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Found 120 result(s)
This website is the public interface to the "Canadian Database of Geochemical Surveys". The database has two long-term goals. Firstly, it aims to catalogue all of the regional geochemical surveys that have been carried out across Canada, beginning in the 1950s. Secondly, it aims to make the raw data from those surveys available in a standardised format. Over 1,500 surveys have been catalogued. Approximately 500 are considered to be of long-term strategic value for mineral exploration and environmental baseline studies. Work is progressing on standardising the data for these 500 surveys. To date over 250 datasets have been converted.
The majority of the CIS research activity focuses on carrying out public opinion surveys. These surveys include electoral studies, its monthly public opinion barometers, monographic studies on different aspects of Spanish society and the surveys resulting from CIS involvement in international projects. All the surveys the CIS takes are deposited in its Data Bank, and they are available to the public once the quality control, verification, anonymisation, codification and information uploading tasks have been concluded. In addition to its surveys, the CIS also collects information about Spanish society through qualitative research studies: Fundamentally, discussion groups and in-depth interviews.
MEASURE DHS is advancing global understanding of health and population trends in developing countries through nationally-representative household surveys that provide data for a wide range of monitoring and impact evaluation indicators in the areas of population, health, HIV, and nutrition. The database collects, analyzes, and disseminates data from more than 300 surveys in over 90 countries. MEASURE DHS distributes, at no cost, survey data files for legitimate academic research.
The Research Data Centre of the Robert Koch Institute (FDZ RKI) publishes the data of population-representative health surveys in the form of public use files (PUFs).The main purpose of health surveys is to generate a maximum amount of information on the state of health and health-related behaviour of Germany's resident population while ensuring an optimum use of funds. The methodology - i.e. the sample design, the principles on operationalization and measurement, and data-collection techniques - is largely modelled on the tried-and-tested methods of empirical social research. Health interview surveys (HIS) use established survey techniques such as filling out questionnaires, computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI), computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI), and online polling via the internet or email. The main difference compared to purely sociological surveys lies in the additional biomedical examinations, tests and medical-biochemical measurements, which generate significant added value in addition to the results of the surveys; this part is referred to internationally as the health examination survey (HES).
Australian Waterbird Surveys (AWS) is an information source of waterbird communities around Australia, based on surveys of their diversity and numbers. It relies on rigorous data collection protocols and includes more than 50 waterbird species and up to 30 years of survey data. This open source also includes the extent of flooding of thousands of wetlands observed during our surveys. As a group, waterbirds can be sentinels of the ecological health of our wetlands and rivers. We hope this free information system will help track long-term changes in the environment, provide an assessment tool for individual species, report on our national and international responsibilities and help improve the way we manage our rivers and wetlands. It has been developed with the support of research and government partners.
The Canadian Opinion Research Archive at Queen's University makes available commercial and independent surveys to the academic, research and journalistic communities. Founded in 1992, CORA contains hundreds of surveys including thousands of discrete items collected by major commercial Canadian firms dating back to the 1970s. CORA is continually adding new surveys and is always soliciting new data from commercial research firms, independent think tanks, research institutes, NGOs, and academic researchers. This website also includes readily accessible results from these surveys, tracking Canadian opinion over time on frequently asked survey questions, as well as tabular results from recent Canadian surveys, and more general information on polling. This material is made available as a public service by CORA and its partners.
Surveys provide annual information on the total, seasonal and spatial harvest of ducks, geese and other game birds in Canada, on the ecological characteristics of waterfowl harvested in Canada and the hunter activity associated with that harvest. The survey covers all of Canada divided into 23 zones and has been carried out annually since 1966. The bilingual database currently contains 9,000,000+ records.
The World Values Survey (WVS) is a worldwide network of social scientists studying changing values and their impact on social and political life. The WVS in collaboration with EVS (European Values Study) carried out representative national surveys in more than 100 countries containing almost 90 percent of the world's population. These surveys show pervasive changes in what people want out of life and what they believe. In order to monitor these changes, the EVS/WVS has executed six waves of surveys, from 1981 to 2013.
Research Data Centres offer a secure access to detailed microdata from Statistics Canada's surveys, and to Canadian censuses' data, as well as to an increasing number of administrative data sets. The search engine was designed to help you find out more easily which dataset among all the surveys available in the RDCs best suits your research needs.
The American National Election Studies (ANES) conducts national surveys and pilot studies and provides large, multifaceted datasets. Time Series Studies are conducted during years of national elections, with pre-election and post-election surveys conducted in presidential election years and post-election surveys conducted during congressional election years. Pilot Studies are normally conducted in years when there is no national election and are designed to test new, or to refine existing, instrumentation and study designs. Other Major Data Collections includes panel studies and other special studies.
The National Data Archive has been disseminating microdata from surveys and censuses primarily under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), Government of India. The archive is powered by the National Data Archive (NADA, ver. 4.3) software with DDI Metadata standard. It serves as a portal for researchers to browse, search, and download relevant datasets freely; even with related documentation (viz. survey methodology, sampling procedures, questionnaires, instructions, survey reports, classifications, code directories, etc). A few data files require the user to apply for approval to access with no charge. Currently, the archive holds more than 144 datasets of the National Sample Surveys (NSS), Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), and the Economic Census as available with the Ministry. However, efforts are being made to include metadata of surveys conducted by the State Governments and other government agencies.
The Census Bureau releases TIGER/Line shapefiles and metadata each year to the public. TIGER/Line shapefiles are spatial extracts from the Census Bureau’s MAF/TIGER database. They contain features such as roads, railroads, hydrographic features and legal and statistical boundaries.
The Web-enabled Landsat data (WELD) project combines geophysical and biophysical Landstat data for the purposes of long-term preservation and monitoring of national, regional, and local data. WELD products are already "terrain-corrected and radiometrically calibrated" so as to be more easily accessible to researchers.
Public Opinion in the European Union. Our surveys address major topics concerning European citizenship. The Standard Eurobarometer was established in 1973. Since 1973, the European Commission has been monitoring the evolution of public opinion in the Member States, thus helping the preparation of texts, decision-making and the evaluation of its work. Our surveys and studies address major topics concerning European citizenship: enlargement, social situation, health, culture, information technology, environment, the Euro, defence, etc. Each survey consists of approximately 1000 face-to-face interviews per country. Reports are published twice yearly. Reproduction is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. Special Eurobarometer reports are based on in-depth thematic studies carried out for various services of the European Commission or other EU Institutions and integrated in the Standard Eurobarometer's polling waves. Reproduction is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. Flash Eurobarometers are ad hoc thematic telephone interviews conducted at the request of any service of the European Commission. Flash surveys enable the Commission to obtain results relatively quickly and to focus on specific target groups, as and when required. Reproduction is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. The qualitative studies investigate in-depth the motivations, feelings and reactions of selected social groups towards a given subject or concept, by listening to and analysing their way of expressing themselves in discussion groups or with non-directive interviews.
The Radio Telescope Data Center (RTDC) reduces, archives, and makes available on its web site data from SMA and the CfA Millimeter-wave Telescope. The whole-Galaxy CO survey presented in Dame et al. (2001) is a composite of 37 separate surveys. The data from most of these surveys can be accessed. Larger composites of these surveys are available separately.
The NSDB is the set of computer readable files which contain soil, landscape, and climatic data for all of Canada. It serves as the national archive for land resources information that was collected by federal and provincial field surveys, or created by land data analysis projects. The NSDB includes GIS coverages at a variety of scales, and the characteristics of each named soil series. The principal types of NSDB data holdings (ordered by scale) are as follows: National Ecological Framework (EcoZones, EcoRegions, and EcoDistricts); Soil Map of Canada / Land Potential DataBase (LPDB); Agroecological Resource Areas (ARAs); Soil Landscapes of Canada (SLC); Canada Land Inventory (CLI); Detailed Soil Surveys.
The Metropolitan Travel Survey Archive (MTSA) includes travel surveys from numerous public agencies across the United States. The Transportation Secure Data Center has archived these surveys to ensure their continued public availability. The survey data have been converted to a standard file format and cleansed to remove personally identifiable information, including any detailed spatial data regarding individual trips. is an online tool for exploring quality of life data across metropolitan areas for people of different racial/ethnic groups in the United States. It provides values and rankings for the largest U.S. metropolitan areas on different indicators in 8 areas of life (domains), including demographics, education, economic opportunity, housing, neighborhoods, and health. It also provides a simple mapping utility, showing the range of indicator values for metros across the U.S. Data from 1999 indicators is archives in the companion Diversity Data Archive ( For a wider selection of data on child wellbeing, visit our partner site, ( has been named a Health Data All Star by the Health Data Consortium. The list was compiled in consultation with leading health researchers, government officials, entrepreneurs, advocates and others to identify the health data resources that matter most.
Quetelet-Progedo-Diffusion allows searching and accessing data from national public statistics (major surveys, censuses, databases) and large surveys from French research. - Major data, censuses and other databases of French National Statistics - Major French research data - Privileged access to international data