The Encyclopedia of Life is an international initiative. The following institutions have signed memoranda of understanding to become part of the global EOL community:
The Biodiversity Synthesis Group is part of the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL), an international project to develop a webpage for every known species on Earth, freely accessible to all. Based at the Biodiversity Synthesis Center (BioSynC) at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, we are dedicated to advancing biodiversity science and the core EOL mission through our diverse meetings, workshops, research programs, and outreach. The other four EOL components are: The Biodiversity Informatics Group (Field Museum); the Scanning and Digitization Group (led by the Biodiversity Heritage Library); the Learning and Education Group (Harvard); the Species Pages Group (Smithsonian).
TraitBank® is a searchable, comprehensive, open digital repository for organism traits, measurements, interactions and other facts for all taxa across the tree of life. TraitBank is integrated into the fabric of EOL, and leverages its existing infrastructure for names, content organization, curation roles and search. Data records are aggregated from databases, literature tables, and other sources.