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The JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System (TCIS) was developed to support hurricane research. There are three components to TCIS; a global archive of multi-satellite hurricane observations 1999-2010 (Tropical Cyclone Data Archive), North Atlantic Hurricane Watch and ASA Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) aircraft campaign. Together, data and visualizations from the real time system and data archive can be used to study hurricane process, validate and improve models, and assist in developing new algorithms and data assimilation techniques.
The data page makes the data that PCIC collects and produces publicly available with an open license. The page presently provides access to BC Station Data, High-Resolution Climatology, Downscaled Climate Scenarios and VIC Hydrologic Model Output and Extreme Indices calculated from CMIP5.
The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission is an international network of satellites that provide the next-generation global observations of rain and snow. Building upon the success of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), the GPM concept centers on the deployment of a “Core” satellite carrying an advanced radar / radiometer system to measure precipitation from space and serve as a reference standard to unify precipitation measurements from a constellation of research and operational satellites.
This site contains active weather alerts, warnings, watches, and advisories concerning the US State of Alaska and the surrounding waters. Near-real time data are available as are historical records. Links to the National Data Buoy Center are provided for coastal and ocean conditions around Alaska.
This data repository provides access to the climatology of polar stratospheric clouds (PSC) observations of Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) onboard the Envisat satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA). The MIPAS instrument operated from July 2002 until April 2012. The infrared limb emission measurements provide a unique dataset of day and night observations of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) up to both poles.
NASA’s Precipitation Measurement Missions – TRMM and GPM – provide advanced information on rain and snow characteristics and detailed three-dimensional knowledge of precipitation structure within the atmosphere, which help scientists study and understand Earth's water cycle, weather and climate.
The NASA/GEWEX SRB project is a major component of the GEWEX radiation research. The objective of the NASA/GEWEX SRB project is to determine surface, top-of-atmosphere (TOA), and atmospheric shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) radiative fluxes with the precision needed to predict transient climate variations and decadal-to-centennial climate trends.
Indian Space Science Programme has the primary goal of promoting and establishing space science and technology programme. The ISSDC is the primary data center to be retrieved from Indian space science missions. This center is responsible for the collections of payload data and related ancillary data for space science missions such as Chandrayaan, Astrosat, Youthsat, etc. The payload data sets can include a range of information including satellite images, X-ray spectrometer readings, and other space observations.
The main objective of the project is to digitize the data collected by the Maritime Administration and make it available for reuse by digitizing analog resources, integrating and harmonizing data and building a digital repository, and disseminating information about the resources collected in the system. The aim of the project is to make maritime administration data sets available on the Internet.
The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth hosts the best and most complete online collection of astronaut photographs of the Earth from 1961 through the present. This service is provided by the International Space Station program and the JSC Earth Science & Remote Sensing Unit, ARES Division, Exploration Integration Science Directorate.
The Norwegian Polar Institute is a governmental institution for scientific research, mapping and environmental monitoring in the Arctic and the Antarctic. The institute’s Polar Data Centre (NPDC) manages and provides access to scientific data, environmental monitoring data, and topographic and geological map data from the polar regions. The scientific datasets are ranging from human field observations, through in situ and moving sensor data, to remote sensing products. The institute's data holdings also include photographic images, audio and video records.
The Canadian Disaster Database (CDD) contains detailed disaster information on more than 1000 natural, technological and conflict events (excluding war) that have happened since 1900 at home or abroad and that have directly affected Canadians. Message since 2022-01: The Canadian Disaster Database geospatial view is temporarily out of service. We apologize for the inconvenience. The standard view of the database is still available.
The AOML Environmental Data Server (ENVIDS) provides interactive, on-line access to various oceanographic and atmospheric datasets residing at AOML. The in-house datasets include Atlantic Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT), Global Lagrangian Drifting Buoy, Hurricane Flight Level, and Atlantic Hurricane Tracks (North Atlantic Best Track and Synoptic). Other available datasets include Pacific Conductivitiy/Temperature/Depth Recorder (CTD) and World Ocean Atlas 1998.
On February 24, 2000, Terra began collecting what will ultimately become a new, 15-year global data set on which to base scientific investigations about our complex home planet. Together with the entire fleet of EOS spacecraft, Terra is helping scientists unravel the mysteries of climate and environmental change. TERRA's data collection instruments include: Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES), Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (MISR), Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT)
coastMap offers campaign data, model analysis and thematic maps predominantly in the Biogeosciences. Spotlights explain in a nutshell important topics of the research conducted for the interested public. The portal offers applications to visualise and download field and laboratory work and to connect the information with interactive maps. Filter functions allow the user to search for general topics like a marine field of interest or single criteria, for example a specific ship campaign or one of 1000 measured parameters.
China Meteorological Data Service Center, an upgraded system of the meteorological data sharing network, is an important component of the underlying national science and technology platform and a main portal application system of meteorological cloud. It is an authoritative and unified shared service platform for China Meteorological Administration to open its meteorological data resources to domestic and global users, and a data supporting platform for China to open its meteorological service market and promote the sharing and efficient application of meteorological information resources as a new meteorological service system. The comprehensive meteorological database provide online and offline shared services, the existing data types including global upper-air sounding data, surface observations, ocean observations, numerical forecast products, agro-meteorological data of ground observation data encryption, aircraft soundings, numerical weather prediction analysis field data, GPS-Met, Storm 2 No, GOES-9 satellite data, soil moisture, aircraft reported sandstorm monitoring, TOVS, ATOVS, wind profilers, satellite detection information.
The CALIPSO satellite provides new insight into the role that clouds and atmospheric aerosols play in regulating Earth's weather, climate, and air quality. CALIPSO combines an active lidar instrument with passive infrared and visible imagers to probe the vertical structure and properties of thin clouds and aerosols over the globe. CALIPSO was launched on April 28, 2006, with the CloudSat satellite. CALIPSO and CloudSat are highly complementary and together provide new, never-before-seen 3D perspectives of how clouds and aerosols form, evolve, and affect weather and climate. CALIPSO and CloudSat fly in formation with three other satellites in the A-train constellation to enable an even greater understanding of our climate system.
HYdrological cycle in the Mediterranean EXperiemnt. Considering the science and societal issues motivating HyMeX, the programme aims to : improve our understanding of the water cycle, with emphasis on extreme events, by monitoring and modelling the Mediterranean atmosphere-land-ocean coupled system, its variability from the event to the seasonal and interannual scales, and its characteristics over one decade (2010-2020) in the context of global change, assess the social and economic vulnerability to extreme events and adaptation capacity.The multidisciplinary research and the database developed within HyMeX should contribute to: improve observational and modelling systems, especially for coupled systems, better predict extreme events, simulate the long-term water-cycle more accurately, provide guidelines for adaptation measures, especially in the context of global change.
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute supplies climate observations and weather data and forecasts for the country and surrounding waters (including the Arctic). In addition commercial services are provided to fit customers requirements. Data are served through a number of subsystems (information provided in repository link) and cover data from internal services of the institute, from external services operated by the institute and research projects where the institute participates. Further information is provided in the landing page which also contains entry points some of the data portals operated.