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Found 3237 result(s)
NASA Life Sciences Portal is the next generation of the Life Sciences Data Archive for Human, Animal and Plant Research NASA's Human Research Program (HRP) conducts research and develops technologies that allow humans to travel safely and productively in space. The Program uses evidence from data collected on astronauts, as well as other supporting studies. These data are stored in the research data repository, Life Sciences Data Archive (LSDA).
The mission of NCHS is to provide statistical information that will guide actions and policies to improve the health of the American people. As the Nation's principal health statistics agency, NCHS is responsible for collecting accurate, relevant, and timely data. NCHS' mission, and those of its counterparts in the Federal statistics system, focuses on the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information that is of use to a broad range of us.
TES is the first satellite instrument to provide simultaneous concentrations of carbon monoxide, ozone, water vapor and methane throughout Earth’s lower atmosphere. This lower atmosphere (the troposphere) is situated between the surface and the height at which aircraft fly, and is an important part of the atmosphere that we often impact with our activities.
GBIF is an international organisation that is working to make the world's biodiversity data accessible everywhere in the world. GBIF and its many partners work to mobilize the data, and to improve search mechanisms, data and metadata standards, web services, and the other components of an Internet-based information infrastructure for biodiversity. GBIF makes available data that are shared by hundreds of data publishers from around the world. These data are shared according to the GBIF Data Use Agreement, which includes the provision that users of any data accessed through or retrieved via the GBIF Portal will always give credit to the original data publishers.
The FishNet network is a collaborative effort among fish collections around the world to share and distribute data on specimen holdings. There is an open invitation for any institution with a fish collection to join.
The CiardRING is a global directory of web-based information services and datasets for agricultural research for development (ARD). It is the principal tool created through the CIARD initiative to allow information providers to register their services and datasets in various categories and so facilitate the discovery of sources of agriculture-related information across the world. The RING aims to provide an infrastructure to improve the accessibility of the outputs of agricultural research and of information relevant to agriculture.
Country is Luxembourg's central and official platform for data from the public sector, from research institutes and the private sector.
The Wilson Center Digital Archive contains once-secret documents from governments all across the globe, uncovering new sources and providing fresh insights into the history of international relations and diplomacy. It contains newly declassified historical materials from archives around the world—much of it in translation and including diplomatic cables, high level correspondence, meeting minutes and more. It collects the research of three Wilson Center projects which focus on the interrelated histories of the Cold War, Korea, and Nuclear Proliferation.
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!!!This site has been decomissioned!!!! The Geographic Information Support Team (GIST) Repository at the University of Georgia is a USAID-funded global archive of spatial data collected and distributed for the greater humanitarian community. If you want to search for data, you will need a valid email address to create an account.
The data in the U of M’s Clinical Data Repository comes from the electronic health records (EHRs) of more than 2 million patients seen at 8 hospitals and more than 40 clinics. For each patient, data is available regarding the patient's demographics (age, gender, language, etc.), medical history, problem list, allergies, immunizations, outpatient vitals, diagnoses, procedures, medications, lab tests, visit locations, providers, provider specialties, and more.
The Durham High Energy Physics Database (HEPData), formerly: the Durham HEPData Project, has been built up over the past four decades as a unique open-access repository for scattering data from experimental particle physics. It currently comprises the data points from plots and tables related to several thousand publications including those from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The Durham HepData Project has for more than 25 years compiled the Reactions Database containing what can be loosly described as cross sections from HEP scattering experiments. The data comprise total and differential cross sections, structure functions, fragmentation functions, distributions of jet measures, polarisations, etc... from a wide range of interactions. In the new HEPData site (, you can explore new functionalities for data providers and data consumers, as well as the submission interface. HEPData is operated by CERN and IPPP at Durham University and is based on the digital library framework Invenio.
The Autism Chromosome Rearrangement Database is a collection of hand curated breakpoints and other genomic features, related to autism, taken from publicly available literature: databases and unpublished data. The database is continuously updated with information from in-house experimental data as well as data from published research studies.
Exposome-Explorer is the first database dedicated to biomarkers of exposure to environmental risk factors for diseases. It contains detailed information on the nature of biomarkers, populations and subjects where measured, samples analyzed, methods used for biomarker analyses, concentrations in biospecimens, correlations with external exposure measurements, and biological reproducibility over time.
NASA’s Precipitation Measurement Missions – TRMM and GPM – provide advanced information on rain and snow characteristics and detailed three-dimensional knowledge of precipitation structure within the atmosphere, which help scientists study and understand Earth's water cycle, weather and climate.
The GeoPortal.rlp allows the central search and visualization of geo data. Inside the geo data infrastructure of Rhineland-Palatinate the GeoPortal.rlp inherit the central duty a service orientated branch exchange between user and offerer of geo data. The GeoPortal.rlp establishes the access to geo data over the electronic network. The GeoPortal.rlp was brought on line on January, 8th 2007 for the first time, on February, 2nd 2011 it occured a site-relaunch.
The JenAge Ageing Factor Database AgeFactDB is aimed at the collection and integration of ageing phenotype and lifespan data. Ageing factors are genes, chemical compounds or other factors such as dietary restriction, for example. In a first step ageing-related data are primarily taken from existing databases. In addition, new ageing-related information is included both by manual and automatic information extraction from the scientific literature. Based on a homology analysis, AgeFactDB also includes genes that are homologous to known ageing-related genes. These homologs are considered as candidate or putative ageing-related genes.
Three parts of a database provide published and unpublished chemical analysis results of archaeological ceramics. These are the results of forty years of applying WD-XRF and other mineralogical and physical laboratory methods to the analysis of sherds from excavations and museums. Drawing on some 30,000 analyses from research projects in Europe, Turkey, the near East, and Sudan, the part published here covers the results of three long-term projects: Early pottery in Thessaly, Greece (1,305 records), Firmalampen and other Roman lamps (1,666 records), and Roman and other pottery produced in Central Europe (4,043 records). This collated information provides an opportunity to work directly on published and unpublished data. These can be used as chemical reference groups for comparison for fine ware classification and in provenance studies.
>>>!!!<<< 08.11.2019: SowidataNet has moved ; you can now access the SowiDataNet service at!Home >>>!!!<<<
The measured values of the panel form the basis for a 3D reconstruction of the panel, which was calculated using photos taken by Gerd Graßhoff and Joanna Pruszynska with kind support of the Museum Warmii in autumn 2016. This repository contains the photos, the models, and the research data derived from them.
The Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain Injury Research (FITBIR) informatics system was developed to share data across the entire TBI research field and to facilitate collaboration between laboratories, as well as interconnectivity with other informatics platforms. Sharing data, methodologies, and associated tools, rather than summaries or interpretations of this information, can accelerate research progress by allowing re-analysis of data, as well as re-aggregation, integration, and rigorous comparison with other data, tools, and methods. This community-wide sharing requires common data definitions and standards, as well as comprehensive and coherent informatics approaches.
The Eurac Research CLARIN Centre (ERCC) is a dedicated repository for language data. It is hosted by the Institute for Applied Linguistics (IAL) at Eurac Research, a private research centre based in Bolzano, South Tyrol. The Centre is part of the Europe-wide CLARIN infrastructure, which means that it follows well-defined international standards for (meta)data and procedures and is well-embedded in the wider European Linguistics infrastructure. The repository hosts data collected at the IAL, but is also open for data deposits from external collaborators.