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Found 184 result(s)
Chempound is a new generation repository architecture based on RDF, semantic dictionaries and linked data. It has been developed to hold any type of chemical object expressible in CML and is exemplified by crystallographic experiments and computational chemistry calculations. In both examples, the repository can hold >50k entries which can be searched by SPARQL endpoints and pre-indexing of key fields. The Chempound architecture is general and adaptable to other fields of data-rich science. The Chempound software is hosted at and is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0
DIGIBUG aims to collect, compile and organise the scientific, teaching and institutional digital documents produced by the University of Granada to support research, teaching and learning.
Three parts of a database provide published and unpublished chemical analysis results of archaeological ceramics. These are the results of forty years of applying WD-XRF and other mineralogical and physical laboratory methods to the analysis of sherds from excavations and museums. Drawing on some 30,000 analyses from research projects in Europe, Turkey, the near East, and Sudan, the part published here covers the results of three long-term projects: Early pottery in Thessaly, Greece (1,305 records), Firmalampen and other Roman lamps (1,666 records), and Roman and other pottery produced in Central Europe (4,043 records). This collated information provides an opportunity to work directly on published and unpublished data. These can be used as chemical reference groups for comparison for fine ware classification and in provenance studies.
The measured values of the panel form the basis for a 3D reconstruction of the panel, which was calculated using photos taken by Gerd Graßhoff and Joanna Pruszynska with kind support of the Museum Warmii in autumn 2016. This repository contains the photos, the models, and the research data derived from them.
Within this project the spatial and visual characteristics of circular enclosures of the early 5th millennium BC in Germany are being investigated. The here presented ever-expanding repository comprises a database of all circular enclosures under investigation. The database entries include the coordinates and a thorough description of each enclosure. Additionally, several resources like skyline and viewshed maps, files of input parameters and plots of astronomical features are deposited.
UCrea offers electronic access to documents generated by UC members in their academic, learning or research activity. The aim is to give greater visibility to academic production, increase impact and ensure preservation. UCrea supports documentation in various electronic formats and can include academic papers, research projects, preprints, articles, conference papers, etc.
idUS is the digital archive that gives access to full text of the scientific production of the University of Seville and their datasets. Its objective is to gather, preserve and disseminate the documents and data resulting from the scientific activity of the University, making the documents visible, accessible, recoverable, usable and preservable for any user.
This platform aims to realize data storage, data management, data analysis, data sharing and data citation traceability of various data sets in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences of East China Normal University.
The repository stores resources generated by this University. It is organized into five collections: theses and dissertations; teaching material to support online training courses; OA publications from the university press; and historical documentation (includes academic journals and monographs in Spanish (1875-1940) and original material on local educational institutions (16th-20th centuries).
The edoc-Server, start 1998, is the Institutional Repository of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and offers the posibility of text- and data-publications. Every item is published for Open-Access with an optional embargo period of up to five years. Data publications since 01.01.2018.
The European Database of Seismogenic Faults (EDSF) was compiled in the framework of the EU Project SHARE, Work Package 3, Task 3.2. EDSF includes only faults that are deemed to be capable of generating earthquakes of magnitude equal to or larger than 5.5 and aims at ensuring a homogeneous input for use in ground-shaking hazard assessment in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Several research institutions participated in this effort with the contribution of many scientists (see the Database section for a full list). The EDSF database and website are hosted and maintained by INGV.
The Materials Project produces one of the world's foremost databases of computed information about inorganic, crystalline materials, along with providing powerful web-based apps to help analyze this information to help the design of novel materials. Access is provided free-of-charge with an API available and under a permissive license.
"The Digital Mozart Edition (DME) aims at making accessible the oeuvre of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart (1756–1791) in digital formats. Access is free of charge for everybody."
The Spiral Digital Repository is the Imperial College London institutional open access repository. This system allows you, as an author, to make your research documents open access without incurring additional publication costs. When you self-archive a research document in Spiral it becomes free for anyone to read. You can upload copies of your publications to Spiral using Symplectic Elements. All deposited content becomes searchable online.
The BCDC serves the research data obtained, and the data syntheses assembled, by researchers within the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. Furthermore it is open for all interested scientists independent of institution. All data from the different disciplines (e.g. geology, oceanography, biology, model community) will be archived in a long-term repository, interconnected and made publicly available by the BCDC. BCDC has collaborations with many international data repositories and actively archives metadata and data at those ensuring quality and FAIRness. BCDC has it's main focus on services for data management for external and internal funded projects in the field of climate research, provides data management plans and ensures that data is archived accordingly according to the best practices in the field. The data management services rank from project work for small external funded project to top-of-the-art data management services for research infrastructures on the ESFRI roadmap (e.g. RI ICOS – Integrated Carbon Observation System) and for provides products and services for Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Services. In addition BCDC is advising various communities on data management services e.g. IOC UNESCO, OECD, IAEA and various funding agencies. BCDC will become an Associated Data Unit (ADU) under IODE, International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, a worldwide network that operates under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and aims at becoming a part of ICSU World Data System.
The Khazar University Institutional Repository (KUIR), a suite of services offered by the Library Information Center, is an institutional repository maintained to support the university's researchers, collaborators, and students. Repository content consists of collections of research materials in digital format produced and selected by Khazar University faculty and their collaborators.
JASPAR is the leading open-access database of matrix profiles describing the DNA-binding patterns of transcription factors and other proteins interacting with DNA in a sequence-specific manner.
Cobalt was commonly used as a colourant in the Egyptian glass industries of the 18th dynasty, dark blue glass being a regular find at palatial and settlement sites, including Amarna and Malqata. The main source of cobalt ore used during this period has been identified in the Egyptian Western Desert, around the oases of Kharga and Dakhla. The data presented here was obtained in order to better understand the chaîne opératoire of Late Bronze Age glass production and -working, in particular with regard to cobalt ore. For this purpose, chemical analysis by portable X-Ray fluorescence (pXRF) was carried out in the field on contextualised archaeological material excavated at the site of Amarna, which cannot be exported from Egypt for analysis. In addition, glass and other vitreous materials from the same site, but without a more precise archaeological context, were analysed in the Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection, Berlin. The results of this study demonstrate how cobalt ore from various sub-sources was used in the known workshop sites at Amarna, resulting in a deeper understanding of raw materials use and exchange across this settlemen
A collection that brings together the scientific and academic production generated by the university's teachers and researchers. Objectives * Bring together the academic and scientific production generated by the university. ● Preserve and disseminate documents produced at the UCC ● To provide greater visibility and increase the impact of publications. ● Ensure free and open access to the university's scientific and academic production. ● Ensure long-term preservation.
The Duke Research Data Repository is a service of the Duke University Libraries that provides curation, access, and preservation of research data produced by the Duke community. Duke's RDR is a discipline agnostic institutional data repository that is intended to preserve and make public data related to the teaching and research mission of Duke University including data linked to a publication, research project, and/or class, as well as supplementary software code and documentation used to provide context for the data.