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Found 104 result(s)
The repository contains the complete model of the Bern campaign; only the upper part of the vault could not be measured due to renovation works carried out on the dome at the time of the campaign.
The Edition Topoi research platform is an innovative, reliable information infrastructure. It serves the publication of citable research data such as 3D models, high-resolution pictures, data and databases. The content and its meta data are subject to peer review and made available on an Open Access basis. The published or publishable combination of citable research content and its technical and contextually relevant meta data is defined as Citable. The public data are generated via a cloud and can be directly connected with the individual computing environment.
Three parts of a database provide published and unpublished chemical analysis results of archaeological ceramics. These are the results of forty years of applying WD-XRF and other mineralogical and physical laboratory methods to the analysis of sherds from excavations and museums. Drawing on some 30,000 analyses from research projects in Europe, Turkey, the near East, and Sudan, the part published here covers the results of three long-term projects: Early pottery in Thessaly, Greece (1,305 records), Firmalampen and other Roman lamps (1,666 records), and Roman and other pottery produced in Central Europe (4,043 records). This collated information provides an opportunity to work directly on published and unpublished data. These can be used as chemical reference groups for comparison for fine ware classification and in provenance studies.
The measured values of the panel form the basis for a 3D reconstruction of the panel, which was calculated using photos taken by Gerd Graßhoff and Joanna Pruszynska with kind support of the Museum Warmii in autumn 2016. This repository contains the photos, the models, and the research data derived from them.
Within this project the spatial and visual characteristics of circular enclosures of the early 5th millennium BC in Germany are being investigated. The here presented ever-expanding repository comprises a database of all circular enclosures under investigation. The database entries include the coordinates and a thorough description of each enclosure. Additionally, several resources like skyline and viewshed maps, files of input parameters and plots of astronomical features are deposited.
DASS-BiH (Data Archive for Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina) is the national service whose role is to ensure long-term preservation and dissemination of social science research data. The purpose of the data archive is to provide a vital research data resource for researchers, teachers, students, and all other interested users.
The TRR228DB is the project-database of the Collaborative Research Centre 228 "Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social-ecological transformation" (CRC/Transregio 228, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, German Research Foundation – Project number 328966760). The project-database is a new implementation of the TR32DB and online since 2018. It handles all data including metadata, which are created by the involved project participants from several institutions (e.g. Universities of Cologne and Bonn) and research fields (e.g. anthropology, agroeconomics, ecology, ethnology, geography, politics and soil sciences). The data is resulting from several field campaigns, interviews, surveys, remote sensing, laboratory studies and modelling approaches. Furthermore, outcomes of the scientists such as publications, conference contributions, PhD reports and corresponding images are collected.
The repository stores resources generated by this University. It is organized into five collections: theses and dissertations; teaching material to support online training courses; OA publications from the university press; and historical documentation (includes academic journals and monographs in Spanish (1875-1940) and original material on local educational institutions (16th-20th centuries).
"The Digital Mozart Edition (DME) aims at making accessible the oeuvre of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart (1756–1791) in digital formats. Access is free of charge for everybody."
VADS is the online resource for visual arts. It has provided services to the academic community for 12 years and has built up a considerable portfolio of visual art collections comprising over 100,000 images that are freely available and copyright cleared for use in learning, teaching and research in the UK. VADS provides: expert guidance and help for digital projects in art education; resource development and hosting for art education; project management and consultancy for art education; leadership in the innovative use of ICT in education through its research and development activities. VADS offers advice and guidance to the visual arts research, teaching and learning communities on all aspects of digital resource management from funding, through delivery and use, to preservation.
GloPAD is a multimedia, multilingual, web-accessible database containing digital images, texts, video clips, sound recordings, and complex media objects (such as 3-D images) related to the performing arts from around the world. GloPAD (Global Performing Arts Database) records include authoritative, detailed, multilingual descriptions of digital images, texts, video clips, sound recordings, and complex media objects related to the performing arts around the world, plus information about related pieces, productions, performers, and creators. GloPAC is an international organization of institutions and individuals committed to using innovative digital technologies to create easily accessible, multimedia, and multilingual information resources for the study and preservation of the performing arts.
The Digital Averroes Research Environment (DARE) collects and edits the works of the Andalusian Philosopher Averroes or Abū l-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad Ibn Rušd, born in Cordoba in 1126, died in Marrakesh in 1198. DARE makes accessible online digital editions of Averroes's works, and images of all textual witnesses, including manuscripts, incunabula, and early prints. Averroes's writings and the scholarly literature are documented in a bibliographical database. At the same time, DARE is a research platform, giving scholars who work on Averroes the opportunity to present their research and to discuss questions related to Averroes's thought in the Forum. A collaborative, evolving, and open-ended project hosted by DARE is the Averroes Encyclopaedia, designed to document Averroes's philosophical, scientific and technical vocabulary.
The National Science Digital Library provides high quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, with current emphasis on the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines—both formal and informal, institutional and individual, in local, state, national, and international educational settings. The NSDL collection contains structured descriptive information (metadata) about web-based educational resources held on other sites by their providers. These providers have contribute this metadata to NSDL for organized search and open access to educational resources via this website and its services.
Currently, the IMS repository focuses on resources provided by the Institute for Natural Language Processing in Stuttgart (IMS) and other CLARIN-D related institutions such as the local Collaborative Research Centre 732 (SFB 732) as well as institutions and/or organizations that belong to the CLARIN-D extended scientific community. Comprehensive guidelines and workflows for submission by external contributors are being compiled based on the experiences in archiving such in-house resources.
The DRH is a quantitative and qualitative encyclopedia of religious history. It consists of a variety of entry types including religious group and religious place. Scholars contribute entries on their area of expertise by answering questions in standardised polls. Answers are initially coded in the binary format Yes/No or categorically, with comment boxes for qualitative comments, references and links. Experts are able to answer both Yes and No to the same question, enabling nuanced answers for specific circumstances. Media, such as photos, can also be attached to either individual questions or whole entries. The DRH captures scholarly disagreement, through fine-grained records and multiple temporally and spatially overlapping entries. Users can visualise changes in answers to questions over time and the extent of scholarly consensus or disagreement.
The UNAM opens the door to share millions of open data for the benefit of education and research. With this portal ( the university shares records of digital collections, academic research projects, repositories and publications to generate new knowledge. This way, it works as an online access point to search university collections authorized for their use, reuse and free redistribution by anyone, without copyright restrictions, patents or other control mechanisms, as long as the Terms of Free Use for UNAM Open Data are respected. The UNAM Open Data Portal contains data, digital objects and geospatial layers of biological collections, artistic work, music, veterinary medicine, university projects, among others. It allows databases to be consulted and downloaded in open and structured formats. One of the most outstanding collections is the National Herbarium of Mexico (MEXU), with almost two million records and high resolution images of plants around the world, mainly collected in Mexico. MEXU is the largest herbarium in the country and in Latin America; it’s among one of the ten most active herbariums in the world.
META-SHARE, the open language resource exchange facility, is devoted to the sustainable sharing and dissemination of language resources (LRs) and aims at increasing access to such resources in a global scale. META-SHARE is an open, integrated, secure and interoperable sharing and exchange facility for LRs (datasets and tools) for the Human Language Technologies domain and other applicative domains where language plays a critical role. META-SHARE is implemented in the framework of the META-NET Network of Excellence. It is designed as a network of distributed repositories of LRs, including language data and basic language processing tools (e.g., morphological analysers, PoS taggers, speech recognisers, etc.). Data and tools can be both open and with restricted access rights, free and for-a-fee.