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Found 16 result(s)
CalSurv is a comprehensive information on West Nile virus, plague, malaria, Lyme disease, trench fever and other vectorborne diseases in California — where they are, where they’ve been, where they may be headed and what new diseases may be emerging.The CalSurv Web site serves as a portal or a single interface to all surveillance-related Web sites in California.
The LINZ Data Service provides free online access to New Zealand’s most up-to-date land and seabed data. The data can be searched, browsed and downloaded. The LINZ web services can be also integrated into other applications.
CANSIM is Statistics Canada's key socioeconomic database. Updated daily, CANSIM provides fast and easy access to a large range of the latest statistics available in Canada. Before June 2018, the Data Tables collection was called CANSIM. That name was retired, but the content is still available. CANSIM tables have been given new numbers, but you can still search the Data Tables using the old CANSIM table and vector numbers (or use this Concordance to look up the new table number).
GeoGratis is a portal provided by the Earth Sciences Sector (ESS) of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) which provides geospatial data at no cost and without restrictions via your Web browser. The data will be useful whether you are a novice who needs a geographic map for a presentation, or an expert who wants to overlay a vector layer of digital data on a classified multiband image, with a digital elevation model as a backdrop. The geospatial data are grouped in over 100 collections and are compatible with the most popular geographic information systems (GIS), with image analysis systems and the graphics applications of editing software.
OpenStreetMap ( is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world. Planet.osm is the OpenStreetMap data in one file.
The main objective of the project is to digitize the data collected by the Maritime Administration and make it available for reuse by digitizing analog resources, integrating and harmonizing data and building a digital repository, and disseminating information about the resources collected in the system. The aim of the project is to make maritime administration data sets available on the Internet.
ERDDAP is a data server that gives you a simple, consistent way to download subsets of gridded and tabular scientific datasets in common file formats and make graphs and maps. This particular ERDDAP installation has oceanographic data (for example, data from satellites and buoys).
VectorBase provides data on arthropod vectors of human pathogens. Sequence data, gene expression data, images, population data, and insecticide resistance data for arthropod vectors are available for download. VectorBase also offers genome browser, gene expression and microarray repository, and BLAST searches for all VectorBase genomes. VectorBase Genomes include Aedes aegypti, Anopheles gambiae, Culex quinquefasciatus, Ixodes scapularis, Pediculus humanus, Rhodnius prolixus. VectorBase is one the Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRC) projects which is funded by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NAID).
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is a charitably funded genomic research centre located in Hinxton, nine miles south of Cambridge in the UK. We study diseases that have an impact on health globally by investigating genomes. Building on our past achievements and based on priorities that exploit the unique expertise of our Faculty of researchers, we will lead global efforts to understand the biology of genomes. We are convinced of the importance of making this research available and accessible for all audiences. reduce global health burdens.
EuPathDB (formerly ApiDB) is an integrated database covering the eukaryotic pathogens in the genera Acanthamoeba, Annacaliia, Babesia, Crithidia, Cryptosporidium, Edhazardia, Eimeria, Encephalitozoon, Endotrypanum, Entamoeba, Enterocytozoon, Giardia, Gregarina, Hamiltosporidium, Leishmania, Nematocida, Neospora, Nosema, Plasmodium, Theileria, Toxoplasma, Trichomonas, Trypanosoma and Vavraia, Vittaforma). While each of these groups is supported by a taxon-specific database built upon the same infrastructure, the EuPathDB portal offers an entry point to all of these resources, and the opportunity to leverage orthology for searches across genera.
As a research data hub for social and economic history, Emporion enables the free and standards-compliant publication of time series, historical statistical and panel data, georeferenced vector data, text mining analyses and data papers. Emporion is also open to contributions from the fields of business and environmental history and the history of technology. Emporion's supporting institutions are the DFG Priority Programme 1859 'Experience and Expectations. Historical Foundations of Economic Behavior' and the Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte in conjunction with the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz.
TriTrypDB is an integrated genomic and functional genomic database for pathogens of the family Trypanosomatidae, including organisms in both Leishmania and Trypanosoma genera. TriTrypDB and its continued development are possible through the collaborative efforts between EuPathDB, GeneDB and colleagues at the Seattle Biomedical Research Institute (SBRI).
ECDC is an EU agency aimed at strengthening Europe's defences against infectious diseases. The core functions cover a wide spectrum of activities: surveillance, epidemic intelligence, response, scientific advice, microbiology, preparedness, public health training, international relations, health communication, and the scientific journal Eurosurveillance. Within the field of its mission, the Centre shall: search for, collect, collate, evaluate and disseminate relevant scientific and technical data; provide scientific opinions and scientific and technical assistance including training; provide timely information to the Commission, the Member States, Community agencies and international organisations active within the field of public health; coordinate the European networking of bodies operating in the fields within the Centre's mission, including networks that emerge from public health activities supported by the Commission and operating the dedicated surveillance networks; exchange information, expertise and best practices, and facilitate the development and implementation of joint actions.
OCTOPUS is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant web-enabled database that allows users to visualise, query, and download cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al, luminescence, and radiocarbon ages and denudation rates associated with erosional landscapes, Quaternary depositional landforms and archaeological records, along with associated geospatial (vector and raster) data layers.