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Found 188 result(s)
The Libraries offer members of the Université de Montréal community the opportunity to publish their research data in a Dataverse repository space
Dataverse for faculty, researchers, and students at St. Francis Xavier University or affiliated institutions. Hosted by Borealis.
The Carleton University Data Repository Dataverse is the research data repository for Carleton University. It is managed by the Data Services in the MacOdrum Library. The repository also houses the MacOdrum Library Dataverse Collection which contains numerous public opinion polls.
The Concordia University Dataverse is a research data repository for Concordia faculty, students, and staff. Files are held in a secure environment on Canadian servers.
The Academic Data Repository of the National University of Rosario (RDA- UNR) allows for sharing, storing, accessing, exploring, and citing research data managed by UNR professors, researchers and students so as to make these data visible and promote its use and reutilization, ensuring its long-term preservation. It is a self-publishing repository, i.e. users upload, organize, describe and publish their own data with the assistance of a team of curators, user guides and training sessions.
SODHA is the federal Belgian data archive for social sciences and the digital humanities. SODHA is a new service of the State Archives of Belgium and acts as the Belgian service provider for the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA).
DUnAs is the institutional research data repository of the University of Aveiro. This repository is intended to share, archive, preserve, cite, access, and explore research data produced in the university scientific research activities.
The MacEwan University Data Repository provides a place to store, share, and explore data and supports the teaching and scholarly activity of MacEwan University.
KU Leuven RDR (pronounced "RaDaR") is KU Leuven's Research Data Repository, built on - open source repository software built by Harvard University. RDR gives KU Leuven researchers a one-stop platform to upload, describe, and share their research data, conveniently and with support from university staff.
Country is a research data repository for the Göttingen Campus. Belonging researchers can use it for free. It serves different purposes such as: to simply preserve datasets, to keep track of changes across several versions, to share data with colleagues, to make data itself publicly available, to receive a persistent identifier upon publications.
The TecnolĂłgico de Monterrey's Data Hub offers Open Data generated by our researchers and other initiatives. This initiative is sponsored by both the Living Lab & Data Hub of the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE and the Tecnologico de Monterrey's Research Office. This repository is organized by Institutes and Schools.
Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities (LiDA) is a virtual digital infrastructure for SSH data and research resources acquisition, long-term preservation and dissemination. All the data and research resources are documented in both English and Lithuanian according to international standards. Access to the resources is provided via Dataverse repository. LiDA curates different types of resources and they are published into catalogues according to the type: Survey Data, Aggregated Data (including Historical Statistics), Encoded Data (including News Media Studies), and Textual Data. Also, LiDA holds collections of social sciences and humanities data deposited by Lithuanian science and higher education institutions and Lithuanian state institutions (Data of Other Institutions). LiDA is hosted by the Centre for Data Analysis and Archiving of Kaunas University of Technology (
The Research Data Repository of the National University of La Plata is an online platform dedicated to the organization and dissemination of research data for the entire academic community of the UNLP. The objective of this platform is to gather and provide access to data generated from all areas of the UNLP to ensure its preservation, encourage reuse and maximize its impact.
Data deposit is supported for University of Ottawa faculty, students, and affiliated researchers. The repository is multidisciplinary and hosted on Canadian servers. It includes features such as permanent links (DOIs) which encourage citation of your dataset and help you set terms for access and reuse of your data. uOttawa Dataverse is currently optimal for small to medium datasets.
Dataverse to host followup observations of galaxy clusters identified in South Pole Telescope SZ Surveys. This includes: 1) GMOS spectroscopy of low to moderate redshift galaxy clusters taken as a part of NOAO Large Survey Program 11A-0034 (PI: Christopher Stubbs).
Launched in February 2020, data.sciencespo is a repository that offers visibility, sharing and preservation of data collected, curated and processed at Sciences Po. The repository is based on the Dataverse open-source software and organised into collections: CDSP Collection This collection managed by the Centre des données socio-politiques (CDSP) includes the catalogue of surveys, in the social science and humanities, processed and curated by CDSP engineers since 2005. This catalogue brings together surveys produced at Sciences Po and other French and international institutions. - Sciences Po collection (self-deposit) This collection, which is managed by the Direction des ressources et de l'information scientifique (DRIS), is intended to host data produced by researchers affiliated with Sciences Po, following the self-deposit process assisted by the Library's staff.
The ACSS Dataverse is a repository of interdisciplinary social science research data produced in and on the Arab region. The ACSS Dataverse, part of an initiative of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences in collaboration with the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, preserves and facilitates access to social science datasets in and on the Arab region and is open to relevant research data deposits.
The University of Chile Research Data Repository preserves, disseminates and provides access to the research data generated by its academics and researchers, in order to give visibility, guarantee its preservation and facilitate its access and reuse.
PRISM Dataverse is the institutional data repository of the University of Calgary, which has its purpose in digital archiving and sharing of research data from researchers. PRISM Dataverse is a data repository hosted through Borealis, a service of the Ontario Council of University Libraries and supported by University of Calgary's Libraries and Cultural Resources. PRISM Dataverse enables scholars to easily deposit data, create data-specific metadata for searchability and publish their datasets.
The Repositori Ilmiah Nasional (RIN) is a means for storing, preserving, citing, analyzing and sharing research data. RIN acts as an online media in managing, storing and sharing research data. Researchers, data writers, publishers, data distributors, and affiliated institutions all receive academic credit and web visibility. Researchers, agencies, and funders have full control over research data.
Created and managed by the Library, DataSpace@HKUST is the data repository and workspace service for HKUST research community. Faculty members and research postgraduate students can use the platform to store, share, organize, preserve and publish research data. It is built on Dataverse, an open source web application developed at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science. Using Dataverse architecture, the repository hosts multiple "dataverses". Each dataverse contains datasets; while each dataset may contain multiple data files and the corresponding descriptive metadata.
Agri-environmental Research Data collection is part of the University of Guelph Research Data Repositories (University of Guelph Dataverse). The purpose of this collection is to provide access to, and long-term stewardship of, agricultural and environmental data created at or in cooperation with the University of Guelph.