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Found 37 result(s)
<<<!!!<<< the repository is offline >>>!!!>>> The Detection of Archaeological Residues using Remote-sensing Techniques (DART) project was initiated in 2010 in order to investigate the ability of various sensors to detect archaeological features in ‘difficult’ circumstances. Concluding in September 2013, DART had the overall aim of developing analytical methods for identifying and quantifying gradual changes and dynamics in sensor responses associated with surface and near-surface archaeological features under different environmental and land-management conditions.
The BC Oil and Gas Commission (Commission) is an independent, single-window regulatory agency with responsibilities for overseeing oil and gas operations in British Columbia, including exploration, development, pipeline transportation and reclamation. Spatial and non-spatial data is collected from various sources to support oil and gas operations in the province and is used widely within the Commission. As part of its commitment to improving citizen access and involvement, enhancing transparency and understanding, the Commission is pleased to provide interactive public access to this data. Users are encouraged to explore the site and select and download the datasets that are of interest to them.
The EarthEnv project is a collaborative project of biodiversity scientists and remote sensing experts to develop near-global standardized, 1km resolution layers for monitoring and modeling biodiversity, ecosystems, and climate. The work is supported by NCEAS, NASA, NSF, and Yale University.
This data repository provides access to the climatology of polar stratospheric clouds (PSC) observations of Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) onboard the Envisat satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA). The MIPAS instrument operated from July 2002 until April 2012. The infrared limb emission measurements provide a unique dataset of day and night observations of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) up to both poles.
<<<!!!<<< The website closed in January 2015. >>>!!!>>> All GeoBase products are available on the Open Government of Canada portal: GeoBase initiative provides geospatial data of the entire Canadian landmass for government, business, and/or personal assessments of sustainable resource development, public safety, sanitation, and environmental protection. Data is available for download as ESRI Shapefile, FGDB, KML, and GML.
The LINZ Data Service provides free online access to New Zealand’s most up-to-date land and seabed data. The data can be searched, browsed and downloaded. The LINZ web services can be also integrated into other applications.
The Geo Big Data Open Platform of the Korea Institute of Geological Resources is a data-based repository that allows anyone to easily access the latest geological resource information scattered in Korea. It was established for the purpose of quickly organizing and providing domestic and foreign geological resource research information pouring out of a super-gap society to utilize the solution of national social problems and create an open science research ecosystem in the geological resource field.
The Canadian Disaster Database (CDD) contains detailed disaster information on more than 1000 natural, technological and conflict events (excluding war) that have happened since 1900 at home or abroad and that have directly affected Canadians. Message since 2022-01: The Canadian Disaster Database geospatial view is temporarily out of service. We apologize for the inconvenience. The standard view of the database is still available.
On February 24, 2000, Terra began collecting what will ultimately become a new, 15-year global data set on which to base scientific investigations about our complex home planet. Together with the entire fleet of EOS spacecraft, Terra is helping scientists unravel the mysteries of climate and environmental change. TERRA's data collection instruments include: Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES), Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (MISR), Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT)
The CALIPSO satellite provides new insight into the role that clouds and atmospheric aerosols play in regulating Earth's weather, climate, and air quality. CALIPSO combines an active lidar instrument with passive infrared and visible imagers to probe the vertical structure and properties of thin clouds and aerosols over the globe. CALIPSO was launched on April 28, 2006, with the CloudSat satellite. CALIPSO and CloudSat are highly complementary and together provide new, never-before-seen 3D perspectives of how clouds and aerosols form, evolve, and affect weather and climate. CALIPSO and CloudSat fly in formation with three other satellites in the A-train constellation to enable an even greater understanding of our climate system.
HYdrological cycle in the Mediterranean EXperiemnt. Considering the science and societal issues motivating HyMeX, the programme aims to : improve our understanding of the water cycle, with emphasis on extreme events, by monitoring and modelling the Mediterranean atmosphere-land-ocean coupled system, its variability from the event to the seasonal and interannual scales, and its characteristics over one decade (2010-2020) in the context of global change, assess the social and economic vulnerability to extreme events and adaptation capacity.The multidisciplinary research and the database developed within HyMeX should contribute to: improve observational and modelling systems, especially for coupled systems, better predict extreme events, simulate the long-term water-cycle more accurately, provide guidelines for adaptation measures, especially in the context of global change.
Climate4impact: a dedicated interface to ESGF for the climate impact community The portal Climate4impact, part of the ENES Data Infrastructure, provides access to data and quick looks of global and regional climate models and downscaled higher resolution climate data. The portal provides data transformation tooling and mapping & plotting capabilities, guidance, documentation, FAQ and examples. The Climate4Impact portal will be further developed during the IS-ENES3 project (2019-2023)and moved to a different environment. Meanwhile the portal at will remain available, but no new information or processing options will be included. When the new portal will become available this will be announced on
PRISM Dataverse is the institutional data repository of the University of Calgary, which has its purpose in digital archiving and sharing of research data from researchers. PRISM Dataverse is a data repository hosted through Borealis, a service of the Ontario Council of University Libraries and supported by University of Calgary's Libraries and Cultural Resources. PRISM Dataverse enables scholars to easily deposit data, create data-specific metadata for searchability and publish their datasets.
The arctic data archive system (ADS) collects observation data and modeling products obtained by various Japanese research projects and gives researchers to access the results. By centrally managing a wide variety of Arctic observation data, we promote the use of data across multiple disciplines. Researchers use these integrated databases to clarify the mechanisms of environmental change in the atmosphere, ocean, land-surface and cryosphere. That ADS will be provide an opportunity of collaboration between modelers and field scientists, can be expected.
HALO-DB is the web platform of a data retrieval and long-term archive system. The system was established to hold and to manage a wide range of data based on observations of the HALO research aircraft and data which are related to HALO observations. HALO (High-Altitude and LOng-range aircraft) is the new German research aircraft (German Science Community (DFG)). The aircraft, a Gulfstream GV-550 Business-Jet, is strongly modified for the application as a research platform. HALO offers several advantages for scientific campaigns, such as its high range of more than 10000 km, a high maximum altitude of more than 15 km, as well as a relatively high payload.
The purpose of the Dataset Catalogue is to enhance discovery of GNS Science datasets. At a minimum, users will be able to determine whether a dataset on a specific topic exists and then whether it pertains to a specific place and/or a specific date or period. Some datasets include a web link to an online resource. In addition, contact details are provided for the custodian of each dataset as well as conditions of use.
The CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre has managed marine data for Australia's government research organisation for over 30 years. They have an enduring archive of marine and climate research data, and regularly publish data (including physical, chemical, bathymetric and biological data) collected on board RV Investigator as part of the Marine National Facility. Data from the MNF is freely and publicly available.
The TERN Data Discovery Portal (TDDP) is a gateway to search and access all the datasets published by the Australian Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network. In the TERN data discovery portal, users can conduct textual and graphical searches on the metadata catalogue using a web interface with temporal, spatial, and eco science related controlled vocabulary keywords. Requests to download data discovered through different data services associated with TERN. Downloading, using and sharing data will be subjected to the TERN data licensing framework (
Geoscientific Data & Discovery Publishing Center (GDD) is based on the geological scientific data generated globally, establishing policies and systems for the scientific data publishing, absorbing the concepts and methods of international open data, and joint Digital Object Unique Identifier-DOI registration agencies to provide standard data reference formats and permanent access address for data references, doing publishing through the Internet platform, which combines innovation and advance. GDD mainly includes data descriptor and entity data publishing. The data papers describe entity data and corresponding metadata information. The entity data includes common shared data such as geographic information, geologic maps, and databases, and also includes multiple data types, such as documents, archive records, data forms and other multimedia formed during geological work, various data-centric applications, database interface services, and typical data services.
Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT) was launched into sun-synchronous polar orbit on December 18, 1999, aboard TERRA, a NASA satellite orbiting 705 km above the Earth. MOPITT monitors changes in pollution patterns and the effects on Earth’s troposphere. MOPITT uses near-infrared radiation at 2.3 µm and thermal-infrared radiation at 4.7 µm to calculate atmospheric profiles of CO.