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Found 24 result(s)
The Digital Averroes Research Environment (DARE) collects and edits the works of the Andalusian Philosopher Averroes or Abū l-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad Ibn Rušd, born in Cordoba in 1126, died in Marrakesh in 1198. DARE makes accessible online digital editions of Averroes's works, and images of all textual witnesses, including manuscripts, incunabula, and early prints. Averroes's writings and the scholarly literature are documented in a bibliographical database. At the same time, DARE is a research platform, giving scholars who work on Averroes the opportunity to present their research and to discuss questions related to Averroes's thought in the Forum. A collaborative, evolving, and open-ended project hosted by DARE is the Averroes Encyclopaedia, designed to document Averroes's philosophical, scientific and technical vocabulary.
In the digital collections, you can take a look at the digitized prints from the holdings of the GWLB Hannover free of cost. In special collections, the GWLB unites rare, valuable and unique parts of holdings that are installed as an ensemble. Deposita, unpublished works, donations, acquisition of rare books etc. were and are an important source for the constant growth of the library. These treasures and specialties - beyond their academic value - also contribute substantially to the profile of the GWLB.
EarthWorks is a discovery tool for geospatial (a.k.a. GIS) data. It allows users to search and browse the GIS collections owned by Stanford University Libraries, as well as data collections from many other institutions. Data can be searched spatially, by manipulating a map; by keyword search; by selecting search limiting facets (e.g., limit to a given format type); or by combining these options. A net-based research platform on the history of art and culture in the 17th century. The project’s main goal was an annotated, enriched and web-based edition of Joachim von Sandrart’s Teutscher Academie der Edlen Bau, Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste (1675–80), one of the most important source texts of the early modern period. Having lived and worked in a number of places throughout Europe, Sandrart’s biographical background makes his writings (with first-hand narrations on art, artists and art collections) a work of European dimension.
Phaidra (Permanent Hosting, Archiving and Indexing of Digital Resources and Assets) is the University of Padua Library System’s platform for long-term archiving of digital collections. Phaidra hosts various types of digital objects (antiquarian books, manuscripts, photographs, wallcharts, maps, learning objects, films, archive material and museum objects). Phaidra offers a search facility to identify specific objects, and each object can be viewed, downloaded, used and reused to the extent permitted by law and by its associated licences. The objects in the digital collections on the Phaidra platform are sourced from libraries (in large part due to the digitisation projects promoted by the Library System itself), museums and archives at the University of Padua and other institutions, including the Ca’ Foscari University and the Università Iuav in Venice.
ScienceBase provides access to aggregated information derived from many data and information domains, including feeds from existing data systems, metadata catalogs, and scientists contributing new and original content. ScienceBase architecture is designed to help science teams and data practitioners centralize their data and information resources to create a foundation needed for their work. ScienceBase, both original software and engineered components, is released as an open source project to promote involvement from the larger scientific programming community both inside and outside the USGS.
Biological collections are replete with taxonomic, geographic, temporal, numerical, and historical information. This information is crucial for understanding and properly managing biodiversity and ecosystems, but is often difficult to access. Canadensys, operated from the Université de Montréal Biodiversity Centre, is a Canada-wide effort to unlock the biodiversity information held in biological collections.
The KNB Data Repository is an international repository intended to facilitate ecological, environmental and earth science research in the broadest senses. For scientists, the KNB Data Repository is an efficient way to share, discover, access and interpret complex ecological, environmental, earth science, and sociological data and the software used to create and manage those data. Due to rich contextual information provided with data in the KNB, scientists are able to integrate and analyze data with less effort. The data originate from a highly-distributed set of field stations, laboratories, research sites, and individual researchers. The KNB supports rich, detailed metadata to promote data discovery as well as automated and manual integration of data into new projects. The KNB supports a rich set of modern repository services, including the ability to assign Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) so data sets can be confidently referenced in any publication, the ability to track the versions of datasets as they evolve through time, and metadata to establish the provenance relationships between source and derived data.
Online materials database (known as PAULING FILE project) with nearly 2 million entries: physical properties, crystal structures, phase diagrams, available via API, ready for modern data-intensive applications. The source of these entries are about 0.5M peer-reviewed publications in materials science, processed during the last 30 years by an international team of PhD editors. The results are presented online with a quick search interface. The basic access is provided for free.
FinBIF is an integral part of the global biodiversity informatics framework, dedicated to managing species information. Its mission encompasses a wide array of services, including the generation of digital data through various processes, as well as the sourcing, collation, integration, and distribution of existing digital data. Key initiatives under FinBIF include the digitization of collections, the development of data systems for collections Kotka ( and observations (, and the establishment of a national DNA barcode reference library. FinBIF manages data types such as verbal species descriptions (which include drawings, pictures, and other media types), biological taxonomy, scientific collection specimens, opportunistic systematic and event-based observations, and DNA barcodes. It employs a unified IT architecture to manage data flows, delivers services through a single online portal, fosters collaboration under a cohesive umbrella concept, and articulates development visions under a unified brand. The portal serves as the entry point to this harmonized open data ecosystem. FinBIF's portal is accessible in Finnish, Swedish, and English. Data intended for restricted use are made available to authorities through a separate portal, while open data are also shared with international systems, such as GBIF.
This portal applicaton brings together the data collected and published via OGC Web-services from the individual observatories and provides access of the data to the public. Therefore, it serves as a database node to provide scientists and decision makers with reliable and well accessible data and data products.
Founded in 1556, the SLUB today houses a variety of collections. The Library collects most comprehensively media from and about Saxony (Saxonica) and – commissioned by the German Research Foundation – literature on contemporary art, photography, industrial design and commercial art, and history of technology. In addition, also the music and the map collection have a special rank. These and other valuable materials are summarized in the special collections department. Finally the Deutsche Fotothek as one of the most important photo archives in Germany has a prominent role.
Research Data Australia is the data discovery service of the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). The ARDC is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program. Research Data Australia helps you find, access, and reuse data for research from over one hundred Australian research organisations, government agencies, and cultural institutions. We do not store the data itself here but provide descriptions of, and links to, the data from our data publishing partners.
Zvdd aims to record all digital surrogates of printed works, which are available from the internet and meet certain quality criteria. This comprised all types of printed works, such as newspapers, journals, printed music, flying leaves as well as monographs or serials.
The Diccionario del Español Medieval electrónico (DEMel) provides a lemmatised and semantically pre-structured electronic data archive on medieval Spanish. The basis of the data collection is the digitised material archived in card indexes of the Diccionario del Español Medieval (DEM), which was discontinued at the end of 2007 for financial reasons. The DEM covers the history of the development of Spanish vocabulary between the 10th and the beginning of the 15th century on the basis of far more than 600 literary and non-literary works or collections of texts and documents.
The Stanford Digital Repository (SDR) is Stanford Libraries' digital preservation system. The core repository provides “back-office” preservation services – data replication, auditing, media migration, and retrieval -- in a secure, sustainable, scalable stewardship environment. Scholars and researchers across disciplines at Stanford use SDR repository services to provide ongoing, persistent, reliable access to their research outputs.
<<<!!!<<< The repository is offline >>>!!!>>> Store.Synchrotron is a fully functional, cloud computing based solution to raw X-ray data archival and dissemination at the Australian Synchrotron, largest stand-alone piece of scientific infrastructure in the southern hemisphere. Store.Synchrotron represents the logical extension of a long-standing effort in the macromolecular crystallography community to ensure that satisfactory evidence is provided to support the interpretation of structural experiments.
The Digital Collections present selected pieces of all historical collections of the Württembergische Landesbibliothek. The aim is to offer digital reproductions of objects which are created within the framework of cataloguing and research projects.
TreeBASE is a repository of phylogenetic information, specifically user-submitted phylogenetic trees and the data used to generate them. TreeBASE accepts all types of phylogenetic data (e.g., trees of species, trees of populations, trees of genes) representing all biotic taxa. Data in TreeBASE are exposed to the public if they are used in a publication that is in press or published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, book, conference proceedings, or thesis. Data used in publications that are in preparation or in review can be submitted to TreeBASE but are only available to the authors, publication editors, or reviewers using a special access code.
For many years, the Badische Landesbibliothek has been digitising outstanding holdings from its cultural fundus in order to make them available to interested parties worldwide free of charge. This heritage includes medieval manuscripts and valuable music as well as copyright-free sources, reference works and important individual writings on Baden and its history.
The JRC Data Catalogue gives access to the multidisciplinary data produced and maintained by the Joint Research Centre, the European Commission's in-house science service providing independent scientific advice and support to policies of the European Union.
CosmoHub is a web application based on Hadoop to perform interactive exploration and distribution of massive cosmological datasets