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Found 38 result(s)
SODHA is the federal Belgian data archive for social sciences and the digital humanities. SODHA is a new service of the State Archives of Belgium and acts as the Belgian service provider for the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA).
DUnAs is the institutional research data repository of the University of Aveiro. This repository is intended to share, archive, preserve, cite, access, and explore research data produced in the university scientific research activities.
Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities (LiDA) is a virtual digital infrastructure for SSH data and research resources acquisition, long-term preservation and dissemination. All the data and research resources are documented in both English and Lithuanian according to international standards. Access to the resources is provided via Dataverse repository. LiDA curates different types of resources and they are published into catalogues according to the type: Survey Data, Aggregated Data (including Historical Statistics), Encoded Data (including News Media Studies), and Textual Data. Also, LiDA holds collections of social sciences and humanities data deposited by Lithuanian science and higher education institutions and Lithuanian state institutions (Data of Other Institutions). LiDA is hosted by the Centre for Data Analysis and Archiving of Kaunas University of Technology (
Launched in February 2020, data.sciencespo is a repository that offers visibility, sharing and preservation of data collected, curated and processed at Sciences Po. The repository is based on the Dataverse open-source software and organised into collections: CDSP Collection This collection managed by the Centre des données socio-politiques (CDSP) includes the catalogue of surveys, in the social science and humanities, processed and curated by CDSP engineers since 2005. This catalogue brings together surveys produced at Sciences Po and other French and international institutions. - Sciences Po collection (self-deposit) This collection, which is managed by the Direction des ressources et de l'information scientifique (DRIS), is intended to host data produced by researchers affiliated with Sciences Po, following the self-deposit process assisted by the Library's staff.
The University of Chile Research Data Repository preserves, disseminates and provides access to the research data generated by its academics and researchers, in order to give visibility, guarantee its preservation and facilitate its access and reuse.
This repository supports the researchers of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network (, and to some extent the Hungarian scientists in general.
University of Warsaw Research Data Repository aims to collect, archive, preserve and make available all types of research data. Storing and making data available is possible for users affiliated with the University of Warsaw, Poland, or those involved in projects carried out in partnership with the University of Warsaw. Browsing and downloading publicly available research data is open to all interested.
DaRUS, the data repository of the University of Stuttgart, offers a secure location for research data and codes, be it for the administration of own data, for exchange within a research group, for sharing with selected partners or for publishing.
TiU Dataverse is the central online repository for research data at Tilburg University. The TiU Dataverse is managed by the Research Data Office (RDO) at Library and IT Services (LIS). TiU Dataverse takes part of the DataverseNL network. DataverseNL is a shared data service of several Dutch universities and institutions. The data management is in the hands of the member organizations, while the national organization Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) manages the network
'Redape' is a digital repository that aims to preserve and disseminate research data produced by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa. It allows the organization, management and publication of data in accordance with the FAIR principles.
The purpose of the Social Data Repository (RDS) is to make available in the Internet social data, consisting of data sets and accompanying technical or methodological documentation. The use of Repository is open for everyone. The repository is operated by the University of Warsaw (Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw). Individual collections in the Social Data Repository are subject to editorial review by University of Warsaw or collection administrators, under separate rules for a given collection. In particular, the supervising editor for the collection “Archive of Quantitative Social Data” is the Team of the Archive of Quantitative Social Data.
IGS PAS Data Portal is an open data repository of Institute of Geological Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences. This portal is used to collect and share data, taking into account access to the data from external repositories. IGS PAS data are open and provided for free use for non-commercial purposes under applicable laws on data sharing public and publicly funded. In the case of using data by external entities, the data source must be cited following the guidelines (information on how to cite data is included in the Cite Dataset field).
The Institutional Repository of the University of Burgos is based on the digital collections that include the documents generated by the members of the university community in their academic activities. These are accessible via the Internet, in accordance with the University's Open Access Institutional Policy.
Lingnan Data Repository serves as an institutional research data repository for Lingnan University in Hong Kong. It provides a secure platform for the Lingnan research community to deposit, share, and publish their research datasets, and supports data reuse by the global research community.
Arca Data is Fiocruz's official repository for archiving, publishing, disseminating, preserving and sharing digital research data produced by the Fiocruz community or in partnership with other research institutes or bodies, with the aim of promoting new research, ensuring the reproducibility or replicability of existing research and promoting an Open and Citizen Science. Its objective is to stimulate the wide circulation of scientific knowledge, strengthening the institutional commitment to Open Science and free access to health information, in addition to providing transparency and fostering collaboration between researchers, educators, academics, managers and graduate students, to the advancement of knowledge and the creation of solutions that meet the demands of society.
RODBUK Cracow Open Research Data Repository is co-created by six Cracow universities: AGH University of Science and Technology, University of Physical Education in Krakow, Cracow University of Technology, Krakow University of Economics, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Pedagogical University of Krakow. The purpose of RODBUK is to collect, develop, archive and make available in open access all types of research data created by researchers, PhD candidates and students in the course of scientific activity. RODBUK aims to implement the Open Science policy by creating a publicly available platform for depositing research datasets enabling: getting acquainted with the research conducted in Cracow's scientific centers, storage of various types of research data obtaining a permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for each dataset, standardized data citation, choosing a data usage license agreement (Creative Commons or other. RODBUK allows to collect and share open research data from various disciplines and in all file formats. RODBUK applies the FAIR Principles, which means the data is findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable.
TUL Open Research Data Repository ( is a service addressed to the scientific and research community of the Lodz University of Technology. The main purpose of is to collect, share and store the open research data, both during the research and after its completion, at least for the minimum period indicated by the funder or the scientists. The is a place where research data can be openly shared, accessed and then reused by others.
Repository of research data produced by the different departments and faculties of the Universidad del Pacífico
A domain-specific repository for the Life Sciences, covering the health, medical as well as the green life sciences. The repository services are primarily aimed at the Netherlands, but not exclusively.