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Found 3237 result(s)
The Maelstrom Catalogue provides a user-friendly solution for data discovery. It contains comprehensive information about epidemiological research networks and studies, and the data they have collected. It also provides information about harmonized data generated by these research networks.
It's a multidisciplinary repository that collect and diseminate research, academic, institutional and learning results from Universitat Jaume I. It also includes digitised documentary material on the province of Castelló and other information resources from different institutions, like Spain-European Union Digital Archive (SEDAS).
Port Moody's Open Data Portal gives access to data, statistics, and information about your city government. By making data accessible, we aim to promote public collaboration, increase government transparency, and spark innovation. This information will be used to inform local decision-making and will help us better plan for the future. Our data portal contains a lot of information. You can search through past and current permit, licence, and business applications. Review demographic information about program registration, find information about the location of businesses within Port Moody and filter the business directory by the type of business or service.
NODE (The National Omics Data Encyclopedia) provides an integrated, compatible, comparable, and scalable multi-omics resource platform that supports flexible data management and effective data release. NODE uses a hierarchical data architecture to support storage of muti-omics data including sequencing data, MS based proteomics data, MS or NMR based metabolomics data, and fluorescence imaging data. Launched in early 2017, NODE has collected and published over 900 terabytes of omics data for researchers from China and all over the world in last three years, 22% of which contains multiple omics data. NODE provides functions around the whole life cycle of omics data, from data archive, data requests/responses to data sharing, data analysis, data review and publish.
The National Center for Forestry and Grassland Genetic Resources (Forestry and Grassland Repository) consists of a series of in situ and ex situ repositories and ex situ repositories, including 15 in situ repositories, 137 ex situ repositories and 3 facility repositories (attached), all of which are recognized by the Seedling Department of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration or the National Forestry Germplasm Resource Platform to collect and preserve forest, grass, flower, bamboo and rattan germplasm resources, and to establish a big data system through standardization, digitization. The purpose of the Forestry and Grassland Resource Bank is to strengthen the germplasm resources of forests, grasses, flowers, bamboos and rattan. The purpose of the Forestry and Grass Resource Bank is to strengthen the collection and preservation of forestry germplasm resources and open sharing, and to promote sustainable use; the objective is to use ultra-low temperature freezing, genomics, artificial intelligence and other high technology to carry out long-term preservation, accurate identification and in-depth exploration of germplasm resources, and to achieve safe preservation and efficient use of germplasm resources. The Forestry and Grassland Resource Bank undertakes the rendezvous of scientific and technological projects in the forestry germplasm resource category. By building an integrated sharing service platform for germplasm resource production, academia and research, it improves the innovation and exploitation capacity of forestry germplasm resources, supports major national needs in scientific research, ecological construction and economic development, promotes the docking of resources and needs, and facilitates the use of resources and the transformation of results. It realizes information and physical sharing, so that forest germplasm resources can be safely preserved and scientifically utilized.
The construction goal of the national marine aquatic germplasm resource bank: by 2025, promote the national marine aquatic germplasm resource bank to become an international marine aquatic germplasm resource collection and preservation center with rich species, wide coverage, and 200,000 preserved copies. The transformation of resources from decentralized management to centralized integration, from focusing on collection and preservation to focusing on both preservation and development, provides a material basis for promoting the sustainable development of the national economy, building a society in which humans and nature coexist in harmony, and promoting my country's transformation from marine aquatic species to species. The transformation from a country with large quality resources to a country with strong resources.
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National Human Brain Bank for Development and Function was originally established in 2012 by the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences as a public interest institution dedicated to the preservation and research of human brain tissues based on the volunteer donor station of Peking Union Medical College. In 2019, it was officially recognised by the Ministry of Science and Technology as a national science and technology resource platform: National Human Brain Bank for Development and Function. Since its establishment, the Concordia Brain Bank has accepted and preserved more than two hundred and seventy whole brain tissue samples. While conducting its own research on the standardisation of brain banks, neuropathology and various histologies related to human brain ageing and dementia, it has also developed and published the Standardised Operational Protocol for Human Brain Tissue Banks in China for more than ten universities in China, and has provided valuable human brain tissue samples for a number of research groups in our own institutions and other units in China, which has strongly supported brain science and brain disease research in China. As a national resource platform, we will continue to aim to support and lead brain science research in China and make positive contributions to maintaining brain health and defeating brain diseases.
BCCM/ITM is a collection of well documented mycobacteria, characterized by phenotypic and/or genotypic tests. While having an emphasis on (drug-resistant) M. tuberculosis complex, BCCM/ITM comprises more than 90 mycobacterial species from human, animal and environmental origin from all continents.
BCCM/IHEM is a fungal culture collection specialized in medical and veterinary mycology. About 16.000 strains of yeasts and moulds are available from all over the world: pathogens, allergenic species, strains producing mycotoxins, reference strains, teaching material, etc. It also comprises the Raymond Vanbreuseghem collection and the collection of Janssen Pharmaceutica. The BCCM/IHEM collection makes strains or their genomic DNA publicly available for medical, pharmaceutical and biological research, as well as for method validation, testing or educational purposes. Deposits of strains for public access are free of charge for the depositor. The collection also accept safe and patent deposits, and offers a range of services including trainings in mycology and identifications of strains. Moreover, BCCM/IHEM has expertise in fungal taxonomy, in MALDI-TOF MS identification of moulds and yeasts as well as in genomics (whole genome sequencing of fungal strains, phylogenomics, phylogenetics).
Chinese Virtual Herbarium is online access to herbarium specimens and botanical information in China.
Based on the needs of national scientific and technological innovation for laboratory animal resources, we use various methods such as foreign introduction, domestic collection, independent research and development, and protocol conservation to collect, integrate, and optimize laboratory animal resources. The resource library now preserves more than 200 varieties and strains in four categories, including mice, rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits, including routine laboratory animals, genetically modified animal models, and animal models for disease. The predecessor of the resource bank was the National Rodent Laboratory Animal Seed Center (Guoke Cai Zi [1998] No. 010), established in 1998 and based on the Laboratory Animal Resources Research Institute of the Chinese National Academy of Food and Drug Administration.
Veterinar – Electronic Repository of Research and Scientific Papers is the institutional digital repository of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. It provides open access to publications and other research outputs resulting from the projects implemented by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The software platform of the repository is adapted to the modern standards applied in the dissemination of scientific publications and is compatible with international infrastructure in this field.
Språkbanken was established in 1975 as a national center located in the Faculty of Arts, University of Gothenburg. Allén's groundbreaking corpus linguistic research resulted in the creation of one of the first large electronic text corpora in another language than English, with one million words of newspaper text. The task of Språkbanken is to collect, develop, and store (Swedish) text corpora, and to make linguistic data extracted from the corpora available to researchers and to the public.
The MacEwan University Data Repository provides a place to store, share, and explore data and supports the teaching and scholarly activity of MacEwan University.
The Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) Data Catalogue is an online open-access data catalogue designed for sharing reliable and high-quality. CIOOS is a collaboration between institutional, governmental, and non-governmental partners located in the Pacific, the St. Lawrence, and the Atlantic. These Regional Associations (RAs) work closely with local organizations to meet end-user needs and develop place-based solutions for a diverse country.
NIAID’s TB Portals Program is a multi-national collaboration for TB data sharing and analysis to advance TB research. As a global consortium of clinicians, scientists, and IT professionals from 40 sites in 16 countries throughout eastern Europe, Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa, the TB Portals Program is a web-based, open-access repository of multi-domain TB data and tools for its analysis. Researchers can find linked socioeconomic/geographic, clinical, laboratory, radiological, and genomic data from over 7,500 international published TB patient cases with an emphasis on drug-resistant tuberculosis.
The Canadian Laboratory Initiative on Pediatric Reference Intervals (CALIPER) is a nation-wide health initiative to improve the diagnosis and monitoring of children and adolescents with medical concerns. Our main objective is to establish a comprehensive database of reference intervals for blood test results in children and adolescents. CALIPER is designed to fill the gaps that currently exist in accurately interpreting blood test results with the ultimate goal of improving the care of children at SickKids and other children’s hospitals around the world.
The Community Data Program (CDP) is a membership-based community development initiative open to any Canadian public, non-profit or community sector organization with a local service delivery or public policy mandate. The program facilitates access to the evidence needed to tell our stories and inform effective and responsive policy and program design and implementation. The CDP makes data accessible and useful for all members with training and capacity building resources. Through its vibrant network, the CDP facilitates and supports dialogue and the sharing of best practices in the use of community data. The CDP has emerged as a unique Canada-wide platform for generating information, convening and collaborating.
The Institutional Repository of the Universidad Francisco José de Caldas RIUD is a tool where digital objects corresponding to the intellectual production of the University are deposited to protect, preserve, and disseminate.
The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control's (BCCDC) data dashboards and reports provide quick access to a selection of statistics on diseases in BC and on the health of the province's populations and communities. Additional data can be made available upon request.
The Open Archive for Miscellaneous Data (OMIX) database is a data repository developed and maintained by the National Genomics Data Center (NGDC). The database specializes in descriptions of biological studies, including genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic, as well as data that do not fit in the structured archives at other databases in NGDC. It can accept various types of studies described via a simple format and enables researchers to upload supplementary information and link to it from the publication.
Brain Image Library (BIL) is an NIH-funded public resource serving the neuroscience community by providing a persistent centralized repository for brain microscopy data. Data scope of the BIL archive includes whole brain microscopy image datasets and their accompanying secondary data such as neuron morphologies, targeted microscope-enabled experiments including connectivity between cells and spatial transcriptomics, and other historical collections of value to the community. The BIL Analysis Ecosystem provides an integrated computational and visualization system to explore, visualize, and access BIL data without having to download it.
The data download section intent is to increase the availability of Digital Data Sets produced by the Regional District of North Okanagan to outside users. The Digital Data download options will be provided as CSV, KML, Shapefile, GeoJSON.
This website constitutes a repository of tools and resources for researchers and teachers that are interested in second language speech acquisition and pronunciation teaching in diverse educational contexts. If you are a RESEARCHER in the field of second language acquisition (SLA), here you will find a wide range of validated tools that may be useful for your individual differences, SLA or L2 speech studies. If you are a passionate second language pronunciation TEACHER interested in communicative methods, here you will be able to download several carefully designed explicit instruction, communicative form-focused activities and pronunciation-based tasks that are ready to be used in your classroom
Coquitlam’s Open Data Portal is available to everyone without restrictions with the goal of empowering citizens, helping small businesses, supporting the development community and enhancing service delivery. Search for data or explore popular data categories to preview, analyze and download datasets. Using the available APIs, you can interact with data directly through your own maps, tables and charts. You can also download city-wide data packages, LiDAR, aerial photographs, terrain and 3D digital elevation models.