and is operated on behalf of the European energy research community by the Joint Research Centre, the European Commission's in-house science service providing independent scientific advice and support to policies of the European Union. ODIN contains engineering databases (Mat-Database, Hiad-Database, Nesshy-Database, HTR-Fuel-Database, HTR-Graphit-Database) and document management sites and other information related to European research in the area of nuclear and conventional energy.
The Atomic and Molecular Data Unit operates within the Nuclear Data Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.The primary objective of the Atomic and Molecular Data Unit is to establish and maintain internationally recommended numerical databases on atomic and molecular collision and radiative processes, atomic and molecular structure characteristics, particle-solid surface interaction processes and physico-chemical and thermo-mechanical material properties for use in fusion energy research and other plasma science and technology applications.
The National High Energy Physics Science Data Center (NHEPSDC) is a repository for high-energy physics. In 2019, it was designated as a scientific data center at the national level by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST). NHEPSDC is constructed and operated by the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). NHEPSDC consists of a main data center in Beijing, a branch center in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and a branch center in Huairou District of Beijing. The mission of NHEPSDC is to provide the services of data collection, archiving, long-term preservation, access and sharing, software tools, and data analysis. The services of NHEPSDC are mainly for high-energy physics and related scientific research activities. The data collected can be roughly divided into the following two categories: one is the raw data from large scientific facilities, and the other is data generated from general scientific and technological projects (usually supported by government funding), hereafter referred to as generic data. More than 70 people work in NHEPSDC now, with 18 in high-energy physics, 17 in computer science, 15 in software engineering, 20 in data management and some other operation engineers. NHEPSDC is equipped with a hierarchical storage system, high-performance computing power, high bandwidth domestic and international network links, and a professional service support system. In the past three years, the average data increment is about 10 PB per year. By integrating data resources with the IT environment, a state-of-art data process platform is provided to users for scientific research, the volume of data accessed every year is more than 400 PB with more than 10 million visits.