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Found 269 result(s)
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) coordinates research and education in bioinformatics throughout Switzerland and provides bioinformatics services to the national and international research community. ExPASy gives access to numerous repositories and databases of SIB. For example: array map, MetaNetX, SWISS-MODEL and World-2DPAGE, and many others see a list here
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation's record keeper. Of all documents and materials created in the course of business conducted by the United States Federal government, only 1%-3% are so important for legal or historical reasons that they are kept by us forever. Those valuable records are preserved and are available to you, whether you want to see if they contain clues about your family’s history, need to prove a veteran’s military service, or are researching an historical topic that interests you.
Human biomaterial banks (short: biobanks) are collections of human body substances (i.e. blood, DNA, urine or tissue) connected with disease specific information. This allow for research of relations between deseases and underlying (molecular) modifications and paves the way for developing target-oriented therapies ("personalized medicine"). The biobank material arises from samples taken for therapeutical or diagnostic reasons or is extracted in the context of clinical trials. An approval for usage by the patient is always needed prior to any research activities.
The Ningaloo Atlas was created in response to the need for more comprehensive and accessible information on environmental and socio-economic data on the greater Ningaloo region. As such, the Ningaloo Atlas is a web portal to not only access and share information, but to celebrate and promote the biodiversity, heritage, value, and way of life of the greater Ningaloo region.
The primary function of this database is to provide authoritative information about meteorite names. The correct spelling, complete with punctuation and diacritical marks, of all known meteorites recognized by the Meteoritical Society may be found in this compilation. Official abbreviations for many meteorites are documented here as well. The database also contains status information for meteorites with provisional names, and listings for specimens of doubtful origin and pseudometeorites. A seconday purpose of this database is to provide an interface to map services for the display of geographic information about meteorites. Two are currently implemented here. If the user has installed the free NASA program World Wind, links are provided for each meteorite to zoom the program to the find location. The database also provides links to the Google Maps service for the display of find locations.
Country is Luxembourg's central and official platform for data from the public sector, from research institutes and the private sector.
As the national oceanographic data centre for Canada, MEDS maintains centralized repositories of some oceanographic data types collected in Canada, and coordinates data exchanges between DFO and recognized intergovernmental organizations, as well as acts as a central point for oceanographic data requests. Real-time, near real-time (for operational oceanography) or historical data are made available as appropriate.
KRISHI Portal is an initiative of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to bring its knowledge resources to all stakeholders at one place. The portal is being developed as a centralized data repository system of ICAR consisting of Technology, Data generated through Experiments/ Surveys/ Observational studies, Geo-spatial data, Publications, Learning Resources etc. For implementation of research data management electronically in ICAR Institutes and digitization of agricultural research, KRISHI (Knowledge based Resources Information Systems Hub for Innovations in Agriculture) Portal has been developed as ICAR Research Data Repository for knowledge management. Data Inventory Repository aims at creating Meta Data Inventory through information related to data availability at Institute level. The portal consists of six repositories viz. technology, publication, experimental data, observational data survey data and geo-portal. The portal can be accessed at During the period of 2016-17, input data on latitude and longitude of all KVKs under this Zone was submitted to the concerned authority to put them in geo-portal. One brainstorming session was organized at this institute for all scientists on its use and uploading information in portal. As per guidelines of the council, various kinds of publications pertaining to this institute were also uploaded in this portal.
Regionaal Archief Nijmegen (RAN) is part of the municipality of Nijmegen. RAN has been designated as the repository for the municipality of Nijmegen, neighboring municipalities (Berg en Dal, Beuningen, Druten, Heumen, Lingewaard, Wijchen, Mook and Middelaar, West Maas and Waal), a regional water authority (Waterschap Rivierenland) and a number of joint arrangements (cooperative ventures between different public authorities). According to the 1995 Public Records Act we have a legal duty to manage government archives, make them accessible and available to the public. We also manage archives of individuals and private organizations in Nijmegen and the region, audiovisual material and a library.
The Geoscience Data Repository (GDR) is a collection of Earth Sciences Sector geoscience databases that is managed and accessed by a series of Information Services (GDRIS). This site allows you to discover, view and download information using these services. About 27 data resources are listed and many are also listed in the GeoConnections Discovery Portal.
The Maelstrom Catalogue provides a user-friendly solution for data discovery. It contains comprehensive information about epidemiological research networks and studies, and the data they have collected. It also provides information about harmonized data generated by these research networks.
The National Center for Forestry and Grassland Genetic Resources (Forestry and Grassland Repository) consists of a series of in situ and ex situ repositories and ex situ repositories, including 15 in situ repositories, 137 ex situ repositories and 3 facility repositories (attached), all of which are recognized by the Seedling Department of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration or the National Forestry Germplasm Resource Platform to collect and preserve forest, grass, flower, bamboo and rattan germplasm resources, and to establish a big data system through standardization, digitization. The purpose of the Forestry and Grassland Resource Bank is to strengthen the germplasm resources of forests, grasses, flowers, bamboos and rattan. The purpose of the Forestry and Grass Resource Bank is to strengthen the collection and preservation of forestry germplasm resources and open sharing, and to promote sustainable use; the objective is to use ultra-low temperature freezing, genomics, artificial intelligence and other high technology to carry out long-term preservation, accurate identification and in-depth exploration of germplasm resources, and to achieve safe preservation and efficient use of germplasm resources. The Forestry and Grassland Resource Bank undertakes the rendezvous of scientific and technological projects in the forestry germplasm resource category. By building an integrated sharing service platform for germplasm resource production, academia and research, it improves the innovation and exploitation capacity of forestry germplasm resources, supports major national needs in scientific research, ecological construction and economic development, promotes the docking of resources and needs, and facilitates the use of resources and the transformation of results. It realizes information and physical sharing, so that forest germplasm resources can be safely preserved and scientifically utilized.
This website constitutes a repository of tools and resources for researchers and teachers that are interested in second language speech acquisition and pronunciation teaching in diverse educational contexts. If you are a RESEARCHER in the field of second language acquisition (SLA), here you will find a wide range of validated tools that may be useful for your individual differences, SLA or L2 speech studies. If you are a passionate second language pronunciation TEACHER interested in communicative methods, here you will be able to download several carefully designed explicit instruction, communicative form-focused activities and pronunciation-based tasks that are ready to be used in your classroom
The Jurisdictional Ocean Information Sharing System (JOISS) is a research activity to promote joint utilization of marine R&D projects and marine scientific materials at home and abroad. As a representative research activity, data curation activities are continuously carried out in accordance with the data life cycle to expand the utilization of the JOISS portal system. In order to provide integrated and standardized marine information, we are conducting standardization research for the distribution of marine geographic information metadata by referring to international standards and domestic and international marine data centers. In addition, we provide information and guidance for marine education and research, and strive to strengthen the exchange of data between marine research data repositories.
The mission of the GO Consortium is to develop a comprehensive, computational model of biological systems, ranging from the molecular to the organism level, across the multiplicity of species in the tree of life. The Gene Ontology (GO) knowledgebase is the world’s largest source of information on the functions of genes. This knowledge is both human-readable and machine-readable, and is a foundation for computational analysis of large-scale molecular biology and genetics experiments in biomedical research.
The National Earthquake Database (NEDB) comprises a number of separate databases that together act as the national repository for all raw seismograph data, measurements, and derived parameters arising from the Canadian National Seismograph Network (CNSN), the Yellowknife Seismological Array (YKA), previous regional telemetered networks in eastern and western Canada (ECTN, WCTN), local telemetered networks (CLTN, SLTN), the Regional Analogue Network, and the former Standard Seismograph Network (CSN). It supports the efforts of Earthquakes Canada in Canadian seismicity monitoring, global seismic monitoring, verification of the Comprehensive nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and international data exchange. It also supports the Nuclear Explosion Monitoring project.
The Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR) is an international digital repository for the digital records of archaeological investigations. tDAR’s use, development, and maintenance are governed by Digital Antiquity, an organization dedicated to ensuring the long-term preservation of irreplaceable archaeological data and to broadening the access to these data.
The Department of Energy (DOE) Joint Genome Institute (JGI) is a national user facility with massive-scale DNA sequencing and analysis capabilities dedicated to advancing genomics for bioenergy and environmental applications. Beyond generating tens of trillions of DNA bases annually, the Institute develops and maintains data management systems and specialized analytical capabilities to manage and interpret complex genomic data sets, and to enable an expanding community of users around the world to analyze these data in different contexts over the web. The JGI Genome Portal provides a unified access point to all JGI genomic databases and analytical tools. A user can find all DOE JGI sequencing projects and their status, search for and download assemblies and annotations of sequenced genomes, and interactively explore those genomes and compare them with other sequenced microbes, fungi, plants or metagenomes using specialized systems tailored to each particular class of organisms. Databases: Genome Online Database (GOLD), Integrated Microbial Genomes (IGM), MycoCosm, Phytozome
The National Microbial Data Center (NMDC) is jointly constructed by the Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMS), the Institute of Oceanography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Infectious Diseases of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Computer Network Information Centre of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The General Office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the parent department. The data resources covering the whole life cycle of microbiological research, including microbiological resources, microbiological and cross-technological methods, research processes and engineering, microbiomics, microbiological technologies, as well as microbiological literature, patents, experts and results. The Centre focuses on promoting the convergence and integration of scientific and technological resources in the field of microbiology to the national platform, strengthening the development, application and analysis of microbiological resources, enhancing the effective use of microbiological resources and the ability to support scientific and technological innovation, and providing high-quality scientific and technological resource sharing services for scientific research, technological progress and social development.
With the Program EnviDat we develop a unified and managed access portal for WSL's rich reservoir of environmental monitoring and research data. EnviDat is designed as a portal to publish, connect and search across existing data but is not intended to become a large data centre hosting original data. While sharing of data is centrally facilitated, data management remains decentralised and the know-how and responsibility to curate research data remains with the original data providers.
DABAR (Digital Academic Archives and Repositories) is the key component of the Croatian e-infrastructure’s data layer. It provides technological solutions that facilitate maintenance of higher education and science institutions' digital assets, i.e., various digital objects produced by the institutions and their employees.
The USDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information System contains reports and datasets of multiple agencies within the United States Department of Agriculture, including the Agricultural Marketing Service, the Economic Research Service, the Foreign Agricultural Service, the National Agricultural Statistics Service, and the World Agricultural Outlook Board. Historical and current reports and datasets are included.