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Found 32 result(s)
The RRUFF Project is creating a complete set of high quality spectral data from well characterized minerals and is developing the technology to share this information with the world. The collected data provides a standard for mineralogists, geoscientists, gemologists and the general public for the identification of minerals both on earth and for planetary exploration.Electron microprobe analysis is used to determine the chemistry of each mineral.
CanWIN is the data centre for the Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS). We support research and education, and inform management, policy and evidence based decision-making from the Nelson River Watershed to the Arctic.
The Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) improves research capacity in the Earth and Ocean sciences by maintaining an open community digital data archive for rock magnetic, geomagnetic, archeomagnetic (archaeomagnetic) and paleomagnetic (palaeomagnetic) data. Different parts of the website allow users access to archive, search, visualize, and download these data. MagIC supports the international rock magnetism, geomagnetism, archeomagnetism (archaeomagnetism), and paleomagnetism (palaeomagnetism) research and endeavors to bring data out of private archives, making them accessible to all and (re-)useable for new, creative, collaborative scientific and educational activities. The data in MagIC is used for many types of studies including tectonic plate reconstructions, geomagnetic field models, paleomagnetic field reversal studies, magnetohydrodynamical studies of the Earth's core, magnetostratigraphy, and archeology. MagIC is a domain-specific data repository and directed by PIs who are both producers and consumers of rock, geo, and paleomagnetic data. Funded by NSF since 2003, MagIC forms a major part of which integrates four independent cyber-initiatives rooted in various parts of the Earth, Ocean and Life sciences and education.
HALO-DB is the web platform of a data retrieval and long-term archive system. The system was established to hold and to manage a wide range of data based on observations of the HALO research aircraft and data which are related to HALO observations. HALO (High-Altitude and LOng-range aircraft) is the new German research aircraft (German Science Community (DFG)). The aircraft, a Gulfstream GV-550 Business-Jet, is strongly modified for the application as a research platform. HALO offers several advantages for scientific campaigns, such as its high range of more than 10000 km, a high maximum altitude of more than 15 km, as well as a relatively high payload.
The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) onboard the ENVISAT satellite provided atmospheric infrared limb emission spectra. From these, profiles of temperature and atmospheric trace gases were retrieved using the research data processor developed at the Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung (IMK), which is complemented by the component of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) treatment from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA). The MIPAS data products on this server are commonly known as IMK/IAA MIPAS Level2 data products. The MIPAS instrument measured during two time frames: from 2002 to 2004 in full spectral resolution (high resolution = HR aka full resolution = FR), and from 2005 to 2012 in reduced spectral, but improved spatial resolution (reduced resolution = RR aka optimized resolution = OR). For this reason, there are different version numbers covering the full MIPAS mission period: xx for the HR/FR period, and 2xx for the RR/OR period (example: 61 for HR/FR, 261 for RR/OR). Beyond this, measurements were conducted in different modes covering different altitude ranges during the RR period: Nominal (6 – 70 km), MA (18 – 102 km), NLC (39 – 102 km), UA (42 – 172 km), UTLS-1 (5.5 – 19 km), UTLS-2 (12 – 42 km), AE (7 – 38 km). The non-nominal modes are identified by the following version numbers: MA = 5xx, NLC = 7xx, UA = 6xx, UTLS-1/2 = 1xx (no retrievals for AE mode).
The AOML Environmental Data Server (ENVIDS) provides interactive, on-line access to various oceanographic and atmospheric datasets residing at AOML. The in-house datasets include Atlantic Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT), Global Lagrangian Drifting Buoy, Hurricane Flight Level, and Atlantic Hurricane Tracks (North Atlantic Best Track and Synoptic). Other available datasets include Pacific Conductivitiy/Temperature/Depth Recorder (CTD) and World Ocean Atlas 1998.
Edmond is the institutional repository of the Max Planck Society for public research data. It enables Max Planck scientists to create citable scientific assets by describing, enriching, sharing, exposing, linking, publishing and archiving research data of all kinds. Further on, all objects within Edmond have a unique identifier and therefore can be clearly referenced in publications or reused in other contexts.
coastMap offers campaign data, model analysis and thematic maps predominantly in the Biogeosciences. Spotlights explain in a nutshell important topics of the research conducted for the interested public. The portal offers applications to visualise and download field and laboratory work and to connect the information with interactive maps. Filter functions allow the user to search for general topics like a marine field of interest or single criteria, for example a specific ship campaign or one of 1000 measured parameters.
SCISAT, also known as the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE), is a Canadian Space Agency small satellite mission for remote sensing of the Earth's atmosphere using solar occultation. The satellite was launched on 12 August 2003 and continues to function perfectly. The primary mission goal is to improve our understanding of the chemical and dynamical processes that control the distribution of ozone in the stratosphere and upper troposphere, particularly in the Arctic. The high precision and accuracy of solar occultation makes SCISAT useful for monitoring changes in atmospheric composition and the validation of other satellite instruments. The satellite carries two instruments. A high resolution (0.02 cm-¹) infrared Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) operating from 2 to 13 microns (750-4400 cm-¹) is measuring the vertical distribution of trace gases, particles and temperature. This provides vertical profiles of atmospheric constituents including essentially all of the major species associated with ozone chemistry. Aerosols and clouds are monitored using the extinction of solar radiation at 1.02 and 0.525 microns as measured by two filtered imagers. The vertical resolution of the FTS is about 3-4 km from the cloud tops up to about 150 km. Peter Bernath of the University of Waterloo is the principal investigator. A dual optical spectrograph called MAESTRO (Measurement of Aerosol Extinction in the Stratosphere and Troposphere Retrieved by Occultation) covers the 400-1030 nm spectral region and measures primarily ozone, nitrogen dioxide and aerosol/cloud extinction. It has a vertical resolution of about 1-2 km. Tom McElroy of Environment and Climate Change Canada is the principal investigator. ACE data are freely available from the University of Waterloo website. SCISAT was designated an ESA Third Party Mission in 2005. ACE data are freely available through an ESA portal.
The British Geological Survey (BGS), the world’s oldest national geological survey, has over 400 datasets including environmental monitoring data, digital databases, physical collections (borehole core, rocks, minerals and fossils), records and archives.
The Analytical Geomagnetic Data Center of the Trans-Regional INTERMAGNET Segment is operated by the Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GC RAS). Geomagnetic data are transmitted from observatories and stations located in Russia and near-abroad countries. The Center also provides access to spaceborne data products. The MAGNUS hardware-software system underlies the operation of the Center. Its particular feature is the automated real-time recognition of artificial (anthropogenic) disturbances in incoming data. Being based on fuzzy logic approach, this quality control service facilitates the preparation of the definitive magnetograms from preliminary records carried out by data experts manually. The MAGNUS system also performs on-the-fly multi-criteria estimation of geomagnetic activity using several indicators and provides online tools for modeling electromagnetic parameters in the near-Earth space. The collected geomagnetic data are stored using relational database management system. The geomagnetic database is intended for storing both 1-minute and 1-second data. The results of anthropogenic and natural disturbance recognition are also stored in the database.
The data page makes the data that PCIC collects and produces publicly available with an open license. The page presently provides access to BC Station Data, High-Resolution Climatology, Downscaled Climate Scenarios and VIC Hydrologic Model Output and Extreme Indices calculated from CMIP5.
Repository of the Faculty of Science is institutional repository that gathers, permanently stores and allows access to the results of scientific and intellectual property of the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. The objects that can be stored in the repository are research data, scientific articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, books, teaching materials, images, video and audio files, and presentations. To improve searchability, all materials are described with predetermined set of metadata.
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Sextant is a marine and coastal geographic data infrastructure. It is operated by Scientific Information Systems for the Sea (SISMER) of Ifremer ( Sextant aims to document, disseminate and promote a catalog of data related to the marine environment. For Ifremer's laboratories and partners, as well as for national and European actors working in the marine and coastal field, Sextant provides tools that promote and facilitate the archiving, consultation and availability of these geographical data. Data published by Sextant are available free or restricted. They can be used in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons license selected by the author of data. Sextant infrastructure and the technologies used are in line with the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive and make it possible to follow the Open Data approach. Some data set published by Sextant has a DOI which enables it to be cited in a publication in a reliable and sustainable way. The long-term preservation of data filed in Sextant is ensured by Ifremer infrastructure.
GRID-Geneva is a unique platform providing analyses and solutions for a wide range of environmental issues. GRID-Geneva serves primarily the needs of its three institutional partners - UNEP, the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and the University of Geneva (UniGe) - which are linked by an ongoing, multi-year “Partnership Agreement”, along with other local-to-global stakeholders. GRID-Geneva is also a bilingual English and French centre and the key francophone link within the global GRID network of centres. GRID-Geneva is a key centre of geo-spatial know-how, with strengths in GIS, IP/remote sensing and statistical analyses, integrated through modern spatial data infrastructures and web applications. Working at the interface between scientific information and policy/decision-making, GRID-Geneva also helps to develop capacities in these fields of expertise among target audiences, countries and other groups.
The TRR170-DB was set up to manage data products of the collaborative research center TRR 170 'Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets' ( However, meanwhile the repository also stores data by other institutions and researchers. Data include laboratory and other instrumental data on planetary samples, remote sensing data, geological maps and model simulations.
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The Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC), a major contributor to the worldwide atmospheric research effort, consists of a set of globally distributed research stations providing consistent, standardized, long-term measurements of atmospheric trace gases, particles, spectral UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface, and physical parameters, centered around the following priorities.
In the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio 32 ‘Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Systems: Monitoring, Modelling, and Data Assimilation’ (CRC/TR32,, funded by the German Research Foundation from 2007 to 2018, a RDM system was self-designed and implemented. The so-called CRC/TR32 project database (TR32DB, is operating online since early 2008. The TR32DB handles all data including metadata, which are created by the involved project participants from several institutions (e.g. Universities of Cologne, Bonn, Aachen, and the Research Centre Jülich) and research fields (e.g. soil and plant sciences, hydrology, geography, geophysics, meteorology, remote sensing). The data is resulting from several field measurement campaigns, meteorological monitoring, remote sensing, laboratory studies and modelling approaches. Furthermore, outcomes of the scientists such as publications, conference contributions, PhD reports and corresponding images are collected in the TR32DB.
The Met Office is the UK's National Weather Service. We have a long history of weather forecasting and have been working in the area of climate change for more than two decades. As a world leader in providing weather and climate services, we employ more than 1,800 at 60 locations throughout the world. We are recognised as one of the world's most accurate forecasters, using more than 10 million weather observations a day, an advanced atmospheric model and a high performance supercomputer to create 3,000 tailored forecasts and briefings a day. These are delivered to a huge range of customers from the Government, to businesses, the general public, armed forces, and other organisations.