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Found 41 result(s)
The repository contains the complete model of the Bern campaign; only the upper part of the vault could not be measured due to renovation works carried out on the dome at the time of the campaign.
The Edition Topoi research platform is an innovative, reliable information infrastructure. It serves the publication of citable research data such as 3D models, high-resolution pictures, data and databases. The content and its meta data are subject to peer review and made available on an Open Access basis. The published or publishable combination of citable research content and its technical and contextually relevant meta data is defined as Citable. The public data are generated via a cloud and can be directly connected with the individual computing environment.
The measured values of the panel form the basis for a 3D reconstruction of the panel, which was calculated using photos taken by Gerd Graßhoff and Joanna Pruszynska with kind support of the Museum Warmii in autumn 2016. This repository contains the photos, the models, and the research data derived from them.
Within this project the spatial and visual characteristics of circular enclosures of the early 5th millennium BC in Germany are being investigated. The here presented ever-expanding repository comprises a database of all circular enclosures under investigation. The database entries include the coordinates and a thorough description of each enclosure. Additionally, several resources like skyline and viewshed maps, files of input parameters and plots of astronomical features are deposited.
DASS-BiH (Data Archive for Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina) is the national service whose role is to ensure long-term preservation and dissemination of social science research data. The purpose of the data archive is to provide a vital research data resource for researchers, teachers, students, and all other interested users.
The repository stores resources generated by this University. It is organized into five collections: theses and dissertations; teaching material to support online training courses; OA publications from the university press; and historical documentation (includes academic journals and monographs in Spanish (1875-1940) and original material on local educational institutions (16th-20th centuries).
The National Science Digital Library provides high quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, with current emphasis on the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines—both formal and informal, institutional and individual, in local, state, national, and international educational settings. The NSDL collection contains structured descriptive information (metadata) about web-based educational resources held on other sites by their providers. These providers have contribute this metadata to NSDL for organized search and open access to educational resources via this website and its services.
The DRH is a quantitative and qualitative encyclopedia of religious history. It consists of a variety of entry types including religious group and religious place. Scholars contribute entries on their area of expertise by answering questions in standardised polls. Answers are initially coded in the binary format Yes/No or categorically, with comment boxes for qualitative comments, references and links. Experts are able to answer both Yes and No to the same question, enabling nuanced answers for specific circumstances. Media, such as photos, can also be attached to either individual questions or whole entries. The DRH captures scholarly disagreement, through fine-grained records and multiple temporally and spatially overlapping entries. Users can visualise changes in answers to questions over time and the extent of scholarly consensus or disagreement.
In addition to the common documentation methods of cylinder seals by rolled impression and photography, this collection also offers 3D-models and digital impressions. The 3D-scans can be performed without impacting the objects, thus reducing the risks. This method allows even the most fragile of seals to be documented, including those too delicate to be used for a rolled impression. These scans offer a true-to-scale reproduction of the seals.
The Universal Multimedia Electronic Library (UrMEL) is the central access platform for multimedia offers of the Thuringian University and State Library Jena (ThULB) and other partners. It provides access to scholarly information and cultural resources from the region of Thuringia and beyond. UrMEL cooperates with numerous archives, libraries, museums and scientific institutions.
Library Open Access Repository (LOAR) is an open data repository established in 2016 as a service for storing and providing access to Danish research data. The service has the following key goals: Make data accessible to review for publications. Enable researchers to meet requirements for Danish and European grants. Ensure data privacy and removal of data as appropriate. Enable reuse of data where appropriate Researchers who upload data are expected to share the data using Creative Commons licenses.
By stimulating inspiring research and producing innovative tools, Huygens ING intends to open up old and inaccessible sources, and to understand them better. Huygens ING’s focus is on Digital Humanities, History, History of Science, and Textual Scholarship. Huygens ING pursues research in the fields of History, Literary Studies, the History of Science and Digital Humanities. Huygens ING aims to publish digital sources and data responsibly and with care. Innovative tools are made as widely available as possible. We strive to share the available knowledge at the institute with both academic peers and the wider public.
The Archaeological Map of the Czech Republic (AMCR) is a repository designed for information on archaeological investigations, sites and finds, operated by the Archaeological Institutes of the CAS in Prague and Brno. The archives of these institutions contain documentation of archaeological fieldwork on the territory of the Czech Republic from 1919 to the present day, and they continue to enrich their collections. The AMCR database and related documents form the largest collection of archaeological data concerning the Czech Republic and are therefore an important part of our cultural heritage. The AMCR digital archive contains various types of records - individual archaeological documents (texts, field photographs, aerial photographs, maps and plans, digital data), projects, fieldwork events, archaeological sites, records of individual finds and a library of 3D models. Data and descriptive information are continuously taken from the AMCR and presented in the the AMCR Digital Archive interface.
The architecture of the Myus Temple (Ionian coast) is preserved only in a few very fragmented parts. These components, currently housed in the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Antikensammlung, were digitalized and will be used in the reconstruction of a column from a temple likely dedicated to Dionysos.
The web service correspSearch aggregates metadata of letters from printed and digital scholarly editions and publications. It offers the aggregated correspondence metadata both via a feature-rich interface and via an API. The letter metadata are provided by scholarly projects of different institutions in a standardised, TEI-XML-based exchange format and and by using IDs from authority files (GeoNames, GND, VIAF etc.). The web service itself does not set a spatial or temporal collection focus. Currently, the time frame of the aggregated correspondence data ranges from 1500 to the 20th century.
The Berman Jewish Databank @ The Jewish Federations of North America is the central online address for quantitative studies of North American Jews and Jewish communities. Archives and makes available electronically questionnaires, reports and data files from the National Jewish Population Surveys (NJPS) of 1971, 1990 and 2000-01. It provides access to other national Jewish population reports, Jewish population statistics and approximately 200 local Jewish community studies from the major Jewish communities in North America.
You will find in the Access to Archival Databases (AAD) resource online access to records in a small selection of historic databases preserved permanently in NARA. Out of the nearly 200,000 data files in its holdings, NARA has selected approximately 475 of them for public searching through AAD. We selected these data because the records identify specific persons, geographic areas, organizations, and dates. The records cover a wide variety of civilian and military functions and have many genealogical, social, political, and economic research uses. AAD provides: Access to over 85 million historic electronic records created by more than 30 agencies of the U.S. federal government and from collections of donated historical materials. Both free-text and fielded searching options. The ability to retrieve, print, and download records with the specific information that you seek. Information to help you find and understand the records.
The Johanna Mestorf Academy provides data from several archaeology related projects. JMA supports open access/open data and open formats. The JMA promotes research and education pertaining to the field of ‘Societal, Environmental, Cultural Change’ (Kiel SECC), which is one of the four research foci of CAU.
IBICT is providing a research data repository that takes care of long-term preservation and archiving of good practices, so that researchers can share, maintain control and get recognition for your data. The repository supports research data sharing with Quote persistent data, allowing them to be played. The Dataverse is a large open data repository of all disciplines, created by the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University. IBICT the Dataverse repository provides a means available for free to deposit and find specific data sets stored by employees of the institutions participating in the Cariniana network.