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Found 31 result(s)
Physical Reference Data compiles physical data and biblographic sources: Physical constants, atomic spectroscopy data, molecular spectroscopic data, X-Ray and Gamma-Ray data, nuclear physics data etc.
The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected, modified and hosted a large amount of earth observation data for the majority of the UK, including imagery from ERS satellites, ENVISAT and ALOS, high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) and aerial photography dating back to 1930. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC. Aside from the thermal imagery data which stands alone, the data reside in four collections: optical, elevation, radar and feature.
The Nuclear Data Portal is a new generation of nuclear data services using modern and powerful DELL servers, Sybase relational database software, the Linux operating system with programming in Java. The Portal includes nuclear structure, decay and reaction data, as well as literature information. Data can be searched for using optimized query forms; results are presented in tables and interactive plots. Additionally, a number of nuclear science tools, codes, applications, and links are provided. The databases includes are: CINDA - Computer Index of Nuclear Reaction Data, CSISRS alias EXFOR - Experimental nuclear reaction data, ENDF - Evaluated Nuclear Data File , ENSDF - Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, MIRD - Medical Internal Radiation Dose, NSR - Nuclear Science References, NuDat - Nuclear Structure & Decay Data, XUNDL - Experimental Unevaluated Nuclear Data List, Chart of Nuclides. Nuclear Data Portal is a web service of National Nuclear Data Center.
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is a radio telescope with around one million square metres of collecting area, designed to study the Universe with unprecedented speed and sensitivity. The SKA is not a single telescope, but a collection of various types of antennas, called an array, to be spread over long distances. The SKA will be used to answer fundamental questions of science and about the laws of nature, such as: how did the Universe, and the stars and galaxies contained in it, form and evolve? Was Einstein’s theory of relativity correct? What is the nature of ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’? What is the origin of cosmic magnetism? Is there life somewhere else in the Universe?
Lab Notes Online presents historic scientific data from the Caltech Archives' collections in digital facsimile. Beginning in the fall of 2008, the first publication in the series is Robert A. Millikan's notebooks for his oil drop experiments to measure the charge of the electron, dating from October 1911 to April 1912. Other laboratory, field, or research notes will be added to the archive over time.
The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File (JEFF) project is a collaboration between NEA Data Bank member countries. The JEFF library combines the efforts of the JEFF and EFF/EAF Working Groups to produce a common sets of evaluated nuclear data, mainly for fission and fusion applications. It contains a number of different data types, including neutron and proton interaction data, radioactive decay data, fission yields, and thermal scattering law data
The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) is the world's most advanced laser-based research infrastructure. The ELI Facilities provide access to a broad range of world-class high-power, high repetition-rate laser systems and secondary sources. This enables cutting-edge research and new regimes of high intensity physics in physical, chemical, medical, and materials sciences.
This database gives values of the basic constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry resulting from the 2002 least-squares adjustment of the fundamental physical constants as published by the CODATA Task Group on Fundamental Constants and recommended for international use by CODATA.
The Atomic and Molecular Data Unit operates within the Nuclear Data Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.The primary objective of the Atomic and Molecular Data Unit is to establish and maintain internationally recommended numerical databases on atomic and molecular collision and radiative processes, atomic and molecular structure characteristics, particle-solid surface interaction processes and physico-chemical and thermo-mechanical material properties for use in fusion energy research and other plasma science and technology applications.
The ProteomeXchange consortium has been set up to provide a single point of submission of MS proteomics data to the main existing proteomics repositories, and to encourage the data exchange between them for optimal data dissemination. Current members accepting submissions are: The PRIDE PRoteomics IDEntifications database at the European Bioinformatics Institute focusing mainly on shotgun mass spectrometry proteomics data PeptideAtlas/PASSEL focusing on SRM/MRM datasets.
The interdisciplinary data platform INPTDAT provides easy access to research data and information from all fields of applied plasma physics and plasma medicine. It aims to support the findability, accessibility, interoperability and re-use of data for the low-temperature plasma physics community.
In order to control access to the experimental data obtained at the ILL in a coherent and secure fashion, the ILL has recently developed a single portal for consulting, downloading and managing your data. Here “data” is understood to mean raw data (i.e. numor files), processed data, and meta-data (e.g. log files or “logs”).
Nuclear Data Services contains atomic, molecular and nuclear data sets for the development and maintenance of nuclear technologies. It includes energy-dependent reaction probabilities (cross sections), the energy and angular distributions of reaction products for many combinations of target and projectile, and the atomic and nuclear properties of excited states, and their radioactive decay data. Their main concern is providing data required to design a modern nuclear reactor for electricity production. Approximately 11.5 million nuclear data points have been measured and compiled into computerized form.
The TDB project aims to produce a database that: contains data for all the elements of interest in radioactive waste disposal systems; documents why and how the data were selected; gives recommendations based on original experimental data, rather than compilations and estimates; documents the sources of experimental data used; is internally consistent; and treats all solids and aqueous species of the elements of interest for nuclear waste storage performance assessment calculations. The database compiles formation data (Gibbs energies, enthalpies, entropies and heat capacities) for each aqueous species and solid phase of interest, as well as chemical reactions and their corresponding thermodynamic data. Non thermodynamic data (diffusion or kinetics) and sorption data are not considered in the TDB project.
AtomDB is an atomic database useful for X-ray plasma spectral modeling. The current version of AtomDB is primarly used for modeing collisional plasmas, those where hot electrons colliding with astrophysically abundant elements and ions create X-ray emission. However, AtomDB is also useful when modeling absorption by elements and ions or even photoionized plasmas, where X-ray photons (often from a simple power-law source) interacting with elements and ions create complex spectra.
Interface to Los Alamos Atomic Physics Codes is your gateway to the set of atomic physics codes developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The well known Hartree-Fock method of R.D. Cowan, developed at Group home page of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, is used for the atomic structure calculations. Electron impact excitation cross sections are calculated using either the distorted wave approximation (DWA) or the first order many body theory (FOMBT). Electron impact ionization cross sections can be calculated using the scaled hydrogenic method developed by Sampson and co-workers, the binary encounter method or the distorted wave method. Photoionization cross sections and, where appropriate, autoionizations are also calculated.
This data server provides access to the GTC Public Archive. GTC data become public once the proprietary (1 year) is over. The Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC), is a 10.4m telescope with a segmented primary mirror.
The National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) collects, evaluates, and disseminates nuclear physics data for basic nuclear research and applied nuclear technologies. The NNDC is a worldwide resource for nuclear data. The information available to the users of NNDC services is the product of the combined efforts of the NNDC and cooperating data centers and other interested groups, both in the United States and worldwide. The NNDC specializes in the following areas: - Nuclear structure and low-energy nuclear reactions - Nuclear databases and information technology - Nuclear data compilation and evaluation
Numerical database of atomic and molecular processes and particle-surface interactions. ALADDIN has formatted data on atomic structure and spectra (energy levels,wave lengths, and transition probabilities); electron and heavy particle collisions with atoms, ions, and molecules (cross sections and/or rate coefficients, including, in most cases, analytic fit to the data); sputtering of surfaces by impact of main plasma constituents and self sputtering; particle reflection from surfaces; thermophysical and thermomechanical properties of beryllium and pyrolytic graphites.
WISER is a self-service platform for data of the Global Networks of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) and Rivers (GNIR), hosted within the IAEA's repository for technical resources (NUCLEUS). GNIP in WISER currently contains over 130,000 records, and stable isotopes are current to the end of 2013, and will be updated as verified data comes in. Parts of the GNIR water isotope data is online as well (synoptic/time series), although we are still in process of verifying and completing GNIR data uploads and for other isotopic parameters over the next year. Check back occasionally for GNIR updates. Tritium data after 2009 is in the process of being updated in the next year. When accessing WISER through the URL, you will be forwarded to the NUCLEUS log-in page. After entering your user credentials and validation, you will be forwarded to the WISER landing page.
OpenKIM is an online suite of open source tools for molecular simulation of materials. These tools help to make molecular simulation more accessible and more reliable. Within OpenKIM, you will find an online resource for standardized testing and long-term warehousing of interatomic models and data, and an application programming interface (API) standard for coupling atomistic simulation codes and interatomic potential subroutines.
This is a compilation of approximately 923,000 allowed, intercombination and forbidden atomic transitions with wavelengths in the range from 0.5 Å to 1000 µm. It's primary intention is to allow the identification of observed atomic absorption or emission features. The wavelengths in this list are all calculated from the difference between the energy of the upper and lower level of the transition. No attempt has been made to include observed wavelengths. Most of the atomic energy level data have been taken from the Atomic Spectra Database provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The CCC method yields accurate excitation and ionisation cross sections for atomic and ionic targets which are well-modelled by one or two valence electrons above a Hartree-Fock core. Inner core ionisation can be a major contributor to the total ionisation cross section. Such contributions can be estimated using various forms of Born-based approximations.