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Found 55 result(s)
This database host for fungi data related to new classification with morphology, molecular and other important data. This fungal database allows deposition of taxonomic data, phenotypic details and other useful data, which will enhance our current taxonomic understanding and ultimately enable mycologists to gain better and updated insights into the current fungal classification system. In addition, the database will also allow access to comprehensive metadata including descriptions of voucher and type specimens.
The EBiSC Catalogue is a collection of human iPS cells being made available to academic and commercial researchers for use in disease modelling and other forms of preclinical research. The initial collection has been generated from a wide range of donors representing specific disease backgrounds and healthy controls. As the collection grows, more isogenic control lines will become available which will add further to the collection’s appeal.
The mission of the GO Consortium is to develop a comprehensive, computational model of biological systems, ranging from the molecular to the organism level, across the multiplicity of species in the tree of life. The Gene Ontology (GO) knowledgebase is the world’s largest source of information on the functions of genes. This knowledge is both human-readable and machine-readable, and is a foundation for computational analysis of large-scale molecular biology and genetics experiments in biomedical research.
dbEST is a division of GenBank that contains sequence data and other information on "single-pass" cDNA sequences, or "Expressed Sequence Tags", from a number of organisms. Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) are short (usually about 300-500 bp), single-pass sequence reads from mRNA (cDNA). Typically they are produced in large batches. They represent a snapshot of genes expressed in a given tissue and/or at a given developmental stage. They are tags (some coding, others not) of expression for a given cDNA library. Most EST projects develop large numbers of sequences. These are commonly submitted to GenBank and dbEST as batches of dozens to thousands of entries, with a great deal of redundancy in the citation, submitter and library information. To improve the efficiency of the submission process for this type of data, we have designed a special streamlined submission process and data format. dbEST also includes sequences that are longer than the traditional ESTs, or are produced as single sequences or in small batches. Among these sequences are products of differential display experiments and RACE experiments. The thing that these sequences have in common with traditional ESTs, regardless of length, quality, or quantity, is that there is little information that can be annotated in the record. If a sequence is later characterized and annotated with biological features such as a coding region, 5'UTR, or 3'UTR, it should be submitted through the regular GenBank submissions procedure (via BankIt or Sequin), even if part of the sequence is already in dbEST. dbEST is reserved for single-pass reads. Assembled sequences should not be submitted to dbEST. GenBank will accept assembled EST submissions for the forthcoming TSA (Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly) division. The individual reads which make up the assembly should be submitted to dbEST, the Trace archive or the Short Read Archive (SRA) prior to the submission of the assemblies.
The Structure database provides three-dimensional structures of macromolecules for a variety of research purposes and allows the user to retrieve structures for specific molecule types as well as structures for genes and proteins of interest. Three main databases comprise Structure-The Molecular Modeling Database; Conserved Domains and Protein Classification; and the BioSystems Database. Structure also links to the PubChem databases to connect biological activity data to the macromolecular structures. Users can locate structural templates for proteins and interactively view structures and sequence data to closely examine sequence-structure relationships. is a web-accessible secure repository for forest plot inventories in South America, Africa and Asia. The database includes plot geographical information; location, taxonomic information and diameter measurements of trees inside each plot; and participants in plot establishment and re-measurement, including principal investigators, field assistants, students.
The GOES Space Environment Monitor archive is an important component of the National Space Weather Program --a interagency program to provide timely and reliable space environment observations and forecasts. GOES satellites carry onboard a Space Environment Monitor subsystem that measures X-rays, Energetic Particles and Magnetic Field at the Spacecraft.
GAWSIS is being developed and maintained by the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss in collaboration with the WMO GAW Secretariat, the GAW World Data Centres and other GAW representatives to improve the management of information about the GAW network of ground-based stations. The application is presently hosted by the Swiss Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research Empa. GAWSIS provides the GAW community and other interested people with an up-to-date, searchable data base of site descriptions, measurements programs and data available, contact people, bibliographic references. Linked data collections are hosted at the World Data Centers of the WMO Global Atmosphere Watch.
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available. >>>!!!>>> A human interactome map. The sequencing of the human genome has provided a surprisingly small number of genes, indicating that the complex organization of life is not reflected in the gene number but, rather, in the gene products – that is, in the proteins. These macromolecules regulate the vast majority of cellular processes by their ability to communicate with each other and to assemble into larger functional units. Therefore, the systematic analysis of protein-protein interactions is fundamental for the understanding of protein function, cellular processes and, ultimately, the complexity of life. Moreover, interactome maps are particularly needed to link new proteins to disease pathways and the identification of novel drug targets.
Pubchem contains 3 databases. 1. PubChem BioAssay: The PubChem BioAssay Database contains bioactivity screens of chemical substances described in PubChem Substance. It provides searchable descriptions of each bioassay, including descriptions of the conditions and readouts specific to that screening procedure. 2. PubChem Compound: The PubChem Compound Database contains validated chemical depiction information provided to describe substances in PubChem Substance. Structures stored within PubChem Compounds are pre-clustered and cross-referenced by identity and similarity groups. 3. PubChem Substance. The PubChem Substance Database contains descriptions of samples, from a variety of sources, and links to biological screening results that are available in PubChem BioAssay. If the chemical contents of a sample are known, the description includes links to PubChem Compound.
<<<!!!<<< This MultiDark application is now integrated into CosmoSim ( , all data and much more is available there. The old MultiDark server is no longer available. >>>!!!>>> The MultiDark database provides results from cosmological simulations performed within the MultiDark project. This database can be queried by entering SQL statements directly into the Query Form. The access to that form and thus access to the public & private databases is password protected.
The Health Canada Drug Product Database contains product specific information on drugs approved for use in Canada. The database is managed by Health Canada and includes human pharmaceutical and biological drugs, veterinary drugs and disinfectant products. It contains approximately 15,000 products which companies have notified Health Canada as being marketed.
MetaCrop is a database that summarizes diverse information about metabolic pathways in crop plants and allows automatic export of information for the creation of detailed metabolic models. MetaCrop is a database that contains manually curated, highly detailed information about metabolic pathways in crop plants, including location information, transport processes and reaction kinetics.
The GWAS Catalog is an open access repository of all human genome wide association studies. It is considered the “go-to” resource for genetic evidence of associations between common genetic variation and diseases or phenotypes, is accessed by scientists, clinicians and other users worldwide, and is integrated with numerous other resources. Association data and metadata are identified and extracted from the scientific literature by expert data curators. Submissions of full genome wide summary data can be made directly by authors, either before or after journal publication.
AusGeochem is an easy-to-use platform for uploading, visualising, analysing and discovering georeferenced sample information and data produced by various geoscience research institutions such as universities, geological survey agencies and museums. With respect to analytical research laboratories, AusGeochem provides a centralised repository allowing laboratories to upload, archive, disseminate and publish their datasets. The intuitive user interface (UI) allows users to access national publicly funded data quickly through the ability to view an area of interest, synthesise a variety of geochemical data in real-time, and extract the required data, gaining novel scientific insights through multi-method data collation. Lithodat Pty Ltd has integrated built-in data synthesis functions into the platform, such as cumulative age histograms, age vs elevation plots, and step-heating diagrams, allowing for rapid inter-study comparisons. Data can be extracted in multiple formats for re-use in a variety of software systems, allowing for the integration of regional datasets into machine learning and AI systems.
The human pluripotent stem cell registry (hPSCreg) is a public registry and data portal for human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell lines (hESC and hiPSC). The Registry provides comprehensive and standardized biological and legal information as well as tools to search and compare information from multiple hPSC sources and hence addresses a translational research need. To facilitate unambiguous identification over different resources, hPSCreg automatically creates a unique standardized name (identifier) for each cell line registered. In addition to biological information, hPSCreg stores extensive data about ethical standards regarding cell sourcing and conditions for application and privacy protection. hPSCreg is the first global registry that holds both, manually validated scientific and ethical information on hPSC lines, and provides access by means of a user-friendly, mobile-ready web application.
The COVID-19 Data Portal was launched in April 2020 to bring together relevant datasets for sharing and analysis in an effort to accelerate coronavirus research. It enables researchers to upload, access and analyse COVID-19 related reference data and specialist datasets as part of the wider European COVID-19 Data Platform.
The GAVO data centre at Zentrum für Astronomie Heidelberg publishes astronomical data of all kinds – e.g., catalogues, images, spectra, time series, simulation results – in accordance with Virtual Observatory standards, making them findable and immediately usable through popular clients like TOPCAT, Aladin, or programatically through the astropy-affiliated package pyVO or the Java library STIL. We pay particular attention to providing thorough metadata to the VO Registry in order to facilitate discovery and reuse. While we have a clear focus on data produced with German contributions, we will usually publish data of other provenance, too. See for an overview of what resource-level metadata we ask for; contact us for further information on how to publish through the German Astronomical Virtual Observatory.
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<<<!!!<<< The repository is no longer available. <<<!!!<<< TOXNET's TRI is retired. Visit TRI at EPA: >>>!!!>>> As part of a broader NLM reorganization, most of NLM's toxicology information services have been integrated into other NLM products and services.
The Netherlands Polar Data Center (NPDC) is part of the Netherlands Polar Program (NPP). NPDC archives and provides access to the data of Polar Research by researchers funded by Dutch Research Council (NWO) or otherwise carried out by researchers from Dutch universities and research institutions. The repository provides: 1) An overview of current and completed projects from the Netherlands Polar Programme (NPP) and other Dutch projects in the Polar Regions; 2) Access to the data of research carried out by Dutch researchers in the Polar Regions; and, 3) Links to external sources of Polar research data. For more information about the NPDC and the services it may offer to the Dutch Polar research community see
From 2005 to 2008, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the construction of parasite germplasm repositories has spread to 20 conservation institutions in 15 provinces (cities) nationwide, with 3 physical exhibition halls; 3 live parasite conservation centers. A total of 1115 species/117814 pieces of parasitic germplasm resources of 23 orders in 11 phyla have been integrated into the physical library and database, including human parasites and vectors, animal parasites, plant nematodes, medical insects, trematodes, and parasitic snails, and the resources are combined with moderate distribution, medium- and long-term support, and off-site duplicates. The number of resources accounts for 39.27% of the national total. Through 10 years of accumulation, we have built the largest and only parasite species resource database in the field of parasites in China, and created a sharing platform of parasite germplasm resource center.
BRENDA is the main collection of enzyme functional data available to the scientific community worldwide. The enzymes are classified according to the Enzyme Commission list of enzymes. It is available free of charge for via the internet ( and as an in-house database for commercial users (requests to our distributor Biobase). The enzymes are classified according to the Enzyme Commission list of enzymes. Some 5000 "different" enzymes are covered. Frequently enzymes with very different properties are included under the same EC number. BRENDA includes biochemical and molecular information on classification, nomenclature, reaction, specificity, functional parameters, occurrence, enzyme structure, application, engineering, stability, disease, isolation, and preparation. The database also provides additional information on ligands, which function as natural or in vitro substrates/products, inhibitors, activating compounds, cofactors, bound metals, and other attributes.
ZFIN serves as the zebrafish model organism database. The long term goals for ZFIN are a) to be the community database resource for the laboratory use of zebrafish, b) to develop and support integrated zebrafish genetic, genomic and developmental information, c) to maintain the definitive reference data sets of zebrafish research information, d) to link this information extensively to corresponding data in other model organism and human databases, e) to facilitate the use of zebrafish as a model for human biology and f) to serve the needs of the research community. ZIRC is the Zebrafish International Resource Center, an independent NIH-funded facility providing a wide range of zebrafish lines, probes and health services. ZFIN works closely with ZIRC to connect our genetic data with available probes and fish lines.